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7 The Kingdom of Antichrist - The Revised Roman Empire

wikipedia: Holy Roman Empire, Revised Rome [7th Global Gentile Kingdom] Emperor Constantine - Constantine the Great - Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus (27 February 272 - 22 May 337), also known as Constantine I or Saint Constantine, was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 - Well known for being the first Roman emperor to [pretend to] convert to Christianity, Constantine and co-Emperor Licinius issued the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., which proclaimed religious tolerance of all religions [primarily concerned with protecting a heretical/gnostic version of christianity that would compete with and hinder true Christianity] throughout the empire - As the emperor who used [a pseudo] Christianity to empower his government throughout the Roman Empire and moved the capital to the banks of the Bosporus [the Istanbul Strait], Constantine was a ruler of major historical importance, but he has always been a controversial figure

The foremost general of his time, Constantine defeated the emperors Maxentius and Licinius during civil wars. He also fought successfully against the Franks, Alamanni, Visigoths, and Sarmatians during his reign - even resettling parts of Dacia which had been abandoned during the previous century. Constantine built a new imperial residence in place of Byzantium, naming it Constantinople, which would later be the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire for over one thousand years. He is thought of as the founder of the Eastern Roman Empire.

wikipedia: Holy Roman Empire, Revised Rome [7th Global Gentile Kingdom] Emperor Antichrist - The term or title antichrist, in Christian theology, refers to a leader who fulfills Biblical prophecies concerning an adversary of Christ, while resembling him in a deceptive manner - The antichrist will seemingly provide for the needs of the people but deny them ultimate [eternal] salvation

The term "antichrist" appears five times in 1 John and 2 John of the New Testament - once in plural form and four times in the singular. The Apostle Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, in particular the 2nd chapter, summarizes the nature, work, coming, and revelation of the "Man of Sin" - a passage often regarded as referring to same person as the antichrist of 1 and 2 John. ... [Apostle] Paul writes that this "Man of Sin" (Antichrist) will possess a number of characteristics. These include "sitting in the temple" [rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem], opposing himself against anything that is worshiped, claiming divine authority, working all kinds of counterfeit miracles and signs, and doing all kinds of evil. Paul notes that "the mystery of lawlessness" (though not the Man of Sin himself) was working in secret already during his day and will continue to function until being destroyed [Revelation 19:20] on [their] Last Day. His identity is to be revealed after that which is restraining him is removed. -- The term is also sometimes applied to prophecies regarding a "Little horn" power in Daniel chapter 7. Daniel 9:27 mentions an "abomination that causes desolations" setting itself up in a "wing" or a "pinnacle" of the temple. Some scholars interpret this as referring to the Antichrist. Some commentators also view the verses prior to this as referring to the Antichrist. Jesus references the abomination from Daniel 9:27 in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14 when He warns about the destruction of Jerusalem. Daniel 11:36-37 speaks of a [future] self exalting king, considered by some to be the Antichrist.

The Revised Roman Empire - Film Critics [Detroit Film Critics Society]: How I [Debbie Schlussel] Voted & What We Chose for 2010 Best Films, Etc. - MY NOMINATIONS: BEST FILM 1. "The King's Speech" [The story of King George VI (Prince Charles' Grandfather) of Britain, his impromptu ascension to the throne and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch become worthy of it -] {Looks like an excellent movie from the preview and with Debbie's recommendation I'm for sure going to see it. It is also a very timely movie as the world is apparently moving back into an end time global Monarchy (10 Kingdoms - Daniel 7:7) period. Also Note: The Kingdom of England (Great Britain) might or might not be the 'little horn' Antichrist Kingdom but either way the throne of England is going [to continue] to be the major player in world events right up until or including the time of Antichrist.} (Movie Review)

I will be posting a separate list of my top ten best movies of the year in the next week or so, but our rules and constraints for this list are different. In this case, we could nominate and/or vote for 1-5 choices, with the number 1 choice being worth the most (5 points) and the number 5 choice being worth the least (1 point). So, here's what I picked as a DFCS critic . . MY NOMINATIONS: 1. "The King's Speech" [review will be posted on December 24th] ... And here are the winners, as voted on by the Detroit Film Critics Society: BEST FILM: "The Social Network" [A story about the founders of the social-networking website, Facebook. -].

The Revised Roman Empire - The Kings Speech Trailer 2010 HD (YouTube)

The story of King George VI of Britain, his impromptu ascension to the throne and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch become worthy of it. -

The Revised Roman Empire - King Edward's Chair - The Coronation Chair, is the throne on which the British monarch sits for the coronation [ceremony marking the investiture of a monarch or their consort with regal power, specifically involving the placement of a crown upon his or her head -] - It was commissioned in 1296 A.D. by King Edward I

King Edward's Chair, sometimes known as St Edward's Chair or The Coronation Chair, is the throne on which the British monarch sits for the coronation. It was commissioned in 1296 by King Edward I [also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots, was King of England from 1272 to 1307 - The first son of Henry III] to contain the coronation stone of Scotland - known as the Stone of Scone (Stone of Destiny) - which he had captured from the Scots who had kept it at Scone Abbey [In 1296 the Stone was captured by Edward I as spoils of war and taken from Scotland to Westminster Abbey]. The chair was named after England's only canonised (Sainted by the Pope) king, Edward the Confessor [Reign: 8 June 1042 - 5 January 1066], and was kept in his shrine of St Edward's Chapel at Westminster Abbey. - History: Since 1308, all anointed sovereigns of England (until 1707) and Great Britain (after 1707) have been seated in this chair at the moment of their coronation, with the exception of Queen Mary I (who was crowned in a chair given to her by the Pope) and Mary II (who was crowned on a copy of the chair). The last occasion was the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 [mother of Prince Charles - grandmother of Prince William]. King Edward's Chair, as it stands now in Westminster Abbey, without the Stone of Scone. The high backed gothic style arm chair was carved in 1297 from oak by a carpenter known as Master Walter, who was paid the considerable sum of 100 shillings for his work. Four gilded lions act as legs to the chair; these are a comparatively modern restoration executed in 1727. They replace similar lions which were added in the 16th century. Under the seat of the chair is a platform and cavity which until 1996 contained the Stone of Scone; this has now been returned to Scotland [in 1996] with the proviso that it be returned to the chair on the occasion of the next coronation. The chair may once have been richly painted and gilded - it is thought it once had an image of Edward the Confessor painted on its back. Today, however, its appearance is of aged and bare wood, and during its history many early tourists, pilgrims, and choir boys in the Abbey appear to have carved their initials and other graffiti onto the chair in the 18th and 19th century. The carved finials at the back of the chair have also been partially sawn away. In addition the chair was damaged in 1914 when it was the object of a bomb attack, thought to have been instigated by the suffragettes. Over the eight centuries of its existence it has been only twice removed from Westminster Abbey. The first time was for the ceremony in Westminster Hall when Oliver Cromwell was inducted as Lord Protector of England, and the second during World War II when it was evacuated to Gloucester Cathedral for the duration of the war. Today it is highly protected, and leaves its secure resting place (in the ambulatory on a raised modern pedestal near the tomb of Henry V) only when it is carried into the theatre of coronation near the High Altar of the Abbey for the rare occurrence of a coronation.'s_Chair

Arezzo: The Medici Fortress and the [Roman] (lion, goat, serpent) Chimera (Video)

The excavations for the construction of the Medici fortress, in the 16th century, have brought to light the famous etruscan Chimera of Arezzo. Part of the Videoguida of Arezzo by Touristicchannel. Visit, the video portail of tourism in tuscany & umbria in Italy.

Rethinking Humanity: the Chimera Debate - For most of history, part-human part-animal beings have always resided in the realm of fiction and folklore. Recently, however, advances in genetic engineering and microsurgery have brought these creatures into existence - Chimeras differ from the general perception of the genetically modified organism. Technically, a chimera consists of two genomes in a single body, producing two types of cells that work in conjunction to create a viable organism. It develops from two fertilized eggs that come into contact and combine to form a single embryo

For most of history, part-human part-animal beings have always resided in the realm of fiction and folklore. Recently, however, advances in genetic engineering and microsurgery have brought these creatures into existence. Scientists now have created human-nonhuman chimeras-organisms that have both human cells and animals cells in their bodies. These chimeric animals hold enormous potential for the field of medicine as well as basic research into human physiology. Their utility in science lies in their unique biological integration of both human and animal cells, which can give rise to human tissues and even organs within the body of an animal. Useful applications of this technology range from the study of disease, to more accurate testing of drugs and medication, to the possibility of transplants using chimeric organs. Despite its potential, however, chimera research faces significant opposition from a wide spectrum of the population. While scientific and public health concerns exist, the majority of the opposition focus on the violation of current ethical and moral codes that arises from creating and using chimeras. At closer examination, however, all of these objections stem from an unwillingness to surrender society's rigid view of human identity and uniqueness. The debate over chimera research represents the changing perception of humanity and our place in the world. -- Chimeras differ from the general perception of the genetically modified organism. Technically, a chimera consists of two genomes in a single body, producing two types of cells that work in conjunction to create a viable organism. It develops from two fertilized eggs that come into contact and combine to form a single embryo, instead of staying separate and developing into fraternal twins. Chimerism within a species occurs naturally in nearly all animals, including humans. Interspecific chimeras, however, rarely exist in nature due to the unlikelihood of specific conditions required. In 1989, scientists at the University of California, Davis breached this barrier and created the first artificial chimera, a sheep-goat hybrid dubbed the "geep." ... Today, the United Kingdom stands as the only nation to have legalized human-animal chimeras for medical research, a decision that has drawn harsh criticisms and cries of alarm from Germany and the rest of the European Union.19 The unpopularity of chimera research is understandable, as is the general feeling of revulsion and fear towards such creatures. To many, chimeras present a threat to our biological uniqueness in the world. In an age when astronomers and cosmologists continue to discover how small and inconsequential we really are, biology stands as the last bastion in defense of our significance and superiority. And this bastion is on the verge of being overrun by surreal part-human animals.

Disecting the New Age - Phoenix or Double-Headed Eagle? - The double-headed eagle is probably the most easily recognizable Masonic symbol in the world, even more important than the Square and Compass/Rule - They look like two eagles, but they are not - They are the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egypt [later of ancient Persia and later still in ancient Greece] - Remember that the Brotherhood was known in ancient Egypt as, "The Mystery Schools"

The double-headed eagle is probably the most easily recognizable Masonic symbol in the world, even more important than the Square and Compass/Rule. They look like two eagles, but they are not. They are the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Egypt. Remember that the Brotherhood was known in ancient Egypt as, "The Mystery Schools." he current Presidential Seal has an eagle in it. The eagle replaced the Phoenix(the original national bird) in 1841 as the national bird. The Phoenix has been a Brotherhood symbol since ancient Egypt. The Phoenix was adopted by the Founding Fathers for use on the reverse of the first official seal of the United States after a design proposed by Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress. Listen to the explanation from Masonic author, Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., in his book, The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy . [Before we begin, I find it highly interesting that Hall would admit, by his use of this title, that Freemasonry is occultic]. "Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers ... in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color ... The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection ... The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again." [p. p. 176-77] ... To prevent most people from associating the Masonic Eagle with the ancient Phoenix, Freemasons changed the Phoenix to an Eagle, and began to refer to it as an Eagle. However, two Masonic authors blow the lid off that change in symbolism. Manly P. Hall, in his book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, states, "These were the immortals to whom the term 'phoenix' was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-headed bird, now called an eagle , a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem ." [p. 108; Emphasis added] Albert Pike, in Magnum Opus, writes, "... the Eagle was the living Symbol of Egyptian God Mendes ... and the representative of the Sun ..." [p. xviii] In one sentence, we see the admission that the Phoenix Bird of Ancient Satanic Egypt was changed into the Masonic Eagle and then Pike admits that the Eagle is the Symbol of the Sun God and of the God of Mendes, both symbols being common Satanic symbols of Satan/Lucifer! Remember also the Satanic meaning of the phrase depicted below the eagle the two Eagles -- "DEUS MEUMQUE JUS." As explained in Part 1 of 5 this is a typical Satanic Latin phrase, meaning, "... Masons are saying that they are 'using occult methods,' through Lucifer, to achieve their Rights and Justice." But why would a two-headed Eagle be adopted by Masonry, instead of a one-headed Eagle? Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer, writing in The Mysteries of Osiris , 1951, explains. "When they [pagans] desired to express the renewal, or beginning, of the year, they represented it in the form of a door-keeper. It could easily be distinguished by the attributes of a key ... At times, they gave it two heads, back to back ... In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed Eagle of symbolic Masonry." [p. 42]

The Revised Roman Empire - Ahithophel - Ahithophel has a reputation for marvelous practical [farsighted] sagacity (II Samuel 16:23) - He did not show this in joining the conspiracy [with Absalom] but it is in evidence in his management of the affair - Absalom's only chance of success [in initiating a kingdom of Absalom] was by the method of surprise and stampede - There must be a crisis in which everybody would join Absalom because everybody thought that everybody else had done so {Note: Jesus Christ is a physical descendant of King David and is eligible to sit on the throne of King David via his mother Mary who is a descendant of King David via David and Bathsheba's 3rd son Nathan (1 Chronicles 3:5 - Luke 3:31) while Joseph the husband of Mary and step-father of Jesus is a descendant of Solomon the 4th son of King David and Bathsheba - It's important to note that the throne of Solomon was discontinued by God (Jeremiah 22:30) - Restoring the throne of Solomon [via a descendant of Solomon i.e. Barabbas] would equate establishing an Antichrist illegitimate throne. The true Throne of King David yet to be restored on earth [Acts 1:6, Acts 2:29-30, Acts 14:16] will be Jesus Christ via his mother's linage through Nathan [not to be confused with Nathan the prophet]. Also Note: The 8 Kingdoms study will look at this a little more when we briefly look at thrones, kingdoms, eligibility, who can establish them and who can sit on them i.e. to establish a kingdom historically the person had to be a victorious conqueror getting an important victory over a threatening enemy and therefore establishing or expanding his territory in a way that directly benefits his people by providing increased safety and opportunity. - George Washington (Revolution War, First President of the United States) and Thomas Jefferson (Revolution War, third President of the United States, principal author of the Declaration of Independence, the Louisiana Land Purchase of 1803) would have been the only two Americans that would have really qualified to become Kings in America. There was a sizable movement to declare George Washington a King but Washington refused the offer.}

Ahithophel: Some hold that he was the grandfather of Bathsheba, and make much of this in forming their estimates of him. Does the evidence sustain this view? In the latter half of the list of David's mighty men, not among the older veterans with whom the list begins, appears "Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite" (II Samuel 23:34), the corresponding name in the other copy of the list being "Ahijah the Pelonite" (I Chronicles 11:36). It is assumed that this is the same Eliam who was father to Bath-sheba (II Samuel 11:3). Apparently the Chronicler testifies (I Chronicles 3:5) that the mother of Solomon was "Bath-shua the daughter of Ammiel." Bathshua may easily be a variant of Bathsheba, and the names Eliam and Ammiel are made up of the same parts, only in reversed order. It is not strange that men have inferred that the son of Ahithophel was the father of Bathsheba. But the inference is really not a probable one. ... That Ahithophel had then a married grand-daughter is less probable than that there were in Israel two Eliams. Further, Ahithophel was not the sort of man to conspire against the interests of his grand-daughter and her son [Solomon], however he may, earlier, have resented the conduct of David toward her. Ahithophel's motive in the rebellion was doubtless ambition for personal power, though he very likely shared with many of his countrymen in the conviction that it was unjust to push aside an older son by elevating a younger son to the throne. ... Ahithophel has a reputation for marvelous practical sagacity (II Samuel 16:23). He did not show this in joining the conspiracy but it is in evidence in his management of the affair. According to the record the hearts of the people, in spite of the much fault they had to find, were all the time with David. Absalom's only chance of success was by the method of surprise and stampede. There must be a crisis in which everybody would join Absalom because everybody thought that everybody else had done so. Such a state of public sentiment could last only a very few days; but if, in those few days, David could be put out of the way, Absalom might hold the throne in virtue of his personal popularity and in default of a rival. The first part of the program was carried out with wonderful success; when it came to the second part, Ahithophel's practical wisdom was blocked by Hushai's adroit appeal to Absalom's personal vanity. Ahithophel saw with absolute clearness that Absalom had sacrificed his one opportunity, and he committed suicide to avoid participation in the shameful defeat which he saw could not be averted - by Willis J. Beecher.

The Revised Roman Empire - Antichrist Delusions 1 of 6 {Note: The Antichrist is a major topic of the Old Testament -- "Zechariah 11:8 Three shepherds (Revelation 16:13) also I cut off in one month; and My soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred Me." - Also Note: The Antichrist (emerging little horn - Daniel 7:8) is considered not to be a directly religious figure but more of a political figure, a ruler, a king, a kingdom (i.e Barabbas - trying to reestablish the throne of Solomon in Jerusalem by sedition - Luke 23:19). While the false prophet (Revelation 16:13) is generally considered to be a religious person (i.e. the Apostle Judas [Luke 6:13-14] - often considered now to be a last Catholic Pope) though the two the Antichrist and the False Prophet work closely with each other and with the third [spiritual - fallen angelic] portion (Mystery Babylon - Revelation 17:5) of the emerging unholy trinity. - Remember: The Biblical events of Jesus Christ, Barabbas and Judas were all prophesied earlier in the Bible [i.e. 2 Samuel 15:10-12] by King David (a type of Jesus Christ), Absalom (King David's oldest son - also a type of Antichrist, King Solomon being primarily the type of Antichrist) and King David's counselor Ahithophel (a religious devout servant [Psalms 41:9] - a type of Judas the betrayer) [Absalom his name signifies 'the father of peace' - The name Solomon means "the peaceful one"].} (YouTube)

Episode 3 on Steve Wohlberg's most comprehensive book on Bible prophecy, End Time Delusions, offers a compelling alternative to the New York Times bestselling "Left Behind" series. Separates facts from speculative fiction and reveals what the Bible really teaches about Earth's last days. -- "Zechariah 10:1-3 Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field. For the idols have spoken vanity, and the diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shepherd. Mine anger was kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the LORD of Hosts hath visited His flock the House of Judah, and hath made them as His goodly horse in the battle." -- "Zechariah 11:1-17 Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. Howl, fir tree; for the cedar is fallen; because the mighty are spoiled: howl, O ye oaks of Bashan; for the forest of the vintage is come down. There is a voice of the howling of the shepherds; for their glory is spoiled: a voice of the roaring of young lions; for the pride of Jordan is spoiled. Thus saith the LORD my God; Feed the flock of the slaughter; Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and *they that sell them say, Blessed be the LORD; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not. For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour's hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them. And I will feed the flock of slaughter, even you, O poor of the flock. And I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty [Old Covenent], and the other I called Bands [relationships - Israel-Judah]; and I fed the flock. *Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred me. Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another. And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break My [O.T.] Covenant which I had made with all the people. And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon Me knew that it was the Word of the LORD. *And I [Jesus] said unto them, If ye think good, give Me My price; and if not, forbear. So they [Temple priests] weighed for My price thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15). And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD (Matthew 27:8-9). Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel. And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd. For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd [Antichrist] in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces. Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened."

The Revised Roman Empire - The Prophecy Club: The Sons of God and the Antichrist 1 of 4 (YouTube)

The Prophecy Club: Bill Schnoebelen has seen over 100 UFO's and studied them for over 40 years. He was a member of the National Investigations Committee on Arial Phenomena (NICAP). He has interviewed over 100 people who have been abducted, including Christians. Bill will show pictures of physical evidence of the Sons of God. He will explain their connections to black magic; fallen angels DNA and it relates to the Mark of the Beast and a counterfeit Gospel. Bill says the Sons of God will reveal themselves and be a part of deceiving millions of people, including Christians, into denying Jesus.

The Revised Roman Empire - Christopher Columbus UFO from A&E Television Networks History Channel (YouTube)

Christopher Columbus reports sees a UFO in 1492 hours before discovering the new world.

The Revised Roman Empire - Christopher Columbus UFO sighting in 1492 A.D. - From "The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus" (1850 A.D.): Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance" - It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams" It was sighted 4 hours before land was sighted [discovered], and taken by Columbus as a sign they would soon come to land

UFO CASE REPORT From the site: Christopher Columbus UFO sighting in 1492 - Summary: In 1492, Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams." ... Even Christopher Columbus, it appears, saw a UFO. While patrolling the deck of the Santa Maria at about 10:00 PM on October 11, 1492, Columbus thought he saw "a light glimmering at a great distance." He hurriedly summoned Pedro Gutierrez, "a gentleman of the king's bedchamber," who also saw the light. After a short time it vanished, only to reappear several times during the night, each time dancing up and down "in sudden and passig gleams." The light, first seen four hours before land was sighted, was never explained." (from Beyond Earth: Man's Contact with UFOs, by Ralph Blum and Judy Blum, which is referring to 'The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus' (1850).) Case ID: 487.

The Revised Roman Empire - Testimony: Regarding Contemplative [Emergent church] Spirituality Mysticism - I think I finally understand how they think, how they can put so much emphasis on the kingdom of God (which they define as service to others - i.e. good works, tithing) and virtually ignore the sinful conduct rampant here - These people, my co-workers and friends, believe in an inner light, a True Self - I remember that term from class - that is intimately connected to the Divine - Everyone has this (god) light, so we are all a part of God [not true - Adam and Eve were created in the image of God but lost it at their sin and fall (Genesis 3:9), now all mankind is seperated from God unless Spiritually 'born again' by Jesus Christ (John 3:3)] - As such, there is no need for a substitutionary penal atonement (i.e. the cross) because there is no separation (only good works) to atone for [Again this 'no human separation (from God)' would only be true if sin had not entered humanity (and all of creation) but is now seperating all humans from the Holy God.]

I think I finally understand how they think, how they can put so much emphasis on the kingdom of God (which they define as service to others) and virtually ignore the sinful conduct rampant here ('wedding' reception for a gay couple here next week). These people, my co-workers and friends, believe in an inner light, a True Self (I remember that term from class) that is intimately connected to the Divine. Everyone has this light, so we are all a part of God. As such, there is no need for a substitutionary penal atonement (i.e. the cross) because there is no separation to atone for. It follows, then, that the only "sins" we commit are those that do harm to others (ergo, to God), which is why they can, without so much as a flinch, condone homosexuality but at the same time condemn those (like me) who fail to practice "tolerance" because we insist that there are such thing as moral absolutes. It is also why they can place acts of service (e.g. to the poor - extremely important here) above acts of evangelism (which display intolerance of others' belief systems). -- Contrast this with my understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is that we [because of the fall of Adam and Eve] are born sinners, are separated from God, and are in need of a Savior (Jesus Christ) to reconcile us to Him. I do believe in a "Punitive Father" but one who only punishes when rejected after repeated attempts to redeem us - and even then it is less punishment than letting us have our own way. To those that call out to Him, He is merciful and loving and wants to show us the boundlessness of His grace - but only to those who accept His gift of salvation. As I said, I'd been searching for nearly two years for a way to wrap my mind around what seems to be a warped - but strangely appealing - theological view. Your article made it fall into place for me. Thank you so much for your faithful service to God through your website (

The Revised Roman Empire - The "Creeping" Effect - The New Age [i.e. International think tanks (promoting a global oneness) of religion] and Evangelical Christianity - If you have ever wondered why New Age authors and their teachings are creeping [in from the pulpits and] past many Christians, then maybe the definition of creeping might help - The term means: slowly advancing at a speed that is not really apparent until you look back over a long time period - Something is terribly wrong when a Reiki master and two of the most influential figures in the evangelical church today both point to the same man as an example of their spiritual path - If the connection between Reiki healing and other metaphysical practices can be seen, then we more fully understand why the following quote is one of the most powerful statements as to the true nature of contemplative prayer [Emergent Church or New Age contemplative prayer now equals Reiki healing and other metaphysical (fundamental nature of being and the world i.e. exercise, relaxation, philosophy, Yoga, Buddhism, New Age, Saint Helena, exalting human-good works, etc.) practices]

If you have ever wondered why New Age authors and their teachings are creeping past many Christians, then maybe the definition of creeping might help. The term means: slowly advancing at a speed that is not really apparent until you look back over a long time period. For instance, creeping inflation is not noticed in the short term, but when one looks back over twenty to thirty years, it is shocking. A meal that cost two dollars in 1970 now may cost eight dollars-however, the increase moved so slowly that the impact was diminished. This same kind of movement has happened within our society and has gradually become mainstream. What was once seen as flaky is normal today-even useful. This trend is impacting evangelical Christianity at only a slightly lesser degree than secular society. The reason for the slight variance is that many, perhaps most, Christians have not yet grasped, or come to terms with, the practical mystic approach that New Age proponents have already incorporated into the secular world, as well as Christendom. ... The reason for this level of acceptance is easy to understand. Most people, many Christians included, believe if something is spiritually positive then it is of God. A pastor friend of mine recounted a situation in which a Christian, who had some physical problems, turned to Reiki for comfort. When this pastor advised the man that Reiki fundamentally opposed the Christian faith he became furious and responded with the following defense, "How can you say this is bad when it helped me?" That is why I titled a chapter in my book "Discernment." To discern is to "try the spirits" (1 John 4:1). If something is of God it will conform to the very cornerstone of God's plan to show His grace through Christ Jesus and Him alone (Ephesians 2:7). Reiki, as I defined earlier, is based on the occult view of God. .. Reiki comes from Buddhism, and as one Merton scholar wrote, "The God he [Thomas Merton - A 20th century American Catholic writer - A Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, he was a poet, social activist and student of comparative religion -] knew in prayer was the same experience that Buddhists describe in their enlightenment." This is why it is so important to understand the connection between the writings of Richard Foster [Richard J. Foster is a Christian theologian and author in the Quaker tradition -] and Brennan Manning [(christened Richard Francis Xavier Manning) is an author, friar, priest, contemplative and speaker "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle (i.e. a lack of an appearance of good works)" "That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable" This quote appeared in the prelude to dc Talk's song "What if I Stumble?" - Singer-songwriter Rich Mullins called his band A Ragamuffin Band after one of Manning's books] with Merton. Promotion indicates attachment, and attachment indicates common ground. Something is terribly wrong when a Reiki master [The Everything Reiki Book - by Reiki Master Phylameana lila Désy] and two of the most influential figures in the evangelical church today [Thomas Merton, Brennan Manning] both point to the same man [Thomas Merton] as an example of their spiritual path (from chapter 5, A Time of Departing, Ray Yungen).

The Revised Roman Empire - St Helena was born in Asia Minor in 248 AD - She gave birth to her son Constantine in Serbia - In his last few years Constantine was baptised [both Constantine and his father believed (Marcionism, good works - heresy) that water baptism washed away sin saving a person (i.e. baptismal regeneration, good works - if bad works are done another water baptism might be needed), making a person holy - so both were water baptized upon their death beds according to their belief that they could enter heaven more holy having just been water baptized - Helena (the mother of Constantine) was baptized earlier in life but was thought to be sinless due to her being considered a Saint (because of her alleged purity, devotion, discoveries, humility, good works and charity) and was not re-baptized near the time of her death] - St Helena gave much of her wealth away to the poor and for the building of churches

In his last few years Constantine was baptised. St Helena gave much of her wealth away [good works] to the poor and for the building of churches. She built the Churches of the birth of Christ and the Resurection in the Holy Land, and she found the Cross on which Christ died. This was proven to her when a dead child was brought back to life after been laid on it. She died in 327 aged 80. She built churches in Cyprus and many schools too. Among the churches she built was the Church (Monastery) at Stavrovouni [ancient Mt. Olympus, Greece - there is now a different modern Mt. Olympus - the highest peak in Greece]. We celebrate their day on 21st May every year.

The Revised Roman Empire - Stavrovouni Monastery - Monastery Information: Order {Holy Roman Empire - symbol Double-headed eagle, sword and cross} Established 327-329 A.D. and still active - According to religious tradition, the monastery was founded by St. Helena, the mother of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine I the Great

Stavrovouni Monastery is a Greek Orthodox Monastery which stands on the top of a hill called Stavrovouni [ancient Mt. Olympus] in Cyprus. The Monastery is one of the places that there is piece of the Holy Cross and it is sometimes also known simply as Stavrovouni. Location: The Monastery is located on the peak of the mountain of the same name (i.e. Stavrovouni) in the District of Larnaca. That mountain in earlier times had been known under the name of Olympus, nowadays [today], the highest point of Troodos Mountains further to the west bears that name. Stavrovouni, as the name already says, is dedicated to the Holy Cross; it can be derived from two words 'stavros' for cross and 'vouno' for mountain and it basically means "the mountain of the Cross". ... Establishment: According to religious tradition, the monastery was founded by St. Helena, the mother of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine I, the Great. According to the 15th century Cypriot chronicler Leontios Makhairas, Helena had discovered the three crosses on which Jesus and the two thieves had been crucified on her pilgrimage to the Holy Land. She had them excavated and wanted to bring them to Constantinople. But she is said to have left one of these crosses in Cyprus during an involuntary visit caused by shipwreck. History says that the Holy Cross was transferred by a miracle to the peak of a high hill over night and a strong light was coming out of that peak. After several unsuccessful attempts to get the Holy Cross out of that mountain, Helena decided to leave a piece there and built a small Chapel. ... Recent history: The records suggest that the Monastery had no monks for a period roughly between the 16th and the 19th century, time when the Turks ruled the island. It was only until the end of the 19th century when Elder Dionysios A' moved to Stavrovouni from Mount Athos in 1889 and the Monastery was in operation again. Then, in 1890 three more Cypriot monks again from Mount Athos joined him at Stavrovouni; Fathers Varnavas - who would become the next Abbot - and his two brothers Kallinikos and Gregorios. Since then, new Monks entered the Monastery which grew larger and larger and soon became the spiritual center of the island of Cyprus. The Monastery grew so much during the mid-19th century that it came into a position to send Monks to other ruined Monasteries and help their growth. As an example, the Monastery of Panagia Trooditissa in Troodos should be mentioned where Monks from Stavrovouni moved and created a new group and also the attempt of some other Monks to move to and revive the Monastery of Saint John the Baptist in Mesa Potamos in Limassol.

The Revised Roman Empire - Saint Helena - the mother of Emperor Constantine I - She is traditionally credited with finding the relics of the True Cross, with which she is invariably represented in Christian iconography - Constantine appointed his mother Helen as Augusta Imperatrix, and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of Judeo-Christian tradition - In 326-28 A.D. Helena undertook a trip to the Holy Places in Palestine [Israel] - The chapel at St. Catherine's Monastery [in Sinai Egypt - including Helen's Chapel of the Burning Bush] often referred to as the Chapel of Saint Helen-is dated to the year AD 330 {Note: every 'discovery' of Helena the mother of Emperor Constantine I is considered to be discredited - especially her [confirming] Mt. Sinai in Egypt [the Chapel of the Burning Bush - Source:] when the Bible proclaims that the real Mt. Sinai was 'outside' (Exodus 18:1,5) of Egypt (Galatians 4:25). Also Note: it is one of the most blasphemous concepts to locate God in Egypt - God is not in Egypt, He is outside of Egypt [human slavery and human bondage] - the whole concept of the Bible is to leave Egypt and for worshipers go outside of Egypt (the world) to have a true relationship with God - pastors who preach that one corner of Egypt (St. Catherine's Monastery) is acceptable to God have missed much of the entirety of the Bible - The Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus was even crucified outside the city of Jerusalem so we would know to look outside the city for a true relationship with Jesus (Hebrews 13:12-14).}

Family life: The bishop and historian Eusebius of Caesarea states that she was about 80 [years old] on her return from Palestine (Israel). Since that journey has been dated to 326-28, Helena was probably born in 248 or 250. Little is known of her early life. Fourth-century sources, following Eutropius' "Breviarium," record that she came from a low background. Saint Ambrose was the first to call her a stabularia, a term translated as "stable-maid" or "inn-keeper". He makes this fact a virtue, calling Helena a bona stabularia, a "good stable-maid". Other sources, especially those written after Constantine's proclamation as emperor, gloss over or ignore her background. ... Relic discoveries: Constantine appointed his mother Helen as Augusta Imperatrix, and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of Judeo-Christian tradition. In 326-28 Helena undertook a trip to the Holy Places in Palestine. According to Eusebius of Caesarea she was responsible for the construction or beautification of two churches, the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, and the Church on the Mount of Olives, sites of Christ's birth and ascension. Local founding legend attributes to Helena's orders the construction of a church in Egypt to identify the Burning Bush of Sinai. The chapel at St. Catherine's Monastery--often referred to as the Chapel of Saint Helen-is dated to the year AD 330. -- Jerusalem was still rebuilding from the destruction of Emperor Hadrian, who had built a temple dedicated, according to conflicting accounts, to Venus or Jupiter over the site of Jesus's tomb near Calvary and renamed the city Aelia Capitolina. According to tradition, Helena ordered the temple torn down and, according to the legend that arose at the end of the fourth century, in Ambrose, On the Death of Theodosius (died 395) and at length in Rufinus' chapters appended to his translation into Latin of Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, which does not mention the event, chose a site to begin excavating, which led to the recovery of three different crosses. Then, Rufinus relates, refusing to be swayed by anything but solid proof, the empress (perhaps through Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem) had a woman who was already at the point of death brought from Jerusalem. When the woman touched the first and second crosses, her condition did not change, but when she touched the third and final cross she suddenly recovered, and Helena declared the cross with which the woman had been touched to be the True Cross. On the site of discovery, Constantine ordered built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as well as those on other sites detected by Helena. -- She also found the nails of the crucifixion. To use their miraculous power to aid her son, Helena allegedly had one placed in Constantine's helmet, and another in the bridle of his horse. Helena left Jerusalem and the eastern provinces in 327 to return to Rome, bringing with her large parts of the True Cross and other relics, which were then stored in her palace's private chapel, where they can be still seen today. Her palace was later converted into the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. This has been maintained by Cistercian monks in the monastery which has been attached to the church for centuries. Tradition says that the site of the Vatican Gardens was spread with earth brought from Golgotha by Helena to symbolically unite the blood of Christ with that shed by thousands of early Christians, who died in the persecutions of Nero. -- According to one tradition, Helena acquired the Holy Tunic on her trip to Jerusalem and sent it to Trier. Several of Saint Helena's treasures are now in Cyprus, where she spent some time. Some of them are a part of Jesus Christ's tunic, pieces of the holy cross and the world's only pieces of the rope to which Jesus was tied with on the Cross. The latter has been held at the Stavrovouni Monastery, which was also founded by Saint Helena.

The Revised Roman Empire - Church #4 Revelation 2:18-29 Thyatira (white castle) - The Roman Catholic Church - The Church/people not recognizing the majesty, power and sole authority of Jesus {Note: It is considered Biblically (Revelation 2:18-29) that there is an acknowledged dual aspect and nature to the Historic Christian Church in Rome - The original Christian Church founded in part by the Apostles Peter and Paul [in about 59 A.D.] and the very deceptive false church, the co-mingled idol worshiping sect based on the current emerging Revised Roman Empire founded primarily be the Emperor Constantine in about 313 A.D.}

The 4th Church grew out of the 3rd Church. Where the 3rd Church was involved in worldly government this 4th Church then took the power and influences they had learned in government and used them to create a governing Church, sort of a government for Church. This Church in modern day is most represented by the Roman Catholic Church. It should not seem surprising that God knows about the Catholic Church, because He knows about everything. This is yet another place in the Bible where we can really see the relevance and accuracy of the Bible and recognize that God knows all things past present and future. Remember a correction from Jesus is to draw us closer to Him in the correct manner of worship. ... Jesus continues in His letter saying that if we follow the false teachings of Jezebel, there is no salvation in any false teaching. Those who follow false leaders will go into the great tribulation [miss the coming rapture] and be killed with death. This is a strong warning because of the strong danger in the false teaching and leading of Jezebel. Then Jesus concludes with the promise that those who remain faithful in the Church will then rule with Jesus. -- "Revelation 2:20-29 [Church of Thyatira] Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that [false prophet] woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce My servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols [false gods]. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them [the false Constantine instituted revised-NWO catholic Church] that commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the Churches shall know that I am He which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira [the true Roman Catholic Church], as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden. But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth My works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations [8th Kingdom reign of Jesus]: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of My Father. And I will give him the morning star [brightness, prestige, honor]. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the [Holy] Spirit saith unto the [Christian] Churches."

The Revised Roman Empire - Athenian [Greek] Owls [coins] Through the Ages - Owls were the first widely used international coin - They popularized the practice of putting a head [king, ruler] on the obverse of a coin and a tail (animal) on the reverse [like an American quarter - George Washington on the front - an eagle on the back] - Athena's attribute, the owl, is still a symbol of wisdom today, though at different places and in different times owls have symbolized other things, including dread and death [and a connection to the spirit realm] - President Theodore Roosevelt used a Classical Owl (coin) as a pocket piece, which inspired him to order the redesign of U.S. coins [in 1905 A.D.] early last century [ Theodore Roosevelt - Born to a wealthy family - In 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated, and [VP] Roosevelt became president at the age of 42, taking office at the youngest age of any U.S. President in history - Roosevelt declined to run for re-election in 1908 - he attended church regularly ... he was also a member of the Freemasons and Sons of the American Revolution.]

Athenian Owls, thick, heavy, high-relief silver coins minted more than 2,000 years ago, were arguably the most influential of all coins, and the Classical Owl tetradrachm, pictured above, is the most widely recognized ancient coin among the general public today. Owls were the first widely used international coin. They popularized the practice of putting a head on the obverse of a coin and a tail (animal) on the reverse. Owls were handled by Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Democritus, Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, and others whose thinking formed the very foundation of Western civilization. They remained thematically unchanged, Athena on the obverse, her owl on the reverse, for half a millennium, through great changes in the ancient world. Because of their centrality, they were known as "Owls" in ancient times as they are today despite many other ancient coins depicting owls in an equally prominent fashion. President Theodore Roosevelt used a Classical Owl as a pocket piece, which inspired him to order the redesign of U.S. coins early last century. Like other great powers, Athens treated its money not only as a way of facilitating commerce and trade and projecting its image abroad but also as a way of making money. Athens earned seigniorage profits on each Owl minted, whether the source was freshly mined silver or the silver coins of other cities. The traders and merchants of other cities, in turn, liked Owls because of their easy exchangeability. Owls thus became the world's first great trade currency, and they were followed in this role by among others Alexander the Great tetradrachms and staters, Roman denarii, Spanish American pieces of eight, Dutch lion dollars, Austrian Maria Theresa thalers, and American dollars.

The Revised Roman Empire - Mermaid - A popular Greek legend turns Alexander the Great's sister, Thessalonike, into a mermaid [human - fish, Chimera] after she died

A popular Greek legend turns Alexander the Great's sister, Thessalonike, into a mermaid after she died. She lived, it was said, in the Aegean and when she encountered a ship, she asked its sailors only one question: "Is King Alexander alive?", to which the correct answer was: "He lives and reigns and conquers the world". This answer pleased her so she calmed the waters and wish the ship farewell. Any other answer would spur her into a rage. She would raise a terrible storm, with certain doom for the ship and every sailor on board.

The Revised Roman Empire - The Days of Noah (Genesis 6 - Matthew 24:37-38) The presence of 'Chimera' (mixed species beings) symbolism in ancient cultures is both astounding and alarming - It isn't as though one or a few ancient cultures identified with Chimera species almost all the ancient civilizations put Chimera depictions front and center in their culture and reverenced them as real manifestations of actual beings

The ancient Chimera incidents would not be considered to be simple genetic modifications via selective breeding but would be considered to be unique occult manifestations similar to the ancient magicians of Egypt also turning wooden sticks into snakes as God had temporarily done so with the staff of Moses (Exodus 7:11). Apparently God was revealing and recording for future generations the advanced nature of ancient Egyptian magic. Turning wood into a serpent would be considered a type of Chimera being as even in the transformation it was part wood and part reptile. - The prevalent Chimera modifications though certainly more myth than reality were however very much a reality in the Court of Pharaoh and the backrooms of Babylon and Persia. The Chimera modifications were and are not due to human ability but are strictly the result of fallen angelic - demonic activity. A human cannot create a Chimera at least not instantly but apparently the fallen angelic realm can perform some physical modifications among the fleshly world and it is considered that these modifications (and who knows what else) were occurring in the Days of Noah to the extent that all [land] flesh life that was not placed on the Ark after being individually selected by God was then intended to perish in the flood both humans and animals. -- "Genesis 6:7-8 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; *both man, *and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD."

The Revised Roman Empire - Sons of God - Daughters of Men (Genesis 6)

"Genesis 6:1-8 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God [disobedient, fallen angels] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took [forcibly - overriding freewill] them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years [120 years until the flood of Noah]. There were giants [fallen ones] in the earth in those days; and also after that, *when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [genetically modified, Chimera, part human - part modified concocted DNA] children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." Note: I don't think anyone that is saying that the sons of God are fallen angels is saying that angels can naturally reproduce, like humans, any more than a Griffin (part lion - part eagle) or any other Chimera species can exist naturally. Within the reproduction of the [fallen angels] sons of God and the [human] daughters of men for starters the women according to the passage were generally forced or at least not consulted in their participation [though in these last days it seems participation with fallen angels has becoming somewhat more by human consent though it appears that human consent was non-existent in the times of Noah] and it is possible what was occurring in the Days of Noah was that fallen angels were replicating their Chimera successes within the animal kingdom into the human kingdom with varying degrees of success, apparently some of the offspring became 'mighty men . men of renown'. All of this to say that indeed the ancient human civilization of Noah's day was wiped out by God, the ancient animal realm of Noah's day was also wiped out by God at the same time in the same flood and the fallen angelic beings that participated in the events at that time that may have directly led to the downfall of the original civilization in Noah's day were restricted by God into darkness. -- "2 Peter 2:4-5 For if God spared not the [fallen] angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;" - Noting that different realms exist, in human, animal, angelic, demonic, etc. and noting that though mankind generally cannot and nature generally does not intermix the realms the fallen angelic realm seemingly can and will intermix the realms and apparently it will happen again in the last days (Matthew 24:37-38) just before the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus repeatedly instructed and warned all of His followers to be especially alert to deception (Luke 21:8) that can and will come from a variety of places and a variety of realms most particularly the [occult] fallen angelic - demonic realm.

The Revised Roman Empire - THE MEDICI FAMILY - While the Medici family was predominant, Florence [Italy] became the cultural center of Europe and also became the cradle of new Humanism - They founded the Platonic [Kabbalah - Occult] Academy and supported artists by feeding them, educating them, and providing them with the necessities - Some of those artists were Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: One of the many accomplishments that the Medici family offered in the Renaissance period was when their wealth had first begun. One member became gonfaler standard bearer. From then on the word success fitted the Medici family well. While they ruled the city of Florence they did many incredible acts, such as spending money on their city, and making it the most powerful state in Italy. They also made it the world's most beautiful city. It became the cultural center of Europe and was known as an art center and cradle of New Humanism. They also spent some of their wealth on having the largest library in Europe; they brought in many Greek sources. They founded the Platonic Academy and supported artists by feeding them, educating them, and providing them with the necessities. Some of those artists were Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael. The family also did a lot of charitable acts such as cultivating literature and the arts. The Medici family was very helpful. IMPACT: The Medici family members were very interested in the rebirth of learning in Europe and under their patronage the Renaissance flourished.

The Revised Roman Empire - The Medici Family [generally considered the most Occult family of Medieval Europe] - Other Prominent Medici were Pope Leo X (1475-1521); Pope Clement VII (1478-1534); Catherine (1519-1589), wife of [King] Henry II of France; and Marie (1573-1642), wife of [King] Henry IV of France and regent for their son [King] Louis XIII [Note: this is also the important and historic timeframe of the general discovery of America by the Italian born explorer Christopher Columbus in his 1492 voyage from Spain to America (Bahamas).]

Medici, an Italian family of merchants and bankers who ruled the republic of Florence through economic power and personal influence. By their patronage of the arts they made Florence the center of the Italian Renaissance. The Medici were created dukes of Florence by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1531, and grand dukes of Tuscany by Emperor Maximilian II in 1575. The last Medici grand duke was deposed by the Austrians in 1737. Important members of the Medici family included the following. Giovanni De' Medici: (1360-1429) established the family fortune and made himself ruler of Florence's merchant oligarchy. Cosimo De' Medici: (1389-1464), his son, used his banking business to gain political power and led Florence in a long period of prosperity and artistic achievement. Lorenzo the Magnificent: (1449-1492), grandson of Cosimo, gained fame as a statesman and patron of arts and letters. He was recognized as a poet himself and was largely responsible for the Tuscan dialect becoming the national speech of Italy. Cosimo (I) the Great: (1519-1574) succeeded to the dukedom in 1537 and ruled as a despot. He restored the duchy of Tuscany by conquering the other republics that had been part of it.

The Revised Roman Empire - The [two] Medici Popes - Pope Leo X [1513 - 1521] known for being the Pope that challenged Martin Luther's [1517 A.D.] 95 Theses -- Pope Clement VII [1523 - 1534] (Medici cousin of Pope Leo X) known for being Pope during the sacking of Rome in 1527 A.D. [The (Occult) Medici (family), led by (Pope) Clement, had tried to play everyone off against each other and had made everyone their enemy -- at least temporarily - source:]

Pope Leo X - Giovanni de'Medici, 1475 - 1513 - 1521: Giovanni de'Medici, second son of Lorenzo and younger brother of the fatuous Piero, became the first of the Medici Popes (Leo X - Leone Decimo) at the age of 38 on 11 March 1513. Prior to this his life had been a complete roller coaster. Brought up in Medici luxury alongside Michelangelo (who was included in the Medici household by Lorenzo), older brother Piero and cousin Giulio (who was adopted by Lorenzo after his father (who was Lorenzo's brother) was killed in the Pazzi Conspiracy in 1478), he had access to the incomes of several wealthy monasteries, including Badia a Passignano, and was made a Cardinal at the age of 13. All this came to an abrupt end in 1494 when, in the wake of Lorenzo's death, the incompetent surrender of his brother Piero the Fatuous to the French, and the ensuing Savanorola stirred turbulence, he had to sneak out of Florence dressed as a Franciscan Friar, and then live in hiding with his cousin for the next decade, latterly being protected by the Habsburg Emperor Maximilian (who ironically was to be a major cause of the collapse of the Bruges branch of the Medici Bank) and then by the dreadful Cesare Borgia and his father Pope Alessandro VI (1431 - 1492 - 1503 (72)) in Rome. ... Pope Clement VII Giulio de'Medici, 1478 - 1523 - 1534 (56) Illegitimate son of Lorenzo's (Pazzi murdered) brother Giuliano, adopted son of Lorenzo, and companion in exile to Lorenzo's son Giovanni (Leo X), who was three years his senior, Giulio de'Medici became Pope Clement VII (Clemente Settimo). He was good looking, intellectually sophisticated, a talented musician and a political disaster. In reality he also faced the legacy of the corrupt practices of his cousin Leo X, and the impossible task of operating in the emergent nation state Europe dominated by Charles V, Francis I, and Henry VIII (whom he excommunicated), and threatened by Suleiman the Magnificent, plus Martin Luther dealing the protestants into the game as well - see Insight Page. He lost England, and was humiliated by having to flee in disguise from Rome when it was barbarically sacked by Charles V's rabble army after Clement mistakenly got too close to flashy Francis I of France.

The Revised Roman Empire - 'Occult' power: the politics of witchcraft and superstition in Renaissance Florence - In Florence, how did one family--the Medici--secure their power after over a century of struggle, and how did they come to construct a myth of their own legitimacy? (Book)

Lawrence's interpretation, however narrow and flawed, does highlight an indisputable element of Grazzini's tale of Dr. Manente: its cruelty and "monstrosity," traits that, I will argue, provide insight into the social structures of the mid-sixteenth century, particularly those that rely upon coersion and force. In Florence, how did one family--the Medici--secure their power after over a century of struggle, and how did they come to construct a myth of their own legitimacy? ... It is important to remember that, from 1494--when the friar himself gained widespread support and offered a major threat to the rule of the Medici family--until long after his execution in 1498, Savonarola bequeathed a powerful religious and political vision that was not dependent on his leadership for survival--a fact that fascinated the political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli. Savonarola's followers--called the Piagnoni first by their enemies and later, proudly, by themselves--remained politically active after his execution, through the Republic that lasted until 1513, when the first Medici pope, Leo X, used the considerable influence of this position to help his family and their allies to return to Florence, and again after the sack of Rome in 1527, which occurred during the pontificate of another Medici, Clement VII. The Piagnoni continued to be active even after the Medici, first Alessandro and then Cosimo I, openly turned Florence onto the path of absolutism [unlimited, centralized authority and absolute sovereignty] by accepting the [nobility] title of Duke. ... Lorenzo's manipulation of the Church comes into play in the next phase of the beffa. ... At this point, Grazzini emphasizes not only that many friars and priests were ignorant, but, more importantly, that the kind of people Lorenzo elevated to positions of power in the Florentine church hierarchy were either superstitious [occult] or corrupt, criticisms that Savonarola also often made of the Medici.

The Revised Roman Empire - Christian and Rosicrucian Kabbalah [esoteric (hidden) teachings - the real NWO - New Age bible] - The origional Jewish [Witchcraft - King Solomon] Kabbalah --> Christian mystic, Raymon Lull (1232 - 1316 A.D.) originator of the Christian Kabbalah --> Renaissance Christian Kabbalah (Medici family) --> Rosicrucian (Illuminati - Freemason) Kabbalah --> Modern Occult Kabbalah - The beginning of Christian Kabbalah is to be found in the teachings of the Catalan philosopher and mystic, Raymon Lull - Lull had the idea of unifying all three religions [Judaism, Christianity, Islam] by developing a philosophy incoporating elements common to all - the way he intended to [unite] convert was through rational and mystical doctrine - Renaissance Christian Kabbalah was derived from a number of sources - Firstly, the christological [christ doctrine] speculations of a number of Jewish converts from the late 13th to the late fifteenth centuries - Secondly, the philosophical Christian and Renaissance speculation concerning the Kabbalah that developed around the Platonic Acadamy *founded by the *Medici family in Florence

Lull based his Art on the importance which Christian, Moslem [Islam], and Jew each attached to the Divine Names or Attributes, or, as he called them, Dignities. Lull mentioned nine Dignities (or Dignitaries): Bonitas (Goodness), Magnitudo (Greatness), Eternitas (Eternity), Potestas (Power), Sapientia (Wisdom), Voluntas (Will), Virtus (Virtue), Veritas (Truth), and Gloria (Glory). These are shown in the follwing diagram. ... In addition we also find the incorporation of the four elements [earth, water, air and fire] and the qualities, the seven planets and twelves [astrological] signs, medicine, alchemy, geometry, a letter notation, and so on. There is an elaborate system of correspondences, in that the nine Dignitaries have their correspondences in the celestial sphere, the human level, and the animal, plant, and material creation. In all this we see the influence, not only of Kabbalah, but also of Aristotlean categories, Augustinian Platonism (nearly all the Lullian Dignities can be found listed as Augustine's Divine Attributes), and the celestial hierarchies of angels of the Christian Neoplatonist Dionysius. [Frances A. Yates, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age, pp.9-12]. -- Renaissance Kabbalah: Renaissance Christian Kabbalah was derived from a number of sources. Firstly, the christological speculations of a number of Jewish converts from the late 13th to the late fifteenth centuries. Secondly, the philosophical Christian and Renaissance speculation concerning the Kabbalah that developed around the Platonic Acadamy founded by the Medici family in Florence. Pico della Mirandola The Florentines, headed by the renowned Renaissance hermeticist Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-94) believed they had discovered in Kabbalah a lost divine revelation that could give the key to understanding both the teachings of Pythagoras, Plato, and the Orphics, and the inner secrets of Catholic Christianity. Pico himself had a considerable amount of Kabbalistic literature translated into Latin by the scholarly convert Samuel ben Nissim Abulfaraj. Among the 900 theses Pico presented for public debate in Rome was the claim that "no science can better convince us of the divinity of Jesus Christ than magic and the Kabbalah", and he believed he could prove the dogmas of the Trinity and the Incarnation through Kabbalistic axioms. All this caused a sensation in the intellectual Christian world, and the writings of Pico and his follower Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522) led on the one hand to great interest in the doctrine of Divine Names and in practical (magical) Kabbalah (culminating in Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim's De Occult Philosophia (1531) and on the other to further attempts at a synthesis between Kabbalah and Christian theology. [Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah, pp.197-8] -- Rosicrucian Kabbalah: By the late 16th century Christian Kabbalah began to be permeated with alchemical symbolism; a trend that continued through the 17th and 18th century. Well known representatives are the Rosucrucian philosopher and alchemist Robert Fludd (1574-1637) and the alchemist Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666) among others. One of the works of Fludd presents an interpretation of the Sefirotic Tree which he illustrates as a Palm (left), whose ten spreading branches raying forth from the lowest world suggest that man on earth is a microcosm or reflection of the macrocosm or universe. In the second half of the 18th century this alchemical kabbalah was combined with Freemasonic numerology and occultism, from which was ultimately to develop the extraordinary occult/magickal revival of the late 19th century known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn illustration (left) from World Trees by Hazel Minot Kircher's Tree from Oedipus Aegyptiacus published in 1652 by Athanasius Kircher, a Jesuit priest and hermetic philosopher -- Occult Kabbalah: By the 19th century the occultists of the French magician revival, such as Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant; 1810-1875) and Papus (Gerard Encausse; 1868-1916) had lost all understanding of the original Jewish meaning of Kabbalah, and brought in various extraneous elements such as Tarot. Levi was an influential figure both on the Theosophy of Blavatsky and even more so the Golden Dawn Order of Mathers and Westcott, with it's unique Kabbalistic (or Qabalistic, to use the prefered spelling) formulation of Sefirot and paths, through which Kabbalah established itself in the contemporary Western Occult Tradition.

The 7th and final human kingdom on earth the 'Revised Roman Empire' began to emerge and take shape about 306 A.D. with Roman Emperor Constantine and continues until the eventual Antichrist is enthroned as the undisputed global leader sometime in the future

Note: A Summary - The current Basic Christian '8 Kingdoms study' is only going to examine a few key elements of the Revised Roman Empire. - Namely, Emperor Constantine (a false Christian religion, the family of Constantine primarily his mother), the Medici family of Medieval Europe - Italy (The House of Medici, starting about 1389 A.D. - the foundation of almost all the modern global power structure and powerbase), England taxation (William the Conqueror, also known as William I of England, the Battle of Hastings, the first census of England [land and people - requiring each individual person to take a last name for government tracking purposes] published in the Domesday Book in 1086 A.D.), British Royalty (House of Windsor (Price Charles) - House of Stuart (the late Princess Diana)), Hitler's secret Berlin bunker (successfully transitioning from a loosing empire attempt into the winning empire), and lastly the League of Nations (WWI) and the United Nations (WWII) organization of today.

The Revised Roman Empire - The Coming of the Anti-Christ. . . Within the last few years, some very unusual and very unexpected events began occurring around the globe - On November 1989, against all odds, the Berlin wall came crashing down - And the once mighty Soviet Empire collapsed with a devastating sound - And the world, we once knew, began to take a new form - Never before in history, world leaders began trumpeting for a New World Order. As trade barriers are quickly being dissolved with the likes of NAFTA, GATT and other treaties, the mysterious New World Order is right on schedule - And the center stage is set for the soon rise of the Anti-Christ. In Belgium, the headquarters of the European community office, statesman P.H. Spock stood up and said, "The truth is, that the method of international committees has failed. WHAT WE NEED IS A PERSON, someone of the highest order, of great experience, of great authority, of wide influence, of great energy; either a civilian or a military man, no matter what his nationality . . . LET HIM COME QUICKLY" [Note: with the scripted shelling and retaliation events of today between N. Korea and S. Korea the two nations will probably soon be united again into one successfully UN negotiated nation along with continued UN oversight. - Ban Ki-moon (born 13 June 1944) is the eighth and current Secretary-General of the United Nations, after succeeding Kofi Annan [of Ghana] in 2007. Before becoming [UN] Secretary-General, Ban was a career diplomat in South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the United Nations. He entered diplomatic service the year he graduated from university, accepting his first post in New Delhi, India. In the foreign ministry he established a reputation for modesty and competence.]

The Revised Roman Empire - The Kingdom of the Anti-Christ. . . The Bible teaches the Anti-Christ will head up a 10-nation, Revised Roman Empire. And on January 1, 1993, the Revised Roman Empire officially began, called the United States of Europe. The Wichita Eagle described its uncanny birth, ". . . Since the fall of the Roman Empire, there has been the dream of a unified Europe. We are . . . seeing a brand NEW ROMAN EMPIRE RECONSTRUCTED." The Bible, also refers to the Revised Roman Empire as Babylon. Babylon begins in Genesis chapter 11, when Nimrod tried to reach heaven and bring in a one-world government with the Tower of Babel, which God destroyed. The official poster for the United States of Europe is amazing! Believe it or not, but it actually portrays the United States of Europe as the Tower of Babel, with 12 stars representing the current 12 nations of the United States of Europe! And if that weren't enough, the 12 stars are not ordinary stars - BUT UPSIDE-DOWN PENTEGRAMS (which is the universal symbol for Satanism, found on the cover of THE SATANIC BIBLE)! But there's more . . . A very interesting news item appeared in the magazine ASTM Standardization News. Standardization News is the world-wide magazine that reports on standards throughout the world. The February 1989 issue was devoted to the United States of Europe. If you don't think the Bible's coming to life, check this: The United States of Europe has decided they will utilize an identifying mark. Page 30, of the article reads, ". . . one cannot market or sell a product UNLESS IT HAS THE EC MARK." Revelation 13:17, on the Mark of the Beast, reads almost identical! "And that no man might buy or sell, SAVE HE THAT HAD THE MARK . . ." Friend, Jesus is coming soon! Prophecy after prophecy, not one, not two, but many, fulfilled to the smallest detail, at the same time, seemingly overnight, exactly as the Bible prophesied over 2000 years ago - to say, is all just by chance or coincidence, is ridiculous!

THE REVISED ROMAN EMPIRE BY RYAN HICKS - Among Bible scholars today is a vast misconception about the Roman Empire and its future role in Bible prophecy - [Some] of them teach that the Roman Empire will be revived - The problem with this is that it will not be revived, it will be revised - This is not a simple difference of words, but is a total difference in the kingdoms as a whole - If the Roman Empire were revived it would have to consist of one kingdom, but the future Roman Empire will consist of ten [global] kingdoms

The seventh kingdom (Revised Rome) had not came into existence yet, but when it does come it will exist a short time. The Antichrist will fulfill Daniel 7:7-8, 24 by arising out of one of the ten kingdoms in the Revised Roman Empire and by subduing three of the ten kingdoms. After he subdues the three kingdoms, the other six kingdoms will "have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast" (Revelation 17:13). The Antichrist will then form the eighth kingdom, as mentioned in Revelation 17:11, which can be called the Revived Grecian Empire (See The Eight Empires). In summery, we can see clearly from Scripture that the Roman Empire will be revised, not revived, and will consist of ten kingdoms in the old Roman Empire territory.

Revised Roman Empire: Constantine the Great - Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus (27 February 272 A.D. - 22 May 337 A.D.), commonly known as Constantine I, Constantine the Great, or Saint Constantine, was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 - Best known for being the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine reversed the persecutions of his predecessor, Diocletian, and issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed *religious tolerance of Christians throughout the empire [Note: It was the later Edict of Thessalonica (27 February 380 A.D.) that made Christianity the official state religion of Rome.]

Legacy: The Byzantine Empire considered Constantine its founder and the Holy Roman Empire reckoned him among the venerable figures of its tradition. In the later Byzantine state, it had become a great honor for an emperor to be hailed as a "new Constantine". Ten emperors, including the last emperor of Byzantium, carried the name. Monumental Constantinian forms were used at the court of Charlemagne to suggest that he was Constantine's successor and equal. Constantine acquired a mythic role as a warrior against "heathens". The motif of the Romanesque equestrian, the mounted figure in the posture of a triumphant Roman emperor, became a visual metaphor in statuary in praise of local benefactors. The name "Constantine" itself enjoyed renewed popularity in western France in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Most Eastern Christian churches consider Constantine a saint (Saint Constantine). In the Byzantine Church he was called isapostolos an equal of the Apostles. Niš airport is named Constantine the Great in honor of his birth in Naissus [the largest city in southern Serbia].

Double-headed (cloned) eagle - The double-headed eagle is a common symbol in heraldry and vexillology - It is most commonly associated with the Holy Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire and similar to the Vijayanagara Empire's gandaberunda - In Byzantine heraldry, the heads represent the dual sovereignty of the Emperor (secular and religious) and/or dominance of the Byzantine Emperors over both East and West - In the Holy Roman Empire's heraldry, it represented the Church and the State - Several Eastern European nations adopted it from the Byzantines and continue to use it as their national symbol to this day, the most prominent being Russia [ - In 1433 the double-headed eagle was adopted for the first time by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Since then the double-headed eagle came to be used as the symbol of the German emperor, and hence as the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.] - Use in Masonry: The Double-Headed Eagle of Lagash on the cover of Morals and Dogma - The Double-Headed Eagle of Lagash is used as an emblem by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry - There are many meanings attached to this symbol, The date of its introduction into Freemasonry is not clear but it may have been first used in France to symbolize the Councils of the East and West - Another theory is that it was adapted from the arms of the Austrian state, to gain the favor of the ruling family

Origins: Double-headed eagles have been present in imagery for millennia. The two-headed eagle can be found in the archaeological remains of the Sumerian civilization and through the Hittite civilization, dating from a period that ranges from the 20th century BC to the 7th century BC. Cylindric seals discovered in Bogazkoy, an old Hittite capital in modern-day Turkey, represent clearly a two-headed eagle with spread wings. The aesthetics of this symmetrical position explains in part the birth of this religious figure: It originally dates from circa 3,800 BC, and was the Sumerian symbol for the god Ninurta, son of Enlil. It can also be seen in the same region in three monumental settings: Circa 1,900 BC during the Hittite surge from north-central Anatolia (modern Turkey) down into Babylonia; in Alacahöyük around 1400 BC and in Yazilikaya before 1250 BC. Here the context looks slightly different and totally religious: The eagle returns to its ancient origins as a symbol of divine power. The two-headed eagle is seen less and less during the last Hittite period (from the 9th century BC to the 7th century BC) and totally disappears after the end of the empire. The double-headed eagle was also in use by the Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia and the Mamikonian family in the 3rd to 9th centuries. -- Byzantine Empire: Constantinople was the successor of Rome, and the Byzantines continued the use of the old imperial "single-headed" eagle motif. Although the roots of the transformation to double-headed are almost certainly connected with old depictions in Asia Minor, the details of its adoption are uncertain. It was, however, already in use during the first centuries AD and certainly before the 10th century AD by Armenians and Persians, appearing in their art. The Ancients used no flags in the modern sense. The Romans used various signa, such as the bronze aquilas (adopted as the legions' symbol by Marius) and vexilloids, and, if the emperor was present, pikes or banners with the emperor's portrait. With the adoption of Christianity as state religion during the later Empire, the Chi-Rho and the cross became more and more used in military standards, such as the labarum. The Roman single-headed eagle however continued to be used as a symbol of imperial authority. According to the most prevalent theory, the single-headed eagle was modified to double-headed by emperor Isaac I Komnenos (1057-1059) being influenced from local traditions about such a (mythical) beast (the haga) in his native Paphlagonia in Asia Minor. Local legends talked about this giant eagle with two heads that could easily hold a bull in its claws; the haga was seen as a representation of power, and people would often "call" it for protection. Isaac Komnenos, deeply influenced by these beliefs, had already used it as a family emblem.[3] As there has been reference to "stone representations" of the eagle that were the inspiration for its picture, it is reasonable to assume that Hittite carvings may have been the source of the symbol's usage, but other relevant works, such as much older Sumerian cylinder seals representing the god Ninurta, must be considered as the chief source. Whether the eagle became an "imperial" symbol or remained purely a personal symbol for Komnenos, is not clear. After the Latin conquest of Constantinople in 1204, the Byzantine double-headed eagle was used by the successor states of Epirus and Nicaea. Theodore II Laskaris chose it for his symbol as Emperor (Empire of Nicaea), taking it to symbolize his state's claims to all the Byzantine Empire's former domains, both European (West) and Asian (East). An alternative interpretation is that the eagle symbolized the Emperor's double temporal and spiritual sovereignty. After the recapture of Constantinople and the restoration of the Byzantine Empire, the symbol was used as an emblem of the imperial family, but it is uncertain whether it was the official emblem of the Empire. More recent research has suggested that it was not, its usage being limited to imperial seals and other personal or dynasty symbols such as imperial robes, although there has been no depiction of any Emperor wearing it. The role of "state" symbols was most probably played by flags with the cross.[citation needed] In Byzantine usage, the eagle was almost always connected with colors of imperial power (gold and purple). A black eagle on golden background was used outside the imperial family, denoting the subordinate position (the eagle was black as being the 'shadow' of the Emperor's golden eagle) of their bearers.

New Age - SYMBOLS and their Meaning - Double-headed EAGLE - A Masonic seal and initiation symbol

Double-headed EAGLE: A Masonic seal and initiation symbol. The number inside the pyramid over the eagle's head is 33. The eagle is a universal symbol representing the sun, power, authority, victory, the sky gods and the royal head of a nation. ... PHOENIX: A universal symbol of the sun, mystical rebirth, resurrection and immortality, this legendary red "fire bird" was believed to die in its self-made flames periodically (each hundred years, according to some sources) then rise again out of its own ashes. Linked to the worship of the fiery sun and sun gods such as Mexico's Quetzalcoatl, it was named "a god of Phoenecia" by the Phoenician. To alchemists, it symbolized the the destruction and creation of new forms of matter along the way to the ultimate transformation: physical (turn lead into gold) and spiritual (immortality - an occult alternative to the Christian salvation). The philosopher's stone was considered the key to this transformation. ... SERPENT OR SNAKE: Most earth-centered or pagan cultures worshipped the serpent. It represents rebirth (because of its molting), protection against evil, either male of female sexuality, rain and fertility, a mediator between the physical and spiritual world.... It also represents female energy or lifeforce in goddess worship, sometimes linked to the eastern Kundalini force or a supposed "goddess within." The list of meanings is endless, but in the Bible it usually represents sin, temptation, destruction, and Satan. (See dragon) The circular image of the serpent biting its tail links the mythical significance of the serpent to that of the sacred circle. See uroborus and spiral.

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8 The Kingdom of Jesus Christ - The Eternal Kingdom

8th Kingdom - Jesus Christ - The Eternal Kingdom - "Revelation 19:11-13 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He [Jesus] that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war [against sin]. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and *on His head were *many crowns; and He had a Name written, that no man knew, but He Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and His Name [Jesus] is called The Word of God (John 1:1)."

All throughout the entirety of the scriptures of the Holy Bible what the people of God have kept in sight is the Kingdom of God. Adam, Eve, Abel, Noah, Job, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Rahab, King David, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezra, Mary, John the Baptist, Peter, John, Paul, Stephen, Cornelius, Luke, Aquila and his wife Priscilla, etc. all looked to and hoped in the coming eternal Kingdom of God a Kingdom that they and all who hope in it are each a very important part of. -- "Isaiah 28:5-7 In that day [after the cross and resurrection] shall the LORD of Hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of His people, And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate. But they also have erred through wine [seducing spirits], and through strong drink [doctrines of demons] are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment." -- "2 Timothy 4:1-8 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead *at His appearing and *His kingdom [the 8th Global Kingdom of the earth]; Preach the Word [Jesus]; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. *But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me *a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but *unto all them also that love His appearing."

8th Kingdom - Jesus Christ - The Eternal Kingdom - The 3 Thrones of Jesus Christ - Current Throne in Heaven, Eligibility: Relative - Son of God (Father God) [eternal co-reigning with the Father and the Holy Spirit] - Future Millennial Kingdom Throne in Jerusalem, Eligibility: Relative - Son of Man (descendant of King David) - Eternal Throne of New Heaven (sky) and New Earth, Eligibility: Conqueror (John 16:33)

Currently Jesus Christ is seated on His own Throne (co-reigning - interceding) at the right hand of His Father's Throne in Heaven. "Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth [not Jesus]? It is [Jesus] Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, *Who is even at the right hand of God, Who also maketh intercession for us [not condemning Christians]." -- At a future date for the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth Jesus will be seated upon the Throne of King David (Acts 2:29-33) in Jerusalem. Then with the New Heaven (sky) and the New Earth, Jesus as the conqueror of this earth [realm] will sit eternally [continuing to coreign] with the Father and the Holy Spirit on His own Throne upon the New Eternal Earth (Revelation 21:3). -- "John 16:33 These things I (Jesus) have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I (Jesus) have overcome the world."

wikipedia: Millennial Kingdom [8th Kingdom] Jesus Christ - Millennialism (from millennium, Latin for "thousand years"), is a belief held by some Christian denominations that there will be a Golden Age or Paradise on Earth in which Jesus "Christ will reign" for 1000 years prior to the final judgment and future eternal state

Among Christians who hold this belief, this is not the "end of the world", but rather the penultimate age, the age just prior to the end of the world when the present heavens and earth will flee away (Revelation 21:1). Some believe that between the millennium proper and the end of the world there will be a brief period in which a final battle with Satan will take place. After this follows the Last Judgment. ... Early church and premillennialism (chiliasm): If millenarian beliefs have fallen into disfavor in Mainstream Christian theology today, this was not the case during the Early Christian centuries. At least during the first four centuries, millennialism was normative in both East and West.[1] Tertullian, Commodian, Lactantius, Methodius, and Apollinaris of Laodicea all advocated premillennial doctrine. In addition, according to religious scholar the Rev. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee the following is true, "Justin's 'Occasional Chiliasm' sui generis which was strongly anti-pretribulationistic was followed possibly by Pothinus in A.D. 175 and more probably (around 185) by Irenaeus -- although Justin Martyr, discussing his own premillennial beliefs in his Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, Chapter 110, observed that they were not necessary to Christians: "I admitted to you formerly, that I and many others are of this opinion, and [believe] that such will take place, as you assuredly are aware; but, on the other hand, I signified to you that many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians, think otherwise." - Melito of Sardis is frequently listed as a second century proponent of premillennialism. The support usually given for the supposition is that Jerome [Comm. on Ezek. 36] and Gennadius [De Dogm. Eccl., Ch. 52] both affirm that he was a decided millenarian." In the early third century, Hippolytus of Rome wrote: And 6, 000 years must needs be accomplished, in order that the Sabbath may come, the rest, the holy day "on which God rested from all His works." For the Sabbath is the type and emblem of the future kingdom of the saints, when they "shall reign with Christ," when He comes from heaven, as John says in his Apocalypse: for "a day with the Lord is as a thousand years." Since, then, in six days God made all things, it follows that 6, 000 years must be fulfilled (Hippolytus. On the HexaËmeron, Or Six Days' Work. From Fragments from Commentaries on Various Books of Scripture). Around 220, there were some similar influences on Tertullian though only with very important and extremely optimistic (if not perhaps even postmillennial modifications and implications). On the other hand, 'Christian Chiliastic' ideas were indeed advocated in 240 by Commodian; in 250 by the Egyptian Bishop Nepos in his Refutation of Allegorists; in 260 by the almost unknown Coracion; and in 310 by Lactantius. Into the late fourth century, the Bishop known as Ambrose of Milan had millennial leanings (Ambrose of Milan. Book II. On the Belief in the Resurrection, verse 108). The first known opponent of Christian chiliasm was Marcion, in the 2nd century, who most Christians feel was an early heretic (Brown HOJ. Heresies: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the History of the Church. Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody (MA), 1988, p. 65). The Catholic Encyclopedia noted that in the 2nd century proponents of "Gnosticism rejected millenarianism". -- Chiliasm was, however, according to the interpretation of non-chiliasts, condemned as a heresy in the 4th century by the Church, which included the phrase whose Kingdom shall have no end in the Nicene Creed in order to rule out the idea of a Kingdom of God which would last for only 1000 literal years [and the Nicene Creed is correct - the vissible 1,000 year reign on earth is a small part of the eternal Kingdom of Jesus Christ]. Despite some writers' belief in millennialism, it was a decided minority view, as expressed in the nearly universal condemnation of the doctrine over a gradual period of time, beginning with Augustine of Hippo. Millennialism is strongly rejected as a heresy by the Orthodox Church. In AD 230, the Synod of Iconium declared that baptisms performed by the Montanist sect were invalid. The Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in AD 381 supported the Synod of Iconium and further declared millennialism to be a heresy. In a letter to Queen Gerberga of France around 950, Adso of Montier-en-Der established the idea of a "last World Emperor" who would conquer non-Christians before the arrival of the Antichrist. ... Christian views on the future order of events diversified after the Protestant reformation (1517 AD). In particular, new emphasis was placed on the passages in the Book of Revelation which seemed to say that Satan would be locked away for 1000 years, but then released on the world in a final battle (Rev. 20:1-6). ... Various types of millennialism exist with regard to Christian Eschatology, especially within Protestantism, such as Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Amillennialism. The first two refer to different views of the relationship between the "millennial Kingdom" and Christ's second coming. Premillennialism sees Christ's second advent as preceding the millennium, thereby separating the second coming from the final judgment. In this view, "Christ's reign" will be physical [Majestic, Holy and Royal].

The Future Work of Christ - Part IV: The Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal State - The evidence in support of the concept that Christ will reign on earth is so abundant that only by wholesale spiritualization can these passages be construed to mean anything other than their ordinary meaning - the New Testament confims the literal interpretation - The announcement to Mary [Luke 1:32], for instance, concerning the birth of Christ plainly interprets these prophecies in their literal sense - By: John F. Walvoord

Major Features of the Millennial Kingdom: An earthly kingdom. The premillennial interpretation of the reign of Christ holds that He will reign on earth for one thousand years after His second advent. This is in contrast to the amillennial view which identifies the millennium with the present church age or the intermediate state, and the postmillennial view which views the kingdom as also in the present age and climaxing with the second advent. If the premillennial interpretation is correct and we can understand the Scriptures relating to this kingdom in their normal literal sense, a panorama is unfolded in both the Old and New Testaments which gives us many details of this reign of Christ on earth. Its general characteristics are unfolded in such passages as Isaiah 2:1-4; Isaiah 11; Psalm 72; Jeremiah 23:5-8; 31:31-40; Ezekiel 37; Daniel 2:44-45; 7:13-14; Micah 4:1-8; 5:2-5; Zechariah 14. The outstanding New Testament passage is Revelation 20. -- Christ as supreme Ruler of the millennial kingdom. According to Psalm 2:6, God will fulfill His purpose of setting His Son on the throne over the earth, "Yet I have set my king upon my holy hill of Zion." As king over all the earth, Christ will fulfill hundreds of prophecies that anticipate such a situation. -- The Scriptures present Christ in His first coming as a king (Luke 1:32-33; Matt 1:1; 21:1-11 ). It was in His offer to Israel as their king that He was rejected (Mark 15:12-13; Luke 19:14). Even His cross bore the inscription that He was the King of the Jews (Matt 27:37). When He returns to the earth in His second coming, He obviously will be coming as King (Rev 19:16) and will fulfill the promise given to David that of his seed would come one who would reign on the throne forever (2 Sam 7:16; Ps 89:20-37; Isa 11:1-9; Jer 23:5-6; 33:14-26 ). -- The evidence in support of the concept that Christ will reign on earth is so abundant that only by wholesale spiritualization can these passages be construed to mean anything other than their ordinary meaning. The characteristics of the reign of Christ are plainly set forth in many passages, such as Isaiah 11, and the New Testament confims the literal interpretation. The announcement to Mary, for instance, concerning the birth of Christ plainly interprets these prophecies in their literal sense. In Luke 1:32-33 the angel announced the birth to Mary in these words: "He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end." All of the references previously cited in support of the earthly rule of Christ likewise are proof texts for the fact that Christ will reign over the earth. Associated with Him in His reign will be resurrected saints of all ages, some of whom, like David, will have a particular rule (Isa 55:3-4; Jer 30:9; 33:15-17; Ezek 34:23-24; 37:24-25; Hos 3:5; Amos 9:11). The church likewise will reign with Christ as will also all the tribulation saints who have been martyrd (2 Tim 2:12; Rev 20:4-6). Numerous other passages confirm this concept of Christ's reigning assisted by other rulers, some of whom may be resurrected saints (Isa 32:1; Ezek 45:8-9; Matt 19:28; Luke 19:12-27. ... The fact that the glorified Christ is in the earthly scene and is visible to those in the millennium is unquestionably an important factor in the spiritual life of the period. As is anticipated in Jeremiah 31:34, everyone will have the evidence before him that Christ is indeed the Son of God and all that the Scriptures claim of Him. Missionary effort will be unnecessary for the knowledge of the Lord will be universal as Isaiah says, "For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the sea." (Isa 11:9). Christ as the world ruler of the millennial kingdom will be the object of worship, and the universal instruction in Biblical truth as well as the many demonstrations of divine power and the abundant ministry of the Holy Spirit will foster a spiritual life on a world-wide scale unprecedented in the history of the world. -- The millennium will be a period which will feature personal righteousness as well as national righteousness in keeping with Solomon's prediction: "In his days shall the righteous flourish, and abundance of peace, till the moon be no more." (Ps 72:7). The righteous rule of Christ Himself is described in specific terms in Isaiah 11:3-5. The absence of war and universal peace (Ps 72:7; Isa 2:4) will provide the context in which spiritual life will flourish. The praise of the Lord and the joy which will attend the blessings of that period are described in Isaiah 12:3-4 and Isaiah 61:3-7. In addition to the presence of Christ the power of the Spirit will tend to foster and promote a deep spiritual life (Isa 32:15; 44:3; Ezek 39:29; Joel 2:28-29). ... It is in this eternal state that the promise of 1 Corinthians 15:24 is fulfilled, when a conquered world is presented to the Godhead by Christ. This must not be construed as ending the role of Christ as King, but rather ending its temporal phase and beginning its eternal characteristics. With the introduction of the eternal state the revelation of Scripture comes to its close and the unending day of the glorious eternal state begins. -- With the close of the prophetic narrative, the Biblical revelation of Jesus Christ also comes to its conclusion. In the beginning of eternity, all that was anticipated in the first and second comings of Christ is fulfilled, and Christ is honored as King of kings and Lord of lords. The eternity which stretches beyond the horizon of Scriptural revelation is one of unspeakable bliss for the saints and unending joy in the presence of God. In the center of the service and worship of the saints will be Jesus Christ, "the same yesterday, today, and for ever." To this eternal destiny every believing heart turns in anticipation and joyous expectation.

8th Kingdom - Jesus Christ - The Eternal Kingdom - Jesus Christ - The Only Possible Legitimate Messiah - The prophet Jeremiah was specific when he wrote in 23:5-6 of the coming of the royal son of David: "Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord, "When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; And He will reign as king and act wisely And do justice and righteousness in the land. "In His days Judah will be saved, And Israel will dwell securely; And this is His name by which He will be called, 'The Lord our righteousness.'"

A Legal Heir: Moreover, because Jesus descended from Mary, who also was a descendent of King David through the lineage of Nathan, He had a legal claim to the throne. The two lines of David focused on the Messiah. No one else could ever bring a legitimate claim to the throne of David. Luke presented the physical line of Jesus through His mother who descended from David through the line of Nathan (Luke 3:31). in this way Jesus escaped the curse of Jehoiachin. Donald Barnhouse concludes, "If Jesus is not the Messiah who has descended from David according to the Old Testament prophecies, there will never be a Messiah. For Jesus had no human children, and each of his brothers (who are the only other possibilities through whom another messiah might descend) had the curse on him and would have passed it on to his children" and Jeremiah's prophecy would thus be fulfilled. -- Jesus Christ is the legitimate descendent from two lines of King David. He is the King announced in the Jewish prophecies. He is the King Messiah who was also the Son of God. He is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords." No one else can make that claim. He is the only possible legitimate Messiah. There can absolutely be no other. How significant that the great prophecy that the Messiah King would come through the line of David was given just a few verses after the great words of judgment on the descendents of Jehoiachin. C. C. Ryrie notes, "If Jesus had been born only in the line of Joseph (and thus of Jechoniah, Heb. Coniah), He would not have been qualified to reign on the throne of David in the Millennium." He also writes, "Had our Lord been the natural son of Joseph, He could not have been successful on the throne of David because of this curse. But since He came through Mary's lineage, He was not affected by this curse." There was no curse on Nathan's line. Though Jechoniah's sons never occupied the throne, the line of rulership passed through them. If Jesus had been a physical descendent of Jechoniah, He would not have been able to occupy David's throne. Luke's genealogy makes it clear that Jesus was a legal descendant of David through his son Nathan (Lk. 3:31). Joseph, a descendent of Solomon, was Jesus' legal adoptive father, so Jesus traced His royal rights to the throne through Joseph. Jesus Christ is the only legitimate legal Jewish Messiah. Let us bow and worship Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

8th Kingdom - Jesus Christ - The Eternal Kingdom - The Bible's book of Job (Job 4:18) seems to indicate that God did not at one time (before the cross and resurrection of Jesus) trust the holy angels to remain holy and not take part in the fallen angelic, Mystery Babylon conspiracy against God and against mankind - In the book of Daniel (Daniel 10:21) it is revealed that only the Angels Gabriel and Michael the Archangel were aware of the plans and timing to restrain Mystery Babylon and to bring in the incarnation of God (Jesus Christ) into the realm of mankind - The Angel Gabriel that spoke to and instructed the prophet Daniel (Daniel 9:21) is the same Angel that spoke to and instructed both the priest (Luke 1:19) Zacharias [the father of John the Baptist] and the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-35) regarding the incarnation of Jesus Christ

"Job 4:17-21 Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker? Behold, *He put no trust in His servants; and His angels He charged with folly: How much less in them [humans] that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth? They are destroyed from morning to evening: they perish for ever without any regarding it. Doth not their excellency which is in them go away? they die, even without wisdom." -- "1 Timothy 5:21-22 I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, *and the *elect angels [holy angels that have responded to the calling of God and remained holy], that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure." -- "Hebrews 1:4-9 [Jesus] Being made (G1096 - appear in history, come upon the stage, appearing in public) so much better than the angels, as He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they. For unto which of the angels said He [Father God] at any time, Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten Thee? And again, I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to Me a Son? And again, when He bringeth in the firstbegotten [Jesus Christ] into the world, He saith, And let all the angels of God worship Him [Jesus]. And of the angels He saith, Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire. But unto the Son He saith, *Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy Kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even Thy [Father] God, hath anointed Thee [Jesus] with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows."

8th Kingdom - Jesus Christ - The Eternal Kingdom - The Bible's book of Daniel Chapter 7 tells of a vision that Daniel had during the reign in the first year of Babylonian King Belshazzar [the grandson of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar - 3rd Global Gentile Kingdom of the earth] regarding four beasts (the 4 remaining global gentile governments- Persia, Greece, Rome, Revised Rome) - Later in Daniel chapter 10 in the third year of Cyrus King of Persia [4th Global Gentile Kingdom of the earth] it was given to Daniel to have further interpretation regarding the previous vision in chapter 7 - Possibly Jesus Himself and an angel [thought to be the angel Gabriel] came to Daniel with encouragement and more information - The information that the Angel brought to Daniel was that the Holy Angelic realm was actively opposing and fighting against [the fallen Mystery Babylon realm of fallen angels (Revelation 17:5,9)] - The angel had currently been resisting Mystery Babylon's (spiritual) Persian Empire and also very importantly the Angel was already preparing to resist the then coming Mystery Babylon's (spiritual) Geek Empire [5th Global Gentile Kingdom of the earth] -- "Daniel 10:20-21 Then said he [thought to be the angel Gabriel], [now] Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia [a fallen angel]: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince [another fallen angel] of Grecia (Greece) shall come. But I will shew thee that which is noted in the Scripture of Truth [Bible]: and there is none that holdeth [has the knowledge - plans of God] with me in these things [in the O.T. times before the incarnation, cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ], but Michael [the Archangel] your prince [a holy angel of Israel]."

"Daniel 7:1-3 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters. Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds [spirits] of the heaven strove upon the great sea [humanity]. And four great beasts came up from the sea [humanity], diverse one from another." - The holy Angelic realm seems to have had a special interest in combating the Mystery Babylon Kingdom of Greece. Greece in many ways was and is the most sustained and dangerous of the Mystery Babylon Kingdoms. Ancient Greece accumulated and parlayed much of the deep ancient Mystery Babylon Kingdom knowledge assembling the secrets of (The Tower of Babel, Egypt, Babylon and Persia) and preserved them in a Westernized format for a continued and sustained onslaught against mankind that has lasted for well over 2,000 years. Along with the deep ancient secrets of Mystery Babylon, Greece has initiated mankind with secular philosophy, the myths and gods of Olympus, a prolonged cultural substitute for godliness and a seemingly sustainable nanny state society. Including the fact that in ancient Greece were sown and continued some of the seeds of our modern UFO phenomenon and of our current modern Evolution Darwinian hoax dilemma further designating that no culture, not even Rome has left such an impression [in a harmful way] on so much of the human race for such a long time. -- "Daniel 11:45-12:3 And he [Antichrist] shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain [Mt. Moriah, Jerusalem]; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. And at that time shall Michael [the Archangel] stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy [Jewish] people: and there shall be a time of trouble [Jacob's trouble - During the Great Tribulation of Revelation], such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake [participate in the ongoing first resurrection], some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt [judgment]. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."

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Jesus Walk 2011 -- Jesus Christ has risen from the grave - Truly He has risen - He has risen indeed!

Jesus Christ has risen from the grave - Truly He has risen - He has risen indeed! -- Thank you for taking part in the 2011 Jesus Walk Holy Week Timeline Devotion! Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, I pray that God will richly bless you, keep you and that His everlasting Divine face will continue to shine upon you. The Lord Jesus Christ be with you in all things as we look to the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ~ God bless you, David Anson Brown

The Jesus Walk Holy Week Timeline Devotion - The 11th Annual [Started in 2001] 10 Day Jesus Walk Easter Timeline Devotion it will change your life! - Friday April 15th ---> Easter Sunday April 24th, 2011 (PDF Available)

An Ancient Holy Week Timeline, Bible Study, Devotional & Personal Journal for Easter Week 2010. ... Follow along with Jesus in the current Resurrection (Easter) holiday dates of 2010 during the last Ten days leading up to and including His Cross and His Glorious Resurrection. It also marvelously explains and demonstrates that Jesus did indeed die and remain deceased for a total of 3 days and 3 nights and that He then Resurrected' returned from death' just as He prophesied that He would. This is a Personal Study-Journal encouraging the reader to include their own devotions during this 10 day journey with Jesus. ... It will change your life!

[Friday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Anointing - Preparation Friday - Catching up with Jesus and His disciples in the town of Bethany

This day coincides with Friday April 15, 2011: On our journey to be with Jesus we find that Bethany is located on the Mount of Olives, (Luke 19:29, Mark 11:1) and that Bethany is less than 2 miles from Jerusalem (John 11:18). Once we walk up the Mount of Olives and ask directions to Lazarus', Mary's, and Martha's house, we would come into a small stone house to find Martha busy working in the kitchen while Mary is seated and at rest beside Jesus. Lazarus whom Jesus had recently raised from the dead (John 11:44) was also seated at the table no doubt he had much to talk to Jesus about. If we came in at just the right moment, we would smell the aroma that filled the house as Mary anointed Jesus with almost a pound of very costly Spikenard oil (John 12:3). We would hear Judas complain that the expensive ointment was wasted and hear the rebuke of Jesus as He defended Mary and proclaimed that she had committed an honorable act of worship in anointing Him for His coming burial. -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #1 Anointing Oil: Mary Anointed Jesus with very costly and very precious oil. Biblically oil is a symbol of acceptance. To anoint someone is to accept them, to accept them for who and for what they are. Judas on the other hand did not want to bother with anointing Jesus. He didn't even want to be bothered with other people anointing Him. Mary was accepting Jesus. She had accepted that He had come to die for her in her place and was anointing Jesus for His coming burial. The cross of Jesus was something that even the disciples had not yet been able to come to grips with yet Mary had and Mary acknowledged and accepted Jesus for it. Having accepted the gift from Jesus that He was to die in her place for her sins she had now entered into a place of rest and comfort. Rest in that she did not have to work to amend for her own sins and comfort in that all things would be taken care of for her through God who is also King, her King Jesus. - As we begin our walk with Jesus let's pause and reflect (Selah) about acceptance ... are there people in our own lives who we need to anoint and to accept even though we don't understand them? How much could our fellowships gain by this one simple act of anointing one another in the simple affection of acceptance. Anointing others with the precious oil of acceptance can only come from our own rest and security through the knowledge of what Jesus Himself has done and will do for us in our lives. - "Psalms 133 Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran down upon the beard even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded His blessing, even life forevermore." Are we anointing and accepting of ourselves? Biblically people are allowed to anoint - refresh themselves with oil (Matthew 6:17). In fact it is crucial that we accept ourselves. God has already accepted us. He created us and He is for us. How is it that we can reject what God has already accepted? Are we anointing and accepting of Jesus? Even today we can anoint Jesus with His precious costly oil of acceptance by accepting His accomplishments in His sacrificial death and eternal resurrection life for us and by trusting in His authority and Kingly rule over and in our lives. We would like to be bold enough to take the steps to walk where Jesus walks, but it is now evident even on this day, day one, that Jesus does not walk as a human walks but that He walks as God walks. For us to walk with Jesus we are going to have to be bold and remove our focus from others and place it on God.

[Saturday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Triumphal Entry Saturday - Jesus is King The Triumphal Entry - Jesus Enters Jerusalem the capital city of Israel and presents Himself as the Lord and King for all people

This day coincides with Saturday April 16, 2011 Palm Saturday - Feast of Sabbath Rest - 10th of Nisan, Selection of the Passover Lamb, (Exodus 12:3). "Psalms 84:3 .. O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God." - On this next day Saturday, (John 12:12), we would rise up early with Jesus and the disciples. The people gathering for the celebration of the week long Passover Feast in the city of Jerusalem would hear that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem and would gather palm branches to wave in honor of their coming King, Jesus. Because Saturday is a Sabbath day it is unlawful for the people to gather branches for their own personal use but it is not unlawful to gather the branches and wave them in an act of worship of Jesus (God). It is work to sustain our lives but it is not work to worship God. Jesus would send two disciples ahead to get a donkey and the donkey's baby that Jesus would ride on His way into Jerusalem. This will be a direct fulfillment of what the Prophet Zechariah saw and wrote about 400 years earlier. "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout O Daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; upon the colt the full of a donkey." We would see on this day Jesus would present Himself to Israel as the King. The prophet Daniel also saw and wrote about this day, (Daniel 9:25). The event of cheering Jesus as King would take the entire day. There would be one dispute with the Pharisees as they would demand that Jesus silence His disciples. Jesus would reply that if the disciples remained silent that the very rocks would cry out in testimony to the glory of God. "Mark 11:10-11 Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest. And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide [close of this Saturday Sabbath day] was come, He went out unto Bethany with the twelve." We will enter into the Temple with Jesus and look around but we will soon depart as the evening is near and with the darkness of nightfall the Jewish Sabbath day will draw to a close. We depart the Temple and Jerusalem with Jesus keeping all of the Triumphal entry and the Temple events of that Glorious day enclosed within the one (Saturday) Sabbath day and not permitting the Triumphal Entry events to continue into the next day (Sunday) a non-Sabbath, non-Feast day. That evening we would return with Jesus back up to the Mount of Olives to Bethany (Mark 11:11). We would have to leave at the evening time to get to our destination before nightfall as this day is a Sabbath day and is a day of rest. (Acts 1:12) tells us that Mount Olivet is "from Jerusalem a Sabbaths days journey" so we know that we would be able to walk that distance and not break the Sabbath law. -- That night laying at the top of Mount Olives and looking at the stars and reflecting on the days events, it would begin to seem that the events that Jesus is carrying out have already been written about by the prophets hundreds even thousands of years earlier. As disciples wanting to be informed about the situation at hand, we would rethink the scriptures in a new light and begin to consider that Jesus has presented Himself as King to the people and this occurred on a feast day the feast day of "Sabbath." Examining Leviticus 23, we would notice that God prescribed eight Feasts that were to be followed in order, by His people the Jews. The first feast was the weekly Saturday feast of "Sabbath" or rest. This was the feast we celebrated today. Suddenly, life flows through our bodies as we remember a Bible passage from the Apostle Paul, Colossians 2:16;17 "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of any holy day, or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days: which are shadows of the things to come; but the body is of Christ." Wow! We realize that Jesus is now at this very moment in the process of fulfilling scripture, the prophecies and the feasts appointed in Leviticus 23 which were written in advance for Jesus to later fulfill. We consider and savor the thought that our King has come and we can now find rest. With Jesus in rule and authority over our lives we can now rest or Sabbath. Jesus is our King! In Him is Justice, righteousness, Truth, Light and Life! In Him we can trust and in Jesus we find our [only] rest. No more striving with a world that is full of inhumane wrongs and cluttered with injustice. In King Jesus we now have comfort. We note that the "Sabbath" is first a commandment, the 4th of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses on Mt. Sinai and it is also the 1st prescribed feast day of God. We then pay special attention to entering into the rest that Jesus provides as King in our lives, we do not want to disobey both a Commandment and a Feast day. Life becomes much more meaningful as we peacefully rest-Sabbath the night in Jesus. -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #2 Jesus our Savior, our King, our Friend, our Rest: "Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork." We too would like to join in with the rocks of Jerusalem and indeed all of creation and declare the glory of our God and King in Christ Jesus and as we do declare the Deity and Honor of Jesus we declare that we to can now rest in His rule and in His Authority. We rest in Jesus, resting physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is a wonderful accomplishment to be able to cease from worry, fear and anxiety. Few are they that enter into it but blessed are those who do as rest is something to be entered into, it is an achievement, an accomplishment. "Hebrews 4:11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same [wilderness wondering] example of unbelief."

Update: We are going to have a briefly expanded look at the Saturday [Sabbath Feast day] and then after the 2011 Easter Timeline Devotion is completed on Easter [Feast of Firstfruits Day] we can have an expanded look at the coming Feast Day of Pentecost [Sunday, June 12, 2011] - The Feast of Pentecost is one of the most confused and misunderstood of all the 8 Levitical Feast Days of Israel so we will take a good look and close examination at what the very important and relevant Pentecost Feast Day is and what it has had in store for mankind for almost 2,000 years since the original Pentecost events of Acts 2:1

Transition of Days and Dispensations: Jewish Congregation Era - 1st Coming, Christian Church Era (Spring Feasts) - 2nd Coming, 1,000 year Kingdom Reign (Fall Feasts): The Feast of Sabbath [Saturday] is the first of the 8 prescribed Feasts of Israel (Leviticus 23:3). -- Notice how the 8 Feasts start out focused and anchored on the weekly Jewish Saturday Sabbath day the Dispensation and congregation of Moses [Mt. Sinai Exodus 20:8 - the 4th of 10 Commandments given to Moses] but at the conclusion of the Jerusalem Passover Festival [Feast of Firstfruits (Easter)] with Jesus [Dispensation of the First Coming of Jesus] the Church oriented Feast Days of both Firstfruits ["morrow (day) after the Sabbath" (Sunday) - Leviticus 23:10,11] and Pentecost ["morrow (day) after the seventh Sabbath" (Sunday) - 50 days after Firstfruits - Leviticus 23:16] are on Sunday having transitioned from an emphasis on the Jewish Saturday to now emphasizing the Dispensation of Christianity and the accompanying Christian Sundays. - Later: The transitions of Pentecost.

[Sunday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Cleansing - Holiness Sunday - Jesus cleanses the Temple by removing unholy activities including overthrowing the tables of the moneychangers and the merchandisers

This day coincides with Sunday April 17, 2011 - We awake early Sunday morning, the first day of the week, to see Jesus and the disciples on their way back to Jerusalem and the Temple (Mark 11:12). Catching up we would find Jesus examining a fig tree for fruit. Finding no fruit Jesus will curse the fig tree (Mark 11:14). We will stand by in amazement as we realize that this Jesus is the same God that Adam and Eve sinned against and then used a fig leaf in an attempt to cover their sins. Jesus is now saying that there are no more self-made, man-made coverings for sin. The system of fig tree religion is now a curse by God because fig tree religion never did produce fruit for God. We will then follow Jesus into the Temple as acting King. Jesus will now cleanse the Temple of ungodliness (Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19) and we will know that the true Temple is our bodies and that we need to present our bodies holy and undefiled to God (Romans 12:1-5). Listening we hear Jesus proclaim that His Temple will be a House of Prayer for ALL nations (Mark 11:17) and we rejoice to be a part of the Kingdom of God and to know that above all, God desires for us to pray (talk/listen) to Him in getting to know Him. That evening we will return with Jesus and the disciples to the Mount of Olives. -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #3 Unfruitfulness in our own life: Jesus recognized unfruitfulness and He took action to remove it. Every one of us (unlike Jesus) has an unfruitful aspect in our own life. We too can be bold like Jesus, in that when we see unfruitfulness we can declare it as unacceptable to God and recognize it as a cursed item, not a blessing. In cursing it, curse it at its root so that it will immediately wither and dry up no longer sustaining an appearance of being potentially fruitful but being what it truly is, something that does not give pleasure to God. "Matthew 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."

[Traditional] Palm Sunday to mark beginning of Holy Week - The [Lenten season modern Church tradition days - not the original historical] days of Holy Week

UTICA - For practicing Christians locally and around the world, the upcoming week will be a roller coaster of emotions. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, a series of holy days commemorating the final moments of Jesus Christ's life and his death, but also his followers' belief in the resurrection on Easter Sunday. "Holy Week is very intense and emotionally gripping," said Bruce Smith, organist and choir master at Grace Church in Utica. "You go from the depths of despair on Good Friday, following the death, to extreme joy on (Easter) Sunday, when you come to the realization that Jesus is alive." In addition to being the holiest week of the Christian calendar, Holy Week also is the last week of the Lenten season. Many of the days have special significance. ... Here are the [Lenten season modern Church tradition days - not the original historical] days of Holy Week: Maundy Thursday: Also known as Holy Thursday, this day commemorates Christ's Last Supper with his apostles. Traditional Maundy Thursday rituals include a washing of the feet and a communion ceremony. Good Friday: On Good Friday, Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Good Friday services include the Stations of the Cross, as well as the Good Friday liturgy, which centers around the reading of The Passion of Christ and the Adoration of the Cross. Holy Saturday: Holy Saturday marks the day Christ's body laid in rest in the tomb. The Easter Vigil, a major liturgy, takes place on Holy Saturday. Easter Sunday: Easter Sunday celebrates the Christian belief that Christ rose from the dead after his crucifixion. Services are joyous and often feature uplifting music. For example, one of Grace Church's two Easter services will include brass and timpani accompaniment for their choir.

[Monday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Teaching Monday - Temple teaching and later the Mt. Olivet Discourse End Time Teaching is given

This day coincides with Monday April 18, 2011 - Arising early the next day Monday, we know from Mark 14:1 and Matthew 26:2 that we have two days left until the Passover (Wednesday). We would again follow Jesus to Jerusalem and to the temple as Jesus spends another day preaching in the temple and having discourse with the Scribes and Pharisees. On the way to the temple we would again pass the fig tree that Jesus had cursed the day before and be astonished with the other disciples that the fig tree has completely dried up and withered from the roots up (Matthew 21:19, Mark 11:20). We would again consider that the fig tree cannot be our covering for sin and that God finds man-made religious practices unacceptable, not one day will pass where the religious practices of man are acceptable to God. We would follow Jesus back into the temple where the Scribes, Pharisees and lawyers will make a final assault on the authority of Jesus (Matthew 21:23-23:39, Mark 11:27-12:44). Jesus will end His discussion with the Scribes and Pharisees with the comments of "Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Jesus uses strong words for strong circumstances. The leaders of Judah are misrepresenting Jesus. They are misrepresenting the word of God in the Bible and all that God stands for. Jesus refers to them as a "brood of vipers", referring to the words and actions of the leaders that their deeds are separating people from the true God and are therefore as poisonous as the poison of a snake. Earlier, through the prophet Isaiah, Jesus said to the leaders of ancient Judah that when the circumstances of their lives pressed against them and caused them to be uncomfortable that they would responded from their heart. Jesus saw that the leaders were upset with circumstances that they didn't understand and that their actions really revealed their true heart towards God. Jesus was therefore quoting the prophet Isaiah in order to encourage the leaders to search the scriptures in a new light and gain new insight into the person of God and new insight into the kingdom of God. After the death and resurrection of Jesus the book of Acts tells us that many of the Priests came to believe in Jesus (Acts 6:7). Jesus is showing us that although strong words were used, Jesus did it in a way of Reconciliation. There is only one Ministry, it is the ministry of reconciliation, man to God and man to man. After this discussion, Jesus left the Temple for the last time (Matthew 24:1, Mark 13:1). We can immediately remember the Prophet Ezekiel, (Ezekiel 10:1-22) and his depiction of the presence of God departing from the temple as the people had rejected God. Ezekiel wrote of a temple from which the presence of God had departed and later that temple would be destroyed by the invading Babylonians. Likewise, this temple with the presence of God, in the person of Jesus departing, would later be destroyed by the Roman armies. After the discussion between the leaders and Jesus, Jesus walked out of the temple and the disciples followed (Matthew 24:2, Mark 13:2). The disciples thought that this was the long awaited moment, the moment when the King Jesus, would take control and according to scripture would reign and rule from Jerusalem. The disciples were now interested in the buildings of the temple. In effect, the disciples were saying these are great buildings to rule from and probably wondering where their office would be. As we stand there and eavesdrop, we would hear Jesus reply and give a prophecy that the temple would be destroyed, one stone block at a time, until there were no more stone blocks left stacked upon another. The disciples were stunned. They realized that they were not familiar with the current plan of Jesus. - That evening when they returned to the Mount of Olives, some of the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked "what is the time or sign of Jesus coming into power?" In other words, when is Jesus the King going to reign and rule on earth as the King? Jesus told them that it was not for them to know the times and gave a long informative discourse into the end time events. Jesus specifically warned the disciples not to fall for deception, that many will be deceived by the vast amount of lies and deceit being told in the world. He taught that only the Bible is the true word of God. The teaching is now called "Jesus' Mt. Olivet Discourse" (Matthew 24:3-26:2, Mark 13:3-14:1). -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #4 Our Ministry of Reconciliation: What is our part in Reconciliation? Jesus came to Reconcile. The very Ministry of Jesus is Reconciliation, reconciling man back into a relationship with God and also reconciling us humans into a relationship with one another. "2 Corinthians 5:18,19 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us (Christians) to Himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." *The word reconciliation is called the Gospel, the "Good News" of our Life in Jesus as opposed to the sour fact of our death in this earthly world. The ministry of Jesus is the embodiment of the Cross that Jesus would be crucified on as on the cross Jesus is lifted up - suspended, between Heaven (the dwelling of God) and Earth (the dwelling of man). The vertical post of the cross represents reconciliation between God and Man while at the same time the outstretched - reaching out arms of Jesus and the horizontal beam of the cross represent the reconciliation of one to another. Reconciliation is accomplished only in and by Jesus. There is no other hope for mankind but in Jesus, His Cross and His Resurrection.

Israel prepares for Passover festival 2011 - Members of the ancient Samaritan community gather around fire-pits before placing sheep on stakes into the fire during the traditional Passover sacrifice in Mount Gerizim, overlooking Palestinians West Bank town of Nablus, Sunday, April 17, 2011. Samaritans descended from the ancient Israelite tribes of Menashe and Efraim but broke away from mainstream Judaism 2,800 years ago - Today, the remaining 700 Samaritans, live in the Palestinian city of Nablus in the West Bank and the Israeli seaside town of Holon, south of Tel Aviv. Photo: Ariel Schalit / AP {"John 4:19-24 The [Samaritan] woman saith unto Him [Jesus], Sir, I perceive that thou art a Prophet. Our [Samarian] fathers worshipped in this mountain [Mount Gerizim]; and ye [Jews] say, that in Jerusalem [Mt. Zion - Temple Mount] is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we [Jews] know what we worship: *for salvation is of the Jews. But the [New Testament] hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in [Holy] Spirit and in Truth."} (Photo)

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israelis cleaned their houses, cars and offices Monday and cooked furiously in last-minute preparations for the weeklong holiday of Passover, which marks the biblical story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt. ... The [Bible] story recounts that God killed the first-born boys of Egypt [with a plague] after the pharaoh refused to release the children of Israel from bondage, but "passed over" the houses of the Israelites. After that divine blow [illustration that only the death of the firstborn son (Jesus Christ) can free mankind from sin and the bondage of Satan], the pharaoh [a type of Satan] gave in and let the Israelites go. They were then given the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai and wandered in the desert for 40 years before arriving in the Land of Israel. The holiday begins Monday night with a traditional seder meal. Extended families typically gather to retell the story of the exodus and eat unleavened bread called matzoh.

Jewish Passover 2011 begins at sundown tonight (Monday) - During Passover [bread and wine], Jewish people commemorate the liberation from slavery and the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, as told in the Haggadah (or Haggada) - These events took place around 3000 years ago - The center of the ceremonial meal is the Seder Plate and red wine or red grape juice - Each food (six traditional food items) has a special meaning in relation to the Passover story {Note: This year the Passover Seder is on Tuesday the Passover of Jesus in Jerusalem is thought to have been on a Wednesday. The actual day fluctuates from year to year based on the Lunar calendar. -- The Jewish Passover is to commemorate the Jewish deliverance events in Egypt over 3,000 years ago while the Christian 'Last Supper' Communion is a commemoration of the Passover [deliverance from eternal sin and death] originally celebrated in Jerusalem as the New Covenant of Jesus Christ with His Apostles.}

In Israel, Passover lasts for seven days, but in other countries people may observe it for seven or eight days. The first and last day (or two days in some countries outside Israel), are particularly important. People recite special blessings or prayers, make a particular effort to visit a synagogue or listen to readings from the Torah and eat a ceremonial meal. Readings of the Haggadah, the story of the liberation of the Israelites from slavery and their exodus from Egypt are particularly important. The center of the ceremonial meal is the Seder Plate and red wine or red grape juice. Each food has a special meaning in relation to the Passover story.

Passover Seder [Dinner]: Order out of chaos - Of the rich content of Seder [dinner] and the Hagaddah [instruction booklet] I cite the inclusion of *Elijah the prophet and a special glass of wine set for him - Elijah is the only biblical figure who doesn't die but is whisked to heaven in a fiery chariot - *In Jewish tradition he will return and be the forerunner of the Messiah - In *Jewish thinking there are three Passovers: the historical one in Egypt; all the Seders of the present, and the ultimate Passover, harbinger of the redemption of all humanity from enslavement, from poverty, from cruelty of any form {During the Passover in Jerusalem with Jesus and His Apostles [2,000 years ago] only three of the four prescribed Passover Seder glasses of wine were consumed. The fourth Passover cup the cup of rejoicing is yet to be consumed and it is intended to be drunk from in Heaven [the Great Congregation] by Jesus along with all of His disciples Church wide encompassing all Church membership from throughout history (Matthew 26:29).}

The Passover ritual observance on the first and second nights of the holiday known as Seder "makes order out of chaos." It is more than just a play on words, the Hebrew term for the ritual, "Seder," referring to the order of the rituals of the night. It is more than restoring order to the household after a thorough cleaning and complete change of dishes, pots and silverware. There is a higher meaning that reaches from antiquity to us. Passover is timeless and speaks to every generation. ... The most popular symbol of Passover is the matzoh, called "poor man's bread" or "bread of poverty." It must be unleavened because leavening is a process of fermentation, which is really a corruption of the grain. Every time I eat a piece of matzoh I remember that slavery is a corruption of the human condition, that bondage destroys both the enslaver and the enslaved. Matzoh is dry. Slavery dries up the human spirit. Even tears don't necessarily help the matzoh go down. Just as normally we wish for bread that has risen, we realize the need to raise our fellow citizens from poverty, out of economic or any other enslavement to a redemptive life. -- The unique booklet used at the Seder is called the Hagaddah, meaning "the telling." Created in antiquity with continued layers added, it cites passages in Deuteronomy and Joshua for it speaks to generations like us, who weren't there, who didn't have the personal experience. In unique fashion, we the readers of the Hagaddah speak in first person present, citing other biblical verses "as if we were there." We read ourselves into history. Psychologically, spiritually, we transport ourselves in time to imagine the horror of Egyptian bondage and then give abundant gratitude to God for our redemption. In the Hebrew language there is no clear delineation of tenses - the past, present and future merge into an unbroken continuum. I am part of the Israelites in Egypt and they are part of me sitting at Seder in Richmond, Virginia. -- Of the rich content of Seder and the Hagaddah I cite the inclusion of Elijah the prophet and a special glass of wine set for him. Elijah is the only biblical figure who doesn't die but is whisked to heaven in a fiery chariot. In Jewish tradition he will return and be the forerunner of the Messiah. In Jewish thinking there are three Passovers: the historical one in Egypt; all the Seders of the present, and the ultimate Passover, harbinger of the redemption of all humanity from enslavement, from poverty, from cruelty of any form. At the Seder we open the door, and ceremonially invite Elijah into our homes, into our hearts and into our lives. We hope that our Seder will presage the imminent redemption of all. Then the true divine order will be restored and we will all live in peace and tranquility.

Looking ahead a few days to the Feast of Firstfruits [Easter Day - Resurrection Day] - After the close of the Church Age with the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ the "redemption-salvation" process moves away from individual events and during the 1,000 year Kingdom Age the people on earth will physically live [for the most part] the entire 1,000 years (Isaiah 65:20) at the conclusion of the 1,000 year Kingdom Reign the Harvest of Nations will take place, were like the fields the entire globe will be harvested at once. In other words during the 1,000 year Kingdom Reign of Jesus Christ people will be living in obedience [or disobedience] to God but then all the people will be dealt with regarding eternal Salvation at the same time unlike the [Firstfruits] Church Age where individuals are coming into eternal Salvation at any given individual moment. -- "Matthew 25:31-34 When [Jesus] the Son of Man shall come in His glory [at the end of His 1,000 year Kingdom reign on earth], and all the holy angels with Him, *then shall He sit upon the [eternal] throne of His glory [after sitting on the Throne of King David for the 1,000 year reign]: And before Him shall be gathered [for Harvest] all Nations: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth His sheep from the goats: And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King [Jesus] say unto them [1,000 year Saints] on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the [eternal] Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:"

Some concepts of the Feast of Firstfruits: The Feast of Firstfruits is a part of the week long Passover celebration and is observed on the first Sunday after the Passover Lamb is killed. The Feast of Firstfruits [i.e. the Church Age] is a small select 'individual' harvest day. The later Fall Festivals are the whole field Harvest [i.e. the 1,000 year Kingdom Age] where the entire field is harvested at one time and then anything that is left in the field cannot be harvest but must be left to others to glean from. - Example: Usually the early crop in ancient Israel was the barley crop. If a person saw that their barley field had a few patches of barley that had started to ripen and they wanted to harvest a small patch and make a few loves of barley bread they couldn't do it. A person would first have to wait for the Feast of Firstfruits then on that day a handful (sheaf) of grain and a offering had to first be taken to the Priest and the Priest would 'wave' the grain towards the sky (before God) as a wave offering to God. Then after the offering the farmer could select one small or a few small individual patches of his field that have ripened enough to harvest and harvest a selected firstfruits of his crop for his own personal use while the entirety of the field continued to ripen for the actual harvest day. Weeks later on the harvest day the farmer, this time with a crew, can harvest the entire field at once [leaving the corners] and anything that is not harvested was to be left for the poor to come and glean from. - The current Church Age having begun on the Feast of Firstfruits is a select, individual harvest of individual people to God (2 Corinthians 6:2). After the close of the Church Age with the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ the "redemption-salvation" process moves away from individual events and during the 1,000 year Kingdom Age the people on earth will physically live [for the most part] the entire 1,000 years (Isaiah 65:20) at the conclusion of the 1,000 year Kingdom Reign the Harvest of Nations will take place, were like the fields the entire globe will be harvested at once. In other words during the 1,000 year Kingdom Reign of Jesus Christ people will be living in obedience [or disobedience] to God but then all the people will be dealt with regarding eternal Salvation at the same time unlike the [Firstfruits] Church Age where individuals are coming into eternal Salvation at any given individual moment. -- "Matthew 25:31-34 When [Jesus] the Son of Man shall come in His glory [at the end of His 1,000 year Kingdom reign on earth], and all the holy angels with Him, *then shall He sit upon the [eternal] throne of His glory [after sitting on the Throne of King David for the 1,000 year reign]: And before Him shall be gathered [for Harvest] all Nations: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth His sheep from the goats: And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King [Jesus] say unto them [1,000 year Saints] on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the [eternal] Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:"

[Tuesday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Betrayal Tuesday - Judas Agrees to betray Jesus for Thirty pieces of silver

This day coincides with Tuesday April 19, 2011 (Matthew 26:6-16, Mark 14:3-11) - As we awake Tuesday morning we will not go to Jerusalem and the Temple as Jesus had departed the Temple for the last time on Monday. Instead, today we will go with Jesus to Bethany and enter the house of Simon, a leper whom Jesus has previously cured. A woman will anoint Jesus with more oil. Judas will depart to meet with the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus. Judas will receive the promise of thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:2, Matthew 26:15) for promising to deliver Jesus into the hands of the Jewish leaders. -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #5 Fellowship with the one who has cleansed us: Jesus has returned to spend time with Simon a Leper whom Jesus had previously cleansed. How is it that Jesus would want to visit someone that was previously Unclean? How is it that Simon would trust Jesus? Usually when someone has knowledge of the unclean areas of our life we want to get away from them because we are vulnerable and do not want to be exposed by them for what we were or for what we truly are. Yet Simon welcomed Jesus into his own home and prepared for Him a meal. All throughout the Bible we read how hurting and longing and suffering people have turned to God and have found compassion and healing and like Simon, we too have the privilege of hosting Jesus, the one who has healed us. "Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me (Jesus), all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for your Souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Jesus Walk 2011 -- Betrayal Tuesday: Robert Schuller's Glass House of God - But last October [2010], the reverend's church and TV show filed for federal bankruptcy protection after he spent nearly $50 million more than he had in dozens of bank accounts - Church officials have attempted to blame the crisis on Schuller's unswerving, daily commitment to aiding the poor - For example, during a four-month period when the ministry took in donations totaling more than $14 million, Schuller gave an average of just $22 a day to feed the poor, according to church records {Today Religious leaders continue to betray Jesus Christ just as in the days of Judas. Like Judas the betrayal is usually a threefold betrayal consisting of a betrayal of trust, finances and doctrine. Today it is imperative that we as Christians understand the doctrines [and the seriousness of them] that are being espoused from not just the pulpits but also the Sunday Schools and small groups as well. Financial openness and accountability is a must for every Church or fellowship and anything less than 100% financial accountability is a fraudulent act by any ordinary standard of business accounting practices. Thirdly, deceptive doctrines and fraudulent financial conduct can often most easily be discovered by realizing the betrayal of trust that is often already taking place when Church leadership is committed to and associated with unChristian associations and compromised individuals.}

By R. SCOTT MOXLEY Thursday, Apr 14 2011: Legendary Garden Grove televangelist Robert H. Schuller once noted, "High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly." The creator of Crystal Cathedral, a best-selling author and star of Hour of Power broadcasts, Schuller has long served as Exhibit A of that credo. In the 1950s, he saw an opportunity to build a profitable church, grabbed it and-thanks largely to donations from poor and lower-middle-class folks trying to win the blessings of God-created an $89-million religious empire with hints of opulence. ... Records also show that the reverend wasn't a cheapskate in one charity case. Indeed, the recipients of his generosity weren't poor at all. They were a wealthy Newport Beach couple, Kenneth and Glenia Reafsnyder. Ken's first wife was a member of Buena Park's Knott family, founders of Knott's Berry Farm. He also palled around with actor John Wayne. In 1995, Schuller agreed to divert $4,000 a month in church donations to the Reafsnyders for the rest of their lives in exchange for a quarter ownership in the couple's home. Ken has since died, but the deal calls on Crystal Cathedral Ministries to continue to pay Glenia. In 2008, the ministry increased the payments to $4,500 a month while reducing its ownership percentage. This means that the church's current 8.5 percent portion of the house has cost more than $1,250,000-$55,000 more than the value of the entire house. Speaking of houses, over the years the Schuller family has purchased oceanfront property in Orange County, a Big Bear vacation house, a San Diego County time-share, a Colorado mansion and a Honolulu condo. Just before filing for bankruptcy, Schuller sold a San Juan Capistrano property that had been bequeathed to the church decades ago and pocketed $22.5 million. The reverend's son, Robert Anthony Schuller, has lived in a $2.2-million oceanfront Laguna Beach dream house worthy of an Architectural Digest feature. Fred Southard, a longtime Schuller aide, lives behind palatial, guarded gates in a 13-room, 13,600-square-foot Newport Coast estate that could fetch $3 million on the open market. ... In court filings, they've remained optimistic that, despite a 50-percent drop in church membership to 5,000 attendees, the ministry can eventually pay off all of the debt. To accomplish that feat, however, the Schuller clan is going to have to stir up the congregation and then, despite all the unsettling revelations, ask them to dig deeper into their wallets.

[Wednesday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- New Covenant Wednesday - Last Supper - Communion - Passover Dinner - Jesus covenants to die for us in our place therefore by the death of Jesus eternal Death now passes over and skips over us humans

This day coincides with Wednesday April 20, 2011 the start of the Passover week with the Feast of the Lord's Passover, 14th of Nisan - Wednesday we would wake up to the second of the feast days known as the "Lord's Passover." This feast was first observed by the Jewish people in Egypt the night the plague killed all of the Egyptian firstborn sons, while death "Passed over" the Jewish firstborn because they were saved by the "Covenant blood" placed above the doors of their houses (Exodus 12:1-36). This feast is also prescribed by God in Leviticus chapter 23. We will follow Jesus to Jerusalem to eat the Passover dinner and celebrate it with the disciples in an upper room made ready by some friends. As we come into the upper room in the early afternoon prior to the Lord's Passover feast which will be observed and eaten later "at evening". We will see that Jesus and the disciples have just finished eating a lunch/supper (John 13:2). Jesus is telling the disciples that God the Father has given all authority in heaven and on earth to Him. We marvel that this Jesus standing before us is not just the King of Judah but is the King of the Universe, the King of heaven and of the earth, of the physical realm that is seen and also of the unseen spiritual realm. Jesus presides over all as King. Before we can comprehend the enormity of the kingdom of Jesus, we see King Jesus lay aside His garments, pour water into a wash basin and begin to wash the disciples feet. We are in total agreement with Peter when Peter says to Jesus "Thou shall never wash my feet," after all, kings of the earth do not wash their followers feet, so much more the reason that the King of the universe should not wash our feet. Then Jesus explains to Peter that unless He washes our feet that Jesus will have nothing to do with us. We wonder, "why have Jesus wash our feet and only our feet"? Then we realize that Jesus is King and He is also our Abba, Daddy, Father, and likewise He is also the Holy God. Being Holy, Jesus requires that we be cleansed in able to approach Him. Our creator, Abba, Father, Jesus is happy to take all of His authority and use it to clean us and draw us near to Him. We now know that Jesus is really talking about cleansing our "Souls", our thought life and our emotions as the foot is a reference to the soul. We realize that one dirty item cannot make another dirty item clean. We gasp as we realize that ONLY Jesus can make us clean because only Jesus is clean and without Jesus washing us and cleansing us, we will remain dirty and Jesus will "have nothing to do with us." We make a mental note to spend more quality cleansing time with Jesus in prayer and in reading the Bible. - It is now evening and time for the Lord's Passover Supper. All of the disciples are seated around Jesus (Matthew 26:20). Jesus begins to explain how one of the disciples will betray Him. We join the other disciples wondering if we will betray Jesus? After the events of the past week, we now know that we are not that familiar with the plans of God and that Sin is deceitful. Knowing that we can easily be deceived and betray Jesus in our thoughts and actions, we make another mental note to walk in the Spirit with Jesus at all times, seeking the wisdom and will of God continually for each and every activity we do during the moments of our lives. Jesus speaking up tells the disciples that to identify the one who will betray Him, He will dip His bread in the sauce at the same time the betraying disciple dips his bread. As Judas dips his bread Jesus also dips His (Matthew 26:23). We now know why, after the foot washing that Jesus said "not everyone is clean" (John 13:10) because Judas is not clean, he is a betrayer. Judas asks Jesus if he is the betrayer. Jesus tells him "yes he is." We marvel that sin is so deceptive, that one can betray God and actually think that he is doing God's work. We shudder as we think of all of the killing and all of the wrong that has gone on by the deceived ones throughout the Church ages in the name of Christianity. We are very glad to make the journey back to Holy Week to walk with Jesus and to learn who He is so that we can be true disciples and true followers of Jesus. Judas, after receiving a bread dipped in sauce by Jesus, then departs the room to proceed to betray Jesus. The disciples wonder were Judas has gone. Some think he is going to make arrangements for the next feast, the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" which begins tomorrow, (John 12:29). At first we think it is unlawful for Judas to go out at night on a feast day but then a quick glance in our Bibles back to Leviticus 23 reveals that the Lord's Passover is not a "Sabbath Feast." We wonder at the thought that the Lord's Passover feast is not a "Sabbath - Rest" feast like all of the other feasts and therefore there is no evening curfew for the feast. Unfortunately, as Judas leaves the presence of Jesus, Satan then enters into Judas and demonically possesses Judas (John 13:27). Again we realize the importance of staying in the presence of Jesus to keep ourselves safe from the demonic/Satanic realm. - Jesus then takes the unleavened bread of the "Lord's Passover Feast" (Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22) and giving Thanks, Jesus breaks the bread explaining that this is His body broken for us, speaking of the cross that is to come tomorrow. He then passes the bread for the disciples to eat. Much earlier while following Jesus the disciples had dealt with this very issue of Jesus' body. In John 6:47-58, Jesus told a large group of disciples that He, "is the true bread of life that came down from heaven and any man who would eat of it that man would not die but would live forever." Many disciples were disturbed at that saying of Jesus, (John 6:66) "and some walked with Jesus no more." But Jesus had also explained to the disciples (John 6:63) that it is the Spirit that aids a man not the physical. Jesus said that His words are Spirit. -- So here this night of the Passover the disciples readily enjoy the bread knowing that it is the Spirit of Jesus that gives Spiritual life. -- Next Jesus takes a cup of wine. It is the third cup of the four prescribed cups of the feast. The third cup is known as the cup of redemption. The first cup is the cup of Sanctification, meaning to be set apart to God for the feast. The second cup is the cup of instruction, instructing that there were many plagues on the land of Egypt, yet the children of God could not go free from slavery until there was a death of the firstborn. Now this night Jesus is proclaiming that He is the Firstborn of God and that His death will set us free from the slavery of sin and the cruelty of Satan just like the death of the firstborn did so many years ago back in Egypt. Then Jesus taking the cup (Mark 14:23) of redemption and like the bread, giving thanks, Jesus passed the cup to the disciples and said "take drink all of it," (Matthew 26:27) this cup is the New Testament in His blood: this do, that as often as we drink of it, to do it in remembrance of Jesus. The disciples are fully aware that Jesus is speaking of a better blood than man has, of His Spiritual life blood. They gladly take the cup of wine and gladly drink all of it. We marvel that Jesus wants us to "Drink all" that He has for us, all of His Life, Love, Compassion and Mercy. Jesus then mentions that He will not drink again of the wine until He drinks it anew with us in His Father's Kingdom. The fourth cup of wine that Jesus is postponing to drink is called the "cup of Rejoicing." After the feast, the cup of rejoicing is to be drunk as we rejoice in all that God has done in our lives in setting us free and reuniting us with Him in the promise land of Heaven. Jesus says that He will drink that next cup with all of us for real in the real heaven. Jesus and the disciples then sing a Psalm in the closing of the "Lord's Passover Feast." Jesus now reminds us again that He is about to be betrayed. He tells us in advance so that we will know that He does indeed know all things. Jesus then reveals to us that this dark moment is Satan's time. Judas has already left to betray Jesus. Jesus instructs us saying that "Satan has nothing in Him", but that Jesus will show His love for the Father by giving His life as a sacrifice to reunite us back to God, as this is the will of the Father and it is also the will of the Son Jesus. - Arising they depart the room (Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26, John 14:31). We marvel that this feast is not a Sabbath feast so they are able to walk in the night and not break the law of the feast. Now during a short walk, Jesus talks to the disciples about Himself being the vine, the source of life and that the disciples are the branches and that the disciples are to abide in Jesus for life. He also teaches about the persecution that will come to all of His followers. Then Jesus instructs them some more about the Holy Spirit who the Father will send. Jesus then prays His "Priestly High Prayer" to the Father (John 17:1-26), asking the Father to receive all of His followers including us, His future followers and to unite us all with Himself in Heaven with the Father. As Jesus prays to God the Father we conclude that we know that Jesus' prayers are heard by the Father and answered! After His priestly prayer of intercession for us to the Father, Jesus commits to His crucifixion and then crosses over the brook of Cedron (John 18:1) as He proceeds on to the garden of Gethsemane, the Garden of destiny. (Matthew 26:36, Mark 14:32). We now know why God has not made the Lord's Passover to be a "Rest - Sabbath Feast" because Jesus and the disciples would have to remain at home or inside after the feast and could not have legally walked to the Garden of Gethsemane, the Garden of destiny. Had this been a "Sabbath - Rest Feast", it is also very unlikely that the Temple guards would have broken the Sabbath themselves to journey to the Garden to arrest Jesus who, after all was only peaceably praying to the Father. This is another powerful demonstration that these events are events orchestrated and allowed by God Himself and not man just as these events are foreseen in the prophetic writings by the prophets of the Old Testament. -- The Garden is the ideal place to reveal that God is in control. It was so many years ago that Adam and Eve lost mankind's relationship with God through their own disobedience in the original garden, the Garden of Eden. Jesus is now stepping into another garden, the Garden of Gethsemane. Through His desire and obedience Jesus will continue to restore back the lost relationship between God and mankind, this time for forever. Had Jesus been arrested anywhere but in a Garden, say for instance in the streets or in the upper-room, it would be difficult to correlate the events of the Last Supper to the events of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Since God made certain to go to the Garden we have to correlate these two garden events and also the coming event of the resurrection of Jesus from yet another garden, the Garden Tomb. This again reveals the detailed plan of God as He has set it out for us in His Prophetic Word, the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. -- We follow and see that Jesus is separated from His disciples and engaged in prayer to the Father. Jesus asks for the third time for the Father to remove "this cup" (Matthew 26:42) but there is no other "cup" of redemption available to mankind. Either Jesus gives His life for us or mankind will never be reunited to God. Angels come and minister to Jesus. He arises. Judas can now be seen leading a group of Temple soldiers intent on arresting Jesus. Judas then betrays Jesus with a kiss (Matthew 26:49). Jesus in turn calls Judas "friend" (Matthew 26:50). Jesus is arrested, bound with ropes and led off as all of the disciples abandon Him and flee. -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #6 New Covenant Reflection: The New Covenant - God has agreed to take on the appearance of a Human, to come for us and to die in our place for our sins so that we can Live anew in a new Spiritual relationship with God. God in His Love for us has taken our penalty of death so that we can live in His life of love. With the New Covenant and our New Spiritual Life "All things have become New." "2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold All things are become New." Are we allowing ourselves to live in our newfound Relationship with God and are we allowing ourselves the New Freedom that this relationship has to offer? When Jesus took His Communion cup and offered it to His followers Jesus gave with it the instruction and the invitation to "Drink all of it." Amen - and drink all of it we will.

[Thursday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Crucifixion Agony - Redemption Thursday - Jesus is betrayed and arrested He is then tried and by popular demand is sentenced to die - Jesus is crucified and suffers Death on the Cross - This is the end and Removal of Death and Sin (Leaven)

Thursday {Crucifixion - Agony (Bitter) Thursday} This day coincides with Thursday April 20, 2012 Crucifixion Thursday - Feast of Unleavened Bread, 15th of Nisan (Matthew 26:47-27:28, Mark 14:53-15:47). In the next few hours Jesus will undergo six trials all of them will be a mockery of justice. Jesus will come out of His third trial just in time to hear the disciple Peter deny a third time to being a follower of Jesus. A rooster will crow marking the dawn to the sunrise of a new day. This is the day in which Jesus of Nazareth, the true and living Son of God, will be despised, rejected of man and crucified on a wooden cross. This day will be the seventh day of our journey back and the third feast day, the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" - the feast of the removal of sin/leaven. Jesus will be despised, rejected and beaten all of this because of the love that God has for His own creation and of an ultimate desire to reunite the people that are rejecting Him back unto Himself. - The horrific beating (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) that King Jesus will endure for us will be a savage fit of rage, the rage of mankind and a fit of Satanic rage all wrapped into one. No person has ever been so savagely beaten as Jesus was that day. It is the kind of abuse that all evil has against all innocence. Peter will have gone out and wept bitterly for his part in denying Jesus. Peter will not look to himself but will again look to God and experience the total love and forgiveness that God Has for mankind. Judas, who also betrayed God, will not look to God, but instead Judas will look to himself and will find no hope but only despair and in despair Judas will go out and commit suicide. Jesus is now led to a hill and crucified. It is the same hill that the Jewish forefather Abraham brought his son Isaac to 4,000 years earlier (Genesis 22:1-19), to enact out a loving father offering his only beloved son, a parallel to the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus is offered wine mixed with bitter gall to drink but Jesus rejects the bitter wine because He has promised that the next wine He drinks will be with us in Heaven and it will be a sweet cup of Heavenly rejoicing not the bitter cup of this world. - Jesus' first words on the cross (Luke 23:34) will be "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Forgiveness. Even as He is rejected, Jesus forgives. We stand amazed as the two thieves being crucified along with Jesus, mock Him. Then one of the thieves turns and says "we are getting our just rewards; but Jesus is innocent". Then one of the thieves says a most remarkable thing. He says "Jesus remember me when you enter into your kingdom" (Luke 23:42). We look on in dismay. "Enter the Kingdom of Jesus?" True, Jesus declared Himself to be a King only a few days ago and a King has to have a kingdom, but Jesus is dying on a cross - No! Not death! The thief is right. Jesus is entering into His kingdom, one where there is no more curse of the flesh. Where sin does not reign. In fact sin is not even present in the Kingdom of Jesus. That's it - only the Spiritual Kingdom of God is good enough for Jesus. He died to the sin and human flesh of this world so that we can be united with Him in His glory, in His Holy Spiritual Kingdom. Jesus will remain alive on the cross for six hours, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. At noon, the sky will grow dark (Amos 8:9, Matthew 27:45). Jesus will cry out from the cross "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken Me?" (Psalm 22:1-31, Matthew 27:46). At 3:00 p.m., Jesus will give a victory cry and proclaim "It is finished" (John 19:30). We marvel that the prophecy given to Eve in Genesis 3:15 is now fulfilled as Jesus, the Son of God, has His own heal bruised for us while supporting His weight on the cross. It was also on the same cross of victory on a hill called Golgotha or Skull (John 19:17) that Jesus has crushed the head (skull) [Genesis 3:15] of the deceiving serpent Satan. - Jesus will then commend His Spirit to His Father, He will then permit His Spirit to leave His body (Luke 23:46). It is now near the evening of the third feast day, the "Feast of Unleavened Bread." This feast according to Leviticus chapter 23, is a Sabbath - Rest feast and in order to properly keep this feast the followers need to be at home before sundown and are unable to engage in any work. The legs of the two thieves on the other two crosses are broken to hasten their deaths and to proceed with their burials before sundown. Jesus' lifeless body is taken down from the cross and placed into a new nearby tomb, which is really a cavern carved out of solid rock and has been provided by Joseph of Armethia. Jesus will be laid in the new tomb. His body, including His face, will be wrapped with fresh linen cloth and soaked with 75 lbs. of anointing oils (John 19:39). Those taking part in the burial of Jesus will quickly depart to get home before the Sabbath curfew of sundown. That evening we will return with the disciples back to the upper room where the Lord's Passover feast was held the night before. The door will be shut and locked as everyone will cower in the dark and in silence for fear that Romans will knock down the door to seize more of the disciples and drag them off to be horribly crucified. It is the first night without the presence of Jesus. It is a dark and bitter night. We sit down to consider the events. The third feast - we wonder what are the odds that everything of major importance would happen on a Feast Day? We know the odds are the same as those that brought life into existence and the same as those that could write the pages of the Bible before the events actually happened. We know that no odds could do this because there are no odds. There is no chance involved. It is the predetermined plan of God. Not chance, but a plan! It is a plan being carried out carefully and deliberately before the eyes of mankind. We ponder the feasts, first was "Sabbath" the required rest and Jesus presenting Himself as our King. Next was the "Lord's Passover", the Covenant feast of escaping death and entering into life with Jesus in heaven in the presence of the Father. Now it is the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" the third feast of the eight feasts prescribed by God to Moses in Leviticus chapter 23. That's it! Jesus often referred to leaven as "sin." "Beware of the leaven of the Scribes and Pharisees" Jesus would say and this Feast is to remove the leaven, that is to remove the sin that infects mankind. Jesus' shed blood and His death on the cross are a complete removal of our sin. It is complete because death is the end result of sin therefore in Jesus' death all of our sins died. The death of sin occurs on the cross. Later in the Resurrection of Jesus, we will receive of His eternal Resurrection Life. Sin has to be removed. We cannot have fellowship with the Holy God in the New Covenant until the Sin is removed. Jesus on this day became the penalty for the sins of the world reconciling those who choose to be reconciled with God in the New Covenant. -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #7 The Cross - a place of no compromise: Jesus reached out to us - all the way and without compromise. He didn't compromise as He took on the appearance of a human and entered into our physical realm so that He could interact with us on our level. He entered into our physical level because we are separated from the Holy God on His Spiritual level. We are separated from Him by our sins and it is impossible for God to bring us and the sin that accompanies us into His direct presence, so God in Jesus, came to us in our existence. In reaching out to us Jesus didn't compromise. He reached out with both arms open and fully extended all the way, even to the cross. Mankind in return didn't compromise as mankind rejected God. Mankind then reaching back with a hammer, nailed both of His open and extended arms onto a wooden cross. Today it is still our opportunity and our turn to reach out and touch Jesus even though we do not see Him as He is in the Spirit realm like we see one another in the physical realm. We can still come to that place of no compromise and touch Jesus in that no compromising place called faith. "Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- (Catholic) Pope's Holy Thursday [Last Supper] Mass Dedicated to Priests - The ceremony is described by the Vatican as a sign of strict union between the Pontiff (Pope) in his role of pastor of the world's 1 billion Catholics and his fellow priests

VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI urged priests to oppose violence as he led a ceremony dedicated to the priesthood Thursday, marking a Holy Week with his church buffeted by clergy sex abuse scandals. "As priests, we are called in fellowship with Jesus Christ, to be men of peace, we are called to oppose violence and trust in the greater power of love," Benedict said in his Holy Thursday homily in St. Peter's Basilica. He made no mention of the scandals. Spread out before him, in white robes, was row after row of priests, who responded in chorus to his chants in Latin. A choir of men and boys intoned solemn hymns. The late morning Mass, the first of several appearances Benedict will make in the final days of Holy Week before Easter, was described by the Vatican as a sign of strict union between the pontiff in his role of pastor of the world's 1 billion Catholics and his fellow priests. In the evening, Benedict will wash the feet of 12 priests -- a traditional sign of humility -- at a Holy Thursday ceremony in St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. ... In his homily Thursday, Benedict said Christians "as good citizens" must "keep the law and do what is just and good," while not accepting "a wrong that is enshrined in law," citing as example legalized abortion.

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- The Power Of The Cross - Oh To See The Dawn (YouTube)

The Power of the Cross: Written by Keith Getty, sung by Stuart Townend. - Comments: The preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is the power of God unto salvation to those who believe. ... Amen... What a poweful song, I am grateful everyday for what God has done for me.

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (YouTube)

Song: Where you there when they crucified my Lord?

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- You Were There - God You were always there for us {Most of the movie scenes are from - The Bible [Series] - Apocalypsis Revelation (2002) - Starring Richard Harris} (YouTube)

Comments: What a fantastic song which means the world to me, when I was going through the hardest thing that I will possibly go through, he was there.... Thank you Lord. Thank you for dying for me and even tho we were the ones that put you on the cross, you still show us mercy.

[Friday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Sealed Tomb Friday - Roman Guards seal the Tomb - additional Spices and Ointments are purchased and prepared to further anoint the body of Jesus

This day coincides with Friday April 22, 2011 - We awake Friday morning our first day without the presence of Jesus. Today, the day after the Feast of Unleavened Bread and before the weekly Saturday Sabbath that begins at Sundown Friday, Jewish time, today is another regular day that happens to be sandwiched between the two Sabbath day Feast days in this year's original "Jesus Passover" celebration. Therefore with today not being a Sabbath day the usual work including buying and selling can take place. Several people go to purchase spices and ointments (Mark 16:1, Luke 23:56) and mix them together to prepare them in order to further anoint the body of Jesus. "Mark 16:1-2 And when the Sabbath (feast of unleavened bread) [Thursday] was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, [Friday] had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint Him. And very early in the morning the first day [Sunday] of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun." Early in the day we also find out that the Jewish leaders have just conferred with the Roman leaders (Matthew 27:62-66) to have guards placed at the tomb of Jesus. This is to prevent the disciples from stealing the body of Jesus and then claiming that He rose from the dead, something I'm sure that no disciple intended to do, after all what good is a dead leader? The tomb is now sealed with a Roman "seal" signifying that the body of Jesus is inside and that all is secure in the tomb. The guards stand in front of the sealed tomb and wait for Sunday. The intent is that on Sunday the tomb will be unlocked/unsealed and the body of Jesus will be shown to the Jewish leaders and all will be back to normal in Jerusalem because Jesus said that He would live the third day, not the second day or the fourth day. Jesus remaining dead in the tomb on Sunday would reveal that He was not a prophet able to prophesy that He would be alive the third day and also that He is not God able to overcome human death. There is no chance to enter the sealed tomb until the three days are up and the seal is removed by the Romans who placed it on the tomb. None of the soldiers on duty have the authority to remove the seal and open the tomb, only the Roman government has the authority to open the tomb and according to the contract with the Jews, it will be after the third day. The frightened disciples are in no condition to reveal themselves as followers of Jesus. So back to the familiar upper room everyone journeys. In the lonely darkness that comes on with despair the disciples lament that they are not prophets. One proclaims that he is just a herder of flocks from his youth (Zechariah 13:4-6). Likewise we sit in the dark and also wonder if we have the spiritual stamina that it takes to make it through this "dark night of the soul." We begin to think about Jesus and His ministry here on earth. We think about the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23) and how hard and compacted the soil of our heart is. Emotionally we are against obstacles and unable to push our spiritual roots down any further into fresh new soil. We wonder what has become of Jesus the master Gardener, we need Him. We need the Gardener to pull the weeds of doubt, to help us through life's thorns, to break up the shallow rocky soil and to direct His seed into the good soil of our heart so it can bring forth much fruit. Oh, it's no use a garden needs a gardener to keep it pleasant. The garden can't maintain itself from the hard soil, shallow rocks and choking weeds. Without a Gardener, the good plants will come to nothing as they are choked out and perish among the weeds and hard soil. We need God's direction and His plan in order for us to fulfill our life's purpose. -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #8 Man puts his seal of approval on God's death: "Matthew 27:66 So they went, and made the sepulchre sure [inventory of the tomb contents], sealing the stone, and setting a watch." With the death of Jesus comes the Seal of approval from mankind. You can be certain that Jesus died on the cross and you can be just as certain that the dead body of Jesus was in the tomb on this the next day when the tomb was closed and the seal was placed on it. Certain because mankind would have it no other way than that God, would be declared dead, null, and void. Oh they sealed the right tomb of death alright but they sealed the wrong object. What they should have placed their seal on is on the death of sin, the sin that has separated mankind from the Holy God for all of these years as God knows and as the Christian knows it is sin that has been declared dead, null, and void and not God. As we reflect on the death of sin, that the penalty for sin has been removed from us by Jesus, do we really understand that the worst that can possibly happen to us is death from sin? But that Jesus died for us so the worst thing that can happen to us has happened to Jesus as He took our penalty for us. Now with the worst behind us thanks to Jesus, we now have the best and a new opportunity as a new relationship with God is now before us. "Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

[Saturday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- 3 Day & 3 Night Prophecy Fulfillment Saturday - The Third Day of Death is Fulfilled

This day coincides with Saturday April 23, 2011 - Saturday is again the weekly Sabbath day of rest. We rest physically but emotionally we are anything but at rest as we ponder an uncertain future without a leader, without our King Jesus. -- Let's recap Thursday - Sunday by looking at some verses in Luke: "Luke 23:52-24:1 [Thursday][Crucifixion day] "This man, Joseph of Arimathaea, went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. And he took it down [from the cross] and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulcher (tomb) that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid. And that day was the preparation [preparation for the evening Sabbath of Unleavened Bread], and the Sabbath [Unleavened Bread, evening Sabbath curfew] drew on. And the women also, which came with Him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld (observed) the sepulcher, and how His body was laid. And they returned (home) and [Friday] [normal Day] prepared (worked & labored) spices and ointments; and rested the [Saturday][Sabbath Day] Sabbath day according to the commandment [the 4th of the 10 commandments, the weekly Saturday Sabbath]. Now upon the first day of the week [Sunday][Resurrection Day], very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them." -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #9 Getting through the darkness: It's dark in there; it's a dark and lonely place in those deep dark tombs. Death is dark, and it's dark when we look death in the face. Will the light shine? Will there be life? Will life live and conquer the darkness; the loneliness, the despair, the finality of death? We as humans have to know. We have to know if there is any hope, any permanent existence, any purpose, any reason to life and our existence or if our brief existence here on earth is only a byproduct of some random collision of molecules. Only God - Jesus can answer this question for us and it can only be answered in the Resurrection Life of Jesus as only life can hold the answers to the problems that face mankind. God has given to us, a long time ago, the answer and His promise in each new day. In the beginning of creation God created the Physical Light. He created light as a representation for us to see that indeed His true Spirit light of life shines and it does indeed remove the darkness of death. Every time life gets dark just remember the New Day the Sunrise the Resurrection Sunshine from on high as the Sun represents to us the True Son Light, Jesus. God made it that way! The Sun is our daily and momentary reminder of God, of His Son Jesus, of His light, His warmth, His promises, His Life, His Love and His Eternal Resurrection Life for us. "Lamentations 3:21-23 This I recall in my mind, therefore I have hope. It is the Lord's Mercies that we are not consumed, because His Compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is Thy Faithfulness."

[Sunday] Jesus Walk 2011 -- Jesus' Glorious Resurrection Life Sunday - Glorious Salvation Resurrection (Easter) Day! - Jesus conquers death by Love & Eternal Life - The Rebirth of Life and we now have Salvation and live an Eternal Life in the Resurrection life of Jesus Christ

Sunday {Jesus' Glorious Resurrection Life Sunday} This day coincides with Sunday April 24, 2011 Resurrection Sunday (Easter) also the "Feast of First Fruits," the first Sunday of the week after the feasts of the "Lord's Passover & Unleavened Bread" (Matthew 28:1-15, Mark 16:1-14, John 20:1-23). Sunday, the first day of the week, we arise early and ponder that today is also a feast day, the fourth feast, the "Feast of First fruits". We wonder why Leviticus 23 this Feast did not have an actual date to be celebrated like the Lord's Passover, the 14th of the month and the Unleavened Bread, the 15th of the month but the Feast of First Fruits is specifically to be celebrated on the first Sunday of the week after the Passover. Today is also the day the seal is scheduled to be removed from the tomb of Jesus. Some of the women go early in the morning at first light to await access to the tomb to continue to anoint the body of Jesus. While walking to the tomb the women encounter an Angel who asks them why they are seeking the "Living" among the dead? For Jesus whom you seek is Not Dead but He is Alive! The women continue walking. They arrive at the tomb and they see the Roman seal is broken, the stone is rolled back and looking into the tomb they notice that the body of Jesus is missing but His burial wrappings remain there in an undisturbed manner. Seeing what appears to be the Gardener, the women ask him where he has moved the body of Jesus too? "Mary" replies the Gardener, WAIT! Mary knows that voice. This Gardener is JESUS, HE'S ALIVE! Mary and the women grab the feet of Jesus. Jesus tells them that He has not yet gone to the Father (John 20:17) but to go and tell the Good News "of the resurrection" to the rest of the disciples. Peter and John, like the rest of the disciples doubt the good news of the resurrection of Jesus but they run to the tomb to see for themselves. John and Peter enter the empty tomb together. John had been one of the disciples at the crucifixion and he helped place Jesus into the tomb. As John saw the anointed strips of cloth used to wrap the body of Jesus, John realized that the cloth was not unwound but just empty, vacated and collapsed down in a way in which a human body could not have been physically removed from within the cloth covered with ointment. John seeing this, believed (John 20:8). Back in the upper room two, disciples are excitedly telling of meeting and journeying with the Risen Jesus on their way to the town of Emmaus, (Luke 24:33). Meanwhile, in the upper-room the door is shut and locked (John 20:19) and Jesus suddenly appears in their midst in a supernatural way. The newly Resurrected Jesus presents Himself to the disciples. The disciples marvel that Jesus is alive again and then King Jesus breathes His Holy breath on them to give them His resurrection Spirit life. Amazed we realize that this is the same way and the same giver of Life who had previously breathed life into Adam our first forefather (Genesis 2:7). Jesus said "receive you the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22). The disciples by faith receive the Holy Spirit offered by Jesus and by receiving the Holy Spirit they become "Born Again" new creations. - We realize that it is by Faith that we are saved, this Faith! The faith in the risen, living, resurrection Jesus. The faith that Jesus has personally sealed us with the Holy Spirit. We realize that this is the true feast the "Feast of First Fruits" as Jesus breathes into us the "First Fruits" of the Holy Spirit. We know that this is just the First Fruit, the first fruits of the Holy Spirit with much more to come. This fruit is special because it is, according to Leviticus 23, the first of the fruit from within the Promise Land (Joshua 5:10-12) that is from the Promise Land of Heaven and eternal life. We rejoice. Like the children of Israel who were delivered from Egypt, we have escaped the bondage of this world and the cruelty of Satan and the certain death that goes with it. We have escaped by the death of the Firstborn Son of God, His Son Jesus Christ, and we are now alive in His resurrection glory. We like, the Jews of Egypt, have wandered in the desert wilderness of unbelief until our unbelief has vanished. Through faith in Jesus Christ we have crossed the dangerous Jordan river and entered into the Promise Land of Heaven having accepted Jesus as our leader, our King, and our Lord by entering into His New Covenant, the covenant of life. Now alive we realize that the death of sin has "Passed Over" us by our receiving His shed blood as the cleansing of our sins through the death of Jesus on the cross. We now rejoice in the Gospel of Good News that Jesus being Righteous, Holy, Just, and True, the Son of God and God Himself, that He cannot die as humans die but He is alive in the Spiritual realm, the eternal realm that Jesus existed in with the Father before He took on a fleshly body in the womb of Mary (John 16:27-28). -- {Basic Christian Devotion: Becoming united in Jesus} Personal Reflection #10 Resurrection Day "The Re-birth of Life" [after the original life in Garden of Eden] Jesus demonstrates His Authority of Life over death: Life, our meaning and purpose in it have now been answered once and for all in this the very Resurrection Life of Jesus. We now know that there is a God, that He has power to remove sins and to then give life over death, that He Loves us and that we are made alive to be friends with Him forever in His Eternal Resurrection Kingdom of Heaven. How can we ever comprehend this joyous event, Life in Jesus, but comprehend it we must as it is the only way to eternal Life. "Romans 1:4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of Holiness, by the Resurrection from the dead." Light shines! And with it Life! Jesus is the True Light! Jesus is the Life! God is not dead, God is Alive! Now we too are alive when Jesus breaths His Resurrection Spirit Life into us. Alive and united with the Holy God inside of us, that is Eternal Life! "John 1:3 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not." "2 Corinthians 4:6 For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus."

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- Easter Song by 2nd Chapter of Acts (YouTube)

This track is from the live album, "To the Bride," a Jesus Music Classic, featuring Barry McGuire, 2nd Chapter of Acts, and A Band Called David. "Easter Song" is performed in this track by the 2nd Chapter of Acts. Enjoy, and Happy Easter.

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- Easter Song by Keith Green (YouTube)

Keith Green performing "Easter Song" live from The Daisy Club -- LA (1982).

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- Easter Song by Glad (YouTube)

Another Classic from Glad.

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- Rich Mullins - [Apostles] Creed (YouTube)

This is the Rich Mullins music video featuring the song "Creed" as it appears on the "Rich Mullins: Pursuit of a Legacy" DVD.

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- Creed by Third Day (YouTube)

This is the song by the Late, Great, Rich Mullins, it's about the Apostles Creed. I belive this song is true in all manner, and every time I sing it, it fills me with Gods will and glory. Enjoy it.

{Flashback} Jesus Walk 2010 -- Easter Sunrise Baptism {Video is usually preceded by a commercial - Try the Continue to Video (option)} (Metacafe)

Comments: Awsome God power - The water is still chilly in March, yet everyone has a huge expression of joy on their face, like the water doesn't even phase them because their so focused on and in love with Christ. beautiful.

Jesus Walk 2011 -- What if Moses had Facebook? - (Short Video)

Google Exodus - What if Moses had Facebook?

Jesus Walk 2011 -- World Clock: Current local time in Jerusalem {Note: Setting a 2nd Widget or Gadget clock on your computer to Jerusalem time is also a good option.} (clock - pop-up window)

Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel The native name of Israel is Yisra'el. Most countries have their embassies in Tel Aviv.

Jesus Walk 2011 -- [Holy Week 2011] Easter Week in Rome, Italy - Holy Week in Rome - There are very few examples of Pageantry grander than Holy Week in Rome - The Pope himself delivers several masses between Palm Sunday and Easter, and tens of thousands of pilgrims and fellow travelers are on hand to celebrate with him

The following will give you an idea of what's going on and when for Easter Week in 2011; most services take place in St Peter's Square or inside the Basilica (consider a walking tour in Rome to get your bearings, or one of Viator's Vatican tours if you arrive early enough to avoid the crowds). You can certainly expect crowds in Rome and the Vatican during Easter Week. But for Catholics and religious-minded travelers (frankly, for anybody and everyone who appreciates ritual and pomp), the experience of Easter Week is unforgettable. Palm Sunday (April 17) Palm Sunday, a sort of prequel, starts off Holy Week with the Pope's blessing of the palms in St Peter's Square (9:30am). At the end of the mass, the Pope usually sends a special message - the 'Angelus' - to the youth of the world. Holy Thursday (April 21) The Pope honors his predecessor, John Paul II, on Holy Monday with a mass at 6pm. Then, after a few days' break during which you will notice a steadily increasing population density in and around the Vatican, the Easter celebration begins in earnest on Holy Thursday (also called 'Maundy Thursday'). The Pope performs a rare morning mass at 9:30am, known as the 'Mass of the Chrism', in St Peter's Basilica ('chrism' is a mixture of olive oil and balsam, which, once blessed, is used in some of the sacraments). In the evening, the Mass of the Lord's Supper commemorates Christ's bathing of the feet of the Apostles. Good Friday (April 22) On Good Friday, instead of a mass, choirs sing St John's version of Christ's crucifixion. Later that night, the Pope traces the Via Crucis, or Stations of the Cross, from the Colosseum to Palatine Hill. This torch-lit procession is one of the grandest, most solemn things you can witness in Rome. (Saturday) Saturday night is traditionally the time of the Easter Vigil, when the Pope celebrates a late mass in St Peter's Basilica. This is also traditionally when converts are accepted into the Catholic Church. Easter Sunday (April 24) On Easter Sunday, the Pope says mass in St Peter's Square starting at 10:15am. Despite the crowds - typically this is the most attended event of Holy Week - you should be able to spot the Holy Father, high above the square on a balcony of the church. At noon, he delivers the 'Urbi et Orbi' message - 'to the city and the world - in which the Pope grants forgiveness to those present and to Catholics world wide. Visiting Rome During Holy Week Pope Benedict XVI Although these events are generally free, some require tickets (a must if you want a seat, or in some cases if you want to get in at all). Honestly, it is not easy to get tickets - we're saying this simply to set your expectations. For Catholics, this is usually arranged through your bishop. You might also try the American Seminary in Rome. For non-Catholics, it's a bit dicier, but you might try the American Seminary. The official Vatican liturgical calendar for Holy Week can be found here. The Vatican museums (and those throughout Rome) are generally open during Holy Week, with the exceptions of Easter Sunday and the following Monday. Ideas on spending the rest of your time in the Eternal City [Rome] can be found in our complete list of things to see and do in Rome.

Holy Week 2011 and the 10 Day Jesus Walk 2011 Easter Timeline Devotion *starting on Friday April 15th, 2011 until ---> Easter Sunday April 24th, 2011

We are going to look at some of the aspects of Holy Week regarding what actually happened during the final 10 days the Amazing events of Jesus Christ while He was physically here on earth. We will be considering what His events accomplished and how His completed events affect us today both personally and individually as Christians and as a whole as the Christian Church. - God bless you ~ David Anson Brown

Starting Friday the 2011 Basic Christian: Jesus Walk Holy Week (Easter) 10 Day Timeline Devotion

Note: This year the blog postings for each day's activity following Jesus and the Apostles during the original Holy Week will be posted the evening-afternoon before the day of the events [this was done last year and turned out to be more consistent]. - This year for the first time the blog portion is going to blog both of the main Jesus Walk components, blogging both the Timeline of events and for the first time also blogging the Devotion "Becoming united in Jesus" portion. Ultimately there are intended to be the one original Timeline of events and two devotions, the group oriented devotion "Becoming united in Jesus" and the yet to be completed individually focused devotion "All the Way, Walking the Long Road [The High Road]". The second devotion "All the Way, Walking the Long Road" though not yet completed has been in development for a while. The concept of the "All the Way, Walking the Long Road [The High Road]" devotion is for each individual Christian to get a sense of how much [personal relationship] *individual value [i.e. 1 Peter 1:7] we each are to God. The devotion has been mostly written a couple of times but each time the devotion spins off into what could be considered a slightly works based devotion so I don't want to release the devotion until I can be sure that it is a uniquely relationship, value, prized devotion between the loving God and people. Looking forward to joining you in this year's 2011 Holy Week and the Christian growth, prayer, fellowship, study and maturity that can come from it. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

HeartLight: Taken from My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers - Have You Ever Been Carried Away For Him? - Have I ever realized that I can bring to God things which are of value to Him, or am I mooning round the magnitude of His Redemption whilst there are any number of things I might be doing? - *It is never a question of being of use [works], but of being of [precious] value to God Himself - When we are abandoned to God, He works through us

If human love does not carry a man beyond himself, it is not love. If love is always discreet, always wise, always sensible and calculating, never carried beyond itself, it is not love at all. It may be affection, it may be warmth of feeling, but it has not the true nature of love in it. Have I ever been carried away to do something for God not because it was my duty, nor because it was useful, nor because there was anything in it at all beyond the fact that I love Him? Have I ever realized that I can bring to God things which are of value to Him, or am I mooning round the magnitude of His Redemption whilst there are any number of things I might be doing? Not Divine, colossal things which could be recorded as marvellous, but ordinary, simple human things which will give evidence to God that I am abandoned to Him? Have I ever produced in the heart of the Lord Jesus what Mary of Bethany produced? There are times when it seems as if God watches to see if we will give Him the abandoned tokens of how genuinely we do love Him. Abandon to God is of more value than personal holiness. Personal holiness focuses the eye on our own whiteness; we are greatly concerned about the way we walk and talk and look, fearful lest we offend Him. Perfect love casts out all that when once we are abandoned to God. We have to get rid of this notion - "Am I of any use?" and make up our minds that we are not, and we may be near the truth. It is never a question of being of use, but of being of value to God Himself. When we are abandoned to God, He works through us all the time.

KJV 1611 Holy Bible - Red Letter Edition {A Free PDF KJV Bible} (PDF)

The King James Version (KJV) 1611 with the Words of Jesus Formatted in Red is a complete Bible containing both the Old and the New Testaments.

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre To Read KJV Bible Over Holy Week 2011 - William Shakespeare's Globe Theatre will mark the 400th anniversary of the [1611] King James Bible with a cover-to-cover reading

LONDON (RNS/ENInews) William Shakespeare's Globe Theatre will mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible with a cover-to-cover reading between Palm Sunday and Easter Monday (the day after Easter - Sunday). Twenty actors will take part in the reading, which is scheduled to take 69 hours over eight days. They will recite all 1,189 chapters of the historic Bible in the theater built as a replica of the place that saw many of Shakespeare's greatest plays. "Four hundred years ago, a set of church scholars sat in Stationer's Hall by St. Paul's Cathedral and put the finishing touches to the King James Bible. Across the river, a set of playwrights, Shakespeare foremost amongst them, entertained a town," artistic director Dominic Dromgoole told ENInews. "The playwrights listened to the clerics in church, the clerics sneaked in to listen to the plays in the theater. Between the two of them they generated an energy, a fire and wit in the English language." The theater's 2011 season will also include the story of the creation of the King James Bible in the play "Anne Boleyn," by Howard Brenton. The story looks at the legacy of King Henry VIII's second wife, who conspires with the exiled William Tyndale to make England Protestant forever. Starting 70 years after her death, the play examines how King James united England's religious factions with a common [English language] Bible, and the debt he owed to Anne. ~ By Jo Siedlecka Religion News Service

{Excellent!!} Church History - A Biography of William Tyndale (Mp3)

William Tyndale part 2 by Andy Davis | Mar 7, 2009 | Topic: Christian Biography

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Holy Feast Days: Continuing to consider the 8 Jewish Levitical Feast Days [Leviticus 23] and the possible significances that they have for the current Christian Church Age - Transitioning from the physical Feast days of the Old Testament to the more Spiritually designated Feast fulfillments of the New Testament is a necessity in that the transition from O.T. to N.T. brings with it the transition from one Priesthood to another from the [physical] Moses - Levitical - Aaronic Priesthood to the [Spiritual] Melchizeked - Messiah - Jesus Christ Priesthood [Hebrews 7:11-12]

The change in Priesthood from physical (Levitical-Aaronic) to Spiritual (Melchizedek-Messiah) also necessitates a change in both the ordinances (laws) [Hebrews 7:11-12] and also the Feast Day fulfillments [1 Corinthians 5:7-8]. -- Note: At the close of the present Church Age (possibly the rapture of the Church) the age on earth reverts back to physical from Spiritual. The Kingdom of God on earth after the Rapture will again be a physical Kingdom because the Spiritual Church has departed. With the Spiritual Church no longer present and the Kingdom of God [still the N.T. (Melchizedek-Messiah Priesthood)] available *mostly in physical form it is then the Kingdom of Antichrist that at that time will have the prominent spiritual Kingdom on earth [Matthew 24:24], a counterfeit spiritual kingdom but no less a spiritual [miracles, signs and wonders] kingdom while the Kingdom of God on earth [Jews, Martyred Saints of Revelation, Jewish 144,000] except for a short time with the Two Witnesses of Revelation [Revelation 11:3] the Kingdom of God will primarily be a physical kingdom in nature and will not have the 'born again' Salvation experience of the Church Age but will have the New Testament Redemption Age [but complete Salvation is postponed] until the completion of the Tribulation Period of time on earth. -- Also Note: some of the obvious changes from the physical O.T. Priesthood to the Spiritual N.T. Priesthood involve the obsolete ordinances of water washing purification, animal sacrifices, Temple genealogies, Temple rituals, tithing, etc. Now any Christian leader, teacher or pastor that is continuing to teach any O.T. ritual i.e. the tithe is someone who may not understand the changes from the physical O.T to the Spiritual N.T. Priesthood though in the case of falsely teaching a Christian tithe it might just be more a case of manipulation than a case of a lack of understanding.

The 8 Holy Jewish Feast Days are Prophetic: Each of the 8 Levitical Feast days are prophetic with the final 3 Feast Days the [Fall Feast Days] yet to be prophetically fulfilled as the previous 5 Feast days have been prophetically enacted

When the prophet John the Baptist said "John [the Disciple] 1:29 The next day John [the Baptist] seeth Jesus coming unto him, and [John the Baptist] saith, Behold *the (Passover) Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John was speaking about the Passover and speaking prophetically about Jesus being the fulfillment of the Passover Feast [The Lords' Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits] days. - The prophet King David had previously prophesied about Jesus the Messiah fulfilling the Sabbath Feast day. "Psalms 118:24-26 This is the day (Sabbath fulfillment - Triumphal entry into Jerusalem) which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. ... Blessed be He [Messiah] that cometh in the Name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the House of the LORD" -- "Matthew 21:9-11 And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is He [Jesus] that cometh in the Name of the Lord; Hosanna in the Highest. And when He [Jesus] was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? And the multitude said, This is Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee."

Feast of Pentecost: observance of the Jewish [Egypt - Exodus - Mt. Sinai] designated Feasts of Israel given by God through Moses vs. observance of the Messiah Church Age [Jerusalem fulfilled] Christian observance of the Jewish Feasts as implemented by Jesus Christ

Pentecost [the 5th of the 8 Holy Feats of Leviticus chapter 23] is currently the most recent [Acts 2:1] of the enacted and fulfilled of the 8 ongoing Jewish Feasts of the Bible. The 8 Holy Feasts of the Bible [Leviticus chapter 23] are ongoing and continuing. Currently only the first 5 Feasts [Sabbath through Pentecost] have been completely initiated in Jerusalem with the 3 Fall Feasts - Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles the [2nd Coming] Feasts of Jesus yet to be fully implemented [though each Fall Feast - Trumpets (congregation gathering), Atonement (crucifixion) and Tabernacles (individual receiving of a resurrection body for each departed believer) has already begun to a degree. -- Summary: The 8 Feasts of Israel are Jewish [Moses] in initial origin and continue in Jewish observance as each is fulfilled by God [Jesus] in each season and time for each Feast to be prophetically enacted by God. Then once enacted the Christian Church [first] primarily receives the Spiritual blessing and benefit from the Feast fulfillment events. Regarding the 3 Fall Feasts, each Fall Feast will be initiated as all 5 previous Feasts were via a Jewish observance of the Feast days in Jerusalem, Israel. [i.e. The Christian Apostle Paul remaining in the city of Ephesus during the Jewish [Jerusalem] observance of the Feast of Pentecost instead of traveling to Jerusalem as an ancient Jewish observer of the Feast of Pentecost would have sought to do. "1 Corinthians 16:8 But I [Apostle Paul] will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost {Springtime}."]

The Feast of Firstfruits [O.T. Levitical Priesthood]: The Feast of Firstfruits is uniquely only fulfilled twice 1st at the entrance of the Nation of Israel into the Promise Land of Israel - 2nd at each entrance of the Christian into the Promise Land Kingdom of God -- "Leviticus 23:9-10 And [at Mount Sinai] the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, *When ye be come into the [Promise] land [Israel] which I give unto you, and [1st Sunday after the Lord's Passover] shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the Priest:"

"Deuteronomy 26:1-3 And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the [Promise] land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and possessest it, and dwellest therein; That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth, which thou shalt bring of thy land that the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt put it in a basket, and shalt go unto the place [Tabernacle] which the LORD thy God shall choose to place His Name there. And thou shalt go unto the Priest that shall be in those days, and say unto him, I profess this day unto the LORD thy God, that I am come unto the country [Promise Land] which the LORD sware unto our fathers for to give us." -- "Joshua 5:9-12 And [at Gilgal, Israel] the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of [bondage in] Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place [in Israel] is called Gilgal unto this day. *And the Children of Israel encamped in Gilgal [first location of entrance into the Promise Land of Israel after leaving Egypt], and *kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho. And they did eat of the *old [storage] corn of the land [Israel] on the morrow after the Passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day. And the *manna [nightly bread from heaven] ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn {not fresh from the fields} of the [Promise] land; neither had the Children of Israel manna any more [the manna for the 40 year desert wandering ceased on the day after the 1st Passover in Israel]; but [after Sunday Firstfruits] they did eat of the fruit of the land [crops] of Canaan that year." -- "Deuteronomy 26:8-11 And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders: And He hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a [Promise] land that floweth with milk and honey. And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which thou, O LORD, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God, and worship before the LORD thy God: *And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the stranger that is among you."

The Feast of Firstfruits [N.T. Melchizedek (Messiah) Priesthood]: "John 20:19-23 Then the same day [Resurrection Day (Easter) - Feast of Firstfruits] at evening, being the first day (Sunday) of the week, when the doors [to the upper room] were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came [the resurrected] Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when He had so said, He shewed unto them His hands and His side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you. *And when He had said this, *He [Jesus] breathed on them, and saith unto them, *Receive ye [firstfruits of] the Holy Ghost [enter the Promise Land of Heaven and receive the firstfruits of the Holy Spirit]: [through Holy spirit discernment] Whose soever sins ye remit [confirm forgiveness], they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain [confirm unforgiveness], they are retained. -- "Romans 8:22-25 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, *but ourselves also, [Christians] which have the *firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption [to officially become Sons of God once in heaven], to wit, the redemption of our body. For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it."

"1 Corinthians 15:22-24 For as in Adam all die [physical death from sin], even so in Christ shall all be made alive [eternal life]. But every man [existing - living and dying] in his own order: Christ the firstfruits [of the Resurrection]; afterward [after the Church Age] they that are Christ's at His [2nd] coming. Then [after the 1,000 year Millennium Reign] cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the [entire] Kingdom [i.e. the Righteous Gentiles (Job), O.T. Saints (Moses), Christians (Apostle Paul), Righteous Jews, Martyred Saints of Revelation, Jewish 144,000 and the 1,000 year Kingdom Reign Saints] to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power." -- "James 1:18-20 Of His own will begat [born again] He us with the Word of Truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures [creation]. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." -- "Revelation 14:4 ... These [144,000 Jews] are they which follow the Lamb [Jesus Christ] whithersoever He goeth. These were *redeemed [Salvation is postponed again during the Tribulation Period] from among men, being the *firstfruits [first Jews after the Church Age to follow Jesus as the Messiah - with the Church Age having ended Jewish followers of Jesus then remain Jewish no longer becoming Christians] unto God and to the Lamb."

[Excellent!!] LostSeed: Compilations [Christian Messages set to Praise Music] (Mp3s)

The goal of these audio mp3s are to give you a desire to draw closer to God. There are different styles of preaching, from a few different denominations, it does not matter. But what does matter is that in all of them the topic is The Lord Jesus Christ.

[Excellent!!] SolaSisters: New from Igniter Media "Follow" - Who Are You Following? (Video)

Follow: Throughout the course of his public ministry, Jesus knew both the adoration and desertion of the crowds. Today, just as 2,000 years ago, the gospel asks a question that demands an answer: Will we follow? This video illustrates this truth through the dynamic lens of a 21st-century social network.

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{Excellent!!} Jesus - The Lamb of God by David Wilkerson (Mp3)

This message is for those who are on a search for peace and hope but you are experiencing emptiness and guilt because of the sin in your life. Maybe you are trying to figure out a way to "get to" God and pay Him back for all the sins you committed. The good news is that Jesus is the Lamb of God; the perfect sacrifice for all mankind. If you simply come to Jesus and believe His Word you will be forgiven. There is a cry in the heart of God to draw His people into His love and peace. All you need is found in Jesus the Lamb of God!*ALL*&filter3=*ALL*&filter4=*ALL*&filter5=*ALL*

{Highly Recommended!!} - Hungry for More of Jesus - By: David Wilkerson (1992) - Paperback (Book)

Product Description: Hungry for More of Jesus issues a Passionate call to a deeper walk of daily discipleship. It reminds us that Jesus wants to give the abundant life we long for; He wants to satisfy the hunger. But first we must seek to know God's heart and cry out against the sins that break it. This is a book of hope and inspiration, while at the same time an honest look at the cost of hungering for Jesus. This stirring book is for those who know Christ and are hungry to know Him better, and it is for others who want to know Him as they never have.

{Flashback} Video & Audio Sermons by David Wilkerson and Gary Wilkerson (Mp3s)

World Challenge, Inc. was founded by Reverend David Wilkerson in 1971. The ministry's mission is to promote and perpetuate the message of Christ through public teachings. As such, World Challenge, Inc. serves as a corporate umbrella for Reverend Wilkerson's crusades, ministers' conferences, book and tract publishing, video production, Bible schools, street evangelism, literature distribution, feeding programs, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and other charitable outreaches. He remains president of World Challenge, Inc. which has a mailing list to hundreds of thousands of people who regularly receive copies of his sermons and ministry updates.

Breaking News: Remembering (Pastor) David Wilkerson - Pastor David's time on earth ended when he was killed Wednesday in a car accident on U.S. 175 in Texas - He [accidently] veered his car, also carrying his wife Gwen, into the pathway of a tractor trailer going westbound - She was taken to the hospital, as was the driver of the tractor trailer - Before he died, the 79-year-old [Pastor David Wilkerson] blogged: "To those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this word: Weeping will last through some dark, awful nights - and in that darkness you will soon hear the Father whisper, 'I am with you. I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all make sense. You will see it was all part of my plan. It was no accident. It was no failure on your part. Hold fast. Let me embrace you in your hour of pain.' Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail - His love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in His Word. There is no other hope in this world"

Pastor David Wilkerson had founded the church [Times Square Church], but he was also famous for his 1963 bestseller The Cross and the Switchblade and for founding Teen Challenge. The first time we were there, he said, "Ladies, when we stand to sing, please don't leave your pocketbooks on the ground. Some thieves are here in the sanctuary, so keep an eye out on your belongings. And for those of you who came here expressly to steal," he said, "we welcome you. You came here thinking you'd leave with a few bucks, but you'll leave knowing the life-changing love of God. Stay as long as you'd like." -- A hundred people would respond to his messages by crowding the stage where Pastor David gently prayed, arms outstretched like he was receiving his grandchildren. Every week, his sermons caused mobs of weeping people to come forward, from the balconies, from the main floor, and even from the "overflow" room where people watched him on television screens. Times Square Church emphasized giving aid to the poor, the hungry, and the addicted, so the congregation was always full of strange-looking people. One Sunday you might sit between an investment banker who graduated from Princeton on the right and an unemployed garbage collector on the left. In the middle of one sermon, Pastor David asked anyone who had attempted suicide or been addicted to drugs to stand. Hundreds, from every economic level, got out of their seats - men in ties, men in short-sleeved polyester blends, and men with hair so greasy it stained their already soiled shirts. This church did not overlook sin in order to maintain the appearance of godliness. It was after the real thing, challenging you to look deep into your soul and extricate hidden vice. If Jesus was the Great Physician, then this church was the hospital, filled with hurting people staggering under the weight of their problems.

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Pope John Paul beatified before huge crowd - St Peter's Square was jam-packed and the crowd stretched as far back as the Tiber River, more than half a kilometer away - The throng of devotees, many carrying national flags and singing songs, had moved toward the Vatican area from all directions from before dawn to get a good spot for the Mass - Some 90 official delegations from around the world, including members of five European royal families and 16 heads of state, attended the beatification {Comment: The Vatican should Saint both Pope John Paul and Mother Teresa in the near future [i.e. next year - May 2012] rather than later [and both at the same time or within a day or so] as really it was their life, devotion and service to Jesus Christ and His Church that is the blessed miracle that we all have and have all received from and continue to receive from. The thought that they are now interceding in the afterlife on behalf of individuals with a few select miracles really isn't what the focus should be regarding their life and accomplishments.}

VATICAN CITY - The late Pope John Paul moved a major step closer to sainthood on Sunday at a joyous ceremony that drew more than a million people, the largest crowd in Rome since his funeral six years ago. "From now on Pope John Paul shall be called 'blessed'", Pope Benedict, wearing resplendent white and gold robes, solemnly proclaimed in Latin, establishing that his predecessor's feast day would be October 22, the day of the inauguration of John Paul's history-making pontificate in 1978. To the cheers of the huge crowd, a tapestry showing a smiling John Paul was unveiled seconds after Benedict read the proclamation. ... Police estimated the crowd at more than a million people. Many camped out during the night in the square, which was bedecked with posters of the late pope and one of his most famous sayings, "Do not be afraid!" In his homily, Benedict noted that the late Pope, whom he praised as having had "the strength of a titan" and who gave millions of people "the strength to believe", had blessed crowds thousands of times from his window overlooking the same square.

Pope [Pope Benedict XVI] praises John Paul II ahead of beatification - "When Pope John Paul II is beatified on May 1 [2011], we shall think of him with hearts full of thankfulness as a great witness to God and Jesus Christ in our day" Benedict said {This is a great tribute to a great man and both Pope John Paul and Nun Mother Teresa deserve the honor of being Sainted within the Catholic Church. -- Pope Benedict is also a tremendous Pope and the Church Catholic/Protestant is blessed to have a man of his abilities and desires presiding within Christianity.}

VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI warmly praised his predecessor Pope John Paul II in a Holy Thursday address days before John Paul's May 1 beatification, holding him up as a example of faith amid Western indifference to Christianity. Benedict said that "for all the shame we feel over our failings" the world must not forget what he called radiant examples of faith such as John Paul. ... Organizers say hundreds of thousands of pilgrims will come to Rome for John Paul's beatification, the last formal step before sainthood. A prayer vigil on the Circus Maximus, an all-night prayer session in downtown Rome churches and the beatification Mass celebrated by Benedict I top the agenda for the three-day event.

{Flashback} On this day in history: May 13, 1981 - Pope John Paul II was seriously wounded in St. Peter's Square by Turkish [Muslim] gunman Mehmet Ali Agca {The money trail for the payments issued to Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca leads directly to the doorstep of the USA-CIA. The most accurate description could be said that on May 13, 1981 while ex-CIA director George H. W. Bush Sr. was VP of the USA the CIA carried out an assignation attempt on Pope John Paul II's life.}

May 13, 1981 - Pope John Paul II was seriously wounded in St. Peter's Square by Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca ... On May 13, 2002 President George W. Bush Jr. announced that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin would sign a treaty to shrink their countries' nuclear arsenals by two-thirds. ... On May 13, 2004 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visited the Abu Ghraib prison camp in Iraq, where he insisted the Pentagon did not try to cover up abuses there.,0,3760058.story

{Flashback} April 30, 2009: Mehmet Ali Agca says he is now a Catholic - Turkish prison, Mehmet Ali Agca, author [assassin - the CIA was the author] of the failed attempt against Pope John Paul II in 1981, claims to have renounced Islam and embraced the Catholic faith - his former lawyer Mustafa Demirbag, said he was "very skeptical" about the conversion

Turkish prison, Mehmet Ali Agca, author of the failed attempt against Pope John Paul II in 1981, claims to have renounced Islam and embraced the Catholic faith. Italian weekly Diva e people donna published the letter, French journal 7s7 reports. "I am looking for an Italian woman, who wants to correspond with me. Obviously (I hope) she is Catholic because from May 13 2007, I decided to renounce the Muslim faith and becoming a member of the Roman Catholic Church," Agca writes. "I have decided to return peacefully to the (St Peter's) square and to testify to the world of my conversion to Catholicism," he says in the letter written in Italian. "Just for a day, I would wish to return to Rome to pray at the tomb of John Paul II to express my filial appreciation for his forgiveness" ... Questioned by AFP in Turkey, his former lawyer Mustafa Demirbag, said he was "very skeptical" about the conversion, given the steps required to receive baptism. ... "For the Vatican, I may still be the man who tried to assassinate the Polish Pope, but now I have changed, I am a different man," he says.

{Flashback} Mehmet Ali Agca - Born January 9, 1958 is a Turkish assassin, who shot and wounded Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981 - Opinions differ on whether the ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves were being used by the CIA or the Bulgarian Secret Service - According to Agca, the plan was for him and the back-up gunman Oral Çelik to open fire in St. Peter's Square - alleged that the assassination attempt was organized by Abdullah Çatli "in exchange for the sum of 3 million (German) marks"

Born January 9, 1958 Mehmet Ali Agca is a Turkish assassin, who shot and wounded Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981. After serving 19 years of incarceration in Italy, he was deported to Turkey, where he is serving another life sentence for the murder of Abdi Ipekçi, a left-wing journalist, in 1979. Agca has described himself as a mercenary with no political orientation, although he is known to have been a member of the Turkish ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves organization. ... Grey Wolves involvement: After this training he went to work for the far-right Turkish Grey Wolves, who were at the time destabilizing Turkey, which led to a military coup in 1980. Opinions differ on whether the ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves were being used by the CIA or the Bulgarian Secret Service. According to Kendal Nezan of the Kurdish Institute of Paris, they were infiltrated and manipulated by Gladio "stay-behind" networks, a NATO clandestine structure. On February 1, 1979 in Istanbul, under orders from the Grey Wolves, he murdered Abdi Ipekçi, editor of the moderate left-wing newspaper Milliyet. He was caught due to an informant and was sentenced to life in prison. After serving six months, he escaped with the help of Abdullah Çatli, second-in-command of the Grey Wolves and a prominent Gladio operative, and fled to Bulgaria, which was a base of operation for the Turkish mafia. According to investigative journalist Lucy Komisar, Mehmet Ali Agca had worked with Abdullah Çatli in this 1979 assassination, who "then reportedly helped organize Agca's escape from an Istanbul military prison, and some have suggested Çatli was even involved in the Pope's assassination attempt". According to Reuters, Agca had "escaped with suspected help from sympathizers in the security services". Lucy Komisar added that at the scene of the Mercedes-Benz crash where Çatli died, he was found with a passport under the name of "Mehmet Özbay" - an alias also used by Mehmet Ali Agca. ... Beginning in August 1980 Agca began criss-crossing the Mediterranean region, changing passports and identities, perhaps to hide his point of origin in Sofia, Bulgaria. He entered Rome on May 10, 1981, coming by train from Milan. According to Agca's later testimony, he met with three accomplices in Rome, one a fellow Turk and two Bulgarians, with operation being commanded by Zilo Vassilev, the Bulgarian military attaché in Italy. He said that he was assigned this mission by Turkish mafioso Bechir Celenk in Bulgaria. Le Monde diplomatique, however, has alleged that the assassination attempt was organized by Abdullah Çatli "in exchange for the sum of 3 million marks", paid by Bechir Celenk to the Grey Wolves. According to Agca, the plan was for him and the back-up gunman Oral Çelik to open fire in St. Peter's Square and escape to the Bulgarian embassy under the cover of the panic generated by a small explosion. On May 13 they sat in the square, writing postcards waiting for the Pope to arrive. When the Pope passed, Agca fired several shots and critically wounded him, but was grabbed by spectators and Vatican security chief Camillo Cibin and prevented from finishing the assassination or escaping. Four bullets hit John Paul II, two of them lodging in his lower intestine, the others hitting his left hand and right arm. Two bystanders were also hit. Çelik panicked and fled without setting off his bomb or opening fire.

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{Celebrating 10 Years!!} Basic Christian Theology: Answers to Bible Questions 132 Topics (PDF)

A Complete handy Reference - Study Guide/Tutorial. It covers 132 Christian Subjects and Topics from Adoption - Yahweh in an easy to read and understand format. An extensive resource, unparalleled in convenience and ease of use yet advanced in topic research. {The original Basic Christian: Theology was released in about May of 2001 as a free PDF file - At that time the first few PDF files were without any color fonts consisting of only black text and a white background - Links of any kind either internal or external were also not available in the original Theology PDF download file - The color fonts feature was soon added within a year of the first PDF file but it would take about a year after that to bring in the linking features and then it wasn't until about 2007 (Microsoft Office 2006 updated) that the links worked properly, previously clicking on a link was often an unsuccessful event - The Basic Christian: Theology presentation was the beginning to much of the resources of the Basic Christian ministry - The Basic Christian: Theology document was the groundwork for the later, highly successful Basic Christian: blog Bible Study.}

Part 2: {Celebrating 10 Years!!} Basic Christian Theology: Answers to Bible Questions 132 Topics (PDF)

Part 2: The Basic Christian: Theology presentation was initiated with extremely high hopes that the document would be a viable resource material for many Christians however the intentions have never been materialized as the Basic Christian: Theology document consistently remains one of the lesser accessed and downloaded of the Basic Christian materials. - One of the first problems encountered regarding the Basic Christian: Theology project was that in 2003 when the project was finally converted into a html website page the 132 topics of the Basic Christian: Theology project was simply too big [long browser loading time] as a website page especially back in 2003 and the search engines like Google were never able to successfully index it and present it as a viable Christian website page listing for search queries. - Initially among the few people who were able to locate it on the internet the Basic Christian: Theology concept document was considered to be a groundbreaking achievement and an extraordinary accomplishment in the listing and referencing of so many Biblical topics in such an easy to use and understand way [Basic Christian: Theology was one of two files from Basic Christian selected for use in the early Tract-CD project (Biblical Proof Jesus is God was the other document) a project that combed the internet for the best Christian resources and then made them available to other people via CD's]. Despite the initial early successes [much like the 2001 released Jesus Walk 10 Day Easter Timeline Devotion] the next few years would find the Basic Christian: Theology project underutilized and underappreciated by much of the Christian community. Today the Basic Christian: Theology document remains available as a free internet download as there continues to be the hope and passion that one day the material will be a leading resource used in the lives of many Christians seeking to quickly understand Biblical concepts, ideas and practices. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Update: There is still a lot of material to cover regarding the 8 Kingdoms study and the coming 'briefer' Church History study - However it might be a good time (Summer 2011) to divert into some of the more controversial topics i.e. Church Age, individual Redemption-Salvation, Jewish Redemption-Salvation, non-Christian value, Pentecost, bodily resurrection of Jesus, non-bodily judgment and resurrection of the believer, Church rapture, End Times, etc.

Regarding the more controversial topics: The other Christian works and writings, Basic Christian: Theology, Jesus Walk Easter Timeline Devotion, blog Bible Study, blog History Study, end especially the Pierre Statement on Biblical Doctrines have all been written with the intention of presenting a Christian commonality where every Christian can generally agree in basic summary of the material. The coming topics are not intended to be controversial however they are and because of their controversial nature they are going to be presented in an offshoot sort of way realizing that each topic involves some speculation and some personal bias. The intention is to explore, distinguish and separate the more controversial topics apart from the more standard basic Christian topics. Hoping that the intended result is that people will separate the various works understanding that yes, there has been a large quantity of basic Christian material written for the general Christian audience and that now there is some separate but also valid Christian writing that is intended to explore some of the more controversial aspects of the Christian faith. Knowing and understanding that a common Christian consensus regarding these topics is not uniquely sought nor is it uniquely necessary for commonality within the Church body of Jesus Christ. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Sunday, 8 May 2011 : Third Sunday of Easter - Sunday, 5 June 2011 : Ascension of the Lord - Sunday, 12 June 2011 : Pentecost Sunday

Sunday, 24 April 2011 : Easter Sunday [Resurrection Sunday - Matthew 28] -- Sunday, 1 May 2011 : Second Sunday of Easter [doubting Thomas touched Jesus - John 20:24-29] -- Sunday, 8 May 2011 : Third Sunday of Easter -- Sunday, 15 May 2011 : Fourth Sunday of Easter -- Sunday, 22 May 2011 : Fifth Sunday of Easter -- Sunday, 29 May 2011 : Sixth Sunday of Easter -- Sunday, 5 June 2011 : Ascension of the Lord [from the Mt. Of Olives (Olivet) at Bethany near Jerusalem - Luke 24:50-51, Mark 16:19] -- Sunday, 12 June 2011 : Pentecost Sunday [5th Feast, Middle Feast - of the 8 Levitical Feasts (Leviticus 23, Acts 2)]. -- Note: Sabbath (1st Feast) -- Lord's Passover, Unleavend Bread, Firstfruits 'Easter' (The 3 Spring Feasts - Fulfilled during the 1st Coming of Jesus) -- Pentecost (Middle Feats) -- Trumpets 'Rosh Hashanah', Day of Atonement 'Yom Kippur', Tabernacles 'Sukkot' (The 3 Fall Harvest Feasts - To be Prophetically fulfilled during the 2nd Coming of Jesus).

SHATTER THE DARKNESS: With Host Russ Dizdar - Broadcast Series May 2nd through 6th 2011 [6 Mp3s] - THE CORRUPTED, COMPROMISED, COUNTERFEIT, CORRUPTING EMERGENT CHURCH - Online Minicast Audio Overview and Parts #1-#6 [May 2-6] {Scroll Down - bottom of page} (Mp3s)

THE CORRUPTED, COMPROMISED, COUNTERFEIT, CORRUPTING EMERGENT CHURCH - IN CONTRAST TO THE INDESTRUCTIBLE SUPERNATURAL CHURCH THAT JESUS CHRIST IS BUILDING, HAS COMMISSIONED, IS EMPOWERING AND IS COMING FOR -- The word 'church' is used in the New Testament well over 90 times; it is mainly used of the local visible church though the larger global body of Christ is clearly spoken of. It is of divine origin, it is truly the most spiritual and supernatural organization (living body) on the face of the earth today. It has Jesus Christ for its founder, provider and builder. It has the indwelling presence of God Himself in the person of the Holy Spirit. It is birthed in the infinite love of God and involves all that redemption provides.....and that alone is amazing and unequaled. It is the vessel that the living Christ lives in and through and has as its mission the goal of reaching every single person living anywhere/everywhere on the globe with the love of Christ...the gospel of salvation. -- The church is weak and strong, incredible and at times sickening. It is though......... in the hands of its Sovereign Head.......Jesus Christ. -- It has a massive mission; it can be incredibly powerful and is the only spiritual entity that hell itself would love to destroy. And if hell can't destroy it (the church is indestructible) it would love to compromise, corrupt and counterfeit it...........why? Because satan himself fights against the salvation of the souls of humanity. Does the 'emergent church' aid satans cause? Is it a vessel of dark spiritual corruption? What must we do? The 'emergent churches' betrayal of Christ and its Judas kiss exposed on this live broadcast.

{Excellent!!} Christine Pack of Sola Sisters returns this month to talk about Universalism, Christian Universalism, and Rob Bell's latest book Love Wins (Mp3)

•We began by discussing the history of Universalism, which Christine argues goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden, when the serpent said to Eve "You shall surely not die." •Origen as the first prominent Christian Universalist. •The rise of Universalism in the 19th Century, influenced heavily by the German philosophers of the day. •The Five Fundamentals, developed as a response to early 20th Century Liberalism: The Deity of Christ, The Virgin Birth, The Blood Atonement, The Bodily Resurrection, The Inerrancy of Scripture, •The rise of the "Seeker Sensitive" movement as a reaction to the perceived problems with "fundamentalism" and Conservative Christianity. •The influence of Rob Bell on today's Church, especially among youth. •The influence of the monastic "Desert Fathers" and "Contemplative Prayer" on Rob Bell. •Rob Bell's response to critics. We played the audio of Rob Bell giving an orthodox sounding pseudo-creed that uses Christian terms, but carry redefined meaning. •We concluded our discussion of Rob Bell by emphasizing the importance of good teaching, and listed several good ministries that we can recommend. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:08:34 - 33.6MB)

MormonCoffee: [The LDS - Mormons] Keeping "our radar focused" on the membership - According to an article in the Salt Lake Tribune "Loss of young adult members spurred changes to LDS wards"

Comments: (jackg) I think this specific age-range is a source of sadness for those of us of the Christian faith, as well. We hear countless stories of Christians going to college and losing their faith. I think the LDS Church has every right to be concerned about this age-range. Of course, the way they [LDS] go about it with their program of forced-compliance is craziness. We respect a person's free will and the freedom one has for church-hopping until they find a church they want to attend. We trust the Holy Spirit to work in an individual's life as He sees fit based on the person's needs. Mormons don't get this. -- (f_melo) I am a single adult, the target audience of that article. That's not new - that's something that's been a concern of the leadership for over a couple of years now. ... Besides, why would a single adult these days sit in a church that does nothing more than give life-improving tips i can get from any self-help book? Why would they waste time in a place that doesn't feed you spiritually, that promises and never delivers, that instead of being an aid and a source of comfort and solace it's a source of even more burden? If i want tips on how to better manage my time, i'll buy a book. If i want to get entertained, i'll watch a movie. I don't need religion for that. The reason that i, even though we are in the information age, with more entertainment and interesting stuff than was ever available in human history so far, still am interested in Jesus is because of the Gospel, not the politically correct Gospel, but the true Gospel that tells it as it is and offers me forgiveness from my sins through faith in Jesus and the promise of Eternal life in Him. -- So, men in their wisdom will keep trying to devise means to keep people paying their tithing, but all those techniques will fail - do you want to keep people? Preach the Gospel as the Apostles did in the New Testament. Talk about Jesus with respect and truthfully. That's all the Apostles ever talked about - and look at what happened then! {Amen!}

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Now Available: The Basic Christian Ministry FREE eBooks (ePub - Mobi)

The Basic Christian Epub eBooks have been updated and now a Kindle (Mobi) version has been added for each of the five currently available Basic Christian eBooks. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Update: The Current Schedule for The Basic Christian Ministry Postings - Starting with some introduction and background material the Ministry is going to spend about the next month or two [until about October 2011] posting the series 'The Church Apostles Decoded' the series is going to be longer than originally planned but still it is an introductory and overview study and not an exhaustive in-depth study ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Then from about October 2011 until Christmas Season 2011 the plan is to return to the 8 Kingdoms Study [the first half of the "blog History Study"] and finish up that study prior to the coming 2011 Christmas Season. This Christmas Season the Ministry is going to blog the article "The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible" originally written in about 2005 but not yet blogged. Then after the New Year in 2012 the plan is to start the "Church History Study" portion [the second half] of the "blog History Study" and either complete it or work on it until Holy Week 2012. The Church History segment isn't going to be as long of a project because much of the project is going to involve locating already existing Church History resources that provide excellent Church History information and documentation, so our look is going to be more of a timeline and summary of events so that we can view the overall history and continuity of the Christian Church.

The Church Apostles Decoded: Introduction - The Church Apostles - In Decoding the Church Apostles we will have the opportunity to get a good first look at some of the same introductory material that will later be expanded upon for the upcoming Church History Study

It's very important that we see this material at least twice to really study it and begin to get an understanding of just what was happening [Jews - Gentiles] in the early Church during the start of the Christian Church via the transition out of the Old Testament era and into the New Testament and present "Pentecost" Christian Church Age. As we will see the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1 - the global giving of the Holy Spirit) changed everything, for both all humanity and also for the entire spirit realm as well, for all time! -- "Acts 2:1 And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they [Church Apostles] were all with one accord in one place."

The Church Apostles Decoded: Introduction - Temple - Beginning in the beginning [sort of] - The [538 B.C.] rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem [the 2nd Temple] began but *due to [about 16 years of] Gentile interference (Ezra 4:4-5) the building of the 2nd Temple was delayed and hindered for approximately 22 years total until 3 February 516 B.C. when the 2nd Jewish Temple was finally completed

With the Gentiles having hindered the Jewish building of the 2nd Jewish Temple in Jerusalem [for about 16-22 years] when it then came time for the building of the permanent Spiritual Temple in Jesus Christ (John 2:21) the Gentiles as a whole were penalized and delayed access and entrance into the Spiritual Temple of God [the Christian Church] for the first 16-22 years during the birth and establishment of the Christian Church. For the first 16 or so years the Christian Church was entirely Jewish in membership and it wasn't until Acts chapter 10 and the Gentile household of Cornelius a Roman Centurion [Sargent Major] that the first Gentiles became Christians. - The first lesson from God to the Gentile Christians is that God is still keeping a watchful eye and an account over the Jews and that to hinder the Jews, especially in Jerusalem, is to hinder Gentile access into the Kingdom of God. -- "John 2:18-22 Then answered the Jews and said unto Him (Jesus), What sign shewest Thou unto us, seeing that Thou doest these [Messiah] things? Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this [body] Temple, and in three days I will raise [resurrection] it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this Temple in building [rebuilding by Herod], and wilt thou rear it up in three days? *But He [Jesus] spake of the Temple of His body. When therefore He was risen from the dead, His Disciples remembered that He had said this unto them; and they believed the Scripture, and the Word which Jesus had said." -- "1 Peter 2:3-5 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord [Jesus Christ] is gracious. To whom coming [to Him], as unto a living [Temple] stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, *Ye also, as lively [living] stones [for the Temple of God], are built up a Spiritual House [Temple], an holy [Melchizedek] priesthood, to offer up [eternal] spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ."

Bible Time Line - Part 4 - 560 B.C. to 70 A.D - The Return to Israel from (Babylonian) Captivity 27 March 560 B.C. -- 538 B.C. building the Temple foundation then suspended their building - 516 B.C. The 2nd Jewish Temple is finally completed

October 538 B.C. In the 7th month, the Jews finished building the foundation of the [2nd] Temple [rebuilding the 1st Temple in Jerusalem - Solomon's Temple]. An altar and sacrificial offering to the Lord was made on the foundation of the temple (Ezra 3:10). *At this time the Samaritans and other neighboring nations brought such influence to bear on Cyrus's court at the imperial capital that the government suspended their building permit. [Ezra 3: 10-11; 4:24] *Because of this opposition, all further work on the building of the temple was suspended until the 2nd year of Darius the Great, about 520 BC. -- 3 February 516 B.C. The 2nd Jewish Temple is completed. The Babylonian captivity ends after 70 years [Ezra 6:15]. -- 14 April 515 B.C. The first Passover [in Jerusalem with the Temple] since the [1st] captivity is joyfully celebrated.

The Church Apostles Decoded: Introduction - Prophets - The Prophets were in the old Testament prophesying of the 1st Coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ -- "Matthew 11:13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John [the Baptist]."

Where the Prophets of the Old Testament prophesied of the 1st Coming of the Messiah [Jesus Christ] the prophets of the New Testament [Christian Church] prophesy of the 2nd Coming return of the Messiah Jesus Christ. -- "Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his [Angel] feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not [don't worship Angels]: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the Testimony of [Messiah] Jesus: *worship God: for the *Testimony of Jesus [1st and 2nd Coming] is the Spirit of Prophecy." -- {Note: The Christian Church has the Spiritual gifts of Word of Knowledge [knowledge and foreknowledge of events] and Word of Wisdom [wisdom with how to interact with people and events] but Prophesy is exclusively associated to Jesus Christ. -- Also Note: in the N.T. everyone has the Testimony "Blessed Hope" of the return of Jesus and to that extent all Christians are prophets (i.e. Acts 21:9).} -- "Titus 2:11-14 For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation [1st Coming] hath appeared to all men [by *Pentecost], Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, *in this present world; Looking for that *Blessed Hope, and the glorious [2nd Coming] appearing of the great *God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; [God] Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works."

The Church Apostles Decoded: Introduction - Apostles - John 20:22 And when He (Jesus) had said this, He breathed on them [Jewish Apostles], and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost [become Born Again Christians]: {Note: Technically in the Gospels i.e. Luke 10:3 when Jesus sent forth His Apostles, at that point in time His Apostles were Jewish Apostles with a similar message to John the Baptist of the Kingdom of Jesus. It wasn't until each Jewish Apostle [with the exception of Judas] experienced the personal presence of the resurrected Jesus that each Apostle transitioned from a Jewish Apostle to a Christian Apostle starting on Resurrection (Easter) Sunday

The Christian Apostles were a complete, separate sect of Christianity. The timeframe to become a Church Apostle began with personally witnessing the resurrection of Jesus and therefore lasting only the 40 days until the permanent ascension of Jesus back into Heaven (Luke 24:51, Acts 1:9). As Apostles in a separate dispensation from the current generic Christianity that would follow Pentecost the Apostles had several gifts and callings that are no longer available [in part or in whole] to the generic Christian Church. The Apostles had the ability to hear from God in a more direct (2 Timothy 3:16) way and therefore wrote the verses of the Bible's New Testament. The Apostles already having witnessed the resurrection (spirit realm) of Jesus Christ were able to and did interact with the spirit realm [both holy and demonic discernment] on a more consistent basis than Christians can today (Acts 5:19, Acts 16:16). Having seen the spiritual realm the Apostles were also witnesses to the 'resurrection of the dead' (Matthew 27:52) the redeemed humans who transferred from Paradise to Heaven. -- "Matthew 27:52-53 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves *after His resurrection, and went into the Holy City [Jerusalem], and [human ghosts] appeared unto many [Apostles]." -- In Conclusion: The Apostolic Age began the day of the Resurrection (Easter) of Jesus and entrance into Apostleship lasted only 40 days [the Apostle Paul being the exception] until the ascension of Jesus back into Heaven. It was the few select Apostles that interacted with the risen Jesus and also at times within the Angelic spiritual and human resurrection realm (Revelation 1:10) a sequence and period of events that would cease to be available to ordinary Christians after the Day of Pentecost.

The Church Apostles Decoded: Introduction - Angels (unawares) - Where the Apostles had [infrequent] though direct and knowledgeable interaction with Angels - Today Christians since Pentecost do not interact knowingly [visibly manifested] with Angels only by "angels unawares" [possibly perceiving an Angelic presence or ability] but not interactively with Angels -- Though much more importantly than Angels today Christians interact knowingly with God the Holy Spirit - The Holy spirit being the primary agency of interaction between Christians and God while Holy Angels do not openly reveal themselves to Christians -- "Hebrews 13:1-2 Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some [Christians since Pentecost] have entertained Angels unawares [unknowingly - not with Apostolic knowledge]."

This is an important concept that today's Christians are generally not going to knowingly interact with Holy Angels. Certainly angelic interaction among the Church today is commonly mistaken, lies or is an attempt at demonic interaction. The same prohibition between humans and Holy Angels is also in effect regarding humans and departed human spirits or ghosts. It is not available for mankind at this time to interact with either the Angelic or the departed [human] spirit realm [also highly segregated from our physical realm (Luke 16:26)]. *Because it is given at this time for mankind to actively seek after and freely interact with God the Holy Spirit. There are not exceptions to this, either a person is interacting with God the Holy Spirit in the Spiritual realm, or there is the very real and distinct possibility that a demonic deception is taking place and attempting to manifest for example as a true Holy Angel, a departed human spirit (ghost), or commonly today as 'Cryptoids' (i.e. paranormal phenomena; aliens, UFO's, Nephilim [fallen angel and human hybrids], etc.) Let's be (Matthew 7:14) straight [and narrow] about it that humans today since Pentecost are to seek only after God and are to interact only with God [primarily the Holy Spirit] in the Spiritual realm.

The Church Apostles Decoded: Introduction - Christians (generic) -- "Acts 2:41-43 Then they [new Christian converts on the Day of Pentecost] that gladly received his word [the Preaching of the Apostle Peter] were baptized: and the same day [Pentecost] there were added unto them [Christian Church - the previous Apostles and now generic Christians] about three thousand souls. And they [generic Christians] continued stedfastly in the *Apostles' Doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles."

There is only one Christian Doctrine and it is the Apostles' Doctrine set forth by God through the Apostles. Any additional doctrine or modification of the original Apostles' Doctrine is a misrepresentation and even a contamination of the original Gospel Message intended for mankind. -- "Jude 1:2-5 Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the *common [generic Christian - lit. G2839 (koinos) i.e. generality] salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for *the faith which was once [at one time] delivered unto the saints [via the Apostles' Doctrine]. For [because] there are certain men crept in [infiltrating the Church] unawares [the Church is unaware], who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. I will therefore put you in remembrance, *though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not." -- Note: Every Christian since the Day of Pentecost is a generic "common" Christian in the one common Christian faith. There is complete commonality and complete equality within the True Christian Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-14). The Spiritual gifting's and callings from God are freely available to all within the True Christian Church. If one Christian person were to preach from the pulpit it makes no difference if anther Christian person were later to preach from the same pulpit as all are common in the faith. Likewise if a person desired to evangelize, prophesy, administer, serve, worship, offer advice, give understanding or any kind of opportunity or service within the True Church of God it is completely acceptable and noteworthy to God.

The Church Apostles Decoded: Introduction - Pentecost - A previously unclean world [unclean since the sin of Adam and Eve] having been cleansed by the blood (cross) of Jesus is now able to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a Global Scale -- "Acts 2:16-18 But this is that which was spoken by the [O.T.] Prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-29); And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all [global] flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young [unlearned] men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on My [common] servants and on My [common] handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy:" -- "Romans 10:16-18 But they [people] have not all obeyed the Gospel. For Esaias [Isaiah] saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? *So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. *But I say, Have they not heard? *Yes verily, their sound [the Gospel via the Holy Ghost] went into *all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world."

"Acts 10:6-20 He [Apostle Peter] lodgeth [in hiding] with one Simon a tanner [a Levitically unclean occupation], whose house is by the sea side: he [Apostle Peter] shall tell thee [Cornelius] what thou oughtest to do. And when the angel which spake [through a vision - not directly] unto Cornelius was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually; And when he had declared all these things unto them, he sent them to [the seaside city of] Joppa. On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop [roof] to pray about the sixth hour: And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into *a trance [generally a trance is considered a bad thing as it is God shutting a person down momentarily so God can talk directly to a person w/o an (argumentative) reply from the person, or worse a trance is a demon shutting a person down and hindering our freewill], And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel [tray] descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Wherein were all manner of fourfooted [unclean] beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. [the trance transitions to a vision as Peter can now reply (argumentatively) to God] But Peter said [what God didn't want to hear], Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common [lit. G2839 (koinos) i.e. Levitically unclean, common] {note: Christianity by Levitical standards would be considered unclean (that is why so many still gravitate to and try to follow Levitical Laws i.e. Tithe and Sabbath because there is an appearance of cleanliness) however the cleansing blood of Jesus cleans all sins and it is our faith in the blood of Jesus that saves us and not any works of the Law (i.e. tithes, works)} or unclean [G169 (akathartos) i.e. immoral, profane]. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What *God hath [with the blood of Jesus] cleansed [lit. G2511 (katharizo) i.e. purified], that call not thou common. This was done thrice [three times - Father, Son, Holy Spirit] {Peter argued with God three times}: and the vessel [container of unclean animals] was received up again into heaven. Now while Peter doubted in himself what this *vision which he had seen should mean {and it meant a lot because God started the vision by putting Peter in a trance}, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry [asked directions] for [the tanner] Simon's house, and stood before the gate, And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there. While Peter thought on the vision, *the [Holy] Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee. Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for *I [Holy Spirit] have sent them [Gentiles who would become the first (non-Jewish) Christians]." -- Note: The agency of spreading the Gospel message [in a now clean world (note: how the world i.e. environmentalism always reiterates that the physical world is in a sense clean, BUT then wrongly asserts that humans make the world unclean adding yet more bondage to our already difficult human condition)] and of convicting [still spiritually unclean] mankind of sins (Romans 2:4) is the exclusive domain of the Holy Spirit on earth. It is mankind that enters into the Temple of God [the body of Jesus Christ] and then, once in the Temple of God, we participate in the Kingdom of God at the exclusive leading and directing of God the Holy Spirit "for *I [Holy Spirit] have sent them."

The Church Apostles Decoded: Summary - The 'foundation' of the Christian Church era is the foundation set forth by God at the hands of the 12 Apostles - There is no alternate, replacement or emerging foundation [Gospel] for the True Christian Church only the one original faithful foundation that is already well established and is still in existence today -- "Acts 1:1-3 The former treatise [the Gospel of Luke] have I made, O Theophilus, of all that *Jesus began both to do and teach, *Until the day in which He was taken up [Ascension], after that He [Jesus] through the Holy Ghost had given commandments *unto the Apostles whom He had chosen: To whom also He shewed Himself alive after His passion [Passover Week] by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and *speaking of the things pertaining [Scripture] to the Kingdom of God:" ... "Acts 4:33 And with great power [the Holy Spirit] gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them [believers] all."

"Ephesians 3:1-7 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner [in Rome] of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to youward: How that by revelation He made known unto me the Mystery; as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the Mystery [Triunity] of Christ Which *in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as *it is now revealed unto His holy Apostles and prophets by the [Holy] Spirit; That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ *by the Gospel: Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of His power." -- "2 Peter 3:1-2 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the [O.T.] Holy Prophets, and of the Commandment *of us the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour:" -- "Revelation 21:10-14 And he [Angel] carried me [Apostle John] away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the Holy Jerusalem [New Jerusalem], descending out of Heaven from God, Having the Glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the Twelve Tribes of the Children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had *twelve foundations, and in them the names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb." {Note: The teaching and leadership examples [from God] then through the 12 Apostles [1 Corinthians 15:1-10] of Jesus Christ are the 'foundation' for the entire Christian Church. So much so and so important is their foundation to the Church age that the eternal foundation of the New Jerusalem is named with their names.}

The Church Apostles Decoded: The Nicene Creed (325 A.D.): ... And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets. And I believe in one holy catholic [universal] and *[A]postolic Church (Acts 2:42) [based on the foundation of the Apostles] - I acknowledge one Baptism [personal - individual identity (cross and resurrection) with Jesus Christ] for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come - Amen

The Three Ecumenical or Universal Creeds -- The Apostles' Creed [The title, Symbolum Apostolicum (Symbol or Creed of the Apostles), appears for the first time in a letter from a Council in Milan (probably written by Ambrose himself) to Pope Siricius in about 390 A.D. -]: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic [universal] Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. -- The Nicene Creed [adopted in the city of Nicaea by the first (second) ecumenical council (Jerusalem Acts 15:6 was the first ecumenical Church council), which met there in 325 A.D. -]: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified; who spake by the Prophets. And I believe in one holy catholic [universal] and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. -- The Athanasian Creed [The use of the Creed in a sermon by Caesarius of Arles, as well as a theological resemblance to works by Vincent of Lérins, point to Southern Gaul as its origin. The most likely time frame is in the late fifth or early sixth century A.D. (475-525 A.D.) at least 100 years after Athanasius (293 A.D. - May 2, 373 A.D.) -]: Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic [universal] faith. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the catholic [universal] faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is all one: the glory equal, the majesty coeternal. Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreate, the Son uncreate, and the Holy Ghost uncreate. The Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible, and the Holy Ghost incomprehensible. The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three Eternals, but one Eternal. As there are not three Uncreated nor three Incomprehensibles, but one Uncreated and one Incomprehensible. So likewise the Father is almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Ghost almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties, but one Almighty. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods, but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords, but one Lord. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every Person by Himself to be God and Lord, So are we forbidden by the catholic [universal] religion to say, There be three Gods, or three Lords. The Father is made of none: neither created nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone; not made, nor created, but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son: neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity none is before or after other; none is greater or less than another; But the whole three Persons are coeternal together, and coequal: so that in all things, as is aforesaid, the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshiped. He, therefore, that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity. Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also believe faithfully the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right faith is, that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God of the Substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and Man of the substance of His mother, born in the world; Perfect God and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father as touching His Godhead, and inferior to the Father as touching His manhood; Who, although He be God and Man, yet He is not two, but one Christ: One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by taking the manhood into God; One altogether; not by confusion of Substance, but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man, so God and Man is one Christ; Who suffered for our salvation; descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead; He ascended into heaven; He sitteth on the right hand of the Father, God Almighty; from whence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies, and shall give an account of their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire. This is the catholic [universal] faith; which except a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved.

The Church Apostles Decoded: The Nicene Creed (325 A.D.) - The Nicene Creed "I believe in one holy catholic [universal] and *[A]postolic Church" is the most widely accepted and used brief statements of the Christian Faith - In liturgical churches, it is said every Sunday as part of the Liturgy - It is Common Ground to East Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Calvinists, and many other Christian groups - Many groups that do not have a tradition of using it in their services nevertheless are committed to the doctrines it teaches

Someone may ask, "What about the Apostles' Creed?" Traditionally, in the West, the Apostles' Creed is used at Baptisms, and the Nicene Creed at the Eucharist [AKA the Mass, the Liturgy, the Lord's Supper, or the Holy Communion.] The East uses only the Nicene Creed. I here present the Nicene Creed in two English translations, The first is the traditional one, in use with minor variations since 1549, The second is a modern version, that of The Interdenominational Committee on Liturgical Texts. Notes and comment by [James E. Kiefer] follow.

Mormon Coffee: The Great Secret of The Book of Mormon by Aaron Shafovaloff - Posted (Moroni 8:18 day!) on August 18, 2011 (Video)

My corny and melodramatic way of getting the word out on Moroni 8:18. Don't forget about the first explanation video. Enjoy. I'm also releasing the new Moroni 8:18 four-step tract, which you can download here. Print it double-sided, fold it up, and use it to start focused conversations. I'll release a video late tonight on how I use it.

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Update: Starting a brief study looking at Biblical Law and also at some of the aspects that surround Biblical Law i.e. God's Biblical Promises to mankind and God's Biblical Temple [House] of Ordinances used historically for interaction with mankind ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Coming Soon: A brief study of Biblical Law [boundaries, instruction, no Salvation], the Biblical Temple [ordinances, slight interaction with God, no Salvation] and the *Promises of God [security/comfort (boundaries removed between God and man), instruction, Salvation]. Note: one way to look at the Laws of God, the Temple of God and the Promises of God is that it is only the Promises of God that Redeems and provides eternal Salvation for Mankind. How is it that mankind is saved from sin and death it is in part because of the death, blood and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross but it is a sacrifice founded on the basis of the other part the Promises of God. The blood of Jesus cleanses and saves a dying mankind because God with His Word *Promises* that it does. -- "Hebrews 10:1-7 For the Law (of Moses) having a shadow [foretelling] of *good things to come [an intimate (Sonship/Daughtership) relationship with God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)], and *not the very image of the [bodily relationship/fellowship] things, can never with those [Levitical Temple] sacrifices which they offered year by year [i.e. Yom Kippur] continually make the comers thereunto perfect [complete - reunited with God - relationship/fellowship]. For then would they not have ceased to be offered [the destruction (586 B.C.) of the 1st Temple, Solomon's Temple - the then coming destruction (70 A.D.) of the 2nd rebuilt Temple, Herod's Temple]? because that the worshippers once purged [via Temple ordinances and Laws of Moses] should have had no more conscience of sins. *But in those [yearly] sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. *For it is not possible [impossible] that the [Levitical Law, Levitical Temple] blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. *Wherefore [as Promised, Prophesied] when He [Jesus Christ] cometh into the world, He [Jesus Christ] saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, *but a [human] body [for fellowship with mankind] hast thou [Holy Spirit] prepared Me: In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin Thou [God] hast had no pleasure. *Then [as Promised] *said I [the Words of Jesus Christ], Lo, I [Jesus Christ] come [because as Promised] in the volume of the book [scroll, Bible] *it is written of Me [Jesus Christ], to do Thy [God the Father] will, O God."

[Basic Christian: blog Bible Study] Mountain Of Fire - The Search For Mount Sinai [the place where God gave Moses the Levitical Law] pt 2 of 5 - The boundary markers around Mt. Sinai (Video) - Exodus 19:12 And thou shalt set bounds [boundaries] unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount [Mt. Sinai], or touch the border of it: whosoever [goes past the boundary] toucheth the mount [Mt. Sinai] shall be surely put to death:' (YouTube)

Bob Cornuke from BASE Institute has been called a modern day Indiana Jones. This video is a clip from Bob's video about the The Search For Mount Sinai.

The Levitical Temple of God - The first Tabernacle/Temple of the Levitical Priesthood ensured that even the Priests officiating within the structures was unable to see God at any time (Leviticus 16:12-13) - While the New Testament in Jesus Christ insists that all Christians will see God - [Jesus' Sermon on the Mount] "Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure [cleansed by the blood of Jesus] in heart: for they shall see God."

The Temple of the Old Testament was designed to keep a sinful (unclean) mankind away from the actual presence of God [Leviticus 16:12-13]. While the New Testament Temple (cleansed Christian) in the body of Jesus Christ is designed for each individual to be able intimately interact with God. -- "Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living [Temple] sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." -- "1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price [cross]: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

[Basic Christian: blog Bible Study] Exodus 24-27 - Aaron two of his sons (Nadab, Abihu) and the 70 leaders of Israel are invited to come closer to God and worship on Mt. Sinai [Exodus 24:1] 'and worship ye afar off' - Only Moses [representing a proxy of Jesus Christ] can come into the actual presence of God 'Exodus 24:2 And Moses alone shall come near the LORD: but they [priests, leaders] shall not come nigh; neither shall the people go up with him'

'Exodus 25:8-9 And let them [gifted workers] make Me a sanctuary [innermost (3rd) room in the Tabernacle]; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.' - The Holy of Holies, or inner sanctuary in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple in Jerusalem was to be the physical dwelling place for God while He remained among the Israelites. The presence of God was dwelling at Mt. Sinai where Moses met God in the burning bush the first time and where God brought the Israelites from Egypt to Mt. Sinai to meet God at however the Israelites were not staying at Mt. Sinai as God was moving them forward from Egypt into their own land the Promise Land (Canaan) so in order for God to go with the People and to be in their presence a sanctuary needed to be built and sin offerings had to be included with the sanctuary so their sins could be covered and God could then be among them. - The Holy of Holies was a place for God to dwell and man did not have access into the direct, perceivable presence of God. On one day a year "day of atonement" the Levitical High Priest would enter into the Holy of Holies to bring blood from an oxen to cover (atone) for the sins for the people, the entire Nation, for one year then the next year on the same day the current High Priest would again bring in the blood as an atonement for the sins again of the entire Nation of Israel and God would remain in their midst. But even when the High Priest went into the sanctuary with the blood offering the High Priest was not allowed to see God himself lest the High Priest die. 'Leviticus 16:12 And he [High Priest] shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before the LORD, and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it within the vail: And he shall put the incense upon the fire before the LORD, that the cloud of the incense may cover the mercy seat that is upon the testimony, that he [High Priest] die not:' The High Priest had to fill the sanctuary with smoke from incense burning on the coals of the alter then the High Priest could enter the sanctuary but he was not allowed to meet with God. With the law there is always a boundary between God and man keeping sinful man away from God and the smoke of the incense was a boundary keeping even the Levitical High Priest away from God away from the actual perceivable presence God the same way that Mt. Sinai had the boundary markers [piles of stones] alerting people and keeping all the people away from Mt. Sinai while God's presence was there. So actually the High Priest never technically entered the Sanctuary, the inner 3rd room Holy of Holies, the High Priest only temporarily extended the 2nd room the incense room by by increasing the incense smoke far enough into the 3rd room until he could reach the mercy seat with the blood offering then immediately the High Priest exited back out of the Sanctuary and away from the presence of God.

The Levitical Laws of God - The O.T. Levitical Laws of God only temporarily covered sin but did not take away sin (Hebrews 10:4) so at best following the Levitical Law brought a person to a boundary, an edge, a limit where a person could approach God but could go no further as was illustrated by Moses the Lawgiver who was unable to enter into the Promise Land himself being stopped by the boundary of his own few sins -- "Numbers 27:12-14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Get thee up into this mount Abarim, and see the land [Promise Land] which I have given unto the Children of Israel. And *when thou hast seen it, thou also shalt (die) be gathered unto thy people, as Aaron thy brother was gathered. *For ye rebelled against My commandment [law] in the desert of Zin (Numbers 20:7-12), in the strife of the congregation, to sanctify me at the water before their eyes: that is the water of Meribah in Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin."

Moses the Lawgiver was unable to enter the Promise Land of God [Numbers 27:12-14] and Moses was also unable to direct the people into the Promise Land as Moses was only able to glimpse the Land from a ways away before he died (Deuteronomy 34:4-5). But where Moses the Lawgiver was unable to succeed another person was able to completely bring everyone into the Promise Land of God, that person was not Moses but Joshua [lit. Jesus] {Note: Joshua is the Hebrew name of Jesus (the Church uses the more Greek name of Jesus)}. -- "Joshua 1:1-2 Now after the death of Moses the (Lawgiver) servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan [river], *thou, *and all this people, unto the land [Promise Land] which I do give to them, even to the Children of Israel."

[Basic Christian: blog Bible Study] Deuteronomy 32-34 - Moses prepares himself for his death - The Song of Moses -- 'Deuteronomy 32:1-4 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I will publish the Name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect: for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He'

Death Outside the Promise Land: Moses the Lawgiver was only allowed to go to the border of the Promise Land, he was only allowed to glimpse the Promise Land from a distance but he was not allowed to enter into the Promise Land. Moses the Lawgiver had broken the law when Moses had unlawfully struck the Rock a second time. In actuality striking the Rock a second time was not the only law that Moses broke it was just one of the more obvious laws that Moses broke. Moses like all the rest of us he was unable to keep the law because the law can't be kept it can only be observed just as Moses observed the Promise Land from a distance, observing but not entering. - The Law does not take us into the presence of God but only to a boundary that actually keeps us apart from God. The original law in the Garden of Eden was a boundary a boundary between mankind and the experience and knowledge of evil. Mankind crossed God's Law boundary and went into the knowledge of evil [God continued to give mankind the knowledge of good]. With mankind now knowledgeable of evil the Law is not just a boundary from evil but out of necessity the Law has now also become a boundary between mankind and the Holiness of God. - The Law is the Image and Holiness of God and therefore the Law now reveals God to a separated mankind and once seeing God in His Holy Law mankind can easily recognize the need for mankind to be separated from presence and Glory of the Holy God. Separated from God that is only until a remedy can be provided to fix man's sinful predicament and remove the boundary of sin and of the Law. The remedy for our predicament and separation from God has been provided but not in our life only in a new life in the Resurrection Life provided by God's Son Jesus Christ. The Son of God, Jesus Christ will safely take us into Heaven, His Promise Land, just as certainly as Joshua the son of Nun led the Children of Israel into their Promise Land a place that the law at best could only glimpse from a distance and could not enter into but a place where the Son could not be kept out of as the Son will enter in and place his foot upon the Promise Land. -- 'Deuteronomy 31:23 And He gave Joshua the son of Nun a charge, and said, Be strong and of a good courage: for thou shalt bring the Children of Israel into the land which I sware unto them: and I will be with thee.' -- 'Deuteronomy 32:52 Yet thou [Moses, Lawgiver] shalt see the land before thee; but thou shalt not go thither unto the land which I give the Children of Israel.'

[Basic Christian: blog Bible Study] Galatians 4 - The Apostle Paul continues to dispel any notion that there might be benefits to following the Law that faith alone and the receiving of the Holy Spirit cannot provide -- 'Galatians 4:4-7 But when the fullness of the time [human history] was come, God sent forth His Son (Jesus), made of a woman [virgin birth], made under the law [Temple in Jerusalem was in operation], To redeem [bring into the presence of God] them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. *Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir [inheritor] of God through Christ.' {Note: Being redeemed from the law is not the same thing as being redeemed from sin. It is similar to a Christian practicing alcohol, drugs, pornography etc. and then being redeemed from those things that are restricting a Christian from their closer more intimate relationship with the presence of God in their life. The Law was actually a boundary keeping sinful people apart from the Holy God but after being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ and with the finality of His death on the cross the Holy Spirit then removed the boundary of the law from us and redeemed us into the actual perceivable presence of God.}

'Galatians 4:21-5:1 Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law? For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid [Hagar], the other by a freewoman [Sarah]. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh [man's plan]; but he of the freewoman [Sarah] was by promise [God's plan]. Which things are an allegory [parable]: for these are the two covenants [Old Testament, New Testament]; the one from the mount Sinai [Mt. Sinai], which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar [Hagar]. For this Agar is mount Sinai in [Saudi] Arabia {the Biblical Mt. Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia with the now traditional Mt. Sinai located in Egypt}, and answereth to Jerusalem [Mt. Zion] which now is [in effect, New Testament], and [Hagar] is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem [Mt. Zion] which is above is free, which is [Sarah] the mother of us all [in faith]. ... *Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: *for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman. So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.' - This analogy of two Mountains or two locations Mt. Sinai [the Law] and Mt. Zion, Jerusalem [the cross and the resurrection] is one of the most important Biblical concepts because it goes straight to how and where we are to approach God. God was on Mt. Sinai when Moses met God in the burning bush and then as a sign God brought the Children of God out of Egypt and to Mt. Sinai to worship Him there. But they could only worship from a distance as they could not approach Mt. Sinai 'whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death' then as Moses and the Children of God journeyed to Israel their Promise Land God went with them. God in allegory left Mt. Sinai [Law] and relocated with the Children of God to Jerusalem [Mt. Zion]. If you want to keep the Law that mountain [Mt. Sinai] is vacant and if it's not vacant it's certain death if you even try to approach it. Mt. Zion in Jerusalem the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the other hand is both open and available to all mankind and along with the availability of Mt. Zion there is an invitation to all to come to God freely but only to Mt. Zion not to Mt. Sinai. It is only to Mt. Zion that the invitation for mankind to meet with God has been given.

The Promises of God - The concern today is that much of the church teaching of today [i.e. emergent church] is void of the Promises of God in the same way that the Crusaders of history sought meaningless relics [the actual cross of Jesus], land [Jerusalem] and trophies [the holy grail, lance of Longinus] of the Biblical days but they were relics, land and trophies that were without the blessings and Promises of God to the Gentile Christian Church and therefore are empty meaningless and powerless - When false teachers like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren preach their promises 'your best life now' or a U.N., NWO approved societal based 'purpose driven life' these are man centered doctrines that are also void of the Promises of God and ultimately are just as meaningless as the empty relics of past Church ages -- "Hebrews 6:12 That ye be not slothful, but *followers of them [Biblical persons] who through *faith and patience inherit the *promises [of God]."

The O.T. Law, Prophets and the Temple with its Ordinances were all working in union with each another in order to help present the eternal Promises of God to mankind. The Promises of God [a relationship with God - and eternal life] are freely offered from the Holy God to all sinful humans. The Promise offered is the promise of mankind's meaningful reconciliation back to a personal relationship with God and of the eternal life that goes with that meaningful relationship with God. -- "Galatians 3:21-22 Is the Law then against the Promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given [eternal] life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that *the Promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe." -- "1 John 2:25 And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even Eternal Life."

[Basic Christian: blog History Study] The Revised Roman Empire - Saint Helena - the mother of Emperor Constantine I - She is traditionally credited with finding the relics of the True Cross, with which she is invariably represented in Christian iconography - Constantine appointed his mother Helen as Augusta Imperatrix, and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of Judeo-Christian tradition - In 326-28 A.D. Helena undertook a trip to the Holy Places in Palestine [Israel] - The chapel at St. Catherine's Monastery [in Sinai Egypt - including Helen's Chapel of the Burning Bush] often referred to as the Chapel of Saint Helen-is dated to the year AD 330 {Note: every 'discovery' of Helena the mother of Emperor Constantine I is considered to be discredited - especially her [confirming] Mt. Sinai in Egypt [the Chapel of the Burning Bush - Source:] when the Bible proclaims that the real Mt. Sinai was 'outside' (Exodus 18:1,5) of Egypt (Galatians 4:25) [in Arabia - Saudi Arabia]. Also Note: *it is one of the most blasphemous concepts [Mt. Sinai in Egypt] to locate God in Egypt - God is not in Egypt, He is outside of Egypt [human slavery and human bondage] - the whole concept of the Bible is to leave Egypt [the world system] and for worshipers go outside of Egypt (the world) to have a true relationship [fellowship] with God - *pastors who preach that one corner of Egypt [Sinai Peninsula - St. Catherine's Monastery] is acceptable to God have missed much of the entirety of the Bible - The Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus was even crucified outside the city of Jerusalem so we would know to look outside the [world system] city for a true relationship with Jesus Christ (Hebrews 13:12-14).} -- Note: A sustainable relationship with God is generally not to be found in this worldly system though minor glimpses and interactions with God can be experienced. The worldly system saturated with misconceptions and false premises from deceived and misinformed individuals like Richard Dawkins is a system designed and maintained simply to hinder a person's true relationship with God. Therefore leaving the misinformed worldly system and entering the Promises of the Biblical realm is an important part of a sustainable relationship with God.

Family life: The bishop and historian Eusebius of Caesarea states that she was about 80 [years old] on her return from Palestine (Israel). Since that journey has been dated to 326-28, Helena was probably born in 248 or 250. Little is known of her early life. Fourth-century sources, following Eutropius' "Breviarium," record that she came from a low background. Saint Ambrose was the first to call her a stabularia, a term translated as "stable-maid" or "inn-keeper". He makes this fact a virtue, calling Helena a bona stabularia, a "good stable-maid". Other sources, especially those written after Constantine's proclamation as emperor, gloss over or ignore her background. ... Relic discoveries: Constantine appointed his mother Helen as Augusta Imperatrix, and gave her unlimited access to the imperial treasury in order to locate the relics of Judeo-Christian tradition. In 326-28 Helena undertook a trip to the Holy Places in Palestine. According to Eusebius of Caesarea she was responsible for the construction or beautification of two churches, the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, and the Church on the Mount of Olives, sites of Christ's birth and ascension. Local founding legend attributes to Helena's orders the construction of a church in Egypt to identify the Burning Bush of Sinai. The chapel at St. Catherine's Monastery--often referred to as the Chapel of Saint Helen-is dated to the year AD 330. -- Jerusalem was still rebuilding from the destruction of Emperor Hadrian, who had built a temple dedicated, according to conflicting accounts, to Venus or Jupiter over the site of Jesus's tomb near Calvary and renamed the city Aelia Capitolina. According to tradition, Helena ordered the temple torn down and, according to the legend that arose at the end of the fourth century, in Ambrose, On the Death of Theodosius (died 395) and at length in Rufinus' chapters appended to his translation into Latin of Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, which does not mention the event, chose a site to begin excavating, which led to the recovery of three different crosses. Then, Rufinus relates, refusing to be swayed by anything but solid proof, the empress (perhaps through Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem) had a woman who was already at the point of death brought from Jerusalem. When the woman touched the first and second crosses, her condition did not change, but when she touched the third and final cross she suddenly recovered, and Helena declared the cross with which the woman had been touched to be the True Cross. On the site of discovery, Constantine ordered built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre as well as those on other sites detected by Helena. -- She also found the nails of the crucifixion. To use their miraculous power to aid her son, Helena allegedly had one placed in Constantine's helmet, and another in the bridle of his horse. Helena left Jerusalem and the eastern provinces in 327 to return to Rome, bringing with her large parts of the True Cross and other relics, which were then stored in her palace's private chapel, where they can be still seen today. Her palace was later converted into the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. This has been maintained by Cistercian monks in the monastery which has been attached to the church for centuries. Tradition says that the site of the Vatican Gardens was spread with earth brought from Golgotha by Helena to symbolically unite the blood of Christ with that shed by thousands of early Christians, who died in the persecutions of Nero. -- According to one tradition, Helena acquired the Holy Tunic on her trip to Jerusalem and sent it to Trier. Several of Saint Helena's treasures are now in Cyprus, where she spent some time. Some of them are a part of Jesus Christ's tunic, pieces of the holy cross and the world's only pieces of the rope to which Jesus was tied with on the Cross. The latter has been held at the Stavrovouni Monastery, which was also founded by Saint Helena.

Proclaim His Word [RE: Calvinism vs. Arminianism debates] - Re-Introduction and New Rules - Jun 4, 2011 (YouTube)

Brethren, i count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing i do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, i press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Philippians 3:13-15.

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Basic Christian: Christmas 2011 - The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible -- Christmas Day "Savior Day" The Day Jesus Christ the Savior of the world entered into the world! -- Celebrating the Arrival (Birth) of Jesus Christ the Savior of Mankind -- Christmas time is a wonderful time, it is a time of reassurance of God's love and of God's commitment for all mankind throughout all time -- Enjoy the Christmas Holiday Season knowing that there is indeed a Savior-Redeemer for mankind and that Jesus Christ is the Savior-Redeemer

CHRISTmas - 'Glory to God in the Highest' - Celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ the Savior of Mankind "Luke 2:1-20 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them."

Basic Christian: Christmas 2011 - The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible -- God's Wonderful Creation of Our Life and Existence "Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." -- "Genesis 1:26-28 And God (Father, Son Jesus, Holy Spirit) said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." -- God Created Mankind for Fellowship "Genesis 5:1-2 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him; male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created."

Adam & Eve Sin against God - Mankind is now Separated from God "Genesis 3:9-13 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard Thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. And He said, who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree (of evil), whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent (Satan) beguiled (tricked) me, and I did eat." -- God Promises Mankind the Redeemer Jesus - the Seed of the Virgin Birth "Genesis 3:14-15 And the LORD God said unto the serpent (Satan), Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed (antichrist) and her seed (Redeemer-Jesus Christ); it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel." -- The Tree of Life is Sheltered until Sin is Removed "Genesis 3:22-24 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of Us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." -- Abraham is Promised to be in the Lineage of the Redeemer "Genesis 12:1-3 Now the LORD had said unto Abram (Abraham), Get thee out of thy country (Babylon/Iraq), and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land (Israel) that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation (Jews), and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee (through Jesus-Redeemer) shall all families of the earth be blessed." -- Balaam's Christmas [Star] Prophecy "Numbers 24:17 ... there shall come a Star (Christmas Star) out of Jacob, and a Scepter (King) shall rise [resurrection] out of Israel ...

Basic Christian: Christmas 2011 - The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible -- The Prophet Samuel Anoints the Sheperd Boy David to be the King of Israel "1 Samuel 16:13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the (Holy) Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward." -- Nathan's Prophecy to King David that his Throne Will be for the Redeemer (Jesus Christ) "2 Samuel l7:4-17 And it came to pass that night, that the word of the LORD came unto Nathan, saying, Go and tell My servant David, Thus saith the LORD, Shalt thou build Me an house for Me to dwell in? Whereas I have not dwelt in any house since the time that I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt (slavery), even to this day, but have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle. In all the places wherein I (God) have walked with all the children of Israel spake I a word with any of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to feed My people Israel, saying, Why build ye not Me an house of cedar? Now therefore so shalt thou say unto My servant David, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I took thee from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel: And I was with thee whithersoever thou wentest, and have cut off all thine enemies out of thy sight, and have made thee a great name, like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth. Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime, And as since the time that I commanded judges to be over My people Israel, and have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies. Also the LORD telleth thee that He (God) will make thee (David) an house. And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed (descendants) after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for My name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be His Father, and he shall be My son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: But My mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever. According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so did Nathan speak unto David."

King David's Reply to God's Gracious Gift of Providing the Redeemer "2 Samuel 7:18-28 Then went king David in, and sat before the LORD, and he said, Who am I, O Lord GOD? and what is my house (family), that Thou hast brought me hitherto? And this was yet a small thing in Thy sight, O Lord GOD; but Thou hast spoken also of Thy servant's house for a great while to come. And is this the manner of man, O Lord GOD? And what can David say more unto Thee? for Thou, Lord GOD, knowest Thy servant. For Thy word's sake, and according to Thine own heart, hast Thou done all these great things, to make Thy servant know them. Wherefore Thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like Thee, neither is there any God beside Thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. And what one nation in the earth is like thy people (Jews), even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to Himself, and to make Him a name, and to do for you great things and terrible, for Thy land, before Thy people, which Thou redeemedst to thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods? For Thou hast confirmed to Thyself Thy people Israel to be a people unto Thee for ever: and Thou, LORD, art become their God. And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning Thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said. And let Thy name be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel: and let the house of Thy servant David be established before thee. For thou, O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, hast revealed to Thy servant, saying, I will build thee an house: therefore hath Thy servant found in his heart to pray this prayer unto Thee. And now, O Lord GOD, Thou art that God, and Thy words be true, and Thou hast promised this goodness unto Thy servant: Therefore now let it please Thee to bless the house of Thy servant, that it may continue for ever before Thee: for Thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken it: and with Thy blessing let the house of Thy servant be blessed for ever. -- The Prophet Isaiah Reminds the House of David about the Coming Redeemer "Isaiah 7:13-14 And he (Isaiah) said, Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary my God also? Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel (God with us)." -- The Prophet Isaiah Instructs that God Himself will be the Redeemer of Mankind "Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a Child is born (virgin birth), unto us a Son is given (cross): and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

Basic Christian: Christmas 2011 - The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible -- The Angel Gabriel Announces the Coming Entrance-Birth of the Redeemer of Mankind "Luke 1:26-38 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: And He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her."

Mary Visits and is Greeted by Elisabeth "Luke 1:39-45 And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda; And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe (John the Baptist) leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. -- Mary's Reply "The Magnificent" - "Luke 1:46-56 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For He that is mighty hath done to me great things; and Holy is His name. And His mercy is on them that fear Him from generation to generation. He hath shewed strength with His arm; He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich He hath sent empty away. He hath helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy; As He spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever. And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned to her own house."

Basic Christian: Christmas 2011 - The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible -- John the Baptist's Father's Prophecy Regarding Jesus the Redeemer "Luke 1:67-75 And his (John's) father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for He hath visited and redeemed His people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David; As He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets, which have been since the world began: That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember His holy covenant; The oath which He sware to our father Abraham, That He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life."

The Virgin Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem "Luke 2:1-7 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus (Roman Ruler) that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; because he was of the house and lineage of David: To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." -- Sheperds are Invited to View the Redeemer Jesus "Luke 2:8-12 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."

Basic Christian: Christmas 2011 - The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible -- The Heavenly Angels Rejoice in God at the Birth of Jesus the Redeemer "Luke 2:13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." -- The Sheperds Visit the Baby Jesus the Redeemer of all Mankind "Luke 2:15-16 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger." -- The Sheperds Begin to Tell the World that Jesus the Redeemer has Arrived "Luke 2:17-20 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them."

The Wise Men Come to Present Gifts and to Worship Jesus the Redeemer and King of Mankind. "Matthew 2:1-11 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star (Christmas Star) in the east, and are come to worship Him. When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young Child; and when ye have found Him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship Him also. When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down, and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh." -- Jesus is Circumcised and Officially Given His Name Jesus (Je-Jehovah, God-YHWH (self-sustaining, ultimate power-authority), sus-Salvation (healing) : Jesus = God (self-sustaining, ultimate power-authority) and Salvation (healing)) "Luke 2:21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the Child, His name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before He was conceived in the womb." [Note: After the Tribulation Period during the coming 1,000 year Kingdom reign of Jesus here on earth we will not be primarily calling God "Jesus" (Jehovah God is Salvation) we will be calling God "Jehovah Tsidkenu" (THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS). Jeremiah 23:6 ... and this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.] -- The Holyman Simeon Prophesies about Jesus "Luke 2:22-35 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought Him to Jerusalem, to present Him to the Lord; As it is written in the law of the LORD, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord; And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the Child Jesus, to do for Him after the custom of the law, Then took he Him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word: For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel. And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of Him. And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this Child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." -- The Holywoman Anna Prophesies about Jesus "Luke 2:36-39 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity; And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth."

Basic Christian: Christmas 2011 - The CHRISTmas Message in the Bible - Jesus Grew and Accomplished All that He was Sent to Do "Luke 2:40 And the Child grew, and waxed strong in Spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon Him. Matthew 18:31-33 Then He took unto Him the twelve (Apostles), and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man shall be accomplished. For He shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: And they shall scourge Him, and put Him to death (cross): and the third day He shall rise (resurrection) again. John 19:28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst."

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ the Living Redeemer "Mark 16:14-16 Afterward He appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen Him after He was risen. And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel (good news) to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, He was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen." -- Our Eternal Future with God our Redeemer and the Tree of Life "Revelation 22:1-2 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." -- The Angel Testifies that these things are soon to come "Revelation 22:6-7 And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to shew unto His servants the things which must shortly be done. Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book (Bible)." -- Jesus Testifies that He is the Redeemer "Revelation 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." -- Invitation to All People to Become Redeemed "Revelation 22:17 And the (Holy) Spirit and the bride (Church) say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." --- Christmas time is a wonderful time it is a time of reassurance of God's love and of God's commitment for all mankind throughout all time. Enjoy the Christmas holiday season knowing that there is indeed a Savior-Redeemer for mankind and that Jesus Christ is the Savior-Redeemer. Have a very merry CHRISTmas!

;#; - - - - - - ;#;

The Modern Emerging - Revising Roman Empire

Basic Christian: Church History blog Study - Revised Outline

0 A.D. - 312 A.D. - Birth of Jesus and the Early Church Age
313 A.D. - 1521 A.D. - Birth of Revised Rome and the Holy Roman Empire
1522 A.D. - 1880 A.D. - Indigenous Bible Translations and Doctrines Era - The Reformation - Ulrich Zwingli, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, etc.
1881 - Present (2011) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities - The modern Emergent [return to occult/paganism] Era - Westcott and Hort (1881), NIV (1972) Zondervan, NKJV (1979) Thomas Nelson, Inc., etc.

Updated! Basic Christian: The Complete News and Info Feed 2004-2011 (PDF)

The Complete Basic Christian: Info, Resources and News RSS Feed (2004-2011) in PDF Format.

Comming Soon!! Common Christian Community CCC and Common Christian Faith CCF - Fellowship and Resources for a Common Christian Community - Church, Chapel, Campus -- Epistle of Jude v3 "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Coming Soon: A Resource, Information and Fellowship for Christians with a Common Salvation!!

;#; - - - - - - ;#; The Submerging Church - How the Emerging [Revised Roman Empire] church is drawing multitudes away from Biblical Christianity - Coming to DVD January 2012 - Official DVD Trailer - {Note: The people who are participating in the Emergent church movement, either willingly or passively, are literally "holding a wolf by the ears" and when they let go or when they least expect it that wolf is going to turn and rip them to shreds. -- "Ezekiel 22:27 Her [Mystery Babylon] princes in the midst [of God's people] thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. ~ Prophet Ezekiel" -- "Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. ~ Jesus Christ" -- "Acts 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. ~ Apostle Paul"} (YouTube)

Journey with us as we take a closer look at the Emerging (also Missional - a new term that replaces Emergent) Church, its leaders, their teachings and where it is all headed when compared with bible prophecy. A Good Fight Ministries production available January 2012.

What Is Discipleship? (2 Min. Video)

While the majority of the church is busy planning programs and activities to entertain their members and increase their numbers, they neglect the way God has ordained for His church to be built and edified. "Christian entertainment" has replaced equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, and instead of discipling disciples to make disciples, churches are overstuffing themselves with earthly waste with no eternal impact. In just two minutes, this video sums up the church's problem and the solution to it. This is how we are to love others. This is how church should be done. This is discipleship:

Judge approves Crystal Cathedral sale to diocese - The diocese plans to use the site for a countywide cathedral

SANTA ANA, Calif. A federal judge has approved the sale of the Crystal Cathedral to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange to help the financially struggling church emerge from bankruptcy. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert N. Kwan approved the sale at a hearing in Santa Ana on Thursday. The decision came after a bidding war between the diocese and Orange County's Chapman University for the 40-acre property in Garden Grove. The diocese plans to use the site for a countywide cathedral, which means Crystal Cathedral congregants will need to move to a new location. Chapman had wanted to use the site to expand its health sciences offerings and possibly start a medical school.

O.C. Catholic diocese to buy bankrupt Crystal Cathedral - A bankruptcy judge sides with the Crystal Cathedral's board in ruling that Orange County's Roman Catholic Diocese can buy the campus for $57.5 million - "I mean, how out of touch can you [Schullers] possibly be?" asked Richard Flory, director of research in the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture - "If you're part of that congregation, at what point does this person or family start bringing more problems to us as a congregation than benefit?" - Nor apparently have the Schullers given up - A video went up on the Crystal Cathedral website Thursday in which Schuller Coleman urged congregants not to give up hope in a miracle - "There is still time for God to step in and rescue Crystal Cathedral Ministries" she said - {Note: The Schuller family with a few friends basically embezzled the church from within until it collapsed - the more in debt the congregation became the more money the Schullers demanded and took out of the congregation - Apparently they stopped paying back the bank [Farmers & Merchants] in 2005 and creditors in 2008 with bankruptcy in 2010 yet paid themselves increased salaries the entire time.}

An Orange County bankruptcy judge ruled Thursday that the Crystal Cathedral, a monument to modernism in faith and architecture, will be sold for $57.5 million to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, which plans to consecrate it as a Catholic cathedral. The ruling was a blow to Chapman University, which had fought bitterly down to the final moments of the bankruptcy case for the right to buy the property as a satellite campus. It also marked the end of a remarkable chapter in the history of American Christianity, one that was written in glass and steel by the Crystal Cathedral's founder and guiding light, the Rev. Robert H. Schuller. In a day filled with drama and deep emotion, Chapman had pressed its case with a newly escalated bid of $59 million, only to complain that it had been blindsided by the Crystal Cathedral board, which came down firmly on the side of the Catholic Church. In the end, Schuller himself gave his blessing to what once would have seemed unthinkable: the conversion of his sleekly modern masterpiece in Garden Grove, a place where fresh breezes blow through open walls and church services feature talk-show-style interviews, into a Catholic cathedral redolent of incense and ancient ritual. ... U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Kwan issued his ruling shortly after 7 p.m. to the tears of members of the cathedral's congregation, who had sat through the long day in court. ... Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing in October 2010, when it cited more than $50 million in debt. The ensuing months saw a lot of on-again, off-again plans by which the church would sell to a real estate developer, the Catholic Church or Chapman, or dig itself out with a "miracle" fundraising campaign. The campaign raised only $173,000 by the end of September. It didn't help that the Schullers appeared tone deaf at times to their own lives of apparent privilege, as when the church recently asked for food donations for Schuller's ailing wife - and said the items would be delivered to her in a limousine. ... "I mean, how out of touch can you [Schullers] possibly be?" asked Richard Flory, director of research in the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture. "If you're part of that congregation, at what point does this person or family start bringing more problems to us as a congregation than benefit?" ... Nor apparently have the Schullers given up. A video went up on the Crystal Cathedral website Thursday in which Schuller Coleman urged congregants not to give up hope in a miracle. "There is still time for God to step in and rescue Crystal Cathedral Ministries," she said.,0,3449359.story

Crystal Cathedral: Founder the Rev. Robert H. Schuller also released a statement Thursday endorsing the diocesan offer, which would require the Crystal Cathedral ministry to move after three years {Note: "God Loves Them and So Do We" Well actually if you do the math the ONLY reason that the Crystal Cathedral went into bankruptcy proceedings was because of the Schullers [family and friends] exorbitant salaries and the fact that they wouldn't give up even one dime from their own pockets to keep the Crystal Cathedral operating as it had been - clearly their Love of Money has long ago displaced their love of people.}

Founder the Rev. Robert H. Schuller also released a statement Thursday endorsing the diocesan offer, which would require the Crystal Cathedral ministry to move after three years. Schuller said that every human has to make a decision that they don't want to make and this was no different. He said prior to last Monday's court hearing, he and his wife, Arvella, had already decided to diocese's offer to purchase the campus. "Though we deeply respect Chapman University, the uncertainty regarding the future use of the campus for religious purposes was divergent to the call of both God and our denomination that we embraced nearly sixty years ago," he said in the statement. He said the diocese has been "gracious" and "accommodating" and has given the church terms that "exhibit sensitivity to our history and displays a spirit of honor for the ministry's purpose and the significant contributions of the Crystal Cathedral Congregation, the Hour of Power Viewers, and our Global Supporters." Schuller said he extends this message to the diocese: "Steward this campus. Keep it a light in Orange County that will never go out. A light that will always remind humanity how very much ... God Loves Them and So Do We."

Breaking News!! - Crystal Cathedral board prefers Catholic offer - The board of directors of Crystal Cathedral Ministries has decided that its preferred buyer for the megachurch's campus is the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange - The announcement came Thursday just before a bankruptcy court hearing at which a judge will decide between competing offers from the diocese and Orange County's Chapman University

SANTA ANA, Calif. - The board of directors of Crystal Cathedral Ministries has decided that its preferred buyer for the megachurch's campus is the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. The announcement came Thursday just before a bankruptcy court hearing at which a judge will decide between competing offers from the diocese and Orange County's Chapman University. The Catholic diocese wants the property for a cathedral of its own. The Crystal Cathedral was founded by televangelist Robert Schuller and grew into a megachurch, but revenues plummeted in 2008 and it declared bankruptcy last year with debts surpassing $43 million. Chapman University is offering $59 million while the diocese is offering $57.5 million but the cathedral's board prefers terms of the latter bid.

Crystal Cathedral Congregants Anxious as Decision in Bankruptcy Sale Likely to Fall Tonight - Bidding War Between Chapman University and Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange Continues - A series of financial scandals have also emerged as a result of the bankruptcy case, including an allegation that pastor Schuller and his family were receiving lucrative salaries as the church filed for bankruptcy

Members of the California-based Crystal Cathedral ministries seem to be more and more anxious about the church's bankruptcy case, with some expressing fear that losing their decades-old house of worship might damage the integrity of the church. The decision of whether the property will be sold to a Catholic organization or to a local university with Protestant roots is to fall tonight. ... After the 10,000-member strong Garden Grove, Calif., Protestant megachurch was forced to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in October 2010, following a long financial struggle, the founding pastor, the Rev. Robert H. Schuller, who manages the church together with family members, was forced to put the landmark glass-pane-covered property on the market in September. Currently, two Orange County institutions are battling to purchase the 50-acre property in a Santa Ana bankruptcy court - Chapman University and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. On Wednesday, Chapman University increased its bid to $59 million, in a challenge to the Diocese's of Orange's $57.5 increase offer made Monday, as reported by CP. The Schullers prefer the university, which has a Protestant background. Yet the Catholic diocese has been increasing its bids aggressively throughout the case, and is currently the highest bidder. As the final decision is scheduled to take place Thursday, church members, who have reportedly been attending all hearings, have been showing signs of nervousness about the future of their 50-year-old church.

Second Mile [a nonprofit organization] knew of abuse allegations - Authorities investigating sex abuse allegations against former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky are examining the role of other parties not yet charged in the case whose actions, or lack thereof, may have delayed intervention by law enforcement authorities

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- Authorities investigating sex abuse allegations against former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky are examining the role of other parties not yet charged in the case whose actions, or lack thereof, may have delayed intervention by law enforcement authorities. That includes top officials at The Second Mile, the nonprofit organization that Mr. Sandusky founded and, authorities allege, used to make contact with the children he victimized. ... In a statement Monday, The Second Mile said it immediately ended Mr. Sandusky's contact with children in the program after he told them in 2008 he was under investigation for alleged sexual contact with a child, an allegation he told the organization was false. That, however, was at least the third time in 10 years that the organization had been made aware of allegations involving Mr. Sandusky's contacts with children. The organization knew in 1998 that Mr. Sandusky was investigated for alleged sexual misconduct in a Penn State shower involving a different boy from the program, according to a presentment by a statewide investigating grand jury. Former CCV [Calvary Chapel Visalia] Board Member's shocking testimony about [Pastor] Bob Grenier of Calvary Chapel Visalia - Bob Grenier confessed Felony Child Abuse to the Board and they covered it up and didn't report - Comments: #70 Not Alone says: Moving on, I feel the same - It is so hard to go to church now - *Every church [too many Churches] has a career politician for a pastor - I don't think most see themselves that way - It's hard to remember the last time I actually learned something while at church

Comments: #49 Alex says: November 16, 2011 at 12:20 pm. Ron said, "Isn't the "Touch not God's anointed" [1 Samuel 24:6] come from when David (who was King of Israel, but not sitting on the throne) didn't kill King Saul when he had the chance? I do not see how that can be translated to a Pastor - I guess you could use the concept for today, but to whom do you use it on? The God ordained leaders in government, surely. But Pastors?" Good point Ron and yes. No application to the "Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor". But, according the idiot Leaders of Calvary Chapel including the main idiot Chuck Smith [Sr.] himself, they are akin to King Saul I guess. CC [Calvary Chapel] Leadership is full of unwise men and scoundrels. "I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers?" Apparently in Calvary Chapel, the "We're all independent, except we can't be independent [to bring in and provide judgment and justice] it's too hard!"...there are no such wise men.

Paterno Passes on Home to His Wife for $1 - Some legal experts, in trying to gauge the legal exposure of the university and its top officials to lawsuits brought by suspected victims of the assistant, Jerry Sandusky, have theorized that Paterno could be a target of civil actions

Experts in estate planning and tax law, in interviews, cautioned that it would be hard to determine the Paternos' motivation simply from the available documents. It appears the family house had been the subject of years of complex and confusing transactions. Lawrence A. Frolik, a law professor at the University of Pittsburgh who specializes in elder law, said that he had "never heard" of a husband selling his share of a house for $1 to his spouse for tax or government assistance purposes. "I can't see any tax advantages," Frolik said. "If someone told me that, my reaction would be, 'Are they hoping to shield assets in case if there's personal liability?'" He added, "It sounds like an attempt to avoid personal liability in having assets in his wife's name." Two lawyers examined the available documents in recent days. Neither wanted to be identified because they were not directly involved in the case or the property transaction. One of the experts said it appeared to be an explicit effort to financially shield Joe Paterno. The other regarded the July transaction, at least on its face, as benign. Last Wednesday, the university's board of trustees fired Paterno and Graham B. Spanier, the university's president. In 2002, Mike McQueary, then a graduate assistant in the football program, told Paterno that he had seen Sandusky with a boy in the football building's showers. How explicit McQueary was in describing what he saw is in dispute. But according to state prosecutors, Paterno testified under oath that McQueary had told him that he had seen Sandusky doing something of a sexual nature to a roughly 10-year-old boy. Paterno did not report the incident to the police or encourage McQueary to make such a report. Instead, he passed along the allegation the next day to the university's athletic department and one other senior administrator.

Fired Paterno could receive six-figure annual pension from Penn State - Former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno's long service at the university theoretically puts him in line for a pension of more than $500,000 a year, according to an Associated Press analysis of state public pension records - The retirement system also confirmed Tuesday that Sandusky collects a $59,000 annual pension and withdrew $148,000 upon retirement

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno's long service at the university theoretically puts him in line for a pension of more than $500,000 a year, according to an Associated Press analysis of state public pension records. Paterno's pension records obtained Tuesday from the State Employees' Retirement System credit him with more than 60 years in the system. The formula used to determine benefits makes him eligible for a pension equal to 100 percent of the average of his three highest-salary years. His pay rose from $541,000 to $568,000 over the past three full calendar years. When Paterno retires, he will have to make a set of choices to determine his pension, including whether to designate a survivor to receive benefits after he dies and whether to obtain a one-time, lump-sum payment of his own contributions. State Employees' Retirement System spokeswoman Pamela Hile said Internal Revenue Code and Retirement Code benefit limits may also apply, so the agency does not issue estimated pension benefits ahead of time. There also is a long-service supplement that could boost Paterno to 110 percent of his final average salary. A 2006 report on Pennsylvania state pensions said the largest pension at that time within SERS was $254,000, being collected by a Penn State surgery professor who had withdrawn a $554,000 lump sum.

Column: Schuller makes bishop look humble - Even in bankruptcy, Schuller is asking for $300,000 a year for the rest of his life

The bankruptcy record includes appalling insight into how the Crystal Cathedral Ministry founder and his kin have lived for the last several years as the church was heading to ruination. In late 2005, according to a pleading filed by creditors, Schuller was being phased out as leader and moved into a "roving ambassador" role. For this, according to a transition agreement, he was to be paid $300,000 a year for "discretionary" spending plus a salary that wasn't specified at the time, but was later shown to be as much as $257,000 in 2009. It's one level of avarice to be paid a half-million a year by hard-working congregants for "roving." It's a whole 'nother to be paid that much while your church is collapsing around you. The church filed for bankruptcy in 2010, a year that Schuller's total compensation was at least $447,000, according to the creditors. Shocked yet? How about this: Even in bankruptcy, Schuller is asking for $300,000 a year for the rest of his life. Schuller shamelessly defends the salary. The "ministry has reaped great benefit from that agreement, far in excess of what it has paid, and it stands to receive even more in the coming years," he said in a prepared statement last month. It's further untrue, he said, that ministry officials acted in bad faith - by which I assume he means they had no idea they were in deep financial trouble when they were promising salaries and health care for life for Schuller and his wife. But as early as 2002, the church started borrowing from the special church Endowment Fund to which donors had contributed for a specific purpose. Instead, the money covered salaries and general expenses. The amount of such borrowing ultimately totaled about $10 million. And in 2005, the creditors allege, the church had to stop paying the principle to its major creditor, Farmer & Merchants Bank. If true, these developments would indicate the Schullers knew well before the bankruptcy, even well before the national recession, that their financial plan wasn't working. Yet they kept spending.

Schuller "Lawsuit allegations unfair and untrue" - Robert H. Schuller [Sr.] shot back in response to a lawsuit filed by creditors saying that he and board members always acted in good faith and in the best interests of the cathedral - Schuller the founder of the Crystal Cathedral, called allegations made in a creditors' lawsuit that the pastor and his family members greatly benefited from the church and provided little in return, unfair and untrue - The complaint was filed after Schuller family members refused to put their own financial claims in bankruptcy court behind the unsecured creditors, primarily *vendors, who are yet to be paid

Referring to his own agreement in 2005 in which the senior Schuller was given $300,000 and benefits, staff and use of an office suite for life, the founder said the "ministry has reaped great benefit from that agreement, far in excess of what it has paid, and it stands to receive even more in the coming years." Among other things, the creditors' lawsuit filed in bankruptcy court Friday alleges that the Cathedral's board drew about $10 million from endowment funds between 2002 and 2009. Money from those funds was used for church expenses and salaries when they were donated for specific purposes such as caring for the Walk of Faith memorial stones. The lawsuit also specifically names Schuller's daughters, son and their families as well as former Chief Financial Officer Fred Southard, saying that they received lavish salaries, housing allowances and other benefits such as travel benefits and vehicles. Schuller's daughters, Carol Schuller Milner and Jeanne Schuller Dunn, have said the lawsuit has inaccuracies and misinformation. Milner said she and her siblings have always been a part of the church and contributed to the best of their abilities, but that most never had a say in the decisions the board made. The complaint says Robert A. Schuller, son of the founder, and his wife, Donna, were promised a $235,000 reserve fund and $1 million in seed money for a new church. In addition, they also got a Mercedes Benz and occupied a condominium owned by the church in Laguna Beach, the suit says. Donna Schuller, who has also been named in the lawsuit, said Tuesday that the Mercedes mentioned in the complaint was a gift from a family friend in 2005. At the time, her husband requested that the car be put in the church's name so it would encourage their friend to give to the ministry in the future, she said in an email to the Register. "When we left the church in 2008, Robert asked the church to please give the car back to him since it was rightfully his car and he did not have another one to drive," she said. "He still drives the car and it has 125,000 miles on it." Donna Schuller also said she and her husband never saw the $235,000 that was promised to them in 2008, when he was "forced out by a couple of his siblings." The money was meant to go toward their new ministry, she said. "In turn, neither of us was to say anything disparaging about the ministry," she said. "I called it 'hush money' at the time." The contract also agreed to pay up to $1 million to start Robert A. Schuller's new ministry once the cathedral sold a piece of property worth $5 million or more, Donna Schuller said. The amount would then be pro-rated depending on the salaries that had been paid to them, she said. But, the [Crystal] cathedral has not fulfilled their contract to help Robert A. Schuller [Jr.] start a new ministry, his wife said.

Crystal Cathedral decision delayed - The decision on whether Chapman University or the [Catholic] Diocese of Orange should be allowed to purchase the iconic Garden Grove Crystal Cathedral has been put on hold until Thursday [Nov. 17, 2011] - The hearing that was due to decide the question yesterday was tabled until Thursday, after both sides modified their bids for the property - {Note: The Catholic Church would be a better fit for the Crystal Cathedral property, considering that the location is in a highly Catholic area, enabling and providing the Catholic Church with a unique ministry opportunity.}

As the case currently stands, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange is the high bidder; going into court on Monday, the Diocese's bid stood at $55.4 million, with the option to lease back some of the buildings on the campus for three years, but the end requirement that the congregation move to an alternative worship space. The creditor's committee, however, endorsed Chapman University's offer, in spite of the fact that it amounted to a lower dollar figure. The University came into court on Monday with a $51.5 million purchase bid, the option to lease back core campus buildings and the option repurchase buildings over a period of time.

Chapman University sweetens offer for Crystal Cathedral campus - The Chapman offer includes a $2-million reserve fund to pay church founder the Rev. Robert H. Schuller - He [Schuller] and other family members have sought some or all of that money from the bankruptcy court in unspecified "insider" claims, including copyright infringement for using his name and sermons - Carl Grumer, the attorney for the family members, said that $2 million would not be enough to pay the claims

After a daylong hearing to hash out the latest offers, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Kwan said he would give the Crystal Cathedral board two days to discuss the Chapman proposal. A hearing is set for Thursday afternoon [Nov. 17, 2011], when Kwan is expected to rule on a plan. The Crystal Cathedral's board last week said either bidder would be acceptable, but that now could change. The Chapman offer includes a $2-million reserve fund to pay church founder the Rev. Robert H. Schuller, 85, his wife Arvella, their daughter Carol Schuller Milner and her husband, Timothy Milner, for various claims. Schuller had previously arranged to be paid $350,000 in living expenses per year for the rest of his life. He and other family members have sought some or all of that money from the bankruptcy court in unspecified "insider" claims, including copyright infringement for using his name and sermons. Carl Grumer, the attorney for the family members, said that $2 million would not be enough to pay the claims. The newest offer from the Catholic diocese was increased to take those claims into account, diocesan attorney Alan Martin said. "Everything else is the same," Martin said.

Catholic diocese raises offer for Crystal Cathedral found by televangelist Robert Schuller - Many church members have been pushing for the offer from Chapman University - which is also preferred by the ministry's board - because they want the glass-spired church and cemetery to remain in Protestant hands - But the Schullers' attorney, Carl Grumer, said he backed the [Catholic] Diocese's proposal because the extra money would help cover some of his clients' [Schullers'] claims against the church [Crystal Cathedral], which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last year - Milner [Carol Schuller Milner], the Schullers' daughter, said her parents have dedicated their lives to building the ministry - {I wonder if the Schullers' think that they have dedicated their lives to building a church in the same way that Jesus dedicated and gave His life for His Church.}

Much of the at-times heated discussion Monday focused on how big a reserve fund the church needs to cover these claims by Schuller, his wife and daughter over rights to use of his books and sermons, and an agreement by the church to pay the elderly couple's housing allowance, travel expenses and insurance until they die. Grumer had suggested the court set the reserve fund at $6.5 million. But Kwan found that no money was needed to cover intellectual property claims, citing a lack of sufficient evidence, and that only $500,000 was needed to cover a gap in the annual payments owed to the Schullers under an earlier agreement, noting the church recently voted to pay them $290,000 a year for life. Upset by the decision, Carol Milner, the Schullers' daughter, said her parents have dedicated their lives to building the ministry and have refrained from filing an intellectual property lawsuit to help the church get back on its feet. Milner said her father has continued to help with fundraising and his image is still used everywhere, but she doubted that would continue much longer under the strained relationship with the church. 'We're really treading on thin ice here. This is going to be a slap in the face,' she told reporters after the hearing. ... The church declared bankruptcy last year. Today, the decline in revenue is slowing, Michael VanderLey, a corporate finance consultant in the case, told the court Monday. Church revenue fell to $4 million in December 2010 from $6.7 million in December 2009 and is expected to reach about $3.5 million this December, he said. About 70 percent of the church's revenue stems from the 'Hour of Power' program, VanderLey said. Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.

Update: 11-15-2011 - Update: back home and should resume blog postings soon ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

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Should Penn State cancel or move Saturday's game against Nebraska? - It bears asking again - Tonight, in light of Joe Paterno's firing and reports of unruly mobs in State College, I want to reiterate that question but with an important distinction: Should Penn State cancel or move Saturday's game against Nebraska? {Note: It is important to note that it is the consequences from the actions of a very few people [i.e. Sandusky, Paterno, McQueary, Spanier, a few students, etc.] that have continued and escalated this very difficult situation. By far the vast majority of Penn State faculty, staff and students are not a part of the disastrous events that have unfolded.}

I think it's become clear that Penn State needs to cancel Saturday's home game against Nebraska. Or, if it is somehow possible, they should move the game either to a neutral field or even to Nebraska. I know how "unfair" this is from a football standpoint, but frankly I think any football issues should be the last issues dictating what is done in this case. Making important decisions with football as the #1 barometer is what got Penn State in the situation it's in; I think it should go without saying that it should now be moved to the bottom of the importance scale, even though I'd hate the negative effect on the innocent players who currently man the Nittany Lion roster. There were reports tonight of media vans being tipped over and rocks being thrown at reporters. When I shut down Twitter to start writing this, police dogs were on the verge of being unleashed according to multiple reports. Does this sound like a campus that is ready to host a football game on Saturday? I don't think so. And to those who will say that things will die down by Saturday, I respond thusly: yes, maybe they will...but what if they don't? And it leads me back to where the benefit of the doubt now needs to go in Penn State's decision making: away from football and as close to an 100% assurance of safety as possible. I don't think a football game just days after all of this, with emotions still likely to be raw and even unbridled, guarantees 100% safety. If Penn State is committed to making changes that will ensure innocent people aren't horribly violated on their watch in the future, this is a no-brainer first step. Cancel Saturday's game against Nebraska, or move it out of State College if you can (my preferred resolution, for the record). Any other decision is putting football over safety, and in case you need to know why that's wrong, just remember that it's the most likely reason for why we are here in the first place.

Mike McQueary the Witness to Alleged Rape WILL [possibly] Coach for PSU on Saturday {Note: Mike McQueary purposely waited until the next day to report the crime he witnessed in progress and he seemingly purposely reported it only to coach Joe Paterno, possibly knowing that Paterno would not follow the events through to a conclusion. Coach Joe Paterno then seemingly reported it only to Campus security, possibly knowing and influencing the decision that the event would not be reported to police as in the end it wasn't reported to the proper authorities.}

The man who witnessed Jerry Sandusky allegedly rape a pre-teen boy in the Penn State locker room in 2002 WILL be allowed to continue as a receivers coach when the team plays Nebraska on Saturday ... this according to the new Penn State head coach Tom Bradley. Bradley was just officially introduced as Joe Paterno's temporary replacement -- and stated, "Right now Mike McQueary will be coaching on Saturday." McQueary was a 28-year-old graduate assistant in 2002, when he claims he witnessed Sandusky raping a little boy in the Penn State showers. McQueary reported the incident to Joe Paterno -- but never called police. Paterno -- who also did NOT go to the cops -- was fired last night for not living up to his moral obligation to the child. Bradley says he was unsure if McQueary will be coaching from the sidelines or if he will be up in the booth on Saturday.

The Joe Paterno Syndrome: Idealization and the Corruption of Morality - Unfortunately, this is quite common - Loving or caring about someone frequently blinds one to their trespasses - One is inclined to see them as all good, and to deny their faults in order to preserve one's idealization of them

Joe Paterno was an idealized father-figure, a loving, strong protective model for his young football players and Penn State students to learn from and emulate. Unfortunately, he failed to follow his own advice, to maintain civility, which he said was sorely lacking in today's society, by protecting his own students and young boys in the community from someone he knew to be a sexual predator. With his lapse in moral judgment, he joins a prestigious group of Catholic priests, including Cardinal Roger Mahony and even the Pope, who in the name of protecting their fellow clergymen and the reputation of the church, exposed hundreds of young boys and girls to sexual abuse by allowing child-molesting priests to remain in contact with them. It obviously takes enormous strength, even from the most religious, god-fearing individuals, to prioritize one's own moral integrity over one's inclination to protect colleagues, friends, lovers and especially family members who have committed child abuse. No wonder it is so hard for the Penn State student protestors to see how their beloved father-figure, Joe Paterno, failed to protect them in a most fundamental way.

Joe Paterno FIRED! What can we learn from the TERRIBLE Penn State cover-ups? Why is a Secular University exercising justice and accountability better than Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel?

There is a lawsuit against Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa...this moment. The suit alleges that Anthony Iglesias, a Calvary Chapel volunteer/employ molested kids through his CC connections with them. The suit also alleges that Raul Ries, Dale Goddard, Bob Davis and others in Calvary Chapel Leadership "knew" about Iglesias's problems with sexual encounters with children, yet they allowed him to be with kids and he continued to molest more and more. Chuck Smith says, "Not my problem!" Calvary Chapel says, "Not our problem!" -- According to sources a "CC Pastor" walked in on [Pastor] John Flores Statutory Raping a teenage girl ON the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Campus. The "CC Pastor" didn't report the crime to authorities. This after Jeff Smith hired and fired Flores after knowing he had issues, only to have [Pastor] Brian Broderesen rehire Flores, who eventually raped the girl. Flores ended up convicted of the felony and served time after the Parents and Child wouldn't play ball with CC and cover it up. -- Paul Grenier, Calvary Chapel Pastor in good standing Bob Grenier's blood son, alleges Bob molested him. I have reported this to Chuck Smith, Roger Wing, David Rosales, CCOF, CCCM, Chuck's Attorney etc etc. No action. Bob Grenier is still fully "Affiliated" and endorsed and supported by Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and CC at this very moment...and over 1,500 other "Affiliated" Calvary Chapel Senior Pastors are "in Fellowship" with Bob Grenier this moment. -- Penn State did the right thing...FINALLY. Heads are rolling, reforms are coming. -- What's Calvary Chapel, supposedly "God's Church" doing? Lying, Stone Walling, deflecting, dodging, making excuses, etc etc. Nice example Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel. Keep waving that Brand and Team Flag in one hand and denying any Spiritual or legal responsibility or otherwise in the other hand. You guys are truly a "Brood of vipers!" May you reap what you continue to sow.

Joe Paterno and the myth of the university - The situation at Penn State revealed many truths about the society at major universities - It took an extreme example, the failure to report the raping of children, to reveal what I've known to be true for a few years now - The image and reputation of a major university is more important to the powers that be than anything else - It's more important than research and it's certainly more important than actually educating students

At all times, it's the reputation that must be safe-guarded. To use a specific, incredibly mild and harmless example, take the school I went to: the Medill School at Northwestern. It's been riding on its reputation since my mom attended back in the late sixties/early seventies. The classes are easy to pass without much effort and the instructors are generally fairly average. It has the reputation of being the hardest school at Northwestern. In reality, it's the easiest. The best part about Medill is the quarter you leave campus and intern at a news station/paper/magazine. It taught me I wanted nothing to do with the world of news. This program is called Journalism Residency. A friend of mine is on hers now and she texted me asking if she'd get in trouble for complaining publicly on Twitter that Medill offers absolutely nothing in the way of sports journalism education. Almost none of the JR sites are specific to sports and there are no classes to be found. I was confused. Why would she get in trouble for voicing a complaint? Well it turns out that before she left on JR, she and everyone else had been told in no uncertain terms to "watch what they tweet" because the school didn't want anything in the public sphere that would make the Journalism Residency program look bad.

This should be the end of Paterno State - It's a tragedy, but it's not a coincidence that abuses occur when football program is allowed free rein - As university presidents throughout the country view the steaming pile of rubble that was once college football's greatest coach and its most admired program, they should understand one thing - None of this is a coincidence

It is no coincidence that an alleged child molester was allowed to roam the Penn State University grounds unchecked for nearly a decade with the knowledge of everyone from the school president to the football coach. It is no coincidence that an alleged sexual assault of a 10-year-old boy in the showers of the school's football locker room was never reported to police by anyone at Penn State University. It is no coincidence, because for 46 years it was not really Penn State University, it was Paterno State University. It was a school that sold its soul to football coach Joe Paterno for the sake of riches and recognition, a school that found its identity in his plain uniforms and lived its life by his corny pep talks. Paterno was allowed to play God, and so his longtime assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was allowed to do whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted, even if it included alleged sexual abuse of eight boys over a 15-year period. Penn State created Joe Paterno, worshiped Joe Paterno, and stunningly required four long days to finally throw the phony out into the street Wednesday when public furor forced the school's board of trustees to fire him for not reporting Sandusky to police. What took them so long? It was the same sick fear of Paterno's power that created this nightmare in the first place. Penn State and Paterno got everything they deserved for failing to live up to the words uttered by board vice chairman John Surma, a truth acknowledged 46 years too late. "'The university is much larger than its athletic teams,'' said Surma, as if that was something that actually needed to be said.,0,5860417.column

Paterno failed Penn State more than any coach has ever failed a school, and that's not the worst of it - Joe Paterno didn't do the right thing then, and he wasn't going to do the right thing now - He was going to do it his way - He was going to please himself, and to hell with anyone who thought he should do it otherwise - In the end, he seemingly couldn't understand how he failed the school he professed to love so much - He just didn't understand that he could not coach another game, that he could not stay at Penn State another hour

Indeed, that's one of the lessons of this story. Paterno became accountable to no one, and isn't that sad? He was the moral compass of State College and of Penn State. He earned that status by winning games, graduating players and not cheating. He seemed different from so many of the others because during his 46 seasons, Penn State proved it could win with honor. Somewhere along the way, Paterno's value system became distorted. He had more power than any school president or mayor or athletics director, and because we assumed he always used it for good, because we believed the things he said about winning with honor, we allowed his power to grow and grow and grow. Paterno built what appeared to be a model program, but he also built a program around secrecy and arrogance. No one crossed Joe Paterno. No one challenged Joe Paterno. Paterno professed to be part of the larger university community, but in truth, he believed the university was there to serve him.

Paterno Assistant's [Jerry Sandusky] Foundation Grew as Sex Allegations Persisted - "It was within The Second Mile program that Sandusky found his victims" the grand-jury report said {Note: A "second mile" is a Biblical concept (Matthew 5:41) - Jerry Sandusky in a sense used a biblical cover in order to deceive people and help him select his victims. - We, Christians need to know who we are dealing with; we need openness and we need accountability.}

"It was within The Second Mile program that Sandusky found his victims," the grand-jury report said. Sandusky, 67, was charged Nov. 5 with sexual assault of eight boys from 1994 to 2009. He has denied the charges. Paterno and university President Graham Spanier were fired last night after a meeting of the university's board of trustees. The Second Mile serves children with physical, emotional and academic needs and is "committed to helping young people achieve their potential as individuals and as community members," according to its website. The foundation's chief executive officer, John Raykovitz, wasn't available for comment, spokeswoman Jamie Modge said. Modge referred a reporter to a statement on the website.

Jerry Sandusky Rumored To Have 'Pimped' Boys To Donors: REPORT

Shockingly, there are reports that even more depraved details about the sexual crimes committed by Sandusky will be revealed in the coming days. As the quasi-riots shook the Penn State campus late Wednesday evening and early Thursday morning, SportsByBrooks began tweeting ominous messages about allegations that have yet to become public.

ASHTON KUTCHER CLOSES TWITTER ACCOUNT OVER PATERNO CONTROVERSY - KUTCHER has shut down his Twitter account after sparking outrage by defending ousted U.S. college football coach JOE PATERNO - His comment prompted a flurry of angry messages from offended followers, with several criticising Kutcher for his response in light of the charity he co-founded to end child sex slavery

Kutcher took to his page to question the board of trustees' decision to fire Paterno, writing, "How do you fire Jo Pa? insult. no class. as a hawkeye (University of Iowa) fan I find it in poor taste." His comment prompted a flurry of angry messages from offended followers, with several criticising Kutcher for his response in light of the charity he co-founded to end child sex slavery. The Two and a Half Men star quickly deleted the post and closed his page, admitting he felt "awful" about his comment. He tweeted, "As an advocate in the fight against child sexual exploitation, I could not be more remorseful for all involved in the Penn St. case. "As of immediately I will stop tweeting until I find a way to properly manage this feed. I feel awful about this error. Won't happen again."

Ashton Kutcher: I'm Taking a Break From Twitter - I'm going to turn the management [posts] of the feed over to my team at Katalyst Media to ensure the quality of it's content" - Katalyst is a company founded by Kutcher and Jason Goldberg that has a development deal with AOL

Ashton Kutcher, one of the most popular celebrities on Twitter, says he's taking a break from the social network for the time being. "As of immediately I will stop tweeting until I find a way to properly manage this feed," Kutcher wrote Wednesday night. "I feel awful about this error. Won't happen again." The impetus for Kutcher's sudden hiatus was an earlier tweet that defended Penn State coach Joe Paterno, who was fired Wednesday after being implicated in a scandal related to assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's alleged history of sexually molesting children. "How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste," the tweet said. Later on, Kutcher tweeted, "Heard Joe was fired, fully recant previous tweet!" and "Didn't have full story. #admitwhenYoumakemistakes." Those two tweets have been subsequently removed, but Kutcher has left another apology: "As an advocate in the fight against child sexual exploitation, I could not be more remorseful for all involved in the Penn St. case."

Don't sympathize for disgraced Paterno - After turning a blind eye to the alleged victims, the face [Joe Paterno] of Penn St. deserves the shame

Joe Paterno had it coming to him. He needed to be humiliated in the end, fired on the same day he announced his retirement, all but excommunicated by the very institution he had elevated into a sanctuary from all those vile major college ills. Don't cry for Joe, because Joe didn't cry for the alleged victims of Jerry Sandusky, the lost boys of Penn State, until it was at least nine years too late. The greatest of coaches, Paterno made possible the greatest scandal in the history of college sports. ... And all of this for what? Protecting the university's standing as a moral compass? Protecting the Nittany Lions' money machine? Protecting Paterno's legacy as an educator and molder of fine young men? How are all those things looking right about now? ... This one had to hurt. Paterno had released a statement earlier in the day announcing his retirement, effective at the end of the season, acknowledging that the sexual abuse case amounted to "one of the great sorrows of my life." But while expressing his concern for the alleged victims and his regret for not aiding them, Paterno offered a hint of why and how he could possibly take McQueary's 2002 account, pass it on to the athletic director, and then return without a second thought to his X's and O's. The head coach decreed that the trustees "should not spend a single minute discussing my status." One more time, Paterno was putting a big offensive line in front of his legacy and arrogantly plowing ahead with his career, on his terms, with no regard for Sandusky's alleged victims. So he deserved to take an embarrassing hit. After all the pain and suffering alleged to have been inflicted on his watch, Paterno couldn't be allowed to represent the university for one more game, [or] one more senior day.

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Summary: The Biblical triune (3 in 1) nature [testimony (physical life), salvation (Spiritual life - eternal life) and judgment (1st judgment at physical death (1 Corinthians 4:4-5, 2 Corinthians 5:10 - 2nd judgment and eternal death, 1 Corinthians 5:13, Revelation 2:11, Revelation 20:6,14 Revelation 21:8)] of the *water, *blood and *Spirit (also represented in breath, wind, fire) that are each freely offered and given from God to all of mankind globally as a life giving (sustaining) witness and also as a witness of sin (and eventually as a judgment against sin), and importantly as a testimony of the once physical presence of Jesus Christ on earth (John 19:30, John 19:34-35) and of His eternal remedy for our own individual eternal Salvation

"John 1:1-4 In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word was with God, and the Word [Jesus] was [and is] God {validated by His resurrection (Romans 1:4)}. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him [Jesus]; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him [Jesus] was [an is] life; and the life was [and is] the light of men." -- "John 3:5-13 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of *water [womb, physical human life] and of the *Spirit [Holy Spirit - born again], he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, *Ye must be born again. The wind [G4151] bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound [G5456] thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered and said unto Him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master [teacher] of Israel, and knowest not these things? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, *We (1 John 5:7-9) speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He [Jesus] that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is [G5607] in heaven." -- "John 19:34-35 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His [Jesus'] side, and forthwith came there out {the global Judgment, global Testimony and global Salvation of} *blood and *water [and *Spirit] {the Spirit departing Jesus in Truth (John 19:30)}. And he (Disciple John) *that saw it bare record [testimony], and his [testimony] record is true: *and he knoweth that he saith true, *that ye [individuals] might believe [salvation]." -- "1 John 5:7-9 For there are *three (triune) that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word [Jesus Christ], and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear *witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, *the witness [Spirit, water, blood] of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which He hath testified of His Son [Jesus Christ]."

Summary: Earths 1.0 [Adam and Eve], 2.0 [present earth], 3.0 [Millennial Reign] and 4.0 [New Heavens and a New Earth - Eternal State] - Judgments 1.0 [water: flood of Noah], 2.0 [blood: moon, stars, earthquakes], 3.0 [spirit: earth and sky dissolved with fire (2 Peter 3:12-14)] and 4.0 [eternal earth/state no judgment (Revelation 21:1-4)]

Water: Original creation earth 1.0 and Judgment 1.0 - [Creation 1.0] "Genesis 1:1-3 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the *waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light." -- "Genesis 1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so." -- "Genesis 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered [witnessed to] the whole face of the ground." -- "Genesis 2:10 And a river (witness) went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads." -- [Judgment 1.0] "Genesis 7:9-10 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth." --- Blood: Creation of Resurrection (out of the water) earth 2.0 - Earth 2.0 Creation: "Genesis 8:1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a *wind [as a witness to mankind] to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged;" -- "Genesis 8:14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the [second] earth dried." -- Judgments of earth 2.0 "Exodus 7:17 Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: behold, I [Moses] will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river [Nile], and they shall be turned to blood." -- "Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;" -- "Revelation 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;" -- Spirit: Creation of Millennial Reign (restored - modified, shaken) earth 3.0 "Revelation 16:18-20 And there were voices [witnesses], and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon [Mystery Babylon - fallen angelic realm] came in remembrance before God, to give unto her [scarlet woman - false church] the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found." -- [Millennial Reign earth 3.0] "Isaiah 11:4-6 But with righteousness shall He [Messiah, Jesus] judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and He shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins, and faithfulness the girdle of His reins [determination]. [for 1,000 years] The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." -- "2 Peter 3:6-7 Whereby the world [earth 1.0] that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now [earth 2.0], by the same word are kept in store [modified into earth 3.0], reserved unto fire [judgment 3.0] against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." -- 2 Peter 3:12-14 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the Day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for New Heavens and a New Earth [earth 4.0], wherein dwelleth [only] righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of Him [Jesus Christ] in peace, without spot, and blameless." -- "Revelation 21:1-4 And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: for the first heaven and the first earth [all of earth 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0] were [completely] passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice [witness] out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former [earth] things are passed away."

Summary: Advanced Judgment Accountability - The two generations of advanced judgment accountability - The 1st generation the people of the generation of the 1st coming of Jesus [with the Nation of Israel, the Laws of Moses (O.T.) and the Jerusalem Temple all in operation as a witness] - The 2nd generation the people of the generation of the 2nd coming of Jesus [with the re-established Nation of Israel, the first coming of Jesus (N.T.) and the future Jerusalem Temple all as a witness]

"Matthew 12:38-42 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But He [Jesus] answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas [Jonah]: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise in *judgment with this generation [the generation of the 1st coming of Jesus], and shall condemn it: because they [Nineveh] repented at the preaching of Jonas [Jonah]; and, behold [the Christ], a greater than Jonas [Jonah] is here. The queen of the south [Queen Sheba] shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold [the Christ], a greater than Solomon is here." -- "Revelation 13:9-10 If any man have an ear, let him hear. He [of this 2nd generation, the 2nd coming of Jesus] that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the [Tribulation] patience and the [End Time] faith of the saints."

Summary: A case for the literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation - The transitions from O.T. physical emphasis to N.T. spiritual emphasis (i.e. blessings) and back to a physical (non-spiritual) emphasis during the Revelation (Tribulation) End Times period

Physical Old Testament: "Deuteronomy 7:11-14 Thou [Jewish Nation of Israel] shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which I [God] command thee this day, to do them. Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep unto thee the Covenant and the mercy which He sware unto thy fathers: And He will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: He will also [primarily physically bless Israel] bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which He sware unto thy fathers to give thee. Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle." -- Spiritual New Testament: "Matthew 11:11-15 Verily I [Jesus] say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater [prophet] than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the Kingdom of Heaven [Christian Church Age] is [Spiritually] greater than he [the prophet John the Baptist]. And from the days of John the Baptist until now [during and including the transition] the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. *And if ye will receive it, this [John the Baptist] is [in the spirit - name of] Elias [Elijah (meaing Elohim is Jehovah, God -], which was for to come (Malachi 4:5). He that hath [spiritual] ears to hear, let him hear." -- "John 2:19-21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple [the physical temple in Jerusalem], and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But He [Jesus] spake of the Temple of His [Spiritual] body." -- "Matthew 26:26-28 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat [the Spiritual]; this is My body. And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink [the Spiritual] ye all of it; For this is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." -- Physical End Times of Revelation: "2 Thessalonians 2:1-10 Now we beseech you, brethren [Christians], by the [future] coming [the 2nd Coming] of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our [Church Age conclusion and] gathering together unto Him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by [false] spirit, nor by [false] word, nor by [false] letter as from us, as that the Day of Christ [fulfillment - conclusion and end of the Church Age] is at hand [already happened - *The Christians and people of Thessalonia had been wrongly told by a false message i.e. from a Harold Camping type of person, that the Church Age had already passed and that there could not be any more people saved as Christians]. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [end of the Church Age] shall not come, except there come a falling away [lit. apostasy] first, and that man of sin [Antichrist] be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he [Antichrist] as [pretending to be] God sitteth in the temple of God [in Jerusalem], shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know [Holy Spirit] what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the Mystery of Iniquity [deliberate sins] doth already work: only He [Holy Spirit] who now letteth [allows mankind the freewill to sin temporarily] will let, until He [Holy Spirit] be taken out of the way [allowing the 7th Kingdom - the Kingdom of Antichrist - to be established]. And then shall that Wicked [Antichrist] be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit [Truth] of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even *him [Antichrist], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders [during the 7th Kingdom the Antichrist Kingdom is spiritual (demonically) while the Kingdom of God on earth is physical the Holy Spirit having given way and allowed the Antichrist to have his Kingdom for a few short years], And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." -- "Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast [Antichrist], neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; *and they [that were dead] lived and reigned with Christ [for a literal] a thousand years [on earth 3.0]."

Summary: Mystery Babylon and the Scarlet Woman - "Revelation 17:3-5 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness [desolate place]: and I saw a woman [false religion] sit upon a scarlet coloured beast [government], full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And *upon her forehead [i.e. 666] was a name written [i.e. belonging to - a part of], MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."

Revelation Chapter 17: And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials [measured bowl judgments], and talked with me [Disciple John], saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore [false church - false religion] that sitteth [globally] upon many waters [peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages]: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication [unfaithfulness], and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine [spirit] of her fornication [unfaithfulness]. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness [desolate place]: and I saw a woman [false religion] sit upon a scarlet coloured beast [government], full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And *upon her forehead [i.e. 666] was a name written [i.e. belonging to - a part of], MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman [false religion], and of the beast [government] that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads [7 Kingdoms] and ten horns [ten regions of the 7th Kingdom]. The beast that thou sawest [Antichrist] was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast [Antichrist] that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains [Kingdoms - the 7 Gentile Global Kingdoms of earth 2.0], on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings [Gentile Kingdoms - Nimrod (Tower of Babel), Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and Revised-Rome]: five are fallen, and one [6th Kingdom Rome] is, and the other [7th Revised-Rome - Antichrist Kingdom] is not yet come; and when he [Antichrist] cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth [Antichrist's fake resurrection], and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns [10 regions of the 7th Kingdom] which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast [Antichrist]. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb [Jesus], and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they [Saints] that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful. And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these [10 global kings] shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom [all ten parts of the globe] unto the beast [Antichrist], until the Words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great [unseen] city [Mystery Babylon - fallen angelic realm], which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

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Should We Reform or Abandon American Protestantism? {Note: Of course reform our beliefs (Biblically) but not abandon them. -- WWJD is now equated with 'atonement by example' [Source: WWJD - 2009 movie, DVD] the false belief that doing what Jesus did is how we gain salvation and favor from God. The WWJD entrapment teaching has become a very dangerous occultic trap and is a very unbiblical teaching to practice. Instead of WWJD it is WDJD (What did Jesus do - freely for us). Relationship (friendship) Christianity is the true Christianity! Relationship and friendship with God (because of what Jesus did for us) and a relationship and friendship with others (also because of what Jesus did for us). Avoid the guilt and condemnation of not being able to be like Jesus. Instead of practicing WWJD and trying the impossible to emulate Jesus [God], just be a child and a friend to God, then be a friend to your friends, a parent to your children, a spouse to your spouse, an employee to your employer and neighbor to your neighbors, etc. Christianity is very much about being real, being yourself [in Jesus Christ] and it is not all that much about becoming your own [Biblically uninformed - slave to a pastor personality] variation of Jesus Christ.} (Short Video)

Have you grown impatient with your church's seemingly endless quest for being hip and relevant? Have you become weary of "meaningful worship services" that say more about radio dial preferences than biblical fidelity? Are you irritated by the constant flow of shallow, superficial, and even narcissistic books that stock the shelves of evangelical bookstores? On this program, Michael Horton talks about these issues and more ... [Via:]

Is Jesus "the One" in Mormonism? - Jesus posed to the disciples at Caesarea Philippi: "Who do you say that I am?" (Mark 8:29) - Christian faith begins with a right understanding of Jesus, "not just what He taught or what He did, but who He is" - "You are the Christ" Peter declared -- Rev. De Young pointed out a foundational difference between the opinions of the masses and the belief of the disciples: For the general public, Jesus was "one of" for the disciples, Jesus was "the One" - "He is the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matt 16:16)

Rev. De Young pointed out a foundational difference between the opinions of the masses and the belief of the disciples: For the general public, Jesus was "one of;" for the disciples, Jesus was "the One." Though the people elevated Jesus and put Him in very good company, they were wrong. Rev. De Young wrote, "It sounds very lofty to call Jesus a prophet, a popular teacher, a wonder worker, a good man, a brilliant example, or part of a long line of enlightened figures. But all of these descriptions miss the point. In all of them, you are saying Jesus is one of (see v. 28). And if you say Jesus is only one of and not the One, you haven't understood Him. You don't see who He really is. He is the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matt 16:16)." I can't help but think of how Mormon doctrines make Jesus "one of" rather than "the One." For according to Mormon leaders, Jesus is not the Christ, the Son of the living God; He is a Christ, a Son of a living God.

Abandon the Reformation, Abandon the Gospel - It is tempting to think of the Reformation as a mere political or social movement - In reality, however, the Reformation was a fight over the gospel itself - The reformers argued that God's free and gracious acceptance of guilty sinners on the basis of the work of Christ alone is at the heart of the gospel

Does Reformation Theology Matter Today? Does Reformation theology matter today? Absolutely. It is tempting to think of the Reformation as a mere political or social movement. In reality, however, the Reformation was a fight over the gospel itself. The reformers argued that God's free and gracious acceptance of guilty sinners on the basis of the work of Christ alone is at the heart of the gospel. While the political and social context has changed since the 16th century, nevertheless, this issue remains at the forefront. ... But God's justification of the ungodly is at the very center of Paul theology (Rom. 4:5). This is why the gospel is such good news! The news is so good because not only has Christ died and risen again (Acts 2:22-36), but now we have the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). No wonder Paul can say that the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for "in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, 'The righteous shall live by faith.'" Therefore, Luther's awakening after reading Romans 1:17 was essentially a gospel awakening. To divorce justification from the gospel is to ignore our basic human predicament: how are we, as guilty sinners, to find favor before a holy God? Clearly this was the question in Paul's mind when he concluded, "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 5:1).

Halloween Perspective 2011 - Online Tracts - Two New Video Tracts Added (Tracts - Videos)

Online tracks - the Good News of the Christian message of Salvation, eternal life in Jesus Christ available now to a fragile and fallen mankind.

Halloween Perspective 2011 - Halloween Information & Resources - Christians everywhere are rejecting Halloween's message of Death, Disobedience, and Despair

Christians everywhere are rejecting Halloween's message of Death, Disobedience, and Despair and instead are using this opportunity to proclaim the Truth about God's Love for mankind and about His Biblical plan of Life, Hope, and Salvation for us in Jesus Christ.

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Bible verse: Psalms 122:6-9 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the House of the LORD our God I will seek thy good. {The complete Bible is available at}

Psalms 122 A Song of degrees of David. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the House of the LORD [where judgment and righteousness are revealed]. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together: Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, unto the Testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the Name of the LORD. *For there are set Thrones of Judgment, the Thrones of the House of David. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the House of the LORD our God I will seek thy good. -- Holy Bible

Update 10-21-2011: I know that these are difficult topics and difficult studies to get into and I appreciate how much everyone is staying in there and working with [considering and examining] the postings and the material - Also my computer is having a [power] glitch so if the postings stop [mid-post] and can't be updated it's because of my computer

I know that these are difficult topics and difficult studies to get into and I appreciate how much everyone is staying in there and working with the material in considering and examining the postings and topics. *Know for certain that the Basic Christian Ministry is dedicated to providing all of the information, resources and material that I have. The Ministry is not holding back anything at any time from anyone and is completely dedicated to completing all of the studies including presenting all of the material and that includes some controversial material i.e. spiritual, End Time, Tribulation material. All of the material is presented in the best possible and most documented way that I can present it. I purposely do not try to exaggerate the material or alarm people beyond the already alarming topics that we are covering. Most of the Website Ministry material has already been posted and the few postings that are left to do are mostly clarification into what has already been posted so there are no more corners for the Ministry to turn into and there are certainly no shocking detours that the Ministry is suddenly going to take. We just have a few more postings of the same general material that has always been posted from this Ministry and that will pretty much wrap up this internet phase of the Basic Christian Ministry. - I'm praying about getting back into a more traditional physical, people to people, servant ministry but who knows, and until then I'm hoping to remain faithful in posting the internet studies, information and resources. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Update 10-21-2011: I'm working on a couple of brief Topical Studies to be posted soon [then returning to the 8 Kingdoms study] - Also I just ordered two DVD sets off of Amazon [hat tip:]

Coming Soon: (1.) The Thee Judgments [Water, Blood, Spirit (fire)] {they are also the three life giving elements i.e. water (womb) birth, physical life blood and spirit (fire warmth)} and Judgment Accountability (Matthew 12:41-42; Revelation 13:10) --- (2.) The Transitions from Physical O.T. [i.e. physical Temple] to Spiritual N.T. [i.e. Spiritual Temple body of Jesus] and back to physical during the Tribulation Times [i.e. back to a physical Temple building] {Note: The Christian Church is highly Spiritual - the true godly spiritual is right now [blessings are to be more spiritual than physical]. Too many people are confusing the highly spiritual as a time to come later in the End Times with the Antichrist but those are all [counterfeit] deceiving signs, miracles and wonders of the Antichrist Kingdom while the true Believers will then be primarily back into a physical [non-spiritual] realm.}

Preview: The Biblical triune (3 in 1) nature [testimony, salvation, judgment] of the water, blood and Spirit (also represented in breath, wind, fire) that are each freely offered and given from God to all of mankind globally as a witness of sin (and eventually as a judgment against sin), a testimony of the once physical presence of Jesus Christ and as an eternal remedy for our own individual Salvation

Where the Apostle Peter's significant life changing event during his time with Jesus seemed to be at the Mount of Transfiguration (Mark 9:1-8, 2 Peter 1:16-18) the Apostle John's significant life changing event with Jesus seems to have been at the cross (John 19:34-35, 1 John 5:7-9) when Jesus was pierced by the Roman spear and the blood and water poured out from the wound in Jesus' side. The Apostle John then regards the presence of the Spirit and the separation of the blood and water coming out from Jesus as a witness, a judgment, and a testimony of salvation for all of mankind. When the Basic Christian blog History study returns in about a week we will Biblically look into the blood, water and fire (spirit), testimonies and judgments of the Bible from throughout the Old Testament starting in Genesis and continuing consistently throughout the entire Bible then concluding in book of Revelation [the sin of Adam and Eve and the shedding of blood, the flood of Noah, the Aaronic Priesthood, the Last Supper Communion, the atoning cross of Jesus Christ, the Resurrection of Jesus and birth (Alpha) of the Christian Church, the Pentecost global Spirit empowerment and witness, the calling home into heaven by Jesus the rapture (Omega) of the Christian Church, Revelation-Tribulation]. -- "John 19:34-35 But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His [Jesus'] side, and forthwith came there out {the global Judgment, global Testimony and global Salvation of} *blood and *water [and *Spirit] {the Spirit departing Jesus in Truth (John 19:30)}. And he (Disciple John) *that saw it bare record [testimony], and his [testimony] record is true: *and he knoweth that he saith true, *that ye [individuals] might believe [salvation]." -- "1 John 5:7-9 For there are *three (triune) that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word [Jesus Christ], and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear *witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, *the witness [Spirit, water, blood] of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which He hath testified of His Son [Jesus Christ]."

Preview: Creation Earth 1.0 (Adam - Noah) -- Earth 2.0 (Noah - Revelation) -- Earth 3.0 (Millennial Kingdom reign of Jesus Christ) -- Earth 4.0 (unjudged, eternal earth)

Earth 1.0 the original creation earth was a water vapor based environment and had the dual [water below the earth, vapor - water canopy above the earth, firmament] witness of water witnessing of God's creation. Water [life giving water - womb (John 3:5)] was then the witnessing element that then judged the original earth. - Earth 2.0 our present earth is under the [prophesied and enacted] Life givng (Matthew 26:28) and Judgment blood (Revelation 6:12, Revelation 8:7-8, Revelation 11:6) of Jesus Christ. - Earth 3.0 the restored Millennial earth [final judged earth] having the [spirit (life) and fire (judgment)] presence of Jesus during the Kingdom, Millennial reign of Jesus Christ, the earth (3.0) will be judged by fire [spirit]. Resulting in the final, eternal [earth 4.0] the final earth not being judged is the eternal earth. -- "2 Peter 3:5-7 For this [unbelief of Word of God - Biblical prophecy] they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the [1.0] earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the [1.0] world that then was, being [judged] overflowed with water [Noah's flood], perished: But the [2.0] heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same Word [of God - prophecies] are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of [3.0] judgment and perdition of ungodly men." -- "2 Peter 3:11-14 Seeing then that all these things [earth 2.0] shall be dissolved [judgment 3.0], what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements [earth 3.0] shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His Promise, look for New Heavens [skies] and a New Earth [eternal - earth 4.0], *wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of Him (Jesus Christ) in peace, without spot, and blameless."

Amazon: Empires Collection - The Dynasties (Egypt's Golden Empire / The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance / Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire / The Roman Empire in the First Century / The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization) - Empires Collection: The Dynasties (5 Disc Gift Set) - Empires Collection: The Dynasties is a compilation of five outstanding stories of some of histories greatest dynasties (2000 - DVDs)

Egypt's Golden Empire: In 1570 B.C., when Rome was still a marsh and the Acropolis was an empty rock, Egypt was already 1000 years old. Although the period of the pyramid-builders was long over, Egypt lay on the threshold of its greatest age. The New Kingdom would be an empire forged by conquest, maintained by intimidation and diplomacy, and remembered long after its demise. Led by a dynasty of rich personalities, whose dramatic lives changed the course of civilization, Egypt's Golden Empire presents the most extraordinary period in Egyptian history: from 1570 B.C. to 1070 B.C., when the Egyptian Empire reached its zenith. -- The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance - From a small Italian community in 15th century Florence, the Medici family would rise to rule Europe in many ways. Using charm, patronage, skill, duplicity and ruthlessness, they would amass unparalleled wealth and unprecedented power. They would also ignite the most important cultural and artistic revolution in Western history- the European Renaissance. But the forces of change the Medici helped unleash would one day topple their ordered world. An epic drama played out in the courts, cathedrals and palaces of Europe, this series is both the tale of one family's powerful ambition and of Europe's tortured struggle to emerge from the ravages of the Dark Ages. -- Japan: Memoirs Of A Secret Empire - Commanding shoguns and samurai warriors, exotic geisha and exquisite artisans -- all were part of the Japanese "renaissance" -- a period between the 16th and 19th centuries when Japan went from chaos and violence to a land of ritual refinement and peace. But stability came at a price: for nearly 250 years, Japan was a land closed to the Western world, ruled by the Shogun under his absolute power and control. Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire brings to life the unknown story of a mysterious empire, its relationship to the West, and the forging of a nation that would emerge as one of the most important countries in the world. -- The Roman Empire in the First Century: Two thousand years ago, at the dawn of the first century, the ancient world was ruled by Rome. Through the experiences, memories and writings of the people who lived it, this series tells the story of that time - the emperors and slaves, poets and plebeians, who wrested order from chaos, built the most cosmopolitan society the world had ever seen and shaped the Roman empire in the first century A.D. -- The Greeks: Crucible [melting pot] of Civilization - The Greeks - Classical Greece of the 4th and 5th centuries, B.C. was a magnificent civilization that laid the foundations for modern science, politics, warfare, and philosophy, and produced some of the most breathtaking art and architecture the world has ever known. Through the eyes and words of the great heroes of ancient Greece, this dazzling production charts the rise, triumph, and eventual decline of the world's first democracy. Now, through dramatic storytelling and state-of-the-art computer animation, you witness history, art, and government with giants like Pericles, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Amazon: When Rome Ruled - National Geographic's groundbreaking 6-part series reveals ancient Rome's hidden treasures and untold stories as never before - From iconic figures including [Emperors] Caligula, Caesar and Constantine, to epic events such as the eruption of Vesuvius, the invasion of Britain, and fall of Rome, When Rome Ruled reveals a startling up-to-date vision of the ancient empire and challenges our perception of what we know about the Romans and their lives (3 DVD Set)

FYI, this DVD contains 6 parts plus a bonus part. The original National Geographic special, and the DVDs sold on its website, contains 8 parts. This version is missing two episodes. I was not aware of this and will be returning it. I took one star off for the omission. I've viewed parts of this series on the National Geographic channel, however, and it is great and deserves the other stars. ~ By David Polsky. -- Heath_N says: After reading this review, I ordered the Blu-ray set from National Geographic directly. I got 6 episodes on two discs, one which includes 1 bonus feature.

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Update: 10-04-2011 - Update: Due to reoccurring technical problems the website and News Feed had to be closed, it was out of my hands - A temporary site is up on a different server just to wind it down before it is permanently removed ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Note: This is a big setback for the Ministry - the .info RSS News Feed was the feed I used but fortunately we still have the RSS Feed and those of us who used the .info Feed will have to switch over to the RSS Feed labeled [XML] on the website. Those who always got the feed from won't have to do anything to continue getting the RSS Info and News Feed. - The loss of the website creates a tremendous disadvantage for the Basic Christian Ministry in that we had multiple items [the blog Studies] in use for that feed. Going forward the Ministry will still post on the RSS feed and only on that feed, the .info feed and materials won't be replaced because it would bring back the same technical problems. The current RSS feed is going to have to suffice until 2012 when we can complete the current 8 Kingdoms Study and the Church History Study. In the next few months I'll look into some newer blogging technologies and hopefully sometime in 2012 we can have a newer blogging technology, one that is more interactive and can be in use on the new website and hopefully it will replace the current RSS feed.

Alpha & Omega Ministries Apologetics Blog - I have been downright encouraged to note the response that has appeared to the amazing statements of James McDonald of "Vertical Church" wherein he basically throws Nicene orthodoxy under the proverbial bus - Now I know that "emergent" folks have an odd relationship with history---they love to drag stuff out of history, without its attendant context, as if it is "new" but when it comes to accepting that [we] stand on the shoulders of giants and that there are things that have simply been settled in the past, they rebel and want to put everything "back on the table" -- {Note: The Jerusalem Creed [1st Church Council about 49 A.D. in Jerusalem] has 4 Cornerstones the fourth one being not to offend traditional Jews. The Church Creeds [Jerusalem, Nicene, etc.] are important and relevant to all of Christianity. Since one of the Cornerstones of the 1st Church Council is to support Jews and Traditional Judaism it is an original and longstanding tenant that true Christianity acknowledges its debt and emergence from (God ordained) Mosaic Judaism. "Acts 1:20-21 [The Jerusalem Creed - 1st Church Council about 49 A.D. in Jerusalem] But that we [Apostles] write unto them [Gentile Christians], (1.) that they abstain from [occult] pollutions of idols, (2.) and from [immorality] fornication, (3.) and from things [cruelty] strangled, (4.) and from [Levitical] blood. *For Moses of old time hath [traditional Jews] in every city them that preach him (Moses), being read in the synagogues every Sabbath day."}

But even more importantly than the tweaking of Modalism so that it gets a place at the table is the attitude McDonald has displayed toward the Nicene definition. He says he does not trace his beliefs to credal statements. Really? If by that he means creeds are always subject to the higher authority of Scripture, of course. But this is where you fall off the other side of the narrow path and rather than believing in sola scriptura, you end up with something much less, and in fact, much different. Nicea's authority comes from its fidelity to Scripture. It does not stand alone as a new revelation, and it survived simply because it is, despite all the arguments to the contrary, the consistent, harmonious testimony of divine writ. To throw its authority into the dustbin of history in the service of some kind of "emergent" attitude is not only to display an astoundingly arrogant hubris, it is to show deep disrespect to those who fought, and some who died, in defense of its truth. And for what? For some kind of post-modern feel-goodism that cannot even recognize modalism when it is standing right in front of you. A truly educational example of just how far the emergent movement is willing to go in pursuit of its ultimately destructive goals. -- Recently Jamin Hubner has raised issues relating to a simple question: is the modern secular state of Israel religiously and theologically significant? Is it "Israel" as in the Israel of Scripture, or Romans 11? And if it is not, is it open to criticism? He is concerned about the strength of the movement, mainly amongst American evangelicals, that has granted to Israel not only a theological position it does not actually hold, but which precludes even the slightest mention of criticism of a secular state. Now, I am not going to re-hash everything here, but he has even been accused of being a "shill for Hamas" due to sources he has cited and issues he has raised (which seems to me to provide strong evidence of the need to raise such issues and challenge the knee-jerk reactions of many in the Evangelical community as a whole). While he has sought fair and non-emotional responses to questions he has raised, his requests have, in the main, fallen upon deaf ears, for I see no evidence that his critics really want to have a give-and-take.

Calvary Chapel Abuse blog "Those (pastors) who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning" (1 Timothy 5) - Is Roger Oakland right about Calvary Chapel? - Roger Oakland [] has been an outspoken critic, as has Deborah Dombrowski of Lighthouse Trails Research [] and many others regarding End Times Apostasy and Ecumenicism of Calvary Chapel

Comments: #11
* The pastor has real accountability that doesn't require his [approval] to submit to it while he's in sin.
* Elders would actually be able to hold the pastor accountable, without his being able to fire them first.
* Elders would not be chosen by the pastor, so he can "stack the deck" and/or choose "yes" men.
* Same goes for the financial board.
* The financial books are [to be] open for people to look at and ask questions without any retribution or removal ... oh, and they actually get real answers.
* The Moses Model [Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa] leadership [model] would be removed.
* Actual pastoring of the flock, i.e. visit the sick, help the orphans & widows, model servant leadership.
* Not overworking leadership (6 1/2 days per week @ 50 to 80 hours).
* Pastor doesn't underpay leaders with the excuse, "Where God guides, he provides."
* Pastor doesn't overpay himself, comparing to a CEO's pay. (Pay includes: ALL the perks, wife's pay, vacations, meals, gas, cars, housing, clothing allowance, gym memberships, etc....)
* Pastors & leaders understand that Matthew 18 applies to them, too.
* Pastor understands that he is not more anointed than the attenders, not more special, and doesn't have God's ear more than the rest of the Christians.
* Pastor is not a narcissist.
* The leaders surrounding the Pastor are not "yes" men.
* The church [voters] would have membership, ensuring accountability for the pastor and [oversight in the] use of money.
* Pastors/elders/leaders actually biblically qualify to be in the position.
* Pastors/elders/leaders are actually removed when they no longer qualify.
Show me a CC church [any Church/Fellowship] that has any of these and I'm interested to know more.

Breaking News!! Calvary Chapel Abuse blog - "You can't handle the Truth!" Another peak behind the Curtain - My "meeting" with [Pastor] Chuck Smith - {Note: as the Calvary Chapel denomination enters disintegration mode right before our very eyes [Pastor Chuck Smith has apparently just divested himself of all authority and oversight among ALL Affiliated Calvary Chapels associated with Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa] -- any current Calvary Chapel or any Church or Fellowship can use the Basic Christian Ministry Material ( Instead of calling your Church a Calvary Chapel avoid the turmoil that is happening there and be prepared to preach a peaceful Gospel of Jesus Christ. Disassociate with CCCM and drop the vaguely pseudo CC Dove and instead while you decide what you want to do put a B in front of your CC and become a "Basic Christian Church" BCC or a "Basic Christian Chapel" BCC instead of a Calvary Chapel CC and use the Three Cross Logo of Basic Christian as a new Church/Chapel Logo. Welcome! Now move on to being a BCC and preaching a trusted Gospel to the world.}

I'm obviously disappointed that I didn't hear from Chuck Smith or his attorney, Janet Carter, yesterday regarding the Bob Grenier situation (though I emailed and left a message asking what the verdict was). ... The meeting quickly turns to "what do you mean you can't yank Bob's dove [Calvary Chapel Affiliation]?" We then argue about Affiliation. Chuck takes the position that he "can't" yank doves or Dis-Affiliate anyone and that *he doesn't even know there is "Affiliation" or an "Affiliation Agreement." I tell him I have a copy of one. He says he'd like to see it, that he has no knowledge of one, etc. I ask Dave Rolph the same thing. Dave says he has no idea what I'm talking about, this [Calvary Chapel] "Affiliation" thing. I tell them they're both lying through their teeth, but I get it, we're going to play the Lawyer Game. ... During the course of the "Affiliation" argument, I brought up the fact that Calvary Chapel owns the licensing rights to the Dove Logo and name Calvary Chapel. This was denied flatly. I then argued from the Absurd to make a point. I asked Chuck and his attorney if I could open up a Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa II right across the street and use the same Dove Logo and if they'd have a problem with that. They said, "No." Basically, they said the only thing that could or would stop me was the State of California if it infringed on DBA/corporate name entity stuff, that basically, Calvary Chapel doesn't have any licensing or enforcement of licensing. ... It was now crystal clear that this was a Hill Chuck would die on. He doesn't want to hand over Agency and/or Implied Agency to Kosnoff and lose the lawsuit he's in. He'll lie or spin (and justify it, I believe he sincerely thinks he's righteous in doing so to protect "the Lord's Work" at CCCM) to not lay down in that suit and potentially others. Chuck is very intelligent and his lawyers are very intelligent. Chuck should've listened to Jeff Dorman many years ago when he was warned about going half-way with this pseudo-Denomination Light "Affiliation" and now "Fellowship" thingy, but again, it is what it is. Chuck did take the warning, though, to change it from "Affiliation" to "Fellowship" as "Affiliation" has a legal connotation that screams at least he did that some years back (though many Calvary Chapel Pastors still claim they are "Affiliated", etc). ... My position was that Bob Grenier called Chuck "his Pastor"...from the pulpit, on his website, in his book. Chuck said clearly that he "wasn't" Bob's pastor. I said, "Well, that would be news to Bob." I told Chuck, whether he liked it or not, he was Bob Grenier's "pastor" and had a Scriptural obligation to deal with him per 1 Timothy 5:19-22. -- Comments: #2 I have a profound disagreement with Chuck and CC that he has zero responsibility or obligation in these matters (and many other matters) and my position is that the CC church-goer at large is being misinformed (some would call it lied to) or given the wrong impresseion etc about what the Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CCOF, Calvary Chapel and "Affiliation" and/or "Fellowship" situation really is.

Update: 09-18-2011 - I'll be out of town for the next few days ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

After the blog Study resumes the postings finishing the blog History Study portion the 8 Kingdoms [6 of the Kingdoms are ancient global history, the 7th Kingdom is current global events and the 8th global Kingdom (Millennial Reign Kingdom of Jesus Christ) is still yet future] should be able to resume and then the study portion of the blog Church History is scheduled to begin after the completion of the 8 Kingdoms study.

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Basic Christian: End Times - Introduction - "Hosea 1:11 Then shall the *Children of Judah [Southern Kingdom] and the *Children of Israel [Northern Kingdom] be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel [Hosea 1:4 - people who have been taken advantage of by others in authority]."

"Hosea 3:4-5 For the Children of Israel shall abide many days [Diaspora] without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: Afterward shall the Children of Israel return [1948 A.D.], and seek the LORD their God, and David [Beloved - Jesus Christ also like King David of the House of Judah] their King; and shall fear the LORD and His goodness in the latter days." -- "Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people [Jews - Judah and Israel] and upon thy Holy City [Jerusalem], *to finish the transgression [virgin birth - incarnation], and *to make an end of sins [cross], and to *make reconciliation for iniquity [forgiveness (Luke 23:34)], and to bring in *everlasting righteousness [resurrection life], and to seal up the vision and prophecy [2nd Coming (1 Corinthians 13:8-10)], and to *anoint the Most Holy [Messiah - Kingdom Reign - 8th Kingdom (i.e. 1 Chronicles 11:3)]."

Basic Christian: End Times - Introduction - Israel, Judah, and Jerusalem - We need some Biblical framework to look at in order to help view the End Time contents in their proper categories and occurrences - The primary End Time Biblical structure is based upon Israel, Judah, and Jerusalem - For Example since 1948 when the Jewish homeland was re-established it is under the banner [flag] of the Nation of Israel and not yet under the banner of the Nation of Judah - This means that the Northern Kingdom [Israel] was reestablished and *not yet the Southern Kingdom of Judah

Keep in mind that the ancient Nation of Israel was the rebellious, breakaway district [the 10 Northern Tribes] that broke away from Judah [the Two Southern Tribes - Judah and Benjamin] after the Kingdom reign of King Solomon [son of King David]. Though the rebellious Northern Kingdom Nation of Israel had their own Kings [rulers] and their own Prophets [foremost being the Prophet Hosea] the Nation of Israel never had a legitimate Temple and accompanying Temple Priesthood as the true Temple and Temple [Levitical] Priesthood remained in Jerusalem in Judah. - Significantly [for End Times Biblical Prophecy] the rebirth of the Jewish Nation in 1948 was the rebirth of the Nation of Israel, a Nation with rulers [Prime Ministers - Presidents] and Prophets [Rabbis] but not a Temple. The prophetic and Biblical reason that Israel was reestablished and not yet Judah is because Judah with a Temple is where the Messiah will reign and rule from and since the Messiah (Jesus) has already come the first time to Judah the rebuilt [future] Judah will not take place until the 2nd Coming of the Messiah. Therefore Biblically Judah is yet to be established and there should be a distinction in an End Time study that there are certain differences between the Nations of Israel and Judah and the Holy city of Jerusalem and that the Nation of Israel [1948] and the Holy City of Jerusalem [1967] are validly in existence at this time but that the reestablished Judah [Temple Israel] is not yet in existence and will not be until the Millennial Kingdom reign of Jesus Christ the coming 8th global Kingdom.

Basic Christian: End Times - 1947-1948 Israel Reestablished - THE DECLARATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL May 14, 1948 - On the 29th November, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution [Resolution 181] calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz[Land]-Israel


Basic Christian: End Times - Rock of Israel - The Rock of Israel is a concept in Judaism that alludes to God, and in Zionism and politics, to the *cultural and historical heritage of the Jewish people and the foundation of the [modern] State of Israel - The term was used in the Israeli Declaration of Independence as a compromise [Rock instead of the word Redeemer] between religious and secular Jews

Wikipedia: In Psalm 19:14 [in the Hebrew Version] of the Old Testament of the Bible, God is referred to as the "Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." In religious terms, the "Rock" means God, who protects the Jewish people and is the center of their faith, which defines their identity and consciousness. The term indicates the trust and faith of people in God, who is immutable [cannot be modified -]. However, secular Zionists have interpreted this term in a non-religious way to mean the cultural and historical heritage that has preserved Jewish community and identity over centuries. Both meanings have influenced the movement for the return of Jews to the Holy Land and the creation of the Jewish state of Israel. A phrase beginning "Rock of Israel" is part of the morning prayers in some versions of the [Jewish] prayerbook, where it is recited immediately before the Shemonah Esrei prayer [Shemoneh Esrei prayer - "The Standing Prayer" - Amidah]. -- Controversy: The term "Rock of Israel" was subject of controversy just before the promulgation of the Israeli Declaration of Independence on 14 May 1948. The leaders present at the ceremony and who were to be signatories of the declaration believed that the declaration should express the fundamental values and principles that would define the new state, which would give the Jewish people a homeland in Palestine after 2,000 years. -- The Jewish religious leaders, led by Rabbi Fishman-Maimon wanted a clear reference to God by the usage of the words "The Rock of Israel and its Redeemer." However, a large segment of the Jewish leadership included those with secular and socialist convictions who sought a clear separation of church and state. Aharon Zisling, the left-wing leader of Mapam refused to sign the declaration of independence if it contained references to "a God in whom he did not believe." The disagreement threatened to derail the actual and ceremonial proclamation of the establishment of a Jewish state in the former British Mandate of Palestine. -- Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion, who would become the country's first Prime Minister, spent the morning of 14 May [1948] mediating the dispute between Rabbi Maimon and Zisling. After hours of talks, Rabbi Maimon agreed to leave out the term *"Redeemer" from the text of the declaration. The compromise was included without a final vote. Later in his life Ben-Gurion is said to have explained that to him, "Rock of Israel" meant "the Old Testament with its history and traditions", or "Tzahal" (the Israeli army). -- English translation: Significantly, the whole passage containing the words "Rock of Israel" was not included in the English language translation that was released for publication, owing to the military censorship imposed to keep the time and place of the ceremony secret in the wake of the war that was about to begin. -- Despite Ben-Gurion's conviction that "Rock of Israel" was not necessarily a religious term, the official English translation composed by Moshe Sharet, and cited in official documents, rendered it as "Almighty God." It was not until 1962 that the Israeli government changed it to the more literal "Rock of Israel".

Basic Christian: End Times - A Two Millennium Christian Church Age - Hosea 6:2 After two days [the two thousand years (two Millennium) of the Christian Church Age?] will He [God] revive us: in the third day [3rd Millennium - Kingdom Reign - 8th Kingdom] He [God] will raise us up, and we shall live [in God's Kingdom] in His sight. {Note: It's possible that a Two Thousand year Christian Church Age has been Prophesied in the Bible and if that is in fact the case then in about the year 2033 A.D. [22 years from now 2011] the Christian Church Age will be 2,000 years old and could come to a close at about that time, or sooner, as Biblical events transition out of the Christian Church Age and into the Revelation End Time events and then on into the 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom Age of the Messiah.}

For the current events portion of this study we are going to look at the possibility that today's Protestant/Evangelical Christian Church segment is rebellious and disobedient towards God and towards the greater Catholic Church in the same way that ancient Israel [10 Northern Tribes] were rebellious and disobedient towards God and the Kingdom of Judah and the city of Jerusalem. -- "Hosea 5:1-9 Hear ye this, O Priests [Pastors]; and hearken (listen), ye House of Israel [breakaway - i.e. Protestants]; and give ye ear, O House of the King [leaders]; *for judgment is toward you, because ye have been a snare [hindrance] on Mizpah, and a net [worldly, seeker friendly] spread upon Tabor. And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all. I know Ephraim [the territory of Ephraim contained the early centers of Israelite religion Shechem and Shiloh (where the Tabernacle was located) - these factors contributed to making Ephraim the most dominant of the tribes in the Kingdom of Israel, and led to Ephraim becoming a synonym for the entire (Northern) Kingdom - Wikipedia], and Israel is not hid from Me: for now, O Ephraim, thou committest whoredom, and Israel is defiled. *They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God: for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the LORD. *And the pride of Israel doth testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their iniquity; Judah also shall fall with them. They shall go with their flocks and with their herds [congregations] to seek the LORD; but they shall not find Him; He hath withdrawn Himself from them. They have dealt treacherously against the LORD: for they have begotten strange [emergent] children: now shall a month [short time] devour them with their portions. [Announce] Blow ye the cornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah: cry aloud at Beth-aven, after thee, O Benjamin. Ephraim shall be desolate *in the day of rebuke: among the Tribes of Israel have I made known that which shall surely be."

Basic Christian: End Times - Amillennialism - What is Amillennialism? By Michael J. Vlach, Ph.D. - Amillennialism is a [heretical] theological view concerning the 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ that is mentioned in Revelation 20:1-6 - In particular, Amillennialism is the perspective that there will not be a future literal 1000-year reign of Christ upon the earth - The inseparable Latin prefix a means "no" and the term "millennium" is Latin for "1000 years" - Thus, Amillennialism literally means "no [literal Kingdom on earth for] 1000 years" - *Premillennialism, not Amillennialism, was the predominant view in the first 300 years of church history However, the early church did evidence hints [Origen (185-254 A.D.)] of what later would become Amillennialism

Amillennialism is a theological view concerning the 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ that is mentioned in Revelation 20:1-6. In particular, Amillennialism is the perspective that there will not be a future literal 1000-year reign of Christ upon the earth. The inseparable Latin prefix a means "no" and the term "millennium" is Latin for "1000 years." Thus, Amillennialism literally means "no 1000 years." It should be noted that the term Amillennialism is a reactionary title in that it denies the presence of a future literal 1000-year reign of Christ on earth that premillennialists affirm. However, Amillennialists do in fact believe in a millennium; what they reject, though, is the idea of a future literal 1000-year reign of Christ on earth after the second coming of Christ. According to Amillennialism, the millennium of Revelation 20:1-6 is being fulfilled spiritually in the present age before the return of Jesus Christ. Thus, the millennium or kingdom of Christ is in existence now. Amillennialists affirm that the millennium began with the resurrection and/or ascension of Christ and will be consummated when Jesus returns again to establish the Eternal Kingdom that is discussed in Revelation 21-22. -- For amillennialists, Satan is presently bound and Christians are now enjoying the benefits of the millennium. Some amillennialists claim that the millennium also involves the reigning of saints who are now in heaven. Amillennialists claim that the 1000-year period that is mentioned in Revelation 20:1-6 refers to a long indefinite period of time between the two comings of Christ and is not a literal 1000- year period that occurs after Jesus' return. Because amillennialists believe Christ is currently reigning in the millennium, some, like Jay Adams, believe the title "Realized Millennialism" is a more appropriate title than "Amillennialism." -- In regard to the end times, Amillennialism affirms the following chronological scenario: Christ is now ruling in His kingdom while Satan is bound from deceiving the nations. Tribulation is experienced in the present age even though Christ is ruling. Jesus will return again to earth. After Jesus returns there will be a general bodily resurrection of all the righteous people and a general judgment of all unbelievers. The Eternal Kingdom will begin. -- Amillennialism in History: Premillennialism, not Amillennialism, was the predominant view in the first 300 years of church history. However, the early church did evidence hints of what later would become Amillennialism. For example, Origen (185-254) popularized the allegorical approach to interpreting Scripture, and in doing so, laid a hermeneutical basis for the view that the promised kingdom of Christ was spiritual and not earthly in nature. Eusebius (270-340), an associate of the emperor Constantine, viewed Constantine's reign as the Messianic banquet, and he held to anti-premillennial views. Tyconius, an African Donatist of the fourth century, was one of the earliest theologians to challenge Premillennialism. He rejected the eschatological and futuristic view of Revelation 20. Instead, he said that the millennium was being fulfilled in the present age and that the 1000 years mentioned was not a literal 1000 years. Tyconius also viewed the first resurrection of Revelation 20:4 as a spiritual resurrection which was the new birth. -- Augustine (354-430 A.D.), who is often referred to as the 'Father of Amillennialism,' popularized the views of Tyconius. Augustine abandoned Premillennialism because of what he considered to be the excesses and carnalities of this view. He also interpreted Mark 3:27 to be a present binding of Satan. Augustine was the first to identify the Catholic Church in its visible form with the kingdom of God. For him, the millennial rule of Christ was taking place in and through the church, including its sacraments and offices. His book, City of God, was significant in the promotion and acceptance of Amillennialism. ...

Basic Christian: End Times - Postmillennial [Dominionism] (1 of 2) - The Postmillennial Error or the Golden Age of Righteousness and Peace {without the physical presence of Jesus} by Rev. D. H. Kuiper - Postmillennialism takes the word figuratively, denoting a long period of time belonging to the last part of this Christian era, and immediately prior to Christ's [2nd] appearing - It is well to let a Postmillennialist define his own position "Postmillennialism is that view of the last things [End Times] which holds the kingdom [dominion] of God is now being extended in the world through the preaching of the gospel and saving work of the Holy Spirit, that the world eventually will be Christianized [Dominionized], and that the return of Christ will occur at the close of a long period of righteousness and peace, commonly called the millennium" L. Boettner

The importance for the Church of the return of Jesus Christ can hardly be overemphasized. It is the one aspect of the promise that awaits fulfillment. It is the last and crowning work on the whole process of redemption. It is, therefore, the object of the longing of hope that is in every saint. The return of Christ: the resurrection of the body . . . and final judgment . . . the renewal of all things . . . eternal glory! -- Generally speaking there are three views which seek to set forth the Scriptural truth of the second coming of Jesus and the kingdom He shall perfect. These views differ according to the interpretation given to the word millennium (Latin - mille, one thousand; and annum, year). This word occurs but six times in Scripture and each time it is found in the twentieth chapter of Revelation, an admittedly difficult and symbolical portion of the Word. To the word millennium are added various prefixes (post-, pre-, and a-), thus designating a particular view in respect to the thousand years. Premillennialism takes the millennium literally and maintains that Christ shall come, and then reign upon this earth for exactly one thousand years. Postmillennialism takes the word figuratively, denoting a long period of time belonging to the last part of this Christian era, and immediately prior to Christ's appearing. The Amillennialist also interprets the millennium symbolically, only he maintains that it refers to the whole of the Christian era. We propose to call your attention to these positions in this series of three articles, subjecting them to the light of Scripture, in the hope they may be constructive to our faith and hope. We will begin with a consideration of Postmillennialism. -- It is well to let a Postmillennialist define his own position. "Postmillennialism is that view of the last things which holds the kingdom of God is now being extended in the world through the preaching of the gospel and saving work of the Holy Spirit, that the world eventually will be Christianized, and that the return of Christ will occur at the close of a long period of righteousness and peace, commonly called the millennium." (L. Boettner) This definition is representative of those who hold this view. We wish to develop several of its elements that their implications be clearly before us. ... Decisive for the Christian is what the Word of God says concerning the realities of salvation, sin, the millennium, the last things. *The Postmillennialist either ignores certain passages of Scripture, or he gives them a very forced, unnatural meaning. ... We ask you to study Matthew 24 and Revelation 20, plus other relevant portions of Scripture. Put aside all private opinions, and let yourselves be guided by the Spirit and Word. Do this only after you have prayed. We believe that you will see that we live near the end of the millennium, that the period of time that stretches from the first coming of Christ to His return. In that era may be observed a twofold development: the world increases in sin and godlessness until Antichrist is revealed, and it is ripe for destruction; the Church is gathered and saved, even unto the last elect! Then shall Christ come. And with Him the end!

Basic Christian: End Times - Postmillennial [Dominionism] (2 of 2) - Pre-Millennial and Post-Millennial Doctrines Do Not Mix by Sandy Simpson - Many Christians today have begun to accept a mixture of Pre Mil and Post Mil doctrines - Many claim they still hold to a Pre Trib Rapture and at the same time would claim that Christians are in a great end times revival, that "Transformation" is taking place all over the world, and that our mandate is to retake dominion over the whole world including its businesses, social agendas and political arenas (a Post Mil scenario) - But what many "Christians" today do not realize is: the mixture they have accepted is oxymoronic - If you are truly a Pre Millennialist you hold to the fact that we are NOT in the Millennium but in a time of preaching the Gospel while a falling away from the Faith is taking place - Pre Mils believe that Jesus Christ will come back and establish His Kingdom in the Millennium and *until then we are to carry out the Great Commission and be light and salt, therefore our mandate is NOT to take dominion over the earth

Many Christians today (having allowed themselves to be diapraxed by false teachers on TV, in books, in seminars and on tape) have begun to accept a mixture of Pre Mil and Post Mil doctrines. Many claim they still hold to a Pre Trib Rapture (or another Pre Mil scenario) and at the same time would claim that Christians are in a great end times revival, that "Transformation" is taking place all over the world, and that our mandate is to retake dominion over the whole world including its businesses, social agendas and political arenas (a Post Mil scenario). But what many "Christians" today do not realize is: the mixture they have accepted is oxymoronic. If you are truly a Pre Millennialist you hold to the fact that we are NOT in the Millennium but in a time of preaching the Gospel while a falling away from the Faith is taking place. Pre Mils believe that Jesus Christ will come back and establish His Kingdom in the Millennium and until then we are to carry out the Great Commission and be light and salt, therefore our mandate is NOT to take dominion over the earth. -- If you are a Post Millennialist you believe that we are in a time of great revival because, figuratively (certainly not literally according to the Bible) we are already in the Millennium. Many of them believe that Satan is bound, that we can bind territorial demons (why they are roaming around when Satan cannot I do not know!) and that we can command the weather and retake dominion over the earth promised to Adam. Jesus Christ will then, according to Post Mils, come back at the end of the Millennial age we are currently in and then the old earth will be destroyed and the new heaven and new earth will begin. If you don't believe that this is what Post Mils believe, then read what Post Millennialists/Dominionists C. Peter Wagner and company are saying and doing. Our theological bedrock is what has been known as Dominion Theology. This means that our divine mandate is to do whatever is necessary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to retake the dominion of God's creation which Adam forfeited to Satan in the Garden of Eden. It is nothing less than seeing God's kingdom coming and His will being done here on earth as it is in heaven. (C. Peter Wagner, letter, May 31, 2007) -- So have you bought into the dominion delusion? If you get in your car and follow me home you will end up where I end up ... at my home. If you are following false apostles like C. Peter Wagner then you will end up where he is going. Are you falling away? Instead of falling away, run away from these people!

Basic Christian: End Times - Dominion [Heresy] Theology - Should Christians "take dominion" in the world [Postmillennial] before Jesus Christ returns? - Two movements within American Christian Church say yes - Both of these [Postmillennial] movements fall under the classification of "Dominion Theology" which states a Biblical mandate to occupy or control all *secular [7th Kingdom - the Kingdom of Antichrist] institutions until [Jesus] Christ returns

Christian Reconstructionism: First is the Christian Reconstruction movement, led by such men as Gary North and R.J. Rushdoony. Almost unknown 30 years ago, Reconstructionsim is now influencing the evangelical Church. Its leadership is aggressive, with a Postmillennialist call for Christians to take over the world before Christ can return. Postmillennialism teaches the kingdom of God is now being extended in the world by preaching the Gospel, so that the world will be Christianized during this nonliteral Millennium. Its goal is for a worldwide conquest by Christianity to take over the world for Christ. In their view, this is to be done by the Church, while Christ the King is absent from the earth, something which the Bible simply does not teach. -- Kingdom Now: The second group of Dominionists is known as Kingdom Now, led by men such as Earl Paulk and Thomas Reid. "Kingdom Now theology" urges the Church to become united and mature under the rule of charismatic apostles and prophets (such as Paulk), and take control of secular institutions enough to establish that the Church represents the authority of Christ. The emphasis on the Church's taking "dominion" in both of these movements has led to their being associated together under the label "Dominion Theology." -- Today in the Church there is a changing attitude toward Israel, which is attributed to to the teachings of Dominionists. One of the key doctrines of this movement is the claim that the Church is now Israel, heir to all of her promises, and that national Israel has been cut off from God, and has further no place in the prophetic scheme. The Bible, however, teaches just the opposite. God will never cast off Israel as the Prophet Jeremiah states: If the heavens can be measured and the foundations of the earth searched out below then I will also cast off all the offspring for Israel for all that they have done, declares the Lord (Jeremiah 31:37). -- During the first three centuries of the apostolic Church, which was clearly Premillennial not Postmillennial, "reconstructing society" was never entertained. Christ clearly taught "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36). The Bible teaches us that the world will become more corrupt in the last days, then after the Tribulation period Christ will return and establish His millennial kingdom. Reigning over the whole earth from Jerusalem, His Capital, Israel will be made the leader of the nations, and the Church will reign with Him for a "literal" thousand years. The Church is never commanded to subdue the earth on its own, this simply will not happen until Christ returns. The Church's main responsibility is evangelism and discipleship, not political activism. Our call as believers is to change people through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not to change society through social reformation.

Basic Christian: End Times - Introduction - End Times for Dummies (4 online videos)

These videos are about 3-5 minutes long. They were created by a professor from the Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary "Simple and to the point" (and cartoonish). All of the following are in Vimeo format.

Basic Christian: End Times - Premillennialism (1 of 2) - What is premillennialism? - Premillennialism is the view that Christ's second coming will occur prior to His millennial kingdom, and that the millennial kingdom is a literal 1000-year reign of Christ on earth

Now, with all this in mind, examine what is recorded in Revelation 20:1-7. The thousand years which is repeatedly mentioned in this passage corresponds to Christ's literal 1000-year reign on the earth. Recall that the promise made to David regarding a ruler had to be fulfilled literally and has not yet taken place. Premillennialism sees this passage as describing the future fulfillment of that promise with Christ on the throne. God made unconditional covenants with both Abraham and David. Neither of these covenants has been fully or permanently fulfilled. A literal, physical rule of Christ is the only way the covenants can be fulfilled as God promised they would. -- Applying a literal method of interpretation to Scripture results in the pieces of the puzzle coming together. All of the Old Testament prophecies of Jesus' first coming were fulfilled literally. Therefore, we should expect the prophecies regarding His second coming to be fulfilled literally as well. Premillennialism is the only system that agrees with a literal interpretation of God's covenants and end-times prophecy.

Basic Christian: End Times - Premillennialism (2 of 2) - Premillennialism, as a system, is based on a literal or normative method of biblical interpretation as opposed to Amillennialism which spiritualizes its interpretation and does not take the Bible literally

In premillennialism, words mean what they normally mean in everyday usage, while at the same time it allows for legitimate figures of speech. The simple thesis of premillennialism is that Jesus will literally return to the earth before (pre) the Millennium begins and that He himself will inaugurate and rule over it. In contrast, Amillennialism sees the kingdom of God, not as a literal kingdom, but present now "in the hearts of man." -- Premillennialists can be divided into two subgroups on the basis of their basic approach to prophetic texts. Historicist premillennialists believe that scriptural prophecy - especially the passages in Daniel and Revelation give the entire history of the church in symbolic form. Thus they look into the church's past and present to find prophetic fulfillment's and to see where they are in God's prophetic timetable. In contrast to historicist premillennialism, the dispensational theory of premillennialism, advanced in 1830 by John Nelson Darby has gained popularity among modern evangelicals, ascribing biblical significance to almost every new development in current world events. The second coming of Christ, and subsequent establishment of the millenial kingdom, is to be preceded by a seven year-long period known as the "Tribulation" - the Earthly activity of the Antichrist as well as the outpouring of God's wrath on mankind.

Basic Christian: End Times - Premillennial Dispensationalism - Basically, the fundamental difference between historic premillennialism and dispensational premillennialism consists in the latter's insistence on maintaining a distinction between the Nation of Israel and the [Christian] Church - According to dispensationalists, the millennium will be a period of history in which God reverts back to fulfilling His Old Testament promises made to ethnic Israel, after this modern "Church Age" in which we live today is concluded [i.e. the Rapture of the Church] - As such, the millennium will be a state of Jewish {Kingdom - in that Jesus is Jewish [Jesus' dominion] and will reign [8th Global Kingdom] from Jerusalem [in Judah] while the previous 7 Global Kingdoms of the earth will have all been under *Gentile dominion, rule and authority - The 8th Kingdom is the one Jewish Kingdom while the other 7 Global Kingdoms [Nimrod through Antichrist] will all have been Gentile Kingdoms.} over all the world, along with a newly restored Jewish temple and priesthood [in Jerusalem] -- {Note: The Basic Christian Ministry is going to blog a type of Premillennial Dispensationalism though several of the events, meanings, interpretations and even the timeline of activity will be slightly different. For Example: The Basic Christian Ministry is going to blog that the Jews and ALL the Gentile Nations [those who survive and do not take the Mark of the Beast 666] will physically enter into the Millennial Age (with the sheep and Goats 'Judgment of the Nations' (Matthew 25:32) occurring at the end of the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ). While it is the Saved Christians, Saved Martyred Saints of Revelation and Saved Old Testament Saints that are unable to physically enter the Millennium and will enter the Millennium in a Redeemed Spiritual body. (i.e. Romans 8:23)}

In contrast to historic premillennialism, dispensational premillennialism has gained popularity among modern evangelicals. Dispensational premillennialists hold that the second coming of Christ, and subsequent establishment of the millennial kingdom, is to be preceded by a seven-year-long period known as the "Tribulation," the earthly activity of the Antichrist as well as the outpouring of God's wrath on mankind. Dispensational premillennialists hold that the nation of Israel will be saved and restored to a place of preeminence in the millennium. Thus, Israel will have a special function of service in the millennium that is different from that of the Church or saved Gentiles.

Basic Christian: End Times - Resurrection Sunday (Easter Day) - The Christian Church begins - The individual receiving of the 'Born Again' (Christian) Spirit baptism begins - A Spiritual Baptismal work of Jesus Christ that will cease at the end of the present Christian Church Age -- "John 20:21-22 Then said Jesus to them again, *Peace be unto you: as My Father hath sent [G649 - Apostello - Apostle] Me, even so send [G3992 - Pempo - i.e. messenger] I you. And when He [resurrected Jesus] had said this, He breathed [baptized - Matthew 3:11] on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost [by faith become a 'Born Again' Spirit filled Christian]:"

The birth of the Christian Church: The individual baptizing work of Jesus Christ that began on Resurrection Sunday will continue until the end of the Christian Church Age presumably with an event called the Rapture when all the Spirit Filled Christians are removed from the earth and called into Heaven. -- "Revelation 4:1 After this I [Disciple John] looked, and, behold, a door was opened in Heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither [a type of Church Rapture], and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter [after the end of the Christian Church Age]."

Basic Christian: End Times - Pentecost Sunday [50 days after Resurrection Sunday] - The Global outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh as a Witness of the Savior Jesus Christ - A Witnessing work of the Holy Spirit that will continue throughout the time period of Revelation

The global outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh starting at Pentecost is a work of the Holy Spirit that will not cease as the Baptisms of Jesus Christ will one day cease on earth. Instead the works of Pentecost the Global Holy Spirit witness of the Savior Jesus Christ will continue on upon the earth after the Christian Church Age has come to a close and the Church has been raptured up into Heaven. The Pentecost outpouring of the Holy Spirit witness will remain with mankind upon the earth throughout all the days of Revelation, Tribulation and the Great Tribulation. -- "Joel 2:28-32 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit *upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. And [during the Revelation time period] I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day [Great Tribulation] of the LORD come. *And it shall come to pass, that *whosoever [at any time] shall call on the Name [Jesus Christ] of the LORD shall be delivered: for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call." (Acts 2:16-21)

Basic Christian: End Times - Apostles and Christians - Before Pentecost Jesus revealed Himself [i.e. Luke 24:15] to each of the Apostles [and after Pentecost also lastly to the Apostle Paul - Acts 9:5] - After Pentecost it is the global Witness of the Holy Spirit that leads individuals to Faith in Jesus Christ [John 16:8]

Each of the Apostles after encountering the resurrected Savior Jesus Christ were each individually baptized by the breath of Jesus Christ (John 20:22) and then led primarily throughout their Christian walk [after Pentecost] by the Holy Spirit (i.e. John 14:25-26, Acts 16:7, Acts 18:5). All Christians since the global outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost [the Apostle Paul being the exception] are led to Jesus Christ by the witness of the Holy Spirit [Acts 5:32, 1 John 5:6] and then once each individual person [by faith in the forgiveness of sins from Jesus Christ] is baptized in the Holy Spirit by Jesus [the same way each Apostle became a Christian] once a Christian 'born again' [Matthew 3:11, Romans 8:16] each Christian continues to be led throughout this life by the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 2:12].

Basic Christian: End Times - Prophet Amos - He was a native of the southern Kingdom of Judah, from the town of Tekoa - He was not even a citizen of Israel (the northern kingdom), but rather of Judah (the southern kingdom) - Nevertheless, God sent him to Israel to proclaim the Word to the people of the northern kingdom [source:] -- "Amos 4:12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this [interact] unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel."

With the end of the reign of King Solomon the Kingdom of Judah divided into two parts Judah and Israel [1 Kings 12:16]. Shortly after the Jewish Nation divided the next Prophet from God was the prophet Amos who's Ministry to the people led him away from his native Judah to Israel [Northern Kingdom] in order to give the important message to both portions [Judah and Israel] of the Jews that though divided God would continue with the Promises of God for all the Jews regardless of where they lived (Amos 4:12). The promises of God to the Jews are valid today to all of the Jews regardless of where they live globally. The Jews do not have to live in Judah or even Israel in order to receive the promises and blessings of God. - Amazingly from the astonishing Ministry of the Prophet Amos it would be a Prophesy from Amos that the Apostles would use for guidance at the First Church Council in Jerusalem [about 49 A.D.] -- "Amos 9:11-12 In that day [after the 2,000 year Church Age] will I [God] raise up the tabernacle [building, castle - throne] of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches [holes] thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it *as in the days of old: That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and *of all the heathen, which are called by My Name, saith the LORD that doeth this." (Acts 15:16) -- "Acts 15:17-18 That [the Chuch Age is so] the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom My Name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world."

Basic Christian: End Times - Prophet Hosea - Long after the Prophet Amos the Prophet Hosea would prophesy in Israel [Northern Kingdom] - Hosea was to Israel [Northern Kingdom] what later the Prophet Jeremiah would be to Judah [Southern Kingdom] as Hosea would Minister throughout the destruction of the Northern Kingdom at the hands of the Assyrians - While Hosea was prophesying in Israel the Prophet Isaiah was prophesying in Judah

Like the Prophet Jeremiah the Prophet Hosea had the difficult task of ministering during the judgment of God upon his fellow countrymen. Initially [like the Protestant/Evangelical Church of today] ancient Israel broke away from a corrupt Judah in order to become a more holy people separated unto God. Yet, with good intentions [but lacking the true Jerusalem] the ancient Nation of Israel soon became far more corrupt than Judah and it was the corrupt Israel that was judged by God before Judah was judged [during the time of Jeremiah]. The primary downfall of ancient Israel was that they wanted to be like the world and accepted and liked by the world. Therefore ancient Israel was constantly in league not with Judah but with the heathen Nations, very much like the Protestant/Evangelical Church of today. -- "Hosea 7:8-11 Ephraim [Northern Kingdom], he hath mixed himself among the people [i.e. Assyria, Syria and Egypt]; Ephraim is a cake [flat bread] not turned [only half completed]. *Strangers have devoured his strength, and *he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs [dignity] are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not [his own dignity]. And the pride [glory] of Israel testifieth to his face [but he doesn't know it]: and they do not return to the LORD their God, nor seek Him for all this. Ephraim also is like a silly [love bird] dove without heart: they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria [for worldly help but did not seek the ways of God among their fellow worshipers]." -- {Note: Today it is epidemic among the modern Protestant/Evangelical Church that the Church seeking worldly influence and approval has neglected the true Ministries of God and having forsaken the Glory of God within its own midst is instead seeking for the approval of a fallen mankind.}

Basic Christian: End Times - Current Events Aug. 23, 2011 - [LDS-Mormon] Glenn Beck Affiliation Leads to Calls for Boycott of Christian TV's TBN - The former Fox News personality gains recognition among Christians by forming partnerships with prominent men of the faith such as *John Hagee [Cornerstone Church - San Antonio, Texas] and *David Barton [WallBuilders - history teaching ministry] - Glenn Beck, a professed Mormon, frequently identifies himself with other religious people such as Christians, feeling they all have similar values and can work together on "common interests"

Bill Keller, the leader of the site, issued the call after prominent Christian leaders such as Pastor John Hagee and David Barton expressed their support for Glenn Beck's "restoring courage" campaign on the network. ... Glenn Beck, a professed Mormon, frequently identifies himself with other religious people such as Christians, feeling they all have similar values and can work together on "common interests." However, to believers like Keller, this is deceitful behavior since he believes Mormonism is a satanic cult or a counterfeit form of Christianity, and that true believers should not align themselves with these types of faiths. "It is sad to see the largest Christian TV network and several supposed Christian leaders become modern day Judas' by giving credibility to the proud member of a satanic cult who is exploiting the love Christians have for the Jewish people and the land of Israel," said Keller in the press release. "The Bible says that we are not to be bound together with unbelievers. It asks what fellowship the light has with darkness. (2 Corinthians 6:14)"

Basic Christian: End Times - LDS-Mormon End Times - What is the LDS End Time view? - Early LDS [Last-day Saints - Latter-day Saints (LDS)] leaders believed that Christ would return (during the lifetime of their founder-leader Joseph Smith Jr.) in 1891 [to the small town of Independence, Missouri with Joesph Smith Co-ruling at a LDS Temple to be built on LDS property in the New Jerusalem (Independance, MO.)]

Originally Posted by Breetai: Ok. Joseph Smith came and re-instated the true Church of Jesus Christ during the beginning of the time of the end (the latter-days). Before Jesus returns, the temple in Eden/New Jerusalem (Independance, MO.) must be rebuilt. Jesus returns to Earth and rules the Eastern world from Jerusalem. At this time, Joseph Smith also returns to rule from Independance, MO. Somewhere in there is the resurrection of the dead and the final judgement of all men, who will be judged on their good works to decide where they will spend eternity (celestial heaven, terestial heaven, telestical heaven or outside of heaven's gates). Only members in good standing with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Elohim's (Heavenly Father's) church) have a chance at attaining celestial glory. - Joesph Smith Co-ruling in New Jerusalem (Independance, MO.), Jesus Co-Ruling from Jerusalem -- [LDS prophecy] "It is the will of the Lord that those who went to Zion (Independance, MO.), with a determination to lay down their lives, if necessary, should be ordained to the ministry, and go forth to prune the vineyard *for the last time, or *the [2nd] coming of the Lord, which was night [soon] even fifty-six years [within 56 years of 1835], should wind up the [LDS] scene." quote by Joseph Smith in 1835. -- False, as usual. The [LDS] Prophecy was conditional. The Lord said that if Joseph were to live till that time then the Lord would wind up His Purposes. (The History of the [LDS] Church, vol II, page 182). -- Wikipedia: Joseph Smith Jr. (December 23, 1805 - June 27, 1844) was an American religious leader and the founder of the Latter Day Saint [LDS-Mormon] movement.

Basic Christian: End Times - Introduction: Conclusion - The modern Christian Church Protestant/Evangelical just like ancient Israel and Judah has to be wise, discerning and understanding in its decisions, affiliations and actions - Our own individual actions have consequences and if we choose to follow along with worldly church leaders then like ancient Israel we will fall to those worldly leaders if however we chose like the Apostles did to follow Jesus Christ then fellowship with God will be our calling and our opportunity! -- "Hosea 14:9 Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein."

The Book of Hosea concludes: "Hosea 14:1-9 O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity. Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto Him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips. Asshur shall not save us; we will not ride upon horses: neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy. I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him. I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon. His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon. They that dwell under His shadow shall return; they shall revive as the corn, and grow as the vine: the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon. Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have heard Him, and observed Him: I am like a green fir tree. From me is Thy fruit found. Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein."

Update: 09-15-2011 - Coming Soon Basic Christian: End Times Introduction - My short trip out of town has been delayed [mostly due to weather]

Note: should be able to blog most [or all] of the End Time intro by the end of this weekend. -- The End Time Study is going to start a framework with the O.T. Book of *Hosea and prophecies from the O.T. Prophets Amos and Joel and conclude with a look at some current and future events.

Update: 09-15-2011 - I'll be out of town for a few days and then sometime after I get back I have some End Times study info to post - The End Time Study is going to start with the O.T. Book of *Hosea and prophecies from the O.T. Prophets Amos and Joel ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Note: After the blog Studies resume some End Time info is going to be posted but just enough to get some background and direction into the Biblical End Time events. The main posting is still going to be the blog History Study finishing the 8 Kingdoms [6 of the Kingdoms are ancient global history, the 7th Kingdom is current global events and the 8th global Kingdom is yet future] study portion and then the Church History [less-ancient history] Portion.

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Herescope: Who Invented Dominionism? - Partial quote of C. Peter Wagner "Dominion means [co-ruling with Jesus in the 8th Kingdom the Millennial Reign - not now!] ruling as kings. It says in Revelation Chapter 1:6 that He has made us kings and priests and check the rest of that verse; it says for dominion. So we are kings for dominion." -- (C. Peter Wagner founder of the heretical groups 'New Apostolic Reformation' and 'Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders' - -- {Note: Christians have a part in dominion during the future 8th Kingdom on earth during the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. The coming kingdom on earth that will be the 7th biblical global kingdom is to be the Kingdom of Antichrist. Clearly C. Peter Wagner and his false apostles are advocating ruling within the Antichrist Kingdom and not in the later Kingdom on earth with Jesus.} -- "Revelation 1:6 And hath made us [Christians] kings and priests unto God [Jesus Christ] and His Father; *to Him [Jesus Christ] be *glory and *dominion for ever and ever. Amen."

There is a fascinating ongoing Internet discussion going on right now from all sides of the Dominionism issue. Some are denying it exists. Others are having semantic debates about the term itself. Others are scrambling to whitewash and soften the term, or are distancing themselves from its more extreme teachings. Some are claiming that conspiracy kooks invented it. Others are claiming that Liberal Leftists invented it. Some blame Reconstructionists Rushdoony and North, and steadfastly (or sarcastically) refuse to look at the other Dominionist streams. The Reconstructionists are scrambling to distance themselves from the 7 Mountains. And Francis Schaeffer is rapidly being reinvented on all sides. Revisionist history abounds. Here is just a smattering of the type of comments about it from all sides of the issue: ... Who First Used the Term Dominion/Dominionism? -- All of this leads to the bottom-line question. Who first used the term DOMINIONISM? Some of the semantic tap-dancing about this word ignores the fact that the root word of this is DOMINION, which is a biblical term found in Genesis chapter 1:26: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." This is similarly repeated in verse 28 with the additional words, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it." Obviously, the Scripture uses the term "dominion." In its plainest literal sense this verse has traditionally meant that man is placed over God's creatures. But the Dominion (or "Cultural") Mandate teaches something very different from this. In all of its various forms, brand names, and theological streams it teaches that these verses have to do with the church exercising authority (sometimes called "influence") over the world system: society, culture and government. ... It might surprise some folks to know that Jeremy Rifkin used the term "dominionism" back in 1979 in his book The Emerging Order, and he used it in the context of Genesis 1 and creating a mandate for stewardship over the earth itself. He wanted to enlist the support of the Charismatics to energize his idea of a "new covenant" for global Dominion. ... Oddly, Gary DeMar's group seems to have forgotten that he once worked alongside the NAR Dominionists in their formative years as they together built the Coalition on Revival organization for Dominionist action on earth, starting with the American political scene. DeMar was on the Editorial Committee, and this group issued seventeen "sphere" documents that parallel the NAR's 7 mountains.

Regarding our further blog studies - The First Three Church Councils - Jerusalem in about 49 A.D. (Acts 15:6) attended by the Apostles and Supervised by James [a brother of Jude and half-brother to Jesus] - The Councils of Antioch [Christological (is Jesus really God) controversies] in 264-268 A.D. -- and later the Nicaea Council in Nicaea, Bithynia (Turkey) in 325 A.D. attended by the Church Bishops [Constantine had invited all 1800 bishops of the Christian church, about 1000 from the Roman Eastern Empire and 800 from the Roman Western Empire -] *supervised (incognito) by Roman Emperor Constantine I aka Constantine the Great

The first Church Council in Jerusalem [about 49 A.D.] was to determine the important issue of allowing Gentiles access into the Jewish Christian Church (i.e. Genesis 12:3). The second Church Council the Councils of Antioch [in Turkey] where in regard to the important issue of letting Jesus have access back into His own Church [i.e. as the heritics, desert fathers (desert monasticism), etc. had attempted to remove Jesus from His Church -- Losing in the verdicts of the Councils at Antioch the heretics went out into the desert of Egypt and became the desert (monks) monastics]. The third Church Council Nicaea 325 A.D. was in regard to allowing the Roman Government access into and over the Christian Church (i.e. Romans 13:1). Constantine in a sense attempted to prevail for the Roman Government [in false doctrine] where the earlier heretic monks had failed to gain influence over the Christian Church at Antioch. Don't be misled the Arian heresy [Jesus as Son was not God] and the few other topics [The date of celebration of the Paschal (Passover)/Easter observation. The Meletian schism. The validity of baptism by heretics. The status of the lapse in the (Christian) persecution under co-Emperor Licinius. -] were not about a healthy Church and doctrine but were about setting a secular Roman Government up as arbitrator and mediator over the affairs of the Christian Church. When we study Church History much of the study is going to be in regards to the give and take between Church Authority (i.e. Bishop Ambrose 339-397 A.D.) and Government (State) Authority (i.e. King James I of England 1566-1625 A.D.) -- Note: the Nicaea Council is often considered the first Church Council because it was the first Church/State Council and because it was the biggest and most impacting of the time.

Desert Fathers - The Desert Fathers were hermits, ascetics, monks, and nuns (Desert Mothers) who lived mainly in the Scetes desert of Egypt {in the area of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt - not the Mt. Sinai area of Saudi Arabia} beginning around the third century [200's] AD - The most well known was Anthony the Great, who moved to the desert in 270-271 A.D. and became known as both the father and founder of desert monasticism - By the time Anthony died in 356 A.D., thousands of monks and nuns had been drawn to living in the desert following Anthony's example his biographer, Athanasius of Alexandria, wrote that "the desert had become a city" [the mostly heretical community of pseudo-christians were moving away from the cities where they were being exposed as heretics to the desert much as a result of the Church Councils of Antioch in 264-268 A.D.]

Development of monastic communities: The small communities forming around the Desert Fathers were the beginning of Christian monasticism. Initially Anthony and others lived as hermits, sometimes forming groups of two or three. Small informal communities began developing, until the monk Pachomius, seeing the need for a more formal structure, established a monastery with rules and organization. His regulations included discipline, obedience, manual labor, silence, fasting, and long periods of prayer - some historians view the rules as being inspired by Pachomius' experiences as a soldier. -- The first fully organized monastery under Pachomius included men and women living in separate quarters, up to three in a room. They supported themselves by weaving cloth and baskets, along with other tasks. Each new monk or nun had a three year probationary period, concluding with admittance in full standing to the monastery. All property was held communally, meals were eaten together and in silence, twice a week they fasted, and they wore simple peasant clothing with a hood. Several times a day they came together for prayer and readings, and each person was expected to spend time alone meditating on the scriptures. Programs were created for educating those who came to the monastery unable to read. -- Pachomius also formalized the establishment of an abba (father) or amma (mother) in charge of the spiritual welfare of their monks and nuns, with the implication that those joining the monastery were also joining a new family. Members also formed smaller groups, with different tasks in the community and the responsibility of looking after each other's welfare. The new approach grew to the point that there were tens of thousands of monks and nuns in these organized communities within decades of Pachomius' death. One of the early pilgrims to the desert was Basil of Caesarea, who took the Rule of Pachomius into the eastern church. Basil expanded the idea of community by integrating the monks and nuns into the wider public community, with the monks and nuns under the authority of a bishop and serving the poor and needy. -- As more pilgrims began visiting the monks in the desert, the early literature coming from the monastic communities began spreading. Latin versions of the original Greek stories and sayings of the Desert Fathers, along with the earliest monastic rules coming out of the desert, guided the early monastic development in the Byzantine world and eventually in the western Christian world. The Rule of Saint Benedict was strongly influenced by the Desert Fathers, with Saint Benedict urging his monks to read the writings of John Cassian on the Desert Fathers. The Sayings of the Desert Fathers was also widely read in the early Benedictine monasteries. -- Withdrawal from society: The legalization of Christianity by the Roman Empire in 313 A.D. actually gave Anthony a greater resolve to go out into the desert. Anthony, who was nostalgic for the tradition of martyrdom, saw withdrawal and asceticism as an alternative. *When members of the {desert monastic} Church began finding ways to work with the Roman state, {a few of} the Desert Fathers saw that as a compromise between "the things of God and the things of Caesar." *The monastic communities were essentially *an alternate [heretical] Christian society. The {few early} hermits doubted that religion and politics could ever produce a truly Christian society. For them, the only Christian society was spiritual and not mundane. -- {Note: Where the early (heretics) Desert Monks failed to influence the early Christian Church via their false doctrine the Roman Government via Constantine would succeed in exerting a secular influence over the Christian Church. Then with a Roman secular influence over the Christian Church [starting from about 313 A.D - 325 A.D. the Desert Heretics were then able to leave behind the desert and [under the guise of the 313 A.D. edict of religious tolerance] once again entered the cities to work as scholars, faculty, administrators, and priests for avenues to continue to influence the true Christian Church with their destructive and very unchristian heresies.}

Update: 09-12-2011 - The current schedule is to post a couple of items and update some eBook material then I'll be out of town for about the next week - The Apostles series has been concluded at least for the time being

Note: If we were to continue with the study of the Apostles at some point it would require more and more speculation as we would have to speculate about where some of the 12 Apostles went and what they accomplished. Instead of speculating about some of the Apostles I think it's better if we speculated instead on some of the End Time events. Coming Soon .... End Times a study of some of the Biblical End Time events. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

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Update: 08-30-2011 - The Basic Christian Ministry Website is on Break for the next Two Weeks ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Coming Soon: A new Series of Studies!!

Updated!! Basic Christian: Info News Feed 2004-2011 - eBook available in EPUB format (ePub)

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Now Available: The Basic Christian Ministry FREE eBooks (ePub - Mobi)

The Basic Christian Epub eBooks have been updated and now a Kindle (Mobi) version has been added for each of the five currently available Basic Christian eBooks. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

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The Apostle Peter uses 'knowledge' and 'understanding' as cornerstones in his Epistles to the Church - What the Apostle Peter is explaining is that there are no shortcuts to godliness and that godliness does not come except through the time honored virtues of faith in Jesus Christ, patience, knowledge, love, kindness, service, experience, etc. - Today we have the common problem that Christians are being encouraged to substitute commonality for virtue -- For Example: Tithing is being used as a virtue however it has little to do with virtue and tithing without knowledge has nothing to do with godliness and virtue (in the New Testament when Saints donated money it was to a known and substantiated cause i.e. to help in Jerusalem) - An example in society today might be a person who gets a tattoo in that it offers an amount of social acceptability in worldliness however the person getting the tattoo may have few qualities associated with tattoos and as the saying goes "tattoos are for people who don't have enough courage to live dangerously and get real scars" - Similarly Tithing like tattoos is for people who don't live with enough real knowledge to really learn how to individually interact with and have a real relationship with God - Tithing then becomes a poor, easy and cheap substitute to real godliness and virtue but don't let that happen and as the Apostle Peter explains it can't happen

2 Peter 1:1-12 Simon Peter, a Servant [of Righteousness] and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you *through the *knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the *knowledge of Him that hath called us to *glory and *virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be *partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, *add to your faith virtue; *and to virtue knowledge; *And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the *Everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ [the 8th Kingdom]. Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, *though ye *know them, and be established in the present Truth.

Here are some Bible verses from the Apostles Paul and John and also a Psalm from the Old Testament in order to see how close and similar the same Gospel Message is being preached by all of the Apostles and as it was alluded to and even preached on in the Old Testament -- Romans 6:3-18 *Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His [cross] death? Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised [resurrection] up from the dead by the Glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection: *Knowing this, that our old man [sins] is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead *dieth no more; *death hath no more dominion over Him. For in that He died, He died unto sin once: but in that He liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but *alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members [hands, feet, mouth, .etc] as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. *Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? *But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the Servants of Righteousness.

1 John 4:13-17 Hereby *know we that we dwell in Him [God], and He [Holy Spirit] in us, because He [Jesus] hath given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and do Testify that the Father sent the Son [Jesus] to be the Saviour of the world. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love [commitment to the highest good]; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have *boldness *in the day of judgment: because as He [Jesus] is [rightious], so are we in this world. -- Psalms 47:1-9 To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. For the LORD most High is terrible [lit. Amazing]; He is a Great King over all the earth. He shall subdue the people under us, and the Nations under our feet. *He shall choose *our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom He loved. Selah. God is gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet. *Sing praises to God [Father], *sing praises [Jews]: sing praises [Gentiles] unto our King [Jesus], sing praises [to the Holy Spirit]. *For God is the King of all the earth: *sing ye praises with understanding.* God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the Throne of His Holiness. The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: He is greatly exalted.

Here are some more of the writings of the Apostle Peter [1 Peter 3:8 to 1 Peter 5:11] that we can read over and take to heart before we begin our series 'Decoding the Apostles' - In the coming Series it is going to be tempting to call the Apostle Peter the 'Mojo Apostle' because Peter did have the Mojo - All of the Apostles and even the disciples had and have Holy Spirit [Mojo] but the Apostle Peter was clearly the man with the most Holy Spirit (Mojo) even more so than the Apostles Paul and John -- 1 Peter 3:8-9 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called [to bless one another], that ye should inherit a bessing.

1 Peter 3:10-22 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer [Jesus Christ enthroned (Colossians 3:1) - the Kingdom of God (John 3:3)] to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in [Jesus] Christ. For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, *that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also He went [to the Paradise side of Hades (i.e. Luke 16:22-26)] and preached {over} unto the spirits in prison [the condemned side of Hades]; Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls [the family of Noah] were saved by water. The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him.

1 Peter 4:1-2 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh [submitted to the cross of Jesus Christ] hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

1 Peter 4:3-19 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the [unsaved] Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: Who shall give account to Him [Jesus] that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. For for this cause was the Gospel preached also to them that are dead [spiritually unregenerate], that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but {we} live according to God in the spirit [or possibly, "but {that they} (convert and) live according to God"]. But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another without grudging. As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles [Biblical sayings] of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. -- Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. For the time is come that *judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved [only through the cross of Jesus Christ], where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear [without the cross - condemned]? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

1 Peter 5:1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, *and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:

1 Peter 5:2-11 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy [money] lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being [bosses] lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd [Jesus Christ] shall appear, ye shall receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away. Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the [accountable] elder [submission without accountability is meaningless]. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth [eternally] for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the Devil [Satan], as a roaring lion [of the chaotic night vs. Jesus the Majestic Lion of the Day], walketh about, seeking whom he may devour [lead astray from the faith of Jesus Christ]: Whom resist stedfast in the faith [Resurrection of Jesus Christ], *knowing (Luke 22:31-32) that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all Grace, who hath called us unto His eternal Glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect [complete], stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever [eternal]. Amen.

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Coming Soon: The Basic Christian Ministry - A brief look at Matthew Chapter 24 and 1 Peter 3:8 to 1 Peter 5:11 and also a few related verses from the Book of Romans and possibly a few verses from the Book of Hebrews - Especially regarding the topic of Salvation i.e. "Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." {Hint: Christians are 'Saved' now at the present moment and not in the future. Generally the teachings of the True Christian Church acknowledge Salvation and Sanctification in the believer at the present time while the Cults universally attempt to distance the believer from present Salvation in Jesus Christ while creating several steps to Sanctification most notably in Tithing and Obedience to others.}

I'm Looking forward to this brief introductory study where we should be able to begin to look at several interesting Christian topics starting with Salvation then visiting some Original Sin and Rapture Doctrine and concluding with Church Conduct and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

The Basic Christian Ministry - Introduction: "Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." - The Doctrine of the Apostles [Paul, Peter, John, etc.] that Christians are Saved and become a Child of God the moment of our belief in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ accomplished for the forgiveness of our sins

2 Corinthians 13:3-9 Since ye [Church members who are doubting the Calling and Ministry of the Apostle Paul] seek a proof of Christ speaking in me (Apostle Paul), [signs of Jesus Christ] which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty [tithes, boasting, story telling, consorting, signs and wonders, obedience] in you. For though He (Jesus) was crucified through weakness, yet He liveth by the power of God. For we [True Christians, followers of Jesus Christ] also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him by the power of God toward you. *Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the [True] faith; *prove your own selves [confirm 'Jesus Christ in you' (Matthew 3:11, John 20:22) - the Holy Spirit within you]. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates [unsaved]? But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates. Now I pray to God that ye do no evil; *not that we should appear approved [through religion Church/society acceptable ways], *but that ye should do that which is honest [at all times], though we [to the unlearned appear to] be as reprobates. For we can do nothing against the Truth, but for the Truth [of Jesus Christ]. For we are glad, when we are weak [misunderstood, misrepresented and persecuted], and ye are strong [in a worldly way]: and this also we wish [True 'strong' humble servant Christianity], even your perfection. -- 1 Peter 3:18-22 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the [Holy] Spirit: ... whereunto even baptism doth also *now save us* not the [baptism water] putting away of the filth of the flesh, but *the answer of a good conscience toward God, *by [faith in] the resurrection of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him (Jesus Christ). -- 1 John 3:1-3 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not. Beloved, *now are we [Christians] the Sons [lit. child] of God, and it [the resurrected body] doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He [Resurrected Jesus Christ] shall appear, we shall be [resurrected bodily] like Him; for we shall see Him as He is [Resurrection Spirit body]. And every man that hath this [Resurrection - eternal life] hope in him purifieth himself, even as He (Jesus Christ) is pure.

The Basic Christian Ministry: Matthew Chapter 24 - Matthew 24:1-2 And Jesus went out [three days before His crucifixion], and departed [for the last time] from the Temple [the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem]: and His disciples came to Him for to shew Him the [Temple] buildings of the Temple [the Disciples thought that Jesus was going to take over the Temple and rule from within the Temple buildings and they were wondering what each building would be used for when Jesus would enact His Kingdom Reign]. And Jesus [correcting the Disciples] said unto them, See ye not all these things [buildings]? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down [the earthly (physical i.e. ordinances, tithing, animal sacrifices) Levitical Priesthood Temple of Jerusalem was to be destroyed - while the Spiritual Temple (i.e. Holy spirit leading, more individuality, personal fellowship with God) in the Melchizedek Priesthood is to be instituted].

Matthew 24:3-14 And as He (Jesus) sat upon the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came unto Him privately, saying [we are now so confused], Tell us, when shall these [Kingdom Reign - Millennial] things be? and what shall be the sign of Thy coming [as King of Israel], *and of the end of the [present] world [the end of man's separation from God]? And Jesus answered and said unto them [Jesus' Mt. Olivet Discourse], Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in My Name [Christ], saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many [Notice: how many false pastors willingly preach 'christ' (Antichrist) but unwillingly preach Jesus Christ]. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass [because sin is still in the world], *but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these [warfare and spiritual warfare] are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for My Name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity [deliberate sins] shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. *But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come [the end of man's separation from God i.e. Revelation 21:1-3]. -- {Note: What could be in view here according to the 'end of the world' context of this Sermon given by Jesus Christ "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved" is that those who have to 'endure unto the end' to be saved are the Tribulation Saints of Revelation and the survivors who later become the Millennial Saints [the Millennial Saints undergo the Sheep and Goats Judgment at the end of the Millennial Age - Matthew 25:31-34] and therefore this is not a direct reference to the Christian Church [that does not undergo the 'Sheep and Goats Judgment'] though a Christian who is Saved upon belief certainly continues to be Saved throughout their 'endurance' but is not more saved than when one first believes.} -- 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 We [Christians] then, as workers together with Him [God the Father], beseech (implore) you [non-Christians] also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured (helped) thee: *behold, now [today] is the accepted time [to become a Christian]; behold, now is the Day of Salvation [for a Christian but not for a coming Revelation Saint or Millennial Saint who will have to wait to be Martyred (a Martyred Saint of Revelation - Revelation 6:9) or for the End Time judgment of the Sheep and Goats for the Millennial Saints].

The Basic Christian Ministry: Matthew Chapter 24 - Matthew 24:15-22 When ye therefore shall see the Abomination of Desolation [the Antichrist], spoken of by Daniel the prophet [Daniel9:27], stand in the holy place [the rebuilt (3rd) Temple in Jerusalem - Revelation 11:1-2], whoso readeth, let him understand: Then let them which be in Judaea [Israel] flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the [Jewish] Sabbath day [Saturday]: For then shall be Great Tribulation [the second 3½ year period of the seven (possible) years of Revelation Tribulation], such [tribulation] as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be [again]. And except those [Great Tribulation] days should be shortened [from 3½ years to only 45 days - Daniel 12:11-12], there should no flesh [human or animal] be saved [alive - to enter the Millennial Kingdom]: but for the elect's [not the Church Elect but the Millennial Reign Elect (1,000 year - 8th Kingdom - Kingdom on earth Reign of Jesus Christ)] sake those days shall be shortened.

Matthew 24:23-27 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs [Antichrists], and false prophets, *and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not forth: behold, He is in the secret [rooms] chambers; believe it not. For as the [visible] lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also [visible] the coming of the Son of Man [Jesus Christ] be.

The Basic Christian Ministry: Matthew Chapter 24 - Matthew 24:28-29 For wheresoever the carcase [dead body] is, there will the eagles [G105, Eagle - i.e. Eagle of the Roman Standard (Revised-Rome, 7th Kingdom - Kingdom of Antichrist)] be gathered together. Immediately after the [1st half] Tribulation of those days [Revelation 6:9] shall the sun be darkened [The Great Tribulation (2nd half) - i.e. Revelation 8:12, Revelation 16:10], and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the [Satanic] powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Matthew 24:30-31 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other [to start the Millennial Kingdom].

The Basic Christian Ministry: Matthew Chapter 24 - Matthew 24:32-36 Now learn a parable of the Fig Tree [Man-made Religion - Genesis 3:7]; When his branch (3rd Temple in Jerusalem) is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things [3rd Temple in Jerusalem], know that it [Tribulation - Great Tribulation] is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation [possibly the 1967 'Reunification of Jerusalem' generation] shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of Heaven, but My Father only.

Matthew 24:37-42 But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood [Genesis 7:10] they [unsaved] were [unaware] eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that [saved] Noe (Noah) entered into the ark [taken away to safety], And knew not until the flood came, and [Tribulation] took them all away; so shall also the [Rapture - safety] coming of the Son of man be. *Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken [to safety, Heaven (1 Peter 1:4-5) - Rewards (1 Corinthians 3:8) - Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7)], and the other left [Tribulation]. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken [to safety, Heaven (1 Peter 1:4-5) - Rewards (1 Corinthians 3:8) - Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7)], and the other left [Tribulation]. Watch [be ready] therefore [to be taken to Heaven - Rewards - Marriage Supper of the Lamb]: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

The Basic Christian Ministry - Conclusion: Matthew Chapter 24 - Matthew 24:43-44 But know this, that if the goodman [responsible overseer] of the house had known in what watch the [common] thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready [Jesus - much greater and more important than a common thief]: for in such an hour [when you least expect it - and are the most focused on worldly events] as ye think not the [important] Son of Man cometh.

Matthew 24:45-51 Who then is a faithful and wise servant [Pastor], whom his Lord (Jesus) hath made ruler over His Household [Church], to give them [Worshipers] meat [sound Biblical Doctrine and teachings] in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom His Lord when He cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That He shall make him ruler over all His goods. *But and if that evil servant [worldly pastor] shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth His coming; And shall begin to smite [abuse] his fellowservants [fellow Christians], and to eat and drink with the [worldly] drunken [as one with them]; The Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he [unaware] looketh not for Him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder [remove that person from the Kingdom of God], and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there [in hell - outer darkness] shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. -- Galatians 5:16-25 This I [Apostle Paul] say then, Walk in the [Holy] Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the [Holy] Spirit, ye are not under the law [i.e. Tithing]. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, *heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall [be weeping and gnashing of teeth and] not inherit the kingdom of God. *But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk in the [Holy] Spirit.

Update: The Basic Christian Ministry - Still on Break (out of town) for about the next week - I plan on doing a new schedule for the website - The current plan is to do two or three short Bible studies - Technically the short Bible studies and Devotionals are scheduled to start in 2012 just after Holy Week but it's a good way to view some topics we need to look at now - Then we don't have any more movies to decode at this time but I think we should do a whole series 'Decoding the Apostles' - We can look into the lives, backgrounds, personalities and accomplishments of the Church Apostles and gain some information from their writings that they have encoded about themselves into their Biblical writings

Note: now would be a good time to download the Basic Christian material to look it over and to tell your friends about the Basic Christian website and material. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

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Update: The Basic Christian Ministry still has more material to post and I would like to detour from the 8 Kingdoms/History Study and re-examine Doctrines and Theology particularly; Redemption, Salvation, Baptism, Born-Again, Once Saved Always Saved, Etc. -- But before we get back into more Doctrine it's possible that I might do another short series this time decoding the 1967 movie 'Cool Hand Luke' - Also it looks like I will have a few breaks in posting between now (July) and September so around September 2011 we should be back full-speed into the 8 Kingdoms & Church History Study ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

The 1967 movie Cool Hand Luke is kind of the movie where all the previous Occult introduction themes [rebellion, disobedience, drugs, nudity, sexuality, homosexuality, etc.] finally gained mainstream acceptance with the general public and movie audience. After Cool Hand Luke [highly based off the 1965 movie King Rat] and many other similar Occult themed [losing your religion] movies the rebellion of the 1960's entered virtually unabated into almost all segments of society [some of the theme music from Cool Hand Luke became the theme sound for most of the Nation's nightly 'Eyewitness News' broadcasts]. -- Though obvious the primary reason for decoding the movie 'Cool Hand Luke' is not going to be to point out all the rebellion and societal angst that is purposely scripted and directed into the movie [as we did with the 1966 movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly]. Instead the movie 'Cool Hand Luke' [in attempting to ruin religion] accidently portrays a very realistic portrayal of a sinful man 'Luke' seeking and groping after a real relationship with the Holy God. The question the movie fails to ask but we will not fail to ask is 'in the end was Luke saved?' The question of Luke's salvation is going to be paramount to our brief study and it is going to be the premise and conclusion of this study that yes indeed the slightly fictional character of Cool Hand Luke if real would indeed be saved and in heaven. -- Coming Soon: 'Cool Hand Luke' decoded.

Cool Hand Luke (1967) Part 1 (YouTube)

Paul Newman was nominated for an Oscar and George Kennedy received one for his work in this allegorical prison drama. Luke Jackson (Paul Newman) is sentenced to a 2 year stretch on a Florida chain gang (Road Prison) after he's arrested for drunkenly decapitating parking meters. While the avowed ambition of the captain (Strother Martin) is for each prisoner to "get their mind right," it soon becomes obvious that Luke is not about to give in/submit to anybody. When challenged to a fistfight by fellow inmate Dragline (George Kennedy), Luke simply refuses to give up, even though he's brutally beaten. Luke knows how to win at poker, even with bad cards, by using his smarts and playing it cool. Luke also figures out a way for the men to get their work done in half the usual time, giving them one afternoon off. Finally, when Luke finds out his mother has died, he plots his escape; when he's caught, he simply escapes again. Soon, Luke becomes a symbol of hope and resilience to the other men in the prison camp -- and a symbol of rebelliousness that must be stamped out by the guards and the captain. Along with stellar performances by Newman, Kennedy, and Martin, Cool Hand Luke features a superb supporting cast, including Ralph Waite, Harry Dean Stanton, Dennis Hopper, Wayne Rogers, and Joe Don Baker as members of the chain gang [and Jo Van Fleet as Luke's dysfunctional mother Arletta].

Cool Hand Luke - Wikipedia: Eyewitness News - Eyewitness News is a name used by local television newscasts, widely used in different markets across the United States - The earliest known use of the Eyewitness News name in American television was in April 1959 when KYW-TV (now WKYC-TV) in Cleveland, owned at the time by Westinghouse Broadcasting, launched the nation's first 90-minute local newscast (under the title Eyewitness), combined with the then 15-minute national newscast - Primo used the cue 007 from the 1963 film From Russia with Love as the musical theme - In 1968, Primo moved to WABC-TV in New York City and took the Eyewitness News concept there with him, choosing music from the 1967 Paul Newman film Cool Hand Luke - the "Tar Sequence" cue (composed by Lalo Schifrin) as the theme - However, he added a new twist at WABC-TV-chatter among the anchors, which came to be known as "happy talk"

Origins: The earliest known use of the Eyewitness News name in American television was in April 1959 when KYW-TV (now WKYC-TV) in Cleveland, owned at the time by Westinghouse Broadcasting, launched the nation's first 90-minute local newscast (under the title Eyewitness), combined with the then 15-minute national newscast.[1] The name was then adopted for use by Westinghouse's other television stations-KPIX in San Francisco, WJZ-TV in Baltimore, WBZ-TV in Boston and KDKA-TV in Pittsburgh-for its local newscasts. ... between stories to let viewers know their personalities. Primo used the cue 007 from the 1963 film From Russia with Love as the musical theme. The format quickly became a hit in Philadelphia and allowed KYW-TV to surge past longtime leader WCAU-TV for first place, a position it kept on and off until the late 1970s. KYW-TV's success spawned rival station WFIL-TV (now WPVI-TV) to develop the Action News format to compete with it. (After NBC was ordered back to Cleveland in 1965, the Eyewitness News name left that city until WEWS adopted it for its newscasts in the 1970s). -- Expansion: In 1968, Primo moved to WABC-TV in New York City and took the Eyewitness News concept there with him, choosing music from the 1967 Paul Newman film Cool Hand Luke - the "Tar Sequence" cue (composed by Lalo Schifrin) - as the theme. However, he added a new twist at WABC-TV-chatter among the anchors, which came to be known as "happy talk". Among the newscasters in the first wave of happy talk on WABC was a very young Geraldo Rivera, a comical and entertaining weatherman in Tex Antoine, and with Roger Grimsby as traditional humorless anchorman. WABC-TV has kept the name and format since then, and has been the highest-rated station in New York for much of that time. -- The format, as tweaked by WABC-TV, was copied by many other stations in the United States, with four other stations owned and operated by ABC - KABC-TV in Los Angeles, WLS-TV in Chicago, WXYZ-TV in Detroit and KGO-TV in San Francisco -- using both the format and the Cool Hand Luke theme. (In the case of KGO, since KPIX was already using the Eyewitness News name, KGO named its newscast Channel 7 NewsScene in 1969 and by 1983 simply Channel 7 News, while WXYZ used the Action News name since rival WJBK-TV called its newscasts Eyewitness News; KABC and WLS were free to use the Eyewitness News name as did WABC-TV). Ironically, WPVI, which developed the Action News format, is also now an ABC owned-and-operated station. In addition, U.S. Spanish-language stations also use their own version of Eyewitness News, called Noticias de Primera Plana (Headline News, a concept translation in Spanish of Eyewitness News) on its owned-and-operated stations.

The false premise of the movie 'Cool Hand Luke' is that Society is accurately structured off of Religion and that society therefore accurately reflects religion i.e. Christianity and that to then properly conform to Society is to properly conform to Religion and therefore be 'Saved' by God - This very false [straw man] proposition [with society being wrong then God must be wrong] regarding Society in equating Society to Religion is much of what we are going to examine in this series of decoding the movie 'Cool Hand Luke' -- {Note: Biblically [Revelation chapters 1-4] it is clear that the Christian Church in whole often does not accurately reflect the image of God (Jesus), and much less does society as a whole, but that individuals [i.e. Cool Hand Luke] do at times more accurately reflect the true image of Jesus Christ as God has intended for all mankind.}

The reason the movie as a whole is a "straw-man proposal" [society being wrong so God must be wrong] movie presentation and an obvious one at that is that the straw 'not real' and easily swept away argument being that society accurately represents Christianity and therefore a dysfunctional Society [on whole or in part] is an offspring of a dysfunctional religion i.e. Christianity and being dysfunctional then reasonable people would have every reasonable need to depart from a dysfunctional [religion] system and incorporate a much less 'dysfunctional' [seemingly freely open] i.e. prison (socialism) society system and style for their own life and culture. Of course reality is that human society has little to do with actual Biblical Christianity [even within the Church, Mega-Church system] especially regarding sinful mankind. The movie is falsely portraying a Society equals Religion premise and insinuating that Luke while rebelling against society's unfairness is actually rebelling against the unfairness of God. But in reality Luke in rebelling against the unfair nature of society [Church (Mega-Church) and State] is actually in more of a true relationship with the just, righteous and fair God of the Bible than many people [Christians included] would rightly realize.

Cool Hand Luke (background) - King Rat (1965) Both Steve McQueen and Paul Newman [Cool Hand Luke] turned down the lead in this intriguing film

This film (King Rat) also has a secondary storyline about the role of class in our society. Most of the British POWs are officers of fine breeding while King is an enlisted man of a questionable background. Some of the "upper-crust" British feel it is beneath them to work with someone like Cpl. King, let alone be bested or dependent upon him. This class-warfare intrigue is still in question today. Are some people better than others because of who they are? Rich vs. poor, male vs. female, white vs. black, educated vs. street smarts are all still issues plaguing humanity. -- This film is based upon a best-selling novel by James Clavell. Clavell spent much of his literary life writing a series of best-selling novels about Asia and its interaction with the West. From 'Shogun' to 'Noble House' to 'Gai-Jin' all of Clavell's novels about Asia are intriguing. The mini-series based upon 'Shogun', starring Richard Chamberlin and Toshiro Mifune, is still one of my favorite television events. And this novel is one of his best. Whether you like intense drama or prefer intellectual action, King Rat will provide some enjoyable entertainment. Upon viewing please keep one question in the back of your mind. If you were in a similar situation, would make a deal for food or would you starve for principle and honor? Filmed in 1965, directed by Bryan Forbes, written by Forbes from the novel by James Clavell, starring George Segal, John Mills, Tom Courtenay, James Fox and Denholm Elliott. --- James Clavell - Early life and World War II: Born in Australia, Clavell was the son of Commander Richard Clavell, a British Royal Navy officer who was stationed in Australia on secondment from the Royal Navy to the Royal Australian Navy. In 1940, when Clavell finished his secondary schooling at Portsmouth Grammar School, he joined the Royal Artillery to follow his family tradition. Following the outbreak of World War II, at the age of 16 he joined the Royal Artillery in 1940, and was sent to Malaya to fight the Japanese. Wounded by machine-gun fire, he was eventually captured and sent to a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp on Java. Later he was transferred to Changi Prison in Singapore. Clavell suffered greatly at the hands of his Japanese captors. According to the introduction to King Rat, written by Clavell, over 90% of the prisoners who entered Changi never walked out, although the actual mortality rate was under 1% [850 out of a total of 87,000 prisoners are known to have died at Changi, although many more died after being transferred out to other sites like the Death Railway]. Clavell was reportedly saved, along with an entire battalion, by an American prisoner of war who later became the model for "The King" in Clavell's King Rat.

Cool Hand Luke (background) - Wikipedia: Donn Pearce an American author best known for the novel and screen play 'Cool Hand Luke' - He served two years in the Florida Department of Corrections chain gangs [Road Camp No. 48] - In 1965 Scribners published his first novel, Cool Hand Luke, and he went on to write the Academy Award-nominated screenplay for the 1967 film version - The film starred Paul Newman, and Pearce made a cameo appearance as a convict named Sailor

Donn Pearce (born 1928) is an American author best known for the novel and screen play Cool Hand Luke. -- Born Donald Mills Pearce in a suburb of Philadelphia, Pearce left home at 15. He attempted to join the United States Merchant Marine at 16, but was turned away due to his age. He lied about his age, registered for the draft, and was inducted into the United States Army in 1944. Frustrated by rules he considered unnecessary, he went AWOL, then three days later thought better of it and turned himself in to a Navy MP. His sentence was 30 days in the stockade. He served three days of his sentence, then was transferred to a combat infantry unit. Anticipating being sent to the front (this was during WWII), he wrote his mother a letter. She contacted the Army, informed them of his true age, and he was thrown out of the Army. By this time, he was old enough to join the Merchant Marine. -- The Merchant Marine took him to Venice when he was 18, to Spain, Denmark, France, Portugal and Bombay. Post-war Europe had a thriving black market, and Pearce became involved in counterfeiting American money. He attempted to pass some counterfeit bills to a police officer in Marseilles, and was arrested, tried, and sent to prison. Assigned to a work detail outside the prison grounds, Pearce escaped, making his way to the Italian border. The French officials had taken his seaman's papers, so he forged new ones and signed on a ship to Canada. He crossed from Canada into the United States, where he began a new career - burglary. -- He became a safecracker, and in 1949, at the age of twenty, he was arrested for burglary. He served two years in the Florida Department of Corrections chain gangs. In 1965 Scribners published his first novel, Cool Hand Luke, and he went on to write the Academy Award-nominated screenplay for the 1967 film version. The film starred Paul Newman, and Pearce made a cameo appearance as a convict named Sailor. His other books included Pier Head Jump (1972) and Dying in the Sun (1974). During the seventies and early eighties he was a freelance journalist, often contributing to magazines such as Playboy and Esquire. In 2005 he published a fourth book, Nobody Comes Back, a novel about the Battle of the Bulge, which received an excellent review from Malcom Jones in the 21 February 2005 edition of Newsweek. Pearce continues to live and write in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Cool Hand Luke (Updated - Background) - imdb: Biography for Donn Pearce - "I seem to be the only guy in the United States who doesn't like the movie" Pearce told the Miami Herald in 1989 - "Everyone had a whack at it - They screwed (manipulated) it up 99 different ways"

It's been said that if Donn Pearce is remembered at all, it won't be for having written "Cool Hand Luke," his acclaimed but little-read novel about his life as a convict on a southern chain gang, but for the classic movie based on it. Starring Paul Newman in the Oscar-nominated title role, Cool Hand Luke (1967) was both a critical and commercial success. An outstanding film across the board, it brought us one of the screen's most compelling anti-heroes and one of the all-time great movie lines: "What we've got here is failure to communicate." Nominated for Best Picture, "Cool Hand Luke" was one of the key films of the Sixties. Many consider it a masterpiece. - Donn Pearce is not one of them. - "I seem to be the only guy in the United States who doesn't like the movie," Pearce told the Miami Herald in 1989. "Everyone had a whack at it. They screwed it up 99 different ways."

Cool Hand Luke (Background) - [Movie] 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' is a 1969 American Western [losing your religion] film directed by George Roy Hill and written by William Goldman - The title roles were originally cast with Paul Newman and Steve McQueen, but the latter (McQueen) left after a dispute over billing - The role of Sundance was then offered to Jack Lemmon, whose production company, JML, had produced the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke starring Newman -- Note: According to the DVD director commentary director George Roy Hill during pre-production for his 1969 movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid went to Europe (Italy) in 1966 knowing that the movie by Sergio Leone "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" would not be released to American audiences until 1968. In viewing the movie "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" he later incorporated some of the film style [slow-motion and noise emphasis] from Sergio Leone into the shootout sequence in scene #21 titled 'Going straight' the scene also included fellow Cool Hand Luke actor Strother Martin.

Production: The film was originally rated M (for mature audiences) by the Motion Picture Association of America. It was re-rated PG when 20th Century Fox re-released the film in 1974. According to the supplemental material on the Blu-ray disc release, William Goldman's script, originally called The Sundance Kid and Butch Cassidy, was purchased by Richard Zanuck at 20th Century Fox for $400,000, double the price the studio's board of directors had authorized. The title roles were originally cast with Newman and Steve McQueen, but the latter left after a dispute over billing. The role of Sundance was then offered to Jack Lemmon, whose production company, JML, had produced the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke starring Newman, who had been grateful for Lemmon's...Lemmon, however, turned down the role; he did not like riding horses, and he also felt he had already played too many aspects of the Sundance Kid's character before. Warren Beatty was then considered, as was Marlon Brando, but the role of Sundance eventually went to the lesser-known Redford. (Initially Newman was to play Sundance (whom he did not resemble) and Redford Cassidy.) Fox [studio] did not want Redford, but director George Roy Hill insisted. Redford later said this film catapulted him to stardom and irreversibly changed his career. Butch Cassidy's outlaw gang was actually called "The Wild Bunch"; this was changed, in the film, to "The Hole-In-The-Wall Gang" to avoid confusion with Sam Peckinpah's recently released film The Wild Bunch. -- Box office: With a box office of over US$100 million (equivalent to over $500 million in 2009 dollars), it was the top grossing film of the year.

Cool Hand Luke - The movie Cool Hand Luke's opening scene is of a normal looking guy [Luke] who happens to be in the process of damaging Govt. property by cutting off the tops of the parking meters in his small town's shopping district

The word 'violation' looms from each parking meter as Luke topples it from its stand. Luke following his own BYOB policy, a bottle opener hanging from a chain around his neck, has brought his own beer to his own little getting even party. The intoxicated Luke has a grand time while he spends a few minutes in the dark of night "evening the score" for a parking ticket that Luke certainly didn't deserve. Soon, as expected a local police officer pulls his patrol car to the curb and asks Luke "what are you doing there fella?" The movie viewer is instantly presented with a series of internal conflicts regarding the situation. Knowing that what Luke is doing is wrong but hoping that the officer will see the good natured humor in Luke's antics and simply drive Luke home for a needed night's rest and a chance for Luke to sober up from his mostly harmless antics of the night. -- The second scene of the movie quickly reveals that not only was Luke not given a break in being taken home and let off by the police but Luke was not given any kind of a break in the form of either a fine or a suspended sentence, instead Luke is on his way to prison. Note: The opening scene is complete and almost overstuffed with occult themes [rebellion, alcohol, intoxication, disobedience] and imagery, a neon sign blazing the single word "Drugs" is the main backdrop for much of the scene and stylistically comes into view just as the officer is asking Luke "what are you doing there fella?" i.e. drugs. The main prop in the opening scene is the looming red light of a distant streetlight warning everyone [Luke and the audiance] to stop any and all dissent that is in any way directed towards government at any level.

Cool Hand Luke - In the movie's 2nd scene titled "Yes, Cap'n" Luke and three new fellow inmates arrive at the prison "Road Prison Camp No. 36" under the leering eyes of an inmate trustee and to the sounds of baying dogs the four new prisoners encounter a prison guard and meet the Camp Commandant [Captain - played by Strother Martin] in being inducted into their new prison surroundings

This second scene is one of the important pivotal scenes of the movie. The first new prisoner [Alibi - played by 'The Waltons' family TV show star Ralph Waite] reveals his sentence of two years for the horrendous crime of manslaughter, the accidental death of another person. Soon we are startled to learn that Luke also has received in his case a very steep two year penalty as well and not for the crime of manslaughter but for the victimless crime of damaging government property. -- Further the scene goes on to reveal the dreadful news that not only has Luke committed the grievous act of interfering with government property particularly property [parking meters] that help finance and enrich the government but Luke is also on record for having committed the other grievous act against the government, the act of disobedience in disobeying Army authority [he was reduced in rank from Sargent back down to Private]. The viewer begins to get a brief sense of a foreboding future for Luke in that Luke having committed not one but two sins, the two most unforgiving sins, against the government [state and church] system in committing acts of disobedience to authority and by interfering even ever so slightly by momentarily hindering the governments' ability to continually collect tax from the citizens [via a parking tax]. The audience begins to sense that Luke's mostly innocent behavior is going to have a disastrous result for Luke in that the government [state - church - mega-church] system will not tolerate in any way financial meddling or disobedience to authority of any kind. Note: in the scene a white picket fence is clearly prominent when the new prisoners arrive outside the Warden's house. The prisoner trustee 'Dog Boy' is also seen petting the bloodhound 'Blue' next to the fence. The white picket fence [attempts to reveal in the movie's false premise] that society makes and enforces a just and orderly rule of law [as opposed to the true Word of God revealing just law for all]. After the prisoners introduction they are led away from the white picket fence to their new housing area an area where a large locked metal gate and chain linked fence topped with barbed wire surrounds where the prisoners of society live.

Cool Hand Luke - In one of the truly amazing scenes of the movie, or of any movie, is the interaction between Luke and his visiting Mother Arletta (played by Jo Van Fleet) - Luke calling his mother only by her name "Arletta" and Arletta constantly referring to Luke only as "kid" unleashes a barrage of un-motherly love on Luke the likes of which the world has seldom witnessed

The [carefully written and scripted] scene begins with an ill Arletta having been toted to the prison camp compound in a makeshift bed in the back of an old pickup truck driven by her son John [a half-brother to Luke], John is accompanied by a young son of his own. Arletta wastes no time in harassing Luke by beckoning him to come around to the other side of the pickup truck bed knowing full well that Luke can't go out of sight of the prison guard. The guard quickly denies Luke permission to go where Arletta as beckoned him to be. A smiling Arletta briefly relishes in her ability to make life impossible for her favored son Luke. Immediately Arletta begins to challenge Luke in his lack of having any children of his own. Luke comments that yeah it cannot be done just now. Moving on to more devastation Arletta begins to side with everyone but Luke in her taking sides with the law, any past girlfriend or anything else that can put Luke down. In the crescendo of the scene Arletta begins to cough and choke while an obedient Luke lifts a glass of water to her, yet amazingly Arletta won't even give Luke the satisfaction of assisting her and Arletta twice refuses to accept the much needed glass of water from Luke's outstretched hand. Previously Arletta had just dug into Luke by pointing out that Luke had never met his biological father - something Luke would have liked to have done. Permanently finishing Luke off Arletta tells him that she will soon be dead and "it won't matter what he does when he gets out of prison" and that she was going to leave everything to his half-brother John so regardless his life didn't matter to her anyhow but that he should try to just "laugh if up" anyhow. -- After Luke has been unfairly kicked while he is down by the system and now by his own family the movie at its lowest point then introduces religion as a main new theme in the movie.

Cool Hand Luke - filmsite: Luke's sickly, dying mother Arletta (Jo Van Fleet) visits one Sunday afternoon to say goodbye - Review by Tim Dirks

Luke's sickly, dying mother Arletta (Jo Van Fleet) visits one Sunday afternoon to say goodbye, stiffly and painfully propped up in the bed of the pickup truck - it is presumably their last time together. Driven by her respectable son John, Sr. (John Pearce), she is chain-smoking a cigarette while coughing [with lung cancer or consumptive TB?]. Arletta still cares and expresses warm affection for her wayward yet favored son - but with guarded words. Although she is disappointed about how he turned out (and feeling guilty about her role as caregiver), Luke tells her that she'd done her best raising him as a single mother. In the tragic scene which implies much about her son's broken childhood and upbringing, the terminally-ill Arletta expresses regrets and resigns herself to "let go" of her independent-minded son who tried to live like she did - "free and above board." In the poignant conclusion to their conversation, she plans - after her death - to give her inheritance to her less-loved son John.

Cool Hand Luke - Where Are They Now? Joy Harmon (The Girl) - Aunt Joy's Cakes - Aunt Joy's Cakes began with Joy Harmon's love for sweets and lifelong passion for baking - most remembered for her role in the movie "Cool Hand Luke" starring Paul Newman and George Kennedy - Joy Harmon plays a sexy, young woman who the men in the chain gang call Lucille - She drives the prisoners crazy as she seductively washes her car on a hot summer day

Aunt Joy's Cakes began with Joy Harmon's love for sweets and lifelong passion for baking. Before she was Aunt Joy, Joy Harmon was an actress in the sixties known for her ingénue style. She enjoyed bringing freshly baked goods for all of her co-workers, including Groucho Marx, who Joy Harmon appeared with on the television shows "You Bet Your Life" and "Tell It to Groucho." She also acted in many films, such as "Village of the Giants" and "Angel in my Pocket," but is most remembered for her role in the movie "Cool Hand Luke" starring Paul Newman and George Kennedy, who won the Oscar as Best Supporting Actor for the film. Joy Harmon plays a sexy, young woman who the men in the chain gang call Lucille. She drives the prisoners crazy as she seductively washes her car on a hot summer day. Although Joy Harmon's legendary car wash scene lasted less than five minutes, it made history as one of the sexiest scenes in a motion picture. -- Aunt Joy's Cakes started in the kitchen of her home in California. The name originated when Joy Harmon began supplying cakes to her niece's coffee shop. Whenever she made a delivery her niece would cheer, "Aunt Joy's cakes are here!" Then Joy Harmon started supplying her desserts to Disney Studios, where her son worked and spread the word about his mom's mouthwatering cakes and cookies. Her homemade desserts were becoming very popular, and Joy Harmon started supplying her baked goods to many more studios in the Los Angeles area. The demand for her delicious treats became too great for her to do alone in her kitchen, so now Joy Harmon is sharing her recipes and baking her secrets with her children. They are now running a wholesale bakery in Burbank, California specializing in cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and chocolate dipped strawberries.

Cool Hand Luke - Where Are They Now? James Fox as Peter Marlowe [a type of a Christian missionary who loses his religion and joins in with the Devil "King Rat"] from Hut 16 in the movie "King Rat" - Fox subsequently joined [1970 to 1979] a religious organisation known as "The Navigators" which is similar to the Gideons and is closely associated with the ministry of Billy Graham

Mini Biography: James Fox is the second of three sons, born to the theatrical agent Robin Fox and his actress wife Angela Worthington - aka Angela Fox. His brothers are the actor Edward Fox and the producer Robert Fox. He started acting as a child actor and used his real name, until he reached his early 20s. He trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama. He left for nine years from 1970 to 1979 to pursue Christian vocational work. His niece is the actress Emilia Fox and he has a half-brother to the actor Daniel Chatto. From his marriage to Mary Piper, he has four sons: Thomas Fox, born 1975; Robin Fox, born 1976; the actors Laurence Fox, born 1978; Jack Fox, born 1985, and one daughter, Lydia Fox, born 1979. He published a book, "Comeback: An Actor's Direction", in 1983. ... Fox left the acting profession for nine years (1970-79) after he filmed Performance (1970) with Mick Jagger. A combination of his father's recent death, the strain of filming and smoking the hallucinogen DMT with Mick Jagger led to a nervous breakdown. Fox subsequently joined a religious organisation known as "The Navigators" which is similar to the Gideons and is closely associated with the ministry of Billy Graham. ... Personal Quotes: [On his 9-year break from acting]: People think Performance (1970) blew my mind... my mind was blown long before that. Performance (1970) gave me doubts about my way of life. Before that I had been completely involved in the more bawdy side of the film business. But after that everything changed.

Cool Hand Luke - Where Are They Now? - Paul Newman (1925-2008) - In a 1980 interview with TIME magazine, Newman said he identified himself as Jewish, stating, "it's more of a challenge" In Israel and among Jews worldwide, he will always be remembered as Ari Ben Canaan, the Zionist rebel of [the 1960 movie] Exodus who seizes a cargo ship and smuggles 600 Holocaust survivors to Palestine despite British opposition (2008 - founded Newman's Own, a successful food company he built from the ground up in which all the proceeds go to charity - He would also start The Hole in the Wall Gang Camps, an organization for terminally ill children

Mini Biography: Paul Leonard Newman was born in January of 1925, the second son of Arthur and Theresa (nee' Fetsko) Newman in Cleveland, Ohio. The Newmans were a well-to-do family and Paul grew up in a nice home in Shaker Heights. Newman's father, the son of Jewish immigrants from Poland and Hungary, was the owner of a highly successful sporting goods store. Paul's mother, a practicing Christian Scientist of Slovakian decent, and his uncle Joe had an interest in creative arts and it rubbed off on him. ... He is as well known today for his philanthropic ways and highly successful business ventures as he his for his legendary actor status. Now in his 80s, Newman enjoys a near 50-year marriage to Joanne in Connecticut, their main residence since moving away from the bright lights of Hollywood in 1960, still attends races, is very much involved in his charitable organizations and in 2006 opened a restaurant called Dressing Room, which helps out the Westport Country Playhouse, a place the Newman's take great pride in. In 2007 he made some headlines when he said he was losing his invention and confidence in his acting abilities and that acting is "pretty much a closed book for me." Whether he's on the screen or not, Paul Newman remains synonymous with the anti-heroism of the 1960s and 1970s cinema and rebellious nature his characters so often embodied.

Cool Hand Luke - In pivotal scene #15 'Snake in the grass' Luke begins to challenge the authority of the prison guards - Fellow prisoner Dragline (played by George Kennedy) tells Luke "Luke, you've gone too far when you mess with [the guard] the man with no eyes" - Then in the next scene #16 'Standing in the rain' Luke begins to question not just the existence of God but also the fairness, goodness and abilities of God - "Let me know you're up there Old Timer (God) love me, hate me, kill me just let me know you're up there"

Standing in the rain 'talking to myself' is what Luke replies to himself after his brief dialogue with God. Luke in seeking and questioning the goodness, nature and existence of God is doing it in an open, just and meaningful way. Not like the blasphemous sinner hurling insults to cause injury but more in a serious way like a man who has lived life, questioned life, fought [WWII] and survived most of what life has thrown his way and yet is still seeking an honest and sincere answer. This brings to mind, is it more appropriate to have a polished, even pretend mega-church cultured relationship with God where it is more rehearsed among men than freely given to God. Or is it more acceptable to God for a person like Luke in prison with most of the odds stacked against him and yet in openness and honesty from time to time he addresses God and looks into the things of God.

Cool Hand Luke - Luke continues to challenge the authority of the prison system and after news of his Mother's death and some resulting unfair treatment from the prison staff Luke attempts a first escape but is caught just a few days later and returned to camp - Luke now has two more years of time to do and a clinking set of leg chains "to slow him down"

Chains on but not slowed down, Luke immediately escapes the work camp and is on the run for a second time. In scene #22 'Chili powder, etc.' Luke has escaped for a second time and has stopped at a familiar small farm owned by a black family. Two black kids who are friends with each other help Luke, one goes and gets an axe to cut the chains and the other gets chili powder for Luke to spread on the ground to hinder the scent and smell of the chasing prison dogs. As Luke sits down he puts his feet on a chopping block and begins to break his leg chains with the axe and for the viewer a building in the background comes into view. As Luke is chopping at his leg chains he pauses and briefly looks over his shoulder at the nondescript building. Returning to his chopping the building looms in the background the entire time until the chains are broken and Luke is free to continue on with his escape. The building in the background is a small Church building and it is where Luke will have his climatic showdown with both God and man.

Cool Hand Luke - Luke is captured and returned again to the prison camp where he receives two sets of leg chains and an unbearable amount of work and harassment from the prison staff - It appears that after all of the hardship that Luke has been broken - Luke has appeared to have 'gotten religion' the kind of conforming obedient religion that one man seeks to place over another

Now the obedient Luke is reduced to every humiliation at the hands of both the prison guards and his fellow prisoners. But not for long as Luke is immediately on the run again and this time his friend Dragline joins Luke in the escape. In the dark of the night Luke and Dragline near the small farming community where Luke cut his chains in the previous escape attempt. Dragline scouts the road and tells Luke that they have it made and can escape on to every imaginable pleasure. Luke declines to go with Dragline saying "I've done enough world shaking for a while" and going his own way Luke passes then enters into the small Church to have another conversation with the Old Man (God).

Cool Hand Luke - Luke talks with God - Luke assumes that all of his previous attempts at reaching God have failed - But just in reaching back to the previous 'talking to myself' scene where Luke was shouting to God in a rainstorm Luke had told God "Let me know you're up there Old Timer (God) love me, hate me, *kill me just let me know you're up there" And now God in His goodness and kindness is about to let Luke know that He has had Luke in His loving hands all the time

Within minutes of Luke's seemingly failed attempt at reaching God the small Church parking lot is filled with police cars and his friend Dragline enters into the building to talk Luke into surrendering proclaiming "maybe they will even give us our old bunks back." Luke realizing the seriousness of the situation walks over to the window and using the Warden's own iconic words says "what we have here is a failure to communicate." The guard called no eyes again does his talking with his rife and quickly responds by shooting and wounding Luke in the neck. The prison staff rejects an offer to take the badly wounded Luke to a nearby hospital ensuring Luke's death and as the car pulls away the ever foreboding red light appears assuring the viewer that Luke has passed from this life. Had God not taken Luke's life at that moment as Luke had given God an open invitation to do, what would be his condition mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually after yet another session with the skilled prison staff? It would have been a Luke much different from the Luke God made and loved "You, made me like I am" and God did make Luke, in part like he was though sin also has a part in every person. The scene concludes with the smiling face of Luke and indeed it is a smile of a man who has overcome all the odds and perhaps it is the smile of a man that knowingly overcame this world and entered into the joy and presence of God in Heaven.

Cool Hand Luke - Occult symbolism - The movie is stuffed with imagery, innuendo and outright occult symbolism

At the end of the famous egg eating contest a self-sacrificed Luke lays sprawled on top of the table in the obvious form of the crucified Christ [a pose that Newman would nearly duplicate in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid as Butch falls backward into a puddle of water during the film's long chase scene]. Though mimicking Christ, in a unique way the pose and context is not extrodinaly Antichrist but instead is more of a man who identifies with Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross and not of a man who is taking the place of Christ. Throughout the movie the character of Luke does not take the nature of Antichrist [no miracles, extended blasphemy or self-anointing] but consistently continues in the theme of a sinner trying to reach out to God as opposed to the movie King Rat where Corporal King (a type of Satan) made the system and used the system for his gain - Cool Hand Luke instead was a part of the system and often a victim of the system. The film concludes with the prison chain-gang [now, once again without Luke] cutting the grass of the ditches along a crossroad intersection then the torn [in the shape of a cross] picture of Luke with the two women is placed directly over the crossroad intersection creating the occult double cross (treachery) symbolism. Lastly the movie camera zooms into the picture of Luke until only an eye of Luke is left visible in the viewing frame showing the occult one-eye of enlightenment copying the technique that was so often used in the previous movie The Good the Bad and the Ugly.

Cool Hand Luke - Conclusion: The effects on the modern Church from the 1960's losing your religion movies of King Rat, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Cool Hand Luke, etc.

It is only fair and accurate to lay the demise of the modern Church, and the accompanying critically ill condition of the present Church, at the feet of the Pastors who have willingly, either knowingly or unknowingly, led the Church into this direction for now three generations of preaching, teaching and Church service since the 1960's. The first generation of preachers and Church leaders during the 1960's-1970's consisting of men like Robert H. Schuller of Crystal Cathedral, Calvary Chapel's Chuck Smith Sr., Hal Lindsey, Chuck Missler, Jerry Falwell Sr., Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Bill Gaither, Billy Graham etc. though not being directly open with the Church harbored within themselves the thoughts and concepts of the occult themed movies enabling the second generation of preachers and leaders to become more boldly occult within the true Church. The second generation of preachers during the 1980's-1990's consisting of men like Rick warren, John MacArthur, John Piper, Chuck Smith Jr., Jerry Falwell Jr., Greg Laurie, Mike MacIntosh, Skip Heitzig, etc. teachers who more openly added and abetted the Occult influence into the true Christian Church. The third and also current generation [including the Basic Christian Ministry - though from this generation is not of this worldly generation] of preaching 2000's-2010's is now openly advocating the very Occult concepts of the 1960's. In the Fall of 2010 Liberty University professor Ergun Caner began to publically address Christians as 'haters' the very line from the ending of the movie King Rat where Peter Marlowe [twice for effect] calls the Christian Lieutenant Robin Grey a hater. Now in 2011 Pastor Perry Noble mimicking the deleted scene '6 the perfect number' from the occult movie The Good the Bad and the Ugly informs his members that "I think you officially suck as a human being" and just like Blondie from the movie if we don't agree and acquiesce to Perry Noble and his every whim no matter how deranged then even our very life and existence is unworthy to be in his presence. Christianity in America and in the world has fallen a long way from the historical Christianity of the Bible, mostly in just the few short decades since the 1960's. But what has been so quickly lost to the true Church can be even more quickly returned as Biblical fellowship, respect, honor, grace and the Lordship of Jesus Christ all return to the Church body exposing the unholy deeds of the occult darkness and lighting the world with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ!

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SolaSisters: How [Self-Rightious] Pietism Deceives Christians, and The Errors of Elitist Teachings in the Church - Spener [Phillip Jakob Spener (1635-1705) - sourced at], who is credited as the creator of the movement that gained the name "pietism" - However, Spener himself apparently was not a pietist in the sense of claiming a higher order Christianity - The list of Spener's proposals for the church includes more intensive Bible study, the practice of the *priesthood of believers, practicing deeds of unselfish love, and dealing with unbelievers and heretics with dialogue and loving persuasion rather than [Church and State] compulsion - *Spener's concern was corruption: "He was reacting against the polemical orthodoxy that was sterile amid the immorality and terrible social conditions following the Thirty Years' War" ... The problems Spener wanted to cure were caused by the existence of the State Church which was not a Biblical idea - They did not need more [of a self-rightious] piety; they needed to define the Church in Biblical terms

Spener, who is credited as the creator of the movement that gained the name "pietism." However, Spener himself apparently was not a pietist in the sense of claiming a higher order Christianity. The list of Spener's proposals for the church includes more intensive Bible study, the practice of the priesthood of believers, practicing deeds of unselfish love, and dealing with unbelievers and heretics with dialogue and loving persuasion rather than compulsion. Spener's concern was corruption: "He was reacting against the polemical orthodoxy that was sterile amid the immorality and terrible social conditions following the Thirty Years' War." Though it could be argued that the term pietism should be reserved only for movements that seek to reform a corrupt situation in the church, the fact is that it became attached to the mysticism of Jacob Boehme and his many spiritual descendants. Not only that, many movements to fix a perceived problems in the church have taken a mystical, elitist, trajectory which is what characterizes pietists. So with due respect to people who consider themselves "pietist" along the lines of Spener, I believe that my definition describes the key ideas that have been promoted in church history. The problems Spener wanted to cure were caused by the existence of the state church which was not a Biblical idea. They did not need more piety; they needed to define the church in Biblical terms. Unregenerate people forced into a state church because of a war are by nature impious. The state church will always be corrupt because Christ's church is not attached to a particular civil government. ... My conclusion is that "dead orthodoxy" is orthodoxy that people might fight for because of parochial reasons ("this is ourtradition and no one is going to change it") but in which they put only mental assent faith. I gave mental assent to creeds when I was 12 years old because it was my duty to join the church at that age; but I was a dead sinner. But it most assuredly was not the truth contained in the creeds that killed me; it was my unbelief. Those "believers" in John 8 proved themselves to be unbelievers by refusing to become Jesus' disciples, learn the truth, and be set free. -- Pietism misdiagnoses the problem and creates a false solution. It sees a compromised church that is apparently caught in dead orthodoxy. The real problem is not dead orthodoxy but spiritually dead sinners who give mental assent to orthodox truth but show no signs of regeneration. If indeed such a church existed (if truth really is there God has His remnant there as well), that church would be characterized by worldliness and sin. This is the case because dead sinners do not bear spiritual fruit. There was a church in Revelation that Jesus called "dead." Pietism that holds to the true gospel but goes beyond it imagining that the dead sinners who are church members are Christians. When some of them become regenerate through the efforts of the pietists, they assume they have now entered a higher class of Christianity. They posit two types of Christian: "carnal" Christians and "spiritual" Christians. But in reality there are only Christians and dead sinners. -- Furthermore, pietism sees the lack of good fruit in the "dead orthodox" churches to be a sign that teaching doctrine is of no value and that what really matters is practice and not doctrine. So they gravitate to works righteousness. This is precisely the mode of the Emergen[t] Church. It has been the approach of pietists throughout history. But works that do not result from a prior work of grace (which is the result of God's work through the gospel to convert dead sinners) are in fact "dead works" no matter how pious they look. Mother Theresa did good works but denied the exclusive claims of the gospel. That "piety" is of no eternal value if those who were the recipients of the good works never hear or believe the gospel and thus end up in hell. -- God's revealed truth is never dead, but sometimes it falls on dead ears. In John 6 multitudes who were interested in following Jesus for bread left Him when He spoke the truth to them. The few who did not have dead ears were asked if they would leave too. Peter answered for the group: "Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God'" (John 6:68, 69). *Genuine faith like that is not the domain of higher order pietists who learned the secrets of the deeper life, *it is characteristic of every one of Christ's true flock who ever exists. [Self-Rightious i.e. Rick Warren] Pietists think that adding some man made process to what Christ has provided for all Christians throughout the centuries can cure a problem that never existed: being "dead" because of believing the truth. Instead of a cure, they create an illness as they lead people away from the finished work of Christ.

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{4th of July, 2011} Bible verse: Psalms 145:9-14 The LORD is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. ... Thy Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and Thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. {The complete Bible is available at}

Psalms 145:9-14 The LORD is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. All thy works shall praise Thee, O LORD; and Thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of Thy Kingdom, and talk of Thy power; To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the Glorious Majesty of His Kingdom. Thy Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. -- Holy Bible

{4th of July, 2011} Bible verse: Proverbs 24:1-14 Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief. *Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established [1 Timothy 3:15]: ... If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He (God) that pondereth the heart [of man] consider it? and He (God) that keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it? and shall not He render to every man according to his works? {The complete Bible is available at}

Proverbs 24:1-14 Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief. Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength. For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety. Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate. He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person. The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men. If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works? My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste: So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation [life everlasting] shall not be cut off. -- Holy Bible

{4th of July, 2011} Wikipedia: King Rat - King Rat is a 1965 World War II film adapted from the James Clavell novel King Rat - The film was directed by Bryan Forbes and starred George Segal as Corporal King, a World War II prisoner of war in a squalid camp near Singapore - [consisting of anti-religious overtones] the movie was nominated for two Academy Awards {Note: An excellent true life-human drama movie realistically portraying life in a WWII POW camp.}

Plot: Corporal King is an anomaly in the Japanese prison camp; not only is he one of only a handful of Americans amongst the mainly British and Australian inmates, he is actually thriving through his conniving and black market enterprises while others (nearly all of higher rank) struggle to survive the sickness and starvation, while retaining as much of their civilized nature as they can. ... King has an entirely different relationship with the lower-class, seemingly-incorruptible [devout Christian] British Provost, Lieutenant Grey (Tom Courtenay). Grey has only contempt for the American and does his best to bring him down, with little success. -- Meanwhile, Grey has another dilemma to deal with. When he accidentally discovers that the high-ranking officer in charge of the meager food rations has been siphoning off part of it, he rejects a bribe and zealously takes the matter to Colonel George Smedley-Taylor (John Mills). To his dismay however, Smedley-Taylor tells him that the corrupt officer and his assistant have been relieved of their duties, but orders him to forget all about it. Grey accuses him of being in on the scheme, but the tampered weight he presented to the colonel has been replaced, and he no longer has any proof of the misdeeds. Smedley-Taylor offers to promote him to captain; when a troubled Grey does not respond, Smedley-Taylor takes his silence as agreement. -- Finally, one day, the camp commandant summons the senior British officers and notifies them that the Japanese have surrendered and that the war is over. Later, a single British paratrooper (Richard Dawson) walks up to the prison gates and disarms the guards. -- After overcoming their shock and disbelief, the prisoners celebrate - all except King. He realizes he is no longer the unquestioned (if unofficial) ruler of the camp. He manages to squelch a premature attempt by resentful underling Sergeant Max (Patrick O'Neal) to reassert his rank and authority, but that only delays the inevitable. When Marlowe speaks to him before his departure back into the ranks of the U.S. Army, King ignores his overture of renewed friendship. -- King's unit sleeve patch is that of the U.S. 34th Infantry Division, which fought the Germans in North Africa and Italy, not the Japanese.

{4th of July, 2011} imdb: King Rat (1965) Movie - A viewer rating of 7.6 stars out of 10 stars

The Japanese prisoner-of-war camp Changi in Singapore, which houses Allied POWs, is a living hell. The great mass of POWs are living at a sub-human subsistence level. US Army Corporal King has been living up to his surname, through his control of the camp's black market, and by scamming the officers and other POWs. King has a facility for making deals with the Japanese to obtain the contraband he sells to the POWs. His nemesis is British Lieutenant Robin Grey, the camp provost marshal, a humorless, intense martinet who survives through his strict adherence to the British articles of war, which forbid collaboration with the enemy. He is suspicious of King, and is determined to catch him and bring him to justice. The humorless Grey is an upright, uptight moral prig who has been as badly damaged psychologically as any of the other POWs. The high-living King befriends a genteel young British soldier, Peter Marlowe, who at first resists his blandishments, and then succumbs, to his charm. The POWs become aware that the war is drawing to its end, and King and Marlowe grow concerned that the brutal Japanese guards may slaughter the prisoners before they can be liberated. King and Marlowe are determined to raise a large amount of money to buy their freedom by bribing their captors. One of the schemes that King devises is to raise the meat of deer mouse, a native delicacy, to sell to the officers and any POW who can afford it. Conditions are so desperate in the camp, that POWs are stealing rations form one another in order to stave off starvation. This is another one of King's scams, as the "mouse deer' are actually rats, the breeding stock for which have been the rats that have fed off the corpses of dead POWs. The desperate situation in the camp is exacerbated by the brutality of the Japanese guards, and by the senior British officers' predilection for breaking the will of the POWs in order to maintain camp discipline. Resistance, thus, is futile, and with no other outlet, the animosity of the POWs has to be channeled against each other. It becomes quite apparent that, aside from Lieutenant Grey and the dead, everyone in the camp is corrupt. Corporal King merely stands out, as he is Jack-the-Lad, The King-of-the-Hill, King of the Camp, KING RAT. Written by Jon C. Hopwood -- Trivia: Some of the actors had been POWS in the Second World War. Denholm Elliott, while serving in the RAF, had been shot down and taken prisoner by the Nazis.

{4th of July, 2011} King Rat the Movie part 1 of 10 (YouTube)

Note: Youtube has removed parts 2-10.

{4th of July, 2011} Edward Trimnell discusses James Clavell's 1962 debut novel, 'King Rat' - "What is good, what is evil? - How do people interact?" - "The novel is not an adventure script but is primarly a book of ideas" (YouTube)

King Rat is set in a Japanese POW camp in 1945. This video introduces the two major characters of King Rat, as well as the themes explored in the book. From

{4th of July, 2011} See Also: Treblinka by Jean-Francois Steiner (His father Mr. Kadmi Cohen died in the Nazi Holocaust at the Auschwitz sub-camp Gleiwitz) - One of the best books on the Holocaust - This is without a doubt one of the better books about the death camps - You will become intimately acquainted with Treblinka and the Nazis who ran it - Steiner's book is well-written and does justice to the horror {Note: An absolute must read but be prepared for the hard realities the book portrays. It's a difficult book to contemplate because it shows society at its worst in the past and now society is heading back in that very same direction.} (Book)

[Treblinka - Text: English (translation) published in 1968 by Signet Book - Original Language: French published in 1967] A chance meeting with a university professor in NY years ago caused me to ask the question of what was it really, really like to exist in a place of complete insanity; where you were placed at risk of death at every moment, where every act, every gesture could be your last. What sort of social structure could possibly evolve in such indescrible conditions where inmate sometimes turned on inmate for a crust of bread. And yet in this dark chaos an order did evolve. The inmates organized themselves to such an extent that they ultimately rose up in rebellion, overpowering their opressors and a small number actually escaped. I have read numerous books on the Holocaust but none of those prepared me for Steiner's superb work. Many of the works I've read concerned Auschwitz. Frankly, I never focused on Treblinka. As there is a relatively large number of Auschwitz survivors, I suspect scholars tend to focus on them. As far as Treblinka survivors go... there were only 75. Steiner's descriptions are so overwhelming; his imagery so clear and lucid that you can see in your own mind, the acts of brutality and barbarism, as well as small acts of kindness as if you are actually there. I found myself cringing at the blows of the clubs and the slash of the whips. And yet he takes pains to describe acts of heroism one can hardly imagine. You see how exposure to this inhumanity affects the inmates. Some degenerate while others work at mostly futile individual escape attempts in order to warn the remaining Jews of what ultimately lies in wait at the railhead at Treblinka Station. This is strong stuff and is not for everyone. This is not a book that compiles statistics but rather paints a searing description of day-to-day life with the inmates, their struggles to make it another day, their planning and finally their courageous attempt to escape. If you make it through this book, read Kogon's "The Theory and Practice of Hell" and then the next time you see "ethnic cleansing" taking place in some remote venue such as the Balkans, Rawanda or Timor ask yourself just how far we've really come and how easily we've learned to mouth the words "never again". -- Review: I have a morbid facsination with the Holocaust and Holocaust literature so I picked up Treblinka. I was not prepared for what was in it, how it would make me feel. I couldn't put it down. For two days I lived and breathed Treblinka, for two days I was beaten, starved, tortured, I saw my family gassed, I saw my fellow inmates hang themselves because death was better than this hell on earth. For two days I was an inmate of Treblinka because Jean-Francois Steiner put me there. Treblinka is quite possibly the most important piece of Holocaust literature ever written. It is non-fiction but it reads like a novel. It told me more about the death camps and Nazi regime than all of the books I have read combined. The most amazing thing about Treblinka though was the psychology behind it all. It gave answer to my question: Why did they not revolt before this? Why did they simply allow themselves to be led to death? On the third day I rose from the bottom of the abyss, I revolted, I left Treblinka along with 700 Jews, survivors of hell. I left but I didn't escape, no one escapes Treblinka. Like how Treblinka will always hold it's prisoners, Treblinka will always hold it's readers in it's mental grasp. Perry Noble 2011 Sheep Beating Incident (Mp3)

• Perry Noble 2011 Sheep Beating Incident • Dr. Mohler Fields Question RE: Homosexual Sin • The Empire State's Moral Revolution • Sermon Review: Mighty Warrior by Casey Henegan, Keypoint Church.

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The Bible clearly speaks of Jesus as being truly God (YouTube)

The Bible clearly speaks of Jesus as being truly God. Pastor Jack takes us through a very powerful set of scriptures ascribing attributes and titles to Jesus that are reserved to God alone.

Basic Christian: Complete News and Info Feed - RSS or PDF 2004-2011 (PDF)

The Complete Basic Christian: News and Info Feed 2004-2011 now available in both RSS and PDF format.

Basic Christian: Complete News and Info Feed - RSS or PDF 2004-2011 (RSS)

The Complete Basic Christian: News and Info Feed 2004-2011 now available in both RSS and PDF format.

Basic Christian: Documents on Issuu (Online - flipbooks)

Basic Christian: The Basics of Christianity ... and then some ...

Issuu is a neat little service that lets you turn your PDF into an interactive, intuitive flipbook that you can host online and share with others - Issuu is the place for online publications: Magazines, documents, and stuff you'd normally find on print

Document sharing services, including DocStoc, Scribd, and edocr, have been getting a lot of attention over the last few months - and with the premise of being a "YouTube for documents," their usefulness has been growing. Issuu, however, differenciates itself by focusing on the publishing aspect and aiming specifically at digitzing print publications. As their elevator pitch goes, "Issuu is the place for online publications: Magazines, documents, and stuff you'd normally find on print. It's the place where YOU become the publisher." -- A neat thing about the service is the sharing aspect. Users can customize their Issuu and post it easily to Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, Blogger, Friendster, Typepad, LiveJournal, and of course, embed it to their blogs via HTML (embedded on the right side is a sample Issuu.) Users can also comment on and bookmark the Issuus - a useful feature for people involved in design-related fields. -- The startup was founded back in February 2006 by a group of five people - including CEO Michael Hansen - and raised a venture round in February 2007 by Sunstone Capital.

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Update: Basic Christian - I'm planning on starting the coming week with a series of postings based on a possible 'End Times' Timeline of Events. ~ All the best, God Bless everyone, David Anson Brown

Ok, even by doing a planned, introductory, minimal Timeline of possible events it is still going to be controversial - especially for my first post (or two) that I have planned. Though I think we can get through them and consider some possible End Time scenarios.

End Time Events Intro (1 of 2) - Biblically it seems that both the 1st and 2nd coming of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) are scripted to a certain timeline and number of days i.e. the 1st and 2nd comings and Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) - Therefore the events are not random nor are they arbitrary but are a part of a pre-determined, planned and scripted series of ordered and ordained events

Within the allotted timeline [Genesis-Revelation] of the Messiah (Jesus Christ) events there are also the events of the Antichrist (Satan/Devil) i.e. the 7 Global (secular) Kingdoms of mankind. Presumably Satan has been given some leeway in formulating his own events within mankind. In part it is climatic events of Satan that will conclude the current 'Secular Age' on earth preceding the ushering in of the Messiah 1,000 year Kingdom Reign on earth. But, what of the climatic End Time events of Satan? Do they have to occur? The short answer is No! It is entirely possible (but not likely) that Satan in chasing down various schemes among mankind could fail to unite and formulate his own 7th Global Kingdom [Revised Roman Empire]. Because of a predetermined timeline of events if Satan were to fail to manifest his desired 7th global kingdom among mankind the 8th Kingdom the Kingdom of Jesus Christ would still manifest, reveal and succeed right on schedule [a schedule created and adhered to before even the foundations of the earth - Matthew 13:35] regardless of the status of Satan's 7th Kingdom [the 6 Satanic kingdoms having already been enacted and concluded]. The point is that as Christians attempting to observe End Time; events, days and seasons we need to keep in mind the Timeline of Jesus Christ and the Timeframe that the Bible has indicated for us much more than we should ever attempt to observe the perceivable End Time events of a Satanic kingdom [wars, famine, depression, etc.] an unholy kingdom that may or may not occur and in any of a variety of shapes and sizes, accompanying a diverse, subtle (counterfeit) variety of events, people and nations.

End Time Events Intro (2 of 2) - Continuing and considering a possible Timeline for End Time (conclusion of the Church Age) Events - The 2,000 year time period [about 32 A.D. to about 2032 A.D.] is the most often and most frequently used segment [length] of time used when considering the birth and length (duration) of the Christian Church Age {Note: Jesus was about 30 years old (Luke 3:23) when He began His Ministry, a Ministry that lasted 3 1/2 years on earth - using the year 0 A.D. for the birth of Jesus and at the age of thirty (30 A.D.) Jesus began His Ministry that lasted for three and a half years on earth ... 30 A.D., 31 A.D., 32 A.D. and into 33 A.D. (the night of the N.T. Passover and Holy Week in Jerusalem).}

It is clear that nearly every secular generation for the last 2,000 years has attempted to usher in the Satanic 7th kingdom [New Age, NWO, Age of Aquarius, etc.] and all [i.e. Constantine the Great and his Edict of Milan in 313 A.D. which proclaimed religious tolerance -- The de' Medici family and Pope Leo X - proclaimed Pope on 11 March 1513 A.D. -- The 1776 Illuminati, 1919 WWI, 1941 WW2, 1984 George Orwell (occultist), 2001 WTC, 2011 Royal wedding and Arab Spring, the coming 2012 Olympics in London England, and the intended 2013 global Satanic initiation] have all failed so far to this point. Though at one point in time the 7th Occult Kingdom is going to be successfully initiated and with it the End Time events of the Holy Bible. -- Though 2011,2012,2013 are all years that are highly desirable to occultist to initiate their 7th Global Kingdom it might be that the 2032 A.D. timeframe is a more accurate and feasible timetable. Meaning that the NWO is possibly looking at developing (technology) and evolving (policy) at a highly accelerated pace for the next twenty years prior to an actual initiation of the coming NWO 7th Kingdom. -- The Bible in (Leviticus 7:16-18) has an ordinance regarding a sacrifice where the sacrifice offered is viable (fresh) for only two days and cannot be legally received after the 2nd day. This is occasionally considered to be in part an ordinance and a prophecy regarding the 2,000 years [two days] of the Church Age (not to say that the eternal blood of Jesus Christ has a 2,000 year expiration date) only to say that times and dispensations do have a unique aspect about each of them [i.e. the Millennial Kingdom, Temple Ordinances (i.e. Ezekiel chapter 46, etc.)] --"Leviticus 7:16-18 But if the sacrifice of his offering be a vow, or a voluntary offering, it shall be eaten the same day that he offereth his sacrifice: and on the morrow also the remainder of it shall be eaten: But the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day shall be burnt with fire. And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity."

TWO DAYS (2,000 YRS.) FROM CHRIST'S BIRTH TO SECOND ADVENT (arrival, appearance) of Jesus Christ - There is a [dubious] sermon known as the EPISTLE OF BARNABAS which was written to the early churches - Barnabas [early Church Writers] knew [suspected] the return of Christ Jesus was not imminent [but thought to be in 2,000 years - about 2032 A.D.] -- Lactantius, who lived around 300 A.D. wrote in his seventh BOOK OF DIVINE INSTITUTIONS: "it is necessary that at the end of the sixth thousandth year (of creation) all wickedness should be abolished out of the earth and justice should reign for a thousand years (The Millennial Reign)" Note: Lactantius did not believe the Rapture of the Church was imminent in his day

It has been widely taught in Christendom that from Creation to the Final Judgment, at the end of time, there would be a total of seven thousand years (seven days). Four thousand years (four days) passed from Adam to the birth of Christ Jesus. Also, from Christ's First Advent (His birth) until His Second Advent in glory, there would be two thousand years (two days); followed by His 1,000-yr. reign on earth (one day). And now; time has proven that a literal interpretation of Peter's formula is true: -- "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (II Peter 3:8). -- The apostle Peter has given us a formula by which Christians can calculate the approximate time of Christ's Second Coming to Israel and therefore, the preceding Rapture of the body of Christ, which is the true Church. Many there are in Christendom who say this formula is merely theory. To them I ask, is it mere coincidence that Israel became a political state again in the Promised Land in 1948, which is in the twentieth century since the birth of our Lord Jesus? Or is it God fulfilling His Word on His timetable? God is setting the stage! Watch!

Wikipedia: Epistle of Barnabas - *the opinion today is that Barnabas (Acts 4:36) was not the author - Many scholars today believe it was probably written in the years 70 A.D. - 131 A.D., and addressed to Christian Gentiles - This passage clearly places Barnabas after the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70 - But it also places Barnabas before the Bar Kochba Revolt of AD 132, after which there could have been no hope that the Romans would help to rebuild the temple - The document must come from the period between the two revolts - The place of origin remains an open question, although the Greek-speaking Eastern Mediterranean appears most probable {Note: The 'Epistle of Barnabas' is another of several early (very corrupt) and very influential writings that have had and still have a major disadvantage effect on common Christian thought . If we were to outline common Christian ideas and precepts of today very often the origins would link back to the pseudo gospels and writings i.e. the 'Epistle of Barnabas' as much or more than even from a good Biblical doctrinal basis.}

Contents: Although the work is not gnostic in a theological sense, the author, who considers himself to be a teacher to the unidentified audience to which he writes (see e.g. 9.9), intends to impart to his readers the perfect gnosis (special knowledge), that they may perceive that the Christians are the only true covenant people, and that the Jewish people had never been in a covenant with God. His polemics are, above all, directed against Judaizing Christians (see Ebionites, Nazarenes, Judaizing teachers). -- In no other writing of that early time is the separation of the Gentile Christians from observant Jews so clearly insisted upon. The covenant promises, he maintains, belong only to the Christians (e.g. 4.6-8), and circumcision, and the entire Jewish sacrificial and ceremonial system are, according to him, due to misunderstanding. According to the author's conception, Jewish scriptures, rightly understood, contain no such injunctions (chapters 9-10). He is a thorough opponent to Jewish legalism, but by no means an antinomist. At some points the Epistle seems quite Pauline, as with its concept of atonement. -- The Epistle reinterprets many of the laws of the Torah. For example, the prohibition on eating pork is not to be taken literally, but rather forbids the people to live like swine, who supposedly grunt when hungry but are silent when full: likewise, the people are not to pray to God when they are in need but ignore him when they are satisfied. Similarly, the prohibition on eating rabbit means that the people are not to behave in a promiscuous manner, and the prohibition on eating weasel is actually to be interpreted as a prohibition of oral sex, based on the mistaken belief that weasels copulate via the mouth. -- It is likely that, due to the resurgence of Judaism in the early 2nd century, and the tolerance of the emperor Hadrian, Christians, such as the text's author, felt a need to resist Jewish influences polemically. In this case, the author seems to aim to demonstrate that Jewish understanding of the Mosaic legislation (Torah) is completely incorrect and can now be considered superseded, since in the author's view the Jewish scriptures foreshadowed Jesus and Christianity when rightly understood. -- The author quotes liberally from the Old Testament, including the apocryphal books. He quotes from the New Testament gospels twice (4:14, 5:9), and is in general agreement with the New Testament presentation of salvation-history. He quotes material resembling 4 Esdras (12.1) and 1 Enoch (4.3; 16.5), which did not become part of the Biblical canon except in some traditions (e.g. 1 Enoch is considered scriptural in the Ethiopian church). The closing Two Ways section (chapters 18-21), see also Didache, which contains a series of moral injunctions, presents "another gnosis and teaching" (18.1) in relation to the body of the epistle, and its connection to the latter has given rise to much discussion.

The Epistle of Barnabas - Chapter 1. After the salutation, the [unknown] writer declares that he would communicate to his brethren something of that which he had himself received {Clearly a divergent gospel/theology differing often greatly from the original Biblical Apostolic teachings and doctrines. Though very early, unique and rare the 'Epistle of Barnabas' information is interesting in that it is a glimpse into the [often heated] topics and debates of the ancient days but really at the end of the day only solid, real Biblical doctrine and precepts are going to carry the day to day life and fellowship for individual Christian believers.}

Chapter 21. Conclusion: It is well, therefore, that he who has learned the judgments of the Lord, as many as have been written, should walk in them. For he who keeps these shall be glorified in the kingdom of God; but he who chooses other things shall be destroyed with his works. On this account there will be a resurrection, on this account a retribution. *I beseech you who are superiors, if you will receive any counsel of my good-will, have among yourselves those to whom you may show kindness: do not forsake them. For the day is at hand on which all things shall perish with the evil [one]. The Lord is near, and His reward. Again, and yet again, *I beseech you: be good lawgivers to one another; continue faithful counsellors of one another; take away from among you all hypocrisy. And may God, who rules over all the world, give to you wisdom, intelligence, understanding, knowledge of His judgments, with patience. And be taught of God, inquiring diligently what the Lord asks from you; and do it that you maybe safe in the day of judgment. And if you have any remembrance of what is good, *be mindful of me, meditating on these things, in order that both my desire and watchfulness may result in some good. I beseech you, entreating this as a favour. While yet you are in this fair vessel, do not fail in any one of those things, but unceasingly seek after them, and fulfil every commandment; for these things are worthy. Wherefore I have been the more earnest to write to you, as my ability served, that I might cheer you. Farewell, you children of love and peace. The Lord of glory and of all grace be with your spirit. Amen.

The Gospel of Barnabas by Samuel Green - The *Gospel of Barnabas and the *Epistle of Barnabas - There are two books which carry the name, Barnabas - These are two very different books - The Gospel of Barnabas is promoted by Muslims as an original Gospel written by the man named Barnabas who it is claimed was a disciple of Jesus - Why was the Gospel of Barnabas Written? - The main topic of the Gospel of Barnabas is the life of Jesus - It retells most of the events of Jesus' life as recorded in the Biblical Gospels, *but at some points there are changes and additions to these stories - These changes are not random, instead they follow a clear pattern - They are intentional changes to make the Biblical accounts conform to the teaching of the [Islam] Qur'an

Conclusion: The Gospel of Barnabas is not an authentic Gospel of Jesus. The author does not understand the language, history or geography of the 1st century A.D., and there is no ancient evidence for the book. The internal evidence of the book suggests it was written in the 14th century and there are Muslim scholars who agree with this dating. The book is a The Gospel of Barnabas rewrite of the Biblical Gospel most likely by a Muslim who wanted to portray Jesus as a Muslim who taught Islam and predicted the coming of Muhammad. This type of rewriting has been done elsewhere by Muslims in the Gospel According to Islam. It is disgraceful for Islamic leaders to continue to publish, promote and distribute this false Scripture. It is disgraceful for them to create this deliberate confusion. My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers - Service Of Passionate Devotion "Lovest thou Me? ... Feed My sheep." -- Jesus did not say - Make converts to your way of thinking, but look after My sheep, see that they get nourished in the knowledge of Me (Jesus) John 21:16 -- Jesus Christ calls service what we are [Children of God - family - fellowship] to Him, not what we do for Him

Jesus did not say - Make converts to your way of thinking, but look after My sheep, see that they get nourished in the knowledge of Me. We count as service what we do in the way of Christian work; Jesus Christ calls service what we are to Him, not what we do for Him. Discipleship is based on devotion to Jesus Christ, not on adherence to a belief or a creed. "If any man come to Me and hate not..., he cannot be My disciple." There is no argument and no compulsion, but simply - If you would be My disciple, you must be devoted to Me. A man touched by the Spirit of God suddenly says - "Now I see Who Jesus is," and that is the source of devotion. -- To-day we have substituted credal belief for personal belief, and that is why so many are devoted to causes and so few devoted to Jesus Christ. People do not want to be devoted to Jesus, but only to the cause He started. Jesus Christ is a source of deep offence to the educated mind of to-day that does not want Him in any other way than as a Comrade. Our Lord's first obedience was to the will of His Father, not to the needs of men; the saving of men was the natural outcome of His obedience to the Father. If I am devoted to the cause of humanity only, I will soon be exhausted and come to the place where my love will falter; but if I love Jesus Christ personally and passionately, I can serve humanity though men treat me as a door-mat. The secret of a disciple's life is devotion to Jesus Christ, and the characteristic of the life is its unobtrusiveness. It is like a corn of wheat, which falls into the ground and dies, but presently it will spring up and alter the whole landscape (John 12:24).

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Pietism Timeline - "Hebrews 10:18-25 Now where remission (forgiveness) of these (sins) is, there is no more offering for sin. Having therefore, brethren, *boldness to enter into the Holiest [presence of God] by the blood of Jesus, By a new [the New Testament] and living way, which He (Jesus) hath consecrated for us, through the veil [closed partition], that is to say, His flesh [physical appearance]; And having [Jesus] an High Priest [in the order of Melchizedek] over the House of God; *Let us draw near with a true heart *in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water [credo-baptism]. Let us hold fast the profession of our [Christian] faith without wavering; for He (Jesus) is faithful that promised; And let us consider one another to provoke [encourage] unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day [2nd Coming] approaching."

Pietism Timeline: The Cross and Resurrection birth of Christianity (about 33 A.D.) - 1st Church Council [Acts 15:2] in Jerusalem (about 47 A.D.) regarding Gentile Christian piety [holiness] - *Until about 313 A.D. the N.T. Epistles (Scriptures) and the O.T of the Holy Bible were being translated from the Greek and Hebrew into the common languages of the day i.e. Syrian, Egyptian, Arabic, etc. - Following the 313 A.D. Edict of Milan by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great which proclaimed religious tolerance the Bible in any language other than Roman [Latin] was not tolerated and all other versions of the Bible were deemed illegal by Rome. Latin was the only Bible Translation until the era of the Protestant Reformation Bible translators [John Wycliffe 1328-1384, Desiderius Erasmus 1466-1536, William Tyndale 1492-1536, Martin Luther 1483-1546, etc.] resulting in 1611 with the English language King James Bible [KJV 1611]. With the English Bible in the possession of the common person in England and accompanying Bibles [i.e. German, Dutch, French, etc.] in the possession of other common European citizens the people began to read the Bible and understand that Salvation [eternal life] in Jesus Christ is a free gift from God and is not to be confused with the works, tithes, customs, statutes and traditions of ordinary men and women. Then in about the mid 1650's to the late 1880's as the common person reading the Bible began to realize the assured nature of their own individual Salvation in Jesus Christ the Piety movement began as an answer of how then do we with eternal Salvation live and conduct our life here on earth. {Note: The modern (intentionally confused - not by Roman Catholicism but by occultists) bible versions [i.e. NIV, NKJV, NET, NASB, Message, etc.] are in a sense a return to the Latin Bible where the only Bible translations of the time were in a version that could not be easily understood by the average citizen.}

{Excellent!!} History of Pietism Part 4 (Mp3)

• History of Pietism Part 4 by Dr. Daniel Van Voorhis.

{Flashback} Apprising Ministries: MYSTICISM PART 5 - Pietism [personal rightiousness] & Subjective [my version of self-rightiousness] Christianity - Where Did Pietism Go Wrong? Of course that is a loaded question and presupposes that Pietism did go wrong - Given the fact that Pietism, to some degree, lives on in church related groups as diverse as Amish, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal and the Amana Society it is hard to be precise - But, wherever experience and subjectivity reigns supreme over Scripture in the lives and churches of twenty-first century believers there is something wrong {Note: The Basic Christian ministry at its core is really a remnant of the Anabaptist - Pietism movement. In about 2001 the Basic Christian: Statement of Faith was re-written (after being posted for only about two months) and expanded including the phrase "while to the *righteous He [Jesus Christ] will give of His life, His gifts, and His glory" this was added with much consideration and what it means is that the purpose of the Basic Christian ministry at its core is a Ministry of Righteousness in Jesus Christ. Righteousness is an extremely loaded word and it should be but it is so loaded that after that one small phrase [and a few more words] were added to the Basic Christian: Statement of Faith that article went from among the most popular articles on the website to one of the least popular articles on the site yet Righteousness (our righteousness only in Jesus Christ) is such an important Biblical concept that I decided to leave that phrase in the Statement of Faith just to help us keep our goals and ambitions on track and in a proper order. - The coming Millennial 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth is going to be His Kingdom of Righteousness [Isaiah 5:16, Isaiah 26:9, Isaiah 45:8, 19, Romans 1:17, 1 Corinthians 15:34, 2 Corinthians 3:9, 5:21, Galatians 5:5, Revelation 22:11] and in order for us as individuals to be able to inhabit properly within the Kingdom of God we need to have a concept of the Righteousness of Jesus Christ in our own lives. - Starting in about 2012 the Basic Christian Ministry is hoping to transition into more Biblical exploration of just what is the Righteousness of Jesus Christ and how does it apply to each Christian in our own personal life and really the Righteousness of Jesus Christ functions and is displayed through the Holy Spirit and in the eternal Melchizedek, Righteous High Priesthood of Jesus Christ.}

Although Pietists adhered to the inspiration of the Bible, they advocated individual feeling as being of primary importance. That may have been an adequate method for avoiding cold orthodoxy of "Protestant scholasticism," it opened the door for the equally dangerous enemy of "subjective experientialism." The first generation of Pietists could recall and reflect on its grounding in Scripture while validly advocating the need for individual experience. A second generation would stress the need for individual experience, but often without a proper Biblical or catechetical basis. This would leave a third generation that would question individual experience with no Biblical or doctrinal "standard" to serve as an objective criterion. In turn, their unanswered questions would tend to demand an authority. When Scriptures were neglected, human reason or subjective experience would fill the need as the required "standard." Thus while not causing other movements Pietism gave impetus to three other movements in the post-Reformation church: deism [reason and logic used apart from the Bible to get to know God], skepticism [doubting Biblical passages that don't seem to relate to the physical realm] and rationalism [placing personal human physical reasoning and understanding as a higher authority than the scriptures of the Holy Bible]. ... The great-grandchildren of Pietism live on in modern evangelicalism. On the positive side, much like original Pietists there is a great hunger today for spirituality. People want a spirituality that works in the trenches of life. They want a faith that is relevant, provides answers and draws them closer to God. There is little interest in "dead orthodoxy." People want to feel something - experience something. George Gallup documents this spiritual hunger in his book, The Next American Spirituality. Unfortunately much of the spirituality that he observes is without biblical foundation leading him to warn, "Contemporary spirituality can resemble a grab bag of random experiences that does little more than promise to make our eyes mist up or our heart warm. We need perspective to separate the junk food from the wholesome, the faddish from the truly transforming." But perspective is hard to come by due to the massive level of biblical illiteracy, not only in America but among Christians as well. Half, he says, "Of those describing themselves as Christians are unable to name who delivered the Sermon on the Mount. Many Americans cannot name the reason for celebrating Easter or what the Ten Commandments are. People think the name of Noah's wife was Joan, as in Joan of Ark." Then there is what some have called "the great disconnect." That is, there is a wide chasm between what Americans in general, and self-proclaimed Christians in particular, claim to believe and how they live. While the general populace claim to have a great interest in spirituality, and Christians claim to be followers of Christ, our societies, homes and churches are inundated with corruption, violence, substance abuse, racism, divorce and materialism. This "cluster of moral and theological shortcomings seemingly throws into question the transforming power of religious beliefs," Gallup admits, leading him to state, "Just because Americans claim they are more spiritual does not make them so." That leans into an excellent question, "Is the church really rediscovering its spiritual moorings - or just engaging in retreat from seemingly insoluble problems?" ... Such [emotional self-experience] "piety" is changing every facet of Christian and church life. Take worship for example. Monte E. Wilson has noted, "For the modern evangelical, worship is defined exclusively in terms of the individual's experience. Worship, then, is not about adoring God but about being nourished with religious feelings, so much so that the worshiper has become the object of worship." The cause for this type of worship, Wilson believes, is the loss of devotion to Scriptures. He writes in pejorative terms, "Others-probably the majority in modern American evangelicalism-have utterly neglected any commitment to the content of the Word and have ended with narcissistic 'worship' services where everyone drowns in a sea of subjectivism and calls it 'being bathed in the presence of the Holy Spirit.' These people come to church exclusively to 'feel' God." Pietistic leanings, of course, are not limited to worship and the gathered church. Where they are most evident, and most concerning is in the area of "God's leading." How does God speak to and lead His people according to Scripture? And how has Pietistic understanding of these things affected the way we interpret both Scripture and our subject feelings? This will be the topic of our next paper.

{Flashback} [Modern] Pietism - Pietism was a movement within Lutheranism, lasting from the late 17th century to the mid-18th century and later - It proved to be very influential throughout Protestantism and Anabaptism, inspiring not only Anglican priest John Wesley to begin the Methodist movement, but also Alexander Mack to begin the Brethren movement - The Pietist movement combined the Lutheranism of the time with the Reformed, and especially Puritan, emphasis on individual piety, and a vigorous Christian life

History: Although pietism surely had roots prior to the Reformation and to some extent the cause of it, as a distinct movement within Protestantism pietism became identifiable in the 17th century. The Lutheran Church had continued Philipp Melanchthon's attempt to construct an intellectual backbone for the Evangelical Lutheran faith. By the 17th century the denomination remained a confessional theological and sacramental institution, influenced by orthodox Lutheran theologians such as Johann Gerhard of Jena (d. 1637), and keeping with the liturgical traditions of the Roman Catholicism of which it saw itself as a reformed variation. In the Reformed Church, on the other hand, John Calvin had not only influenced doctrine, but for a particular formation of Christian life. The Presbyterian constitution gave the people a share in church life which the Lutherans lacked, but it appeared to some to degenerate into a dogmatic legalism which, the Lutherans believed, imperiled Christian freedom and fostered self-righteousness. However, in the pietist view, ritualistic elements which Luther wanted to remove were captivating the mainstream of the Lutheran church, squeezing the pietists into fellowships with which they were comfortable. ... In Pia desideria "Pious Desires" (1675), Spener made six proposals as the best means of restoring the life of the Church: 1. The earnest and thorough study of the Bible in private meetings, ecclesiolae in ecclesia ("little churches within the church"). 2. The Christian priesthood being universal, the laity [people] should share in the spiritual government of the Church. 3. A knowledge of Christianity must be attended by the practice of it as its indispensable sign and supplement. 4. Instead of merely didactic, and often bitter, attacks on the heterodox [variant views] and unbelievers, a sympathetic and kindly treatment of them. 5. A reorganization of the theological training of the universities, giving more prominence to the devotional life. 6. A different style of preaching, namely, in the place of pleasing rhetoric [examples directed from news, events and stories], the implanting of [Biblical] Christianity in the inner or new man [spiritual man], the soul of which is faith, and its effects the fruits of life. - This work produced a great impression throughout Germany, and although large numbers of the orthodox Lutheran theologians and pastors were deeply offended by Spener's book, its complaints and its demands were both too well justified to admit of their being point-blank denied. A large number of pastors immediately adopted Spener's proposals. ... In modern societies where Pietism has had a profound impact its religious foundations are no longer apparent. Atheistic pietism is a term used by Asgeir Helgason to describe a pietistic (moralistic) approach to life without religion. "We have denied the existence of God but kept the pietistic rules". Atheistic pietism has been suggested to be one of the characteristics (traits) of the modern day Swedish national spirit. The term is first known to have been used by W.H. Mallock in 1879.

{Flashback} [Modern] Anabaptist - Anabaptists "re-baptizers" or "adult baptism" [believer's baptism - credobaptism (reciting the well-known "Apostles' Creed" or a personal Bible verse or a Psalm at baptism)] are Christians of the Radical Reformation - Puritans of England and their Baptist branch arose independently, but were influenced by the Anabaptist movement - Where men believe in the freedom of religion, supported by a guarantee of separation of church and state [government], they have entered into that [Anabaptist] heritage - Where men have caught the Anabaptist vision of [N.T.] discipleship, they have become worthy of that heritage - Where corporate discipleship submits itself to the New Testament pattern of the church, the heir has then entered full possession of his [N.T. - Anabaptist] legacy

[Some] Anabaptists rejected *conventional [common and Biblically acceptable] Christian practices such as wearing wedding rings, taking oaths, and participating in civil government. They adhered to a literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount and Believer's baptism. The name Anabaptist is derived from this, because credobaptism ('Believer's baptism' - adult baptism) was considered heresy by all other major Christian denominations at the time of the reformation period (specifically, all major Christian denominations saw [infant] baptism as necessary for salvation and necessary for infants, and held that it was wrong to delay baptism until the child had reached a certain age; they did, however, require that those who converted later in life should confess a baptismal creed [the Apostles' Creed] at baptism (credobaptism). Anabaptists required that candidates be able to make their own confessions of faith and so refused baptism to infants). As a result, Anabaptists were heavily persecuted during the 16th century and into the 17th by both Roman Catholics and other Protestants. ... Somewhat related to this is the theory that the Anabaptists are of Waldensian origin. Some hold the idea that the Waldenses are part of the apostolic succession, while others simply believe they were an independent group out of whom the Anabaptists arose. Estep asserts "the Waldenses disappeared in Switzerland a century before the rise of the Anabaptist movement." Ludwig Keller, Thomas M. Lindsay, H. C. Vedder, Delbert Grätz, and Thieleman J. van Braght all held, in varying degrees, the position that the Anabaptists were of Waldensian origin. ... The Anabaptists were early promoters of a free church and freedom of religion (sometimes associated with separation of church and state). When it was introduced by the Anabaptists in the 15th and 16th centuries, religious freedom independent of the state was unthinkable to both clerical and governmental leaders. Religious liberty was equated with anarchy; Kropotkin traces the birth of anarchist thought in Europe to these early Anabaptist communities. According to Estep: Where men believe in the freedom of religion, supported by a guarantee of separation of church and state, they have entered into that heritage. Where men have caught the Anabaptist vision of discipleship, they have become worthy of that heritage. Where corporate discipleship submits itself to the New Testament pattern of the church, the heir has then entered full possession of his legacy.

{Flashback} Apprising Ministries: The Emerging church - Three voices from the "emergent church" will explore this capacity of postmodern Christianity *to embrace and redefine tradition, ... Who should attend: Any futurist who feels that everything must change about [traditional Christian] religion and is curious about how progressive [New Age] Christianity is a leading indicator of change - What you'll learn: Attendees will learn how to ground [embed and saturate] their leadership and foresight in the concerns of tomorrow's [New World Order] spiritualities and relate religious concepts to futures thinking through a theology of (false and deceptive) hope - How can this *new knowledge be applied: Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how postmodern spiritualities are *reshaping conservative theologies and communities

Back in November of 2005 the online apologetics and discernment work Apprising Ministries warned you about what is now a full blown cult of neo-liberalism operating within mainstream evangelicalism, the sinfully ecumenical Emerging Church. These past few years this EC has been busy forging together its new form of postmodern liberal theology, a Liberalism 2.0 many call Emergence Christianity, which Emergent Church guru Brian McLaren begins laying out in his latest book A New Kind of Christianity. ... Three voices from the "emergent church" will explore this capacity of postmodern Christianity to embrace and redefine tradition, ... Who should attend: Any futurist who feels that everything must change about religion and is curious about how progressive Christianity is a leading indicator of change. What you'll learn: Attendees will learn how to ground their leadership and foresight in the concerns of tomorrow's spiritualities and relate religious concepts to futures thinking through a theology of hope. How can this new knowledge be applied: Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how postmodern spiritualities are reshaping conservative theologies and communities.

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{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} Hidden Luciferians in American culture, politics, academia...and in the Christian community - Parts 3-5 (Mp3s)

Further study of [singer] Michael W. Smith's occult connections » The Alan Parsons Project & the Eye of Horus/Ra/Lucifer » [pastor] David Jeremiah And His All-Seeing Eye.

{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} Calvary Chapel Melbourne - News and Events - Michael W. Smith in Concert {Apparently the price to fellowship (Q&A) for about 30 minutes with the singers before the show is a huge $50.00 plus an additional $20.00 or $25.00 for the actual show ticket. -- Of course the Church also makes money off the show. -- How is it again, that Christian entertainment and Christian ministry hasn't devolved into a corrupt, evil, greedy, corporation?}

Michael W. Smith in Concert - Posted on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - Multiple Grammy, Dove and American Music Award and winning Christian artist Michael W. Smith will be in concert at Calvary Chapel Melbourne along with special guest Phil Joel formerly with the Newsboys. Friday, March 5th 7:30pm doors open at 6:30 - [prices through the church] *General Admission $20 - At the door $25 - *Artist Circle: $75 (includes 6pm reception with Questions & Answers) Tickets are available at: The Chapel Store/Melbourne Campus The Chapel Store/Viera Campus (General Admission Only) Wings of Joy Bookstore in Vero. *Click Here to buy tickets!-- Artist Circle includes Question and Answer session at 6:00pm. [prices online] *Artist Circle with 6:00 PM Q&A $50.00 - General Admission $25.00.

{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} Michael W. Smith, David Crowder, Greg Laurie, RTS professor Reggie Kidd Speak at Emergent Conference - The 2009 National Worship Leader Conference took place on July 20-23 in Leawood, Kansas and brought together a convergence of contemplative/emerging speakers

Many of our readers may be wondering why Greg Laurie [Harvest Crusade] would be speaking at this clearly contemplative/emerging conference. Laurie's head pastor, [con artist, charlatan and flim-flam man] Chuck Smith [Calvary Chapel], made it very clear a few years ago that Calvary Chapel would NOT be going in the contemplative/emerging direction. But, come to think of it, Chuck Smith also said at that time that Calvary Chapel had to reject the Purpose Driven movement, but on August 9th, according to Greg Laurie's website he spoke at Saddleback Church at a number of services. -- Michael W. Smith's endorsement of Manning isn't surprising; he's never been doctrinally sound, really. Music is his interest, not biblical Truth. And that's from a person who used to really enjoy his music, one upon a time. -- As for Greg Laurie and Calvary Chapel, I got some heat for stating that I saw CCOCM [Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa] going emergent. The evidence is increasing. Denying something and then behaving in favor of the same thing shows that not only is there hypocrisy going on, but the actions speak louder than words. Why it is that some public pastors deny the Emergent Church Movement, then turn around and endorse it by speaking at its conferences and sharing its leaders' platforms is beyond me. Do professing Christians only hear the weak "denials" and ignore the actions? Its certainly true so often in the political arena, which is why so many Obama supporters are backing away from him now--his actions are not in accordance with his earlier "claims" to the people and thus they are surprised and upset. So deny PDL and ECM, then join them in their promotion of heresy? Folks, its time to wake up and see the truth. Those who are in error do not promote themselves as erroneous, but as "one of us". How do you suppose false teachers secretly sneak in among you?

{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} The Shack Heralded by Christian Figures, including Michael W. Smith and [Calvary Chapel speaker and teacher Gayle Erwin] - The New York Times best seller Christian fiction, The Shack, is enjoying the endorsements and ravings of top Christian figures - Contemporary Christian singer Michael W. Smith says: The Shack is the most absorbing work of fiction I've read in many years

The New York Times best seller Christian fiction, The Shack, is enjoying the endorsements and ravings of top Christian figures. Contemporary Christian singer Michael W. Smith says: The Shack is the most absorbing work of fiction I've read in many years. My wife and I laughed, cried and repented of our own lack of faith along the way. The Shack will leave you craving for the presence of God. Wynonna Judd, another popular recording artist states: "Reading The Shack during a very difficult transition in my life, this story has blown the door wide open to my soul." Judd and Smith aren't alone in their promotion of The Shack. Eugene Peterson (author of The Message) says: "This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress did for his. It's that good!" And Calvary Chapel speaker and teacher Gayle Erwin expresses: Riveting, with twists that defy your expectations while teaching powerful theological lessons without patronizing. I was crying by page 100. You cannot read it without your heart becoming involved. The list of endorsements by Christian figures goes on and on. The book has remained on the New York Times best seller list for 25 consecutive weeks now. But in spite of the heart-warming emotion that The Shack stirs within people, Lighthouse Trails believes this is a theologically off-base novel that has an underlying sensual New Age message, appealing to the "carnal" flesh rather than "the things of the Spirit". For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:5,6).

{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} Wikipedia: Billy Graham - William Franklin "Billy" Graham, Jr. (born November 7, 1918) is an American evangelical Christian evangelist - Singer Michael W. Smith is active in Billy Graham Crusades as well as [Franklin Graham's] Samaritan's Purse

During a March 12, 1991, CBS broadcast of Billy Graham's Long Island, New York crusade, Graham said in reference to the Persian Gulf War, "As our President, President Bush [Sr.], has said, it is not the people of Iraq we are at war with. It is some of the people in that regime. Pray for peace in the Middle East, a just peace." (Billy) Graham had earlier said that "there come times when we have to fight for peace." He went on to say that out of the war in the Gulf may "come *a new peace [w/o Jesus] and, as suggested by the President, *a (secular) new world order." ... For providing a platform during his events for many Christian musical artists, Graham was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame in 1999 by the Gospel Music Association. Several songs by various artists have dedicated songs to or about Graham during his lifetime. Singer Michael W. Smith is active in Billy Graham Crusades as well as Samaritan's Purse.

{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} Dr. David Jeremiah [Turning Point radio broadcast] & the [Satanic] All-Seeing Eye - Dr. David Jeremiah has been long admired as a great preacher - At his home church, Shadow Mountain Community Church [San Diego, California], he succeeded former senior pastor, Tim LaHaye [co-author of the twisted theology 'Left Behind' book series], in 1981 - Jeremiah's leadership of the church has led to an affiliation with the [SBC] Southern Baptist Convention - As I was searching his sermons on YouTube, I stumbled upon the all-seeing eye that overlooks his altar and sanctuary (Photos)

Is David Jeremiah a Mason? Giving the Shadow Mountain pastor the benefit of the doubt, maybe he didn't realize Tim LaHaye was a Mason, or that the all-seeing eye was an occult Masonic symbol. It this were so, what explains this pose...and even more condemning, the ministry logo. "The point within the circle is an interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry ... The symbol is really a beautiful but somewhat abstruse allusion to the old Sun-Worship, and introduces us for the first time to that modification of it, known among the ancients as the worship of the Phallus." Albert Mackey [Short Talk Bulletin, February, 1936; Vol. 14, No. 2, Reprinted July, 1980, p. 7]. -- See Also: Is David Jeremiah Becoming Contemplative? David Jeremiah Proposes "Major Paradigm Shift" For His Church - The Shadow Mountain pastor draws from Erwin McManus' book, The Barbarian Way - If you attended Shadow Mountain Community Church this weekend, then according to an email we received, you would have heard the second part of Pastor David Jeremiah's series called Journey with Jesus. But the title of this series is a bit misleading - Jeremiah isn't just talking about Jesus; he is discussing a book called The Barbarian Way. The book is written by Erwin McManus, who is pastor of Mosaic Church in California. In Friday's email, Jeremiah stated: This weekend, I will be sharing the second message in our Fall Journey With Jesus. The title of the message is "The Manliness of Jesus." I am praying that it will fire you up as much as it has me. It's a major paradigm shift from our normal thoughts about Jesus. This week, I have read a book by Erwin McManus called THE BARBARIAN WAY. In it, he says something that should prepare our hearts for the weekend message. -- While the quote from the book is benign, the book is not, and if any mention of the book is made by Jeremiah, it should be one of warning. If you have been following Jeremiah's slip toward what we might call contemplative/emerging Christianity, his promotion of McManus' book probably won't be too surprising. Last year, we mentioned on a radio program that Jeremiah was going to be speaking at the Lead Like Jesus conference with Ken Blanchard (whose conference it was). Shortly after this airing, Jeremiah pulled out of the conference and then Blanchard canceled the conference all together. Jeremiah then wrote a letter to Lighthouse Trails and made it public. He defended Ken Blanchard who had been and still is promoting the New Age, particularly New Age mysticism. Source:

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The Scottish Bible Society: The People's Bible - When King James VI/I held the first printed copy of the Bible he commissioned in his hands in 1611, he could never have foreseen the impact it would have around the world - Many of our ancestors learned to read from the King James Version and in lots of cases came to a relationship with God

At the Scottish Bible Society we are marking this important anniversary by launching The People's Bible Project with our colleagues in England and Wales. It will travel Great Britain offering people of all faiths and none the opportunity to handwrite two verses of Scripture and at the same time logging that work as a digital copy which they can view on the web. -- We want people to engage with the Scriptures in a new way, maybe for the first time. Some may participate purely for the historical significance of doing so. Others may get involved because they know the Bible but have turned away from the faith they once had. Whatever the reason, 2011, the 400th Anniversary of the KJV, gives us a perfect opportunity to promote the Bible in our own country like never before.

The King James Bible Trust - Celebration of the Authorised version [KJV 1611] of the Bible - Friday, 17 June 2011 - Sunday, 19 June 2011 - Time: Friday & Saturday 10am-4pm Sunday 2pm-5pm - Location: Glenorchy United Reformed Church, Exeter Road, Exmouth, Devon, United Kingdom - Organisation: Bible Society-Exmouth Action Group

Details: The Action Group are planning a [400th Anniversary] Celebration weekend for the King James Version of the Bible. Church is open from 10am-5pm to view a display of more than 40 [origional] King James Versions of the Bible in a private collection. On Saturday night to hold a concert to raise funds for Bible Society with local singers and musicians. A United Service on Sunday evening at 6.30pm with a guest Speaker. All the local churches will be invited to attend. During the day coffee and tea will be served either in the church or the hall, also light lunches and cream teas. Have selection of Bible Reading notes now available so that we can encourage people to read their Bibles.

The King James Version [KJV 1611] 400th Anniversary 1611-2011 - In 1611, a convergence of circumstances and developments resulted in the publication of one of the English language's most pre-eminent books - the King James Version of the Bible, popularly known as the Authorised Version (AV) - The year 2011 sees the 400th anniversary of the KJV, thought to be on 2nd May 2011

It wasn't the first English Bible by any means or even the most popular version at the time, but its style of language together with research of Bible manuscripts and their original languages (mainly Hebrew and Greek), discoveries of new documents and not least the combined effect of the Renaissance and Reformation - not just in England but across Europe, together with the dramatic development of printing, brought into being the well loved and renowned Bible version we have to this day. A singularly enduring version, with several revisions to update and correct errors of translation and print; deliberately memorable in its prose and layout; coming in many different formats and still widely in use 400 years on. Modern versions have built upon this Bible version, updating its language and knowledge to bring an understanding of the Word of God to an everyday audience.

{Excellent!!} Church History - A Biography of William Tyndale (Mp3)

William Tyndale part 2 by Andy Davis | Mar 7, 2009 | Topic: Christian Biography

KJV 1611 Holy Bible - Red Letter Edition {A Free PDF KJV Bible} (PDF)

The King James Version (KJV) 1611 with the Words of Jesus Formatted in Red is a complete Bible containing both the Old and the New Testaments.

Martin Luther (1 of 3) - November 10, 1483 - February 18, 1546 - was a German priest and professor of theology who *initiated the Protestant Reformation - He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment of sin could be purchased with money - He confronted indulgence [sin tithe] salesman Johann Tetzel with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 - His refusal to retract all of his writings at the demand of *Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet (General Assembly of the Church - Council) of Worms [city of Worms in what is now Germany] in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the emperor - His translation of the Bible into the language of the people (instead of Roman Latin) made it more accessible [to the common person], causing a tremendous impact on the church and on German culture - It fostered the development of a standard version of the German language, added several principles to the art of translation, and *influenced the translation into English of the 1611 King James Bible {Note: Among the first and finest fruits of the Protestant Reformation was the translating of the Holy Bible into the common languages and the distribution of it into the hands of the common person.}

Luther taught that salvation is not earned by good deeds but received only as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin. His theology challenged the authority of the pope of the Roman Catholic Church by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood. Those who identify with Luther's teachings are called Lutherans. -- His translation of the Bible into the language of the people (instead of Latin) made it more accessible, causing a tremendous impact on the church and on German culture. It fostered the development of a standard version of the German language, added several principles to the art of translation, and influenced the translation into English of the King James Bible. His hymns influenced the development of singing in churches. His marriage to Katharina von Bora set a model for the practice of clerical marriage, allowing Protestant priests to marry.

Martin Luther (2 of 3) - The start of the Reformation - It wasn't until January 1518 that friends of Luther translated the 95 Theses from Latin into German, printed, and widely copied, making the controversy one of the first in history to be aided by the printing press - Within two weeks, copies of the theses had spread throughout Germany; within two months throughout Europe - Luther's writings circulated widely, reaching France, England, and Italy as early as 1519. Students thronged to Wittenberg to hear Luther speak. He published a short commentary on Galatians and his Work on the Psalms. This early part of Luther's career was one of his most creative and productive - Three of his best-known works were published in 1520: To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian

In 1516-17, Johann Tetzel, a Dominican friar and papal commissioner for indulgences, was sent to Germany by the Roman Catholic Church to sell indulgences to raise money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Roman Catholic theology stated that faith alone, whether fiduciary or dogmatic, cannot justify man; and that only such faith as is active in charity and good works (fides caritate formata) can justify man. The benefits of good works could be obtained by donating money to the church. -- On 31 October 1517, Luther wrote to his bishop, Albert of Mainz, protesting the sale of indulgences. He enclosed in his letter a copy of his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences," which came to be known as The Ninety-Five Theses. Hans Hillerbrand writes that Luther had no intention of confronting the church, but saw his disputation as a scholarly objection to church practices, and the tone of the writing is accordingly "searching, rather than doctrinaire." Hillerbrand writes that there is nevertheless an undercurrent of challenge in several of the theses, particularly in Thesis 86, which asks: "Why does the pope, whose wealth today is greater than the wealth of the richest Crassus, build the basilica of St. Peter with the money of poor believers rather than with his own money?" -- Luther objected to a saying attributed to Johann Tetzel that "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory [also attested as 'into heaven'] springs." He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false assurances. However, this oft-quoted saying of Tetzel was by no means representative of the official Catholic teaching on indulgences, but rather, more a reflection of his capacity to exaggerate. Yet if Tetzel overstated the matter in regard to indulgences for the dead, his teaching on indulgences for the living was pure. -- The sale of indulgences shown in A Question to a Mintmaker, woodcut by Jörg Breu the Elder of Augsburg, circa 1530. According to scholars Walter Krämer, Götz Trenkler, Gerhard Ritter and Gerhard Prause, the story of the posting on the door, even though it has settled as one of the pillars of history, has little foundation in truth. In his preface to the posthumous second pressing of Luther's compiled work, humanist and reformist Philipp Melanchthon writes "reportedly, Luther, burning with passion and just devoutness, posted the Ninety-Five Theses at the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany at All Saints Eve, October 31" (Old calendar). At the time he wrote the preface, Melanchthon lived in Tübingen, far from Wittenberg. In the preface, Melanchthon presents more untrue assertions: that indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel publicly burned Luther's Ninety-Five Theses, that Luther held colleges on nature and physics, and that Luther had visited Rome in 1511. For a professor of the Wittenberg University to post theses on doors is unparalleled in history. Even further, Luther was strongly law abiding and it would have been against his character to publish his thoughts and direction in this manner. Moreover, Luther never mentioned anything in this direction in his writings, and the only contemporary account of the publishing of the theses is the Latin account by his servant Agricola, who states that Luther presents "certain theses in the year of 1517 according to the customs of University of Wittenberg as part of a scientific discussion. The presentation of the theses was done in a modest and respectful way, preventing to mock or insult anybody".. He makes no mention of nailing the theses to a door, nor does any other source report this. In actuality, Luther presented a hand-written copy, accompanied with honorable comments to the archbishop Albrecht of Mainz and Magdeburg, responsible for the practice of the indulgence sales, and to the bishop of Brandenburg, Luther's superior.

Martin Luther (3 of 3) - Justification by faith - The first and chief article is this: Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins and was raised again for our justification (Romans 3:24-25) - He (Jesus) alone is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29), and God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53:6) - All have sinned and are justified freely, without their own works and merits, by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, in His blood (Romans 3:23-25) - *This is necessary to believe - This cannot be otherwise acquired or grasped by any work, law or merit - Therefore, it is clear and certain that this faith alone justifies us ... Nothing of this article can be yielded or surrendered, even though heaven and earth and everything else falls (Mark 13:31) -- As a consequence, Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X on 3 January 1521, in the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem

Breach with the papacy: Pope Leo X by Raphael - Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz and Magdeburg did not reply to Luther's letter containing the 95 Theses. He had the theses checked for heresy and in December 1517 forwarded them to Rome. He needed the revenue from the indulgences to pay off a papal dispensation for his tenure of more than one bishopric. As Luther later noted, "the pope had a finger in the pie as well, because one half was to go to the building of St Peter's Church in Rome". -- Pope Leo X was used to reformers and heretics, and he responded slowly, "with great care as is proper." Over the next three years he deployed a series of papal theologians and envoys against Luther, which only served to harden the reformer's anti-papal theology. First, the Dominican theologian Sylvester Mazzolini drafted a heresy case against Luther, whom Leo then summoned to Rome. The Elector Frederick persuaded the pope to have Luther examined at Augsburg, where the Imperial Diet was held. There, in October 1518, Luther informed the papal legate Cardinal Cajetan that he did not consider the papacy part of the biblical Church, and the hearings degenerated into a shouting match. More than his writing the 95 Theses, Luther's confrontation of the church cast him as an enemy of the pope. Cajetan's original instructions had been to arrest Luther if he failed to recant, but he lacked the means in Augsburg, where the Elector guaranteed Luther's security. Luther slipped out of the city at night, without leave from Cajetan. -- In January 1519, at Altenburg in Saxony, the papal nuncio Karl von Miltitz adopted a more conciliatory approach. Luther made certain concessions to the Saxon, who was a relative of the Elector, and promised to remain silent if his opponents did. The theologian Johann Maier von Eck, however, was determined to expose Luther's doctrine in a public forum. In June and July 1519, he staged a disputation with Luther's colleague Andreas Karlstadt at Leipzig and invited Luther to speak. Luther's boldest assertion in the debate was that Matthew 16:18 does not confer on popes the exclusive right to interpret scripture, and that therefore neither popes nor church councils were infallible. For this, Eck branded Luther a new Jan Hus, referring to the Czech reformer and heretic burned at the stake in 1415. From that moment, he devoted himself to Luther's defeat. -- Excommunication: On 15 June 1520, the Pope warned Luther with the papal bull (edict) Exsurge Domine that he risked excommunication unless he recanted 41 sentences drawn from his writings, including the 95 Theses, within 60 days. That autumn, Johann Eck proclaimed the bull in Meissen and other towns. Karl von Miltitz, a papal nuncio, attempted to broker a solution, but Luther, who had sent the Pope a copy of On the Freedom of a Christian in October, publicly set fire to the bull and decretals at Wittenberg on 10 December 1520, an act he defended in Why the Pope and his Recent Book are Burned and Assertions Concerning All Articles. As a consequence, Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X on 3 January 1521, in the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem.

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{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} (Part 1 of 3) Pope Leo X: 11 December 1475 - 1 December 1521, born Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici, [made a Cardinal at the age of 13] was the Pope from 1513 to his death in 1521. He was the last non-priest (only a deacon) to be elected Pope - He is known for granting indulgences [selling a type of sin tithe] for those who donated to reconstruct St. Peter's Basilica and his challenging of Martin Luther's 95 Theses - He was the second son of Lorenzo de' Medici, the most famous ruler of the Florentine Republic, and Clarice Orsini - His cousin, Giulio di Giuliano de' Medici, would later succeed him as Pope Clement VII (1523-34) {As an Occult infiltrator [concerned with money, power and destroying Christianity] of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Leo X was primarily involved in stripping money from Churches and individuals affiliated with Rome and appropriating the money for his own use. Pope Leo X used four schemes to gain wealth 1. Starting an overpriced building project [reconstruct St. Peter's Basilica] by taxing other churches. 2. Began the selling of 'indulgences' [licenses to sin] to individuals. 3. Initiating finances for a military Crusade against the Middle-East. 4. The selling of church offices, positions and even the belongings for huge sums of money to unqualified an unworthy individuals.}

Spendthrift [primarily on things not directly benefiting or advancing the Christian message and Gospel of Jesus Christ]: Leo's lively interest in art and literature, to say nothing of his natural liberality, his alleged nepotism, his political ambitions and necessities, and his immoderate personal luxury, exhausted within two years the hard savings of [Pope] Julius II, and precipitated a financial crisis from which he never emerged and which was a direct cause of most of what, from a papal point of view, were calamities of his pontificate. -- He sold cardinals' hats. He sold membership in the "Knights of Peter". He borrowed large sums from bankers, curials, princes and Jews. The Venetian ambassador Gradenigo estimated the paying number of offices on Leo's death at 2,150, with a capital value of nearly 3,000,000 ducats (about 132 million dollars in 2010 dollars) and a yearly income of 328,000 ducats ($14,432,000.00). -- The ordinary income of the pope for the year 1517 had been reckoned at about 580,000 ducats ($2,552,000.00) [around $44 each ducat coin in 2010 dollars], of which 420,000 came from the States of the Church, 100,000 from annates, and 60,000 from the composition tax instituted by Sixtus IV. These sums, together with the *considerable amounts accruing from indulgences, jubilees, and special fees, *vanished as quickly as they were received. Then the pope resorted to pawning palace furniture, table plate, jewels, even statues of the apostles. Several banking firms and many individual creditors were ruined by the death of Leo.

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} (Part 2 of 3) Pope Leo X: Plans for a [power grabbing] Crusade - A truce was to be proclaimed throughout Christendom; the pope was to be the arbiter of disputes; the emperor and the king of France were to lead the army; England, Spain and Portugal were to furnish the fleet; and the combined forces were to be directed against Constantinople - Papal diplomacy in the interests of peace failed

Plans for a Crusade: The war of Urbino was further marked by a crisis in the relations between pope and cardinals. The sacred college had allegedly grown especially worldly and troublesome since the time of Sixtus IV, and Leo took advantage of a plot of several of its members to poison him, not only to inflict exemplary punishments by executing one and imprisoning several others, but also to make a radical change in the college. -- On 3 July 1517 he published the names of thirty-one new cardinals, a number almost unprecedented in the history of the papacy. Among the nominations were such notable men such as Lorenzo Campeggio, Giambattista Pallavicini, Adrian of Utrecht, Thomas Cajetan, Cristoforo Numai and Egidio Canisio. The naming of seven members of prominent Roman families, however, reversed the policy of his predecessor which had kept the political factions of the city out of the Curia. Other promotions were for political or family considerations or to secure money for the war against Urbino. The pope was accused of having exaggerated the conspiracy of the cardinals for purposes of financial gain, but most of such accusations appear unsubstantiated. -- Leo, meanwhile, felt the need of staying the advance of the Ottoman sultan, Selim I, who was threatening western Europe, and made elaborate plans for a crusade. A truce was to be proclaimed throughout Christendom; the pope was to be the arbiter of disputes; the emperor and the king of France were to lead the army; England, Spain and Portugal were to furnish the fleet; and the combined forces were to be directed against Constantinople. Papal diplomacy in the interests of peace failed, however; Cardinal Wolsey made England, not the pope, the arbiter between France and the Empire; and much of the money collected for the crusade from tithes and indulgences was spent in other ways. -- In 1519 Hungary concluded a three years' truce with Selim I, but the succeeding sultan, Suleyman the Magnificent, renewed the war in June 1521 and on 28 August captured the citadel of Belgrade. The pope was greatly alarmed, and although he was then involved in war with France he sent about 30,000 ducats to the Hungarians. -- Leo treated the Uniate Greeks with great loyalty, and by bull of 18 May 1521 forbade Latin clergy to celebrate mass in Greek churches and Latin bishops to ordain Greek clergy. These provisions were later strengthened by Clement VII and Paul III and went far to settle the constant disputes between the Latins and Uniate Greeks.

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} (Part 3 of 3) Pope Leo X: Protestant Reformation and last years - Leo was disturbed throughout his pontificate by schism, especially the Reformation sparked by Martin Luther - In response to concerns about [priest-pastor] misconduct from some servants of the church

In 1517 Martin Luther read his Ninety-Five Theses on the topic of indulgences in the church courtyard at Wittenberg. Students took the theses, translated them from Latin to German, and through the printing press they spread throughout Europe. Within two weeks, the theses had spread throughout Germany, and after two months they had spread throughout Europe. Leo failed to fully comprehend the importance of the movement, and in February 1518 he directed the vicar-general of the Augustinians to impose silence on his monks. -- On 30 May, Luther sent an explanation of his theses to the pope; on 7 August he was summoned to appear at Rome. An arrangement was effected, however, whereby that summons was cancelled, and Luther went instead to Augsburg in October 1518 to meet the papal legate, Cardinal Cajetan; but neither the arguments of the cardinal, nor Leo's dogmatic papal bull of 9 November requiring all Christians to believe in the pope's power to grant indulgences, moved Luther to retract. A year of fruitless negotiations followed, during which the controversy took popular root across the German States. -- A further papal bull of 15 June 1520, Exsurge Domine or Arise, O Lord, condemned forty-one propositions extracted from Luther's teachings, and was taken to Germany by Eck in his capacity as apostolic nuncio. Leo followed by formally excommunicating Luther by the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem or It Pleases the Roman Pontiff, on 3 January 1521. In a brief the Pope also directed Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor to take energetic measures against heresy. -- It was also under Leo that Lutheranism spread into Scandinavia. The pope had repeatedly used the rich northern benefices to reward members of the Roman curia, and towards the close of the year 1516 he sent the impolitic Arcimboldi as papal nuncio to Denmark to collect money for St Peter's. This led to the Reformation in Denmark-Norway and Holstein. King Christian II took advantage of the growing dissatisfaction of the native clergy toward the papal government, and of Arcimboldi's interference in the Swedish revolt, to expel the nuncio and summon Lutheran theologians to Copenhagen in 1520. Christian approved a plan by which a formal state church should be established in Denmark, all appeals to Rome should be abolished, and the king and diet should have final jurisdiction in ecclesiastical causes. Leo sent a new nuncio to Copenhagen (1521) in the person of the Minorite Francesco de Potentia, who readily absolved the king and received the rich bishopric of Skara. The pope or his legate, however, took no steps to remove abuses or otherwise reform the Scandinavian churches. --- Having fallen ill with malaria, Pope Leo X died on December 1, 1521, so suddenly that the last sacraments could not be administered; but the contemporary suspicions of poison were unfounded. He was buried in Santa Maria sopra Minerva.

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} The Revised Roman Empire - The Medici Family [generally considered the most Occult family of Medieval Europe] - Other Prominent Medici were *Pope Leo X (1475-1521); Pope Clement VII (1478-1534); Catherine (1519-1589), wife of [King] Henry II of France; and Marie (1573-1642), wife of [King] Henry IV of France and regent for their son [King] Louis XIII [Note: this is also the important and historic timeframe of the general discovery of America by the Italian born explorer Christopher Columbus in his 1492 voyage from Spain to America (Bahamas).]

Medici, an Italian family of merchants and bankers who ruled the republic of Florence through economic power and personal influence. By their patronage of the arts they made Florence the center of the Italian Renaissance. The Medici were created dukes of Florence by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1531, and grand dukes of Tuscany by Emperor Maximilian II in 1575. The last Medici grand duke was deposed by the Austrians in 1737. Important members of the Medici family included the following. Giovanni De' Medici: (1360-1429) established the family fortune and made himself ruler of Florence's merchant oligarchy. Cosimo De' Medici: (1389-1464), his son, used his banking business to gain political power and led Florence in a long period of prosperity and artistic achievement. Lorenzo the Magnificent: (1449-1492), grandson of Cosimo, gained fame as a statesman and patron of arts and letters. He was recognized as a poet himself and was largely responsible for the Tuscan dialect becoming the national speech of Italy. Cosimo (I) the Great: (1519-1574) succeeded to the dukedom in 1537 and ruled as a despot. He restored the duchy of Tuscany by conquering the other republics that had been part of it.

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} The Revised Roman Empire - The [two] Medici Popes - Pope Leo X [1513 - 1521] known for being the Pope that challenged Martin Luther's [1517 A.D.] 95 Theses -- Pope Clement VII [1523 - 1534] (Medici cousin of Pope Leo X) known for being Pope during the sacking of Rome in 1527 A.D. [The (Occult) Medici (family), led by (Pope) Clement, had tried to play everyone off against each other and had made everyone their enemy -- at least temporarily - source:]

Pope Leo X - Giovanni de'Medici, 1475 - 1513 - 1521: Giovanni de'Medici, second son of Lorenzo and younger brother of the fatuous Piero, became the first of the Medici Popes (Leo X - Leone Decimo) at the age of 38 on 11 March 1513. Prior to this his life had been a complete roller coaster. Brought up in Medici luxury alongside Michelangelo (who was included in the Medici household by Lorenzo), older brother Piero and cousin Giulio (who was adopted by Lorenzo after his father (who was Lorenzo's brother) was killed in the Pazzi Conspiracy in 1478), he had access to the incomes of several wealthy monasteries, including Badia a Passignano, and was made a Cardinal at the age of 13. All this came to an abrupt end in 1494 when, in the wake of Lorenzo's death, the incompetent surrender of his brother Piero the Fatuous to the French, and the ensuing Savanorola stirred turbulence, he had to sneak out of Florence dressed as a Franciscan Friar, and then live in hiding with his cousin for the next decade, latterly being protected by the Habsburg Emperor Maximilian (who ironically was to be a major cause of the collapse of the Bruges branch of the Medici Bank) and then by the dreadful Cesare Borgia and his father Pope Alessandro VI (1431 - 1492 - 1503 (72)) in Rome. ... Pope Clement VII Giulio de'Medici, 1478 - 1523 - 1534 (56) Illegitimate son of Lorenzo's (Pazzi murdered) brother Giuliano, adopted son of Lorenzo, and companion in exile to Lorenzo's son Giovanni (Leo X), who was three years his senior, Giulio de'Medici became Pope Clement VII (Clemente Settimo). He was good looking, intellectually sophisticated, a talented musician and a political disaster. In reality he also faced the legacy of the corrupt practices of his cousin Leo X, and the impossible task of operating in the emergent nation state Europe dominated by Charles V, Francis I, and Henry VIII (whom he excommunicated), and threatened by Suleiman the Magnificent, plus Martin Luther dealing the protestants into the game as well - see Insight Page. He lost England, and was humiliated by having to flee in disguise from Rome when it was barbarically sacked by Charles V's rabble army after Clement mistakenly got too close to flashy Francis I of France.

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} The Revised Roman Empire - 'Occult' power: the politics of witchcraft and superstition in Renaissance Florence - In Florence, how did one family--the Medici--secure their power after over a century of struggle, and how did they come to construct a myth of their own legitimacy? (Book)

Lawrence's interpretation, however narrow and flawed, does highlight an indisputable element of Grazzini's tale of Dr. Manente: its cruelty and "monstrosity," traits that, I will argue, provide insight into the social structures of the mid-sixteenth century, particularly those that rely upon coersion and force. In Florence, how did one family--the Medici--secure their power after over a century of struggle, and how did they come to construct a myth of their own legitimacy? ... It is important to remember that, from 1494--when the friar himself gained widespread support and offered a major threat to the rule of the Medici family--until long after his execution in 1498, Savonarola bequeathed a powerful religious and political vision that was not dependent on his leadership for survival--a fact that fascinated the political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli. Savonarola's followers--called the Piagnoni first by their enemies and later, proudly, by themselves--remained politically active after his execution, through the Republic that lasted until 1513, when the first Medici pope, Leo X, used the considerable influence of this position to help his family and their allies to return to Florence, and again after the sack of Rome in 1527, which occurred during the pontificate of another Medici, Clement VII. The Piagnoni continued to be active even after the Medici, first Alessandro and then Cosimo I, openly turned Florence onto the path of absolutism [unlimited, centralized authority and absolute sovereignty] by accepting the [nobility] title of Duke. ... Lorenzo's manipulation of the Church comes into play in the next phase of the beffa. ... At this point, Grazzini emphasizes not only that many friars and priests were ignorant, but, more importantly, that the kind of people Lorenzo elevated to positions of power in the Florentine church hierarchy were either superstitious [occult] or corrupt, criticisms that Savonarola also often made of the Medici.

{Occult Infiltration of the Roman Catholic Church} The Revised Roman Empire - Christian and Rosicrucian Kabbalah [esoteric (hidden) teachings - the real NWO - New Age bible] - The origional Jewish [Witchcraft - King Solomon] Kabbalah --> Christian mystic, Raymon Lull (1232 - 1316 A.D.) originator of the Christian Kabbalah --> Renaissance Christian Kabbalah (Medici family) --> Rosicrucian (Illuminati - Freemason) Kabbalah --> Modern Occult Kabbalah - The beginning of Christian Kabbalah is to be found in the teachings of the Catalan philosopher and mystic, Raymon Lull - Lull had the idea of unifying all three religions [Judaism, Christianity, Islam] by developing a philosophy incoporating elements common to all - the way he intended to [unite] convert was through rational and mystical doctrine - Renaissance Christian Kabbalah was derived from a number of sources - Firstly, the christological [christ doctrine] speculations of a number of Jewish converts from the late 13th to the late fifteenth centuries - Secondly, the philosophical Christian and Renaissance speculation concerning the Kabbalah that developed around the Platonic Acadamy *founded by the *Medici family in Florence

Lull based his Art on the importance which Christian, Moslem [Islam], and Jew each attached to the Divine Names or Attributes, or, as he called them, Dignities. Lull mentioned nine Dignities (or Dignitaries): Bonitas (Goodness), Magnitudo (Greatness), Eternitas (Eternity), Potestas (Power), Sapientia (Wisdom), Voluntas (Will), Virtus (Virtue), Veritas (Truth), and Gloria (Glory). These are shown in the follwing diagram. ... In addition we also find the incorporation of the four elements [earth, water, air and fire] and the qualities, the seven planets and twelves [astrological] signs, medicine, alchemy, geometry, a letter notation, and so on. There is an elaborate system of correspondences, in that the nine Dignitaries have their correspondences in the celestial sphere, the human level, and the animal, plant, and material creation. In all this we see the influence, not only of Kabbalah, but also of Aristotlean categories, Augustinian Platonism (nearly all the Lullian Dignities can be found listed as Augustine's Divine Attributes), and the celestial hierarchies of angels of the Christian Neoplatonist Dionysius. [Frances A. Yates, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age, pp.9-12]. -- Renaissance Kabbalah: Renaissance Christian Kabbalah was derived from a number of sources. Firstly, the christological speculations of a number of Jewish converts from the late 13th to the late fifteenth centuries. Secondly, the philosophical Christian and Renaissance speculation concerning the Kabbalah that developed around the Platonic Acadamy founded by the Medici family in Florence. Pico della Mirandola The Florentines, headed by the renowned Renaissance hermeticist Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-94) believed they had discovered in Kabbalah a lost divine revelation that could give the key to understanding both the teachings of Pythagoras, Plato, and the Orphics, and the inner secrets of Catholic Christianity. Pico himself had a considerable amount of Kabbalistic literature translated into Latin by the scholarly convert Samuel ben Nissim Abulfaraj. Among the 900 theses Pico presented for public debate in Rome was the claim that "no science can better convince us of the divinity of Jesus Christ than magic and the Kabbalah", and he believed he could prove the dogmas of the Trinity and the Incarnation through Kabbalistic axioms. All this caused a sensation in the intellectual Christian world, and the writings of Pico and his follower Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522) led on the one hand to great interest in the doctrine of Divine Names and in practical (magical) Kabbalah (culminating in Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim's De Occult Philosophia (1531) and on the other to further attempts at a synthesis between Kabbalah and Christian theology. [Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah, pp.197-8] -- Rosicrucian Kabbalah: By the late 16th century Christian Kabbalah began to be permeated with alchemical symbolism; a trend that continued through the 17th and 18th century. Well known representatives are the Rosucrucian philosopher and alchemist Robert Fludd (1574-1637) and the alchemist Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666) among others. One of the works of Fludd presents an interpretation of the Sefirotic Tree which he illustrates as a Palm (left), whose ten spreading branches raying forth from the lowest world suggest that man on earth is a microcosm or reflection of the macrocosm or universe. In the second half of the 18th century this alchemical kabbalah was combined with Freemasonic numerology and occultism, from which was ultimately to develop the extraordinary occult/magickal revival of the late 19th century known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn illustration (left) from World Trees by Hazel Minot Kircher's Tree from Oedipus Aegyptiacus published in 1652 by Athanasius Kircher, a Jesuit priest and hermetic philosopher -- Occult Kabbalah: By the 19th century the occultists of the French magician revival, such as Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant; 1810-1875) and Papus (Gerard Encausse; 1868-1916) had lost all understanding of the original Jewish meaning of Kabbalah, and brought in various extraneous elements such as Tarot. Levi was an influential figure both on the Theosophy of Blavatsky and even more so the Golden Dawn Order of Mathers and Westcott, with it's unique Kabbalistic (or Qabalistic, to use the prefered spelling) formulation of Sefirot and paths, through which Kabbalah established itself in the contemporary Western Occult Tradition.

{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} Disgraced-Fraudulent "Ergun Goes to Camp"....Ergun Caner to Speak at FBC Jax Summer Youth Camp in August - I have confirmed from a reliable source that FBC Jax church leaders have decided to bring in Ergun Caner to speak to the FBC Jax high schoolers' and middle schoolers' at their summer youth camp that will be held August 1st-5th at the Georgia Baptist Convention's Norman Park Conference Center in Tifton, GA.

Is Caner the best example of integrity and truth that First Baptist can find for their young people? Of course not...but Caner is good friends with Pastor Mac Brunson, and Ergun Caner and Mac are co-authors of a book that they have been working together on for a second edition. So at FBC Jax these days, it sure seems that a personal and business relationship with the pastor trumps the need to find the best role model for kids at camp. Bringing in the pastor's buddy for a speaking gig trumps his "guarding and protecting" the flock, apparently. -- I hope at least some of the parents of middle schoolers and high schoolers at FBC Jax are disgusted at this choice for their young people. I hope the lay workers at FBC Jax who work with these kids are disgusted. They work so hard all year to instill values of truth and honesty in the kids, and their professional seminarian church leaders go and bring in Caner to preach to their kids during the spiritual apex of the church year. Of course most young people at FBC Jax are not up on what has happened over the past year with Caner - they will eat up his [fraudulent] stories, laugh at his jokes, and Caner will rebuild his brand with the next generation of FBC Jax'ers. Heck, at camp Ergun might slip in a story or two of his days growing up learning of American culture by watching Istanbul TV as a kid. Maybe he'll elaborate on his [imaginary] days of "Islamic Youth Jihad" and describe the training he [didn't] received to perform 9/11 style attacks as he claimed at their church in November 2001. -- But maybe some good will come of this. Young people at FBC Jax, let this serve as a prime example for you that your church leaders - your senior pastor especially - don't always have the best interests of the people they are leading at heart. *The pastor is not some sort of super-spiritual "man of God" like a priest or prophet who always knows best. Your pastor is not a "God-appointed agent to save you from your ignorance". *Pastors are not to be blindly trusted. Your pastor [Pastor Mac Brunson] claimed recently that his number one priority is to "guard the flock", yet I believe he is failing to guard you in this instance as he promises. Perhaps the Lord can use you to let your parents know, and your church leaders know that you aren't happy with this selection for your camp. -- And young people, this is a lesson for you of what NOT to do when you become a lay leader in your church. Don't be a "yes man" deacon or trustee or lay leader. Stand up to your pastor when they make a wrong decision such as this. You don't have to be silent and "let God handle it", or just say "well, Pastor is God's man", YOU are God's man or woman at that church and maybe God wants YOU to speak up and demand accountability for a terrible decision such as this. Don't let the pastor convince you that you are sinning by raising this "controversial issue" and demanding that it be fixed. God has placed plenty of men and women in your church - including YOU - who should stand up to your pastor and say "No" to them bringing Ergun Caner to your camp. -- There still is time for FBC Jax and Mac Brunson to change their mind about bringing Caner to camp. If not, perhaps they can film the sessions with Caner and market it as "Ergun Goes to Camp". Heck, Tifton, GA is not too far away from Atlanta - why not call Eddie Long to come down and help out with camp and be a cabin chaperone for a group of 6th grade boys? Creflo Dollar can come down too.

{Flashback} It Takes a Long Time to Clean Up [Internet] Falsehoods - The Internet is such a huge "place" - It takes forever to clean up evidences of your past---if you are trying to do that, anyway - I was just referred to this (2005) press release on Ergun Caner's own website (better click fast, it will be gone before long!) - Note this further example of the mysterious "misstatement" that Ergun Caner seemed to be making over and over and over again for years on end {*Note: Ergun Caner is going around preaching (mostly to unsuspecting teenagers) a 100% Emergent Church doctrine, principles and theology i.e. "God = Love" actually "God = God" and love, patience, faithfulness, justice, longsuffering, faithfulness, etc. are all Attributes of God. - Also Note: It is Dr. Norman Geisler (Veritas Evangelical Seminary) [one of Ergun Caner's biggest supporters and a mentor] that is going around from Church to Church doing "Apologetics Conferences" with Ergun Caner (also one of Geisler's Veritas Seminary instructors) *as Geisler pretends to be informing Christians and preaching against the Gnostic Emergent Church Movement that is currently infiltrating Evangelical Christianity on a massive scale all the while Dr. Norman Geisler is forwarding, promoting and covering for Emergent Church (Gnostic) prompter Ergun Caner. -- July 31, 2010 Calvary Chapel Downey - Apologetics Conference Speakers: Norman Geisler, "Understanding and Answering the Emergent Church" - Ergun Caner, "5 Reasons Why I am not a Muslim" Source:}

Ex-Muslim to lead at Liberty U. By Bob Lowry ASSOCIATED PRESS LYNCHBURG, Va. -- The new dean of the Rev. Jerry Falwell's Liberty University theological seminary is a former Sunni Muslim who plans to turn out a hipper generation of graduates by relating to them with lyrics from rapper 50 Cent, TV's "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" and the latest movies and film stars. Ergun Mehmet Caner cracks one-liners as easily as he quotes a Bible verse. Lecturing to a packed auditorium of 450 students, Mr. Caner mixed religion with jokes to keep his students on their toes in a late afternoon theology class. He asked his students which popular actors they would marry [have sex with] "if she or he was a Christian." Their answers brought howls of laughter from the classroom. "In a given lecture, I'll talk about 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,' C.S. Lewis, 'Plato's Cave' and some lyrics by 50 Cent," Mr. Caner said of some subjects one normally wouldn't associate with Mr. Falwell's university. Mr. Caner sees it as a way to connect with his young audiences. "Most college students lose attention every seven minutes and with that, it's important to have that humor to bring us back in and teach us more," said Travis Bush, a junior from Rocky Mount, N.C., in Mr. Caner's class. "He's the best professor here. With the humor, it keeps us interested." Mr. Caner, 39, said he wants a different approach for a new generation of Liberty students, whom he dubs "tecumenicals." "I call them techies because, on one hand, they were raised with e-mail" he says. "And yet they are so ecumenical. This generation is different. They've been there, seen it and done it. They're looking for some *authentic passion that's got a pulse and that sweats. "The point is I'll use anything at my disposal. I'm not hiding from culture and I don't boycott culture. If I'm turning out students who say 'What's that dot on your head for?' That's ignorance. Or, 'Why'd you wear your laundry on the top of your head?' That's ignorance." Mr. Caner takes over as dean of the seminary in July after only two years at the 8,000-student school. The shaven-headed, goateed Mr. Caner [Proven False], whose family emigrated from Turkey [Sweeden] to Toledo, Ohio, when he was a teenager [two years old] ... Boyd Rist, Liberty's vice president for academic affairs, said Mr. Caner was the clear choice for the job after the former dean left for the presidency of another school. As for Mr. Caner's Muslim background, Mr. Rist said Mr. Falwell [Sr.] doesn't mind doing the unexpected at the school he founded in his hometown in 1971. Copyright 2005 News World Communications, Inc. Source:

{Flashback} 7/29/2010 - Dividing Line with James White "What kind of a person when they get caught lying, instead of repenting just makes up another lie" {Note: Two recordings of Ergun Caner attempting to explain the Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit nature of God are played and Caner does an 'ok' job BUT unexplainably mixes within his convoluted explanations New Age terms and concepts i.e. "eternal progression" saying that Jesus' incarnation was "just a part of His eternal progression" (i.e. LDS Mormonism) and then that the Trinity is embodied at the tip of our own finger (i.e. some New Age [Gnostic - Sex Magik - Da Vinci Code] concept that we are all little gods). The tip of our finger (or something else for males) analogy is completely wrong in that three dimensions (length, height, and width) always have with it the 4th dimension of time and for example the higher [5th and 6th] spiritual dimensions including the ever present eternal, limitless dimension of God so using the tip of our own finger to represent the Trinity of God is perhaps the worst of all possible examples and any Seminary Theology professor should be able to give a more concise and coherent statement on the Trinity than Caner is able to explain - as though he is publically explaining it for the first time.} (Mp3)

Discussed today: A May [2010 - San Diego, CA] recording of Ergun Caner talking about haters [and 'flamers' i.e. Caner's version of Christians who simply question him]. Dr. White also took two calls.

{Occult Infiltration of the Protestant/Evangelical Church} Contending for Truth with Dr. Scott Johnson - End Time Current Events: 6-12-11 - Hidden Luciferians (Satan worshipers) in American culture, politics, academia...and in the Christian community (Part 1) - IS "CHRISTIAN MUSICIAN" MICHAEL W. SMITH...A COVERT OCCULTIST? (Part 2) (Mp3s)

People/leaders who are Possible Occult /Satanic infiltrators into the Christian Church - of course Satan is going to send his best and most capable deceivers into the true Church in order to cause strife, confusion, a lack of clarity and general disorder for all things Christian (Jesus Christ) within the Church. -- Warnings Regarding: Neil Anderson - Freedom in Christ Ministries; Kay Arthur - Precept Ministries International; Ron Blue; Dietrich Bonhoeffer - WWII German Theologan; Bill Bright - Campus Crusade for Christ; Stuart & Jill Briscoe - Telling the Truth; Larry Burkett - Crown Financial Ministries; Tony Campolo - "Red-Letter Christian"; Paul (David) Yonggi Cho - Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea; Gary Collins - Nelson Ministry Services; *Chuck Colson - BreakPoint; Kenneth & Gloria Copeland - Kenneth Copeland Ministries; Larry Crabb - NewWay Ministries; *Dr. James Dobson - Focus on the Family; Ted W. Engstrom - Youth for Christ International; Gary Ezzo - Growing Families International; *Jerry Falwell [Sr. - Jr.] - Liberty University [LU] & Thomas Road Baptist Church; Richard Foster - Quaker Minister; Bill Gothard - Institute in Basic Life Principles; Billy Graham - The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association; *John Hagee - Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas; Kenneth W. & Lynette Hagin - Rhema Praise television show; Hank Hanegraaff - Christian Research Institute (CRI); Jack Hayford - The Church on the Way in Van Nuys, CA & Chancellor of the The King's University; *Howard Hendricks - longtime professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, speaker for Promise Keepers; Benny Hinn - Benny Hinn Ministries & This Is Your Day TV Show; David Hocking[?] - Hope for Today; Michael Horton - White Horse Inn Blog; Rodney Howard-Browne - Revival Ministries International; *Dave Hunt - The Berean Call; Bill Hybels - Willow Creek Community Church; Jack Hyles[?] - In 1972, he founded Hyles-Anderson College; T.D. Jakes - The Potter's House; Dr. David Jeremiah - Turning Point for God; Dr. D. James Kennedy - Coral Ridge Ministries; Woodrow Kroll - Back to the Bible; Tim & Beverly LaHaye - the Left Behind series of books & Concerned Women for America; Greg Laurie - Harvest Crusade; Zola Levitt - Zola Levitt Ministries; C.S. Lewis - Narnia Chronicles; Hal Lindsey - The Hal Lindsey Report; C.S. Lovett - president of Maranatha Family; Max Lucado - UpWords®; Martin Luther - Protestant Reformation; Bill McCartney - Promise Keepers; Josh McDowell[?] - Evidence That Demands a Verdict; *John MacArthur - Grace to You; Gordon MacDonald - pastor of Grace Chapel in Lexington, Massachusetts; David & Karen Mains - Mainstay Ministries; Don Matzat - pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Bridgeville, PA; John C. Maxwell - leadership expert; *Joyce Meyer - Joyce Meyer Ministries; Dr. Frank Minirth & Dr. Paul Meier - The Freudian Connection; Sun Myung Moon - worldwide Unification Church; Joel Osteen - Hope For Today; J.I. Packer - Author, Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia; Luis Palau - Global Evangelist; Rod Parsley - Breakthrough; Norman Vincent Peale - The Power of Positive Thinking; M. Scott Peck - American psychiatrist and best-selling author, best known for his first book, The Road Less Traveled; Frank Peretti - Christian fiction author; Dennis Rainey - FamilyLife, Focus on the Family; *Pat Robertson - Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) - The 700 Club; James Robison - Life Outreach International; Dr. Hugh Ross - creationist Christian apologist; Jack Schaap - Hyles-Anderson College; Robert Schuller - Crystal Cathedral; David Seamands - Evangelism Today!; Gary Smalley - Marriage Restoration Intensive; *Chuck Smith Sr. - Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, CA; Charles Solomon - Grace Fellowship International; *R.C. Sproul Sr. - Ligonier Ministries; Charles Stanley[?] - In Touch Ministries; *Charles Swindoll - Insight for Living; *Rick Warren - Saddleback Church, U.N. P.E.A.C.E. Plan, Purpose Driven Life; *Donald Wildmon - American Family Association (AFA); John Wimber - director of the Association of Vineyard Churches; Philip Yancey - Author; Zig Ziglar - motivational speaker -- See Also: Constance Cumbey - Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow; Mark Lowry - Gaither Vocal Band; Leonard Sweet - [Satanist] influential Christian leader; Beth Moore - Living Proof Ministries; Chuck Missler - Koinonia House; John Piper - Desiring God; Phyllis Schlafly - Eagle Forum; Jan Markell - Olive Tree Ministries; Dr. Stan Monteith - Radio Liberty; Nancy Leigh DeMoss - Revive Our Hearts; Mark DeMoss - The DeMoss Group the nation's first and largest public relations agency exclusively serving Christian leaders; *Dr. Norman Geisler - Veritas Evangelical Seminary; Ravi Zacharias - Zacharias International Ministries; Eugene H. Peterson - The Message (bible); Frank Viola - Jesus Manifesto; Rob Bell - Velvet Jesus, NOOMA, Love Wins; William Lane Craig - Reasonable Faith; Lee Strobe - former Chicago Tribune legal editor, author of The Case for Christ. {Note: Updated the list to provide some information regarding the organization each person is affiliated with.} TERRIFIC! Video: Michele Bachmann on Israel {Note: Back home and planning on posting some more material soon. - Watched part of the Republican Debate last night. -- Michele Bachmann was clearly out front and probably has my vote. I'm not planning on blogging the 2012 Elections and after the boring debate last night I really want even less to do with the Election though I do think Sarah Palin should be a candidate as she has been very good at providing a Conservative voice for America. - The Republican Debate was really not very good primarily because it was hosted by CNN so all the Liberal topics (i.e. health care) were front and center and it often made the Republican candidates look and sound more like Democrat candidates than Republicans so the format wasn't a good showcase for Republicans and basically it looks like the Republicans have little or no game for 2012.}

She has been derided as Sarah Palin's twin, but Michele Bachmann is no Palin, and, hey, she's actually served complete terms in office without quitting. Yes, she's had some gaffes (including comparing America's high taxes to the Holocaust), though they are very few. But, overall, I'd be happy to vote for her.

;#; - - - - - - ;#;

[Christian Communion 1 of 3] The necessity of having the correct Communion elements in the Christian Communion - Wine/Grape product (fruit) of the Vine and the unleavened/unsweetened Bread 'body of Jesus Christ' -- "John 15:5 I (Jesus) Am the Vine, ye (Disciples/Christians) are the branches: he that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me [Vine] ye can do nothing."

"1 Corinthians 11:23-26 For I (Apostle Paul) have received of the Lord (Jesus) that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same [Passover Feast] night in which He was betrayed took [Passover - unleavened/unsweetened] bread: And when He had given thanks, He brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is My body [both His sinless, physical body and also His eternal, resurrection Spiritual body], which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of Me. After the same manner also He took the [Passover - Communion] cup [wine], when He had supped, saying, This Cup [physical and Spiritual] is the *New Testament in My blood [physical blood for the remission of our sins and also Spiritual blood for our eternal life]: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me [Jesus]. For [being both physical and Spiritual] as often as ye eat this bread (body), and drink this cup (wine/vine), ye do shew the Lord's [physical] death till He [bodily/Spiritually] come [return - 2nd Coming]." -- Note: Jesus is clearly the Vine and we are attached to, fellowshipping with and partaking of the Vine (Jesus Christ) as Born Again Christian believers. -- Also Note: The Olive Tree/Oil is generally considered to be a representation of the Holy Spirit and is not to be confused with Jesus. "Romans 11:24 For if thou [Gentiles] wert cut out of the [disassociated] olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good Olive Tree [Holy Spirit]: how much more shall these [Jews], which be the natural [associated with God] branches, be graffed [knowingly] into their own [natural] Olive Tree [the Holy Spirit]?" -- Further Note: The Fig Tree (branch, fruit, leaves) are often associated with mankind and the works, fruits and natural unrighteousness of humans, though with potential to give good fruit (figs). Three main Biblical plants [Vine, Olive Tree and the Fig Tree are each mentioned in James 3:12]. -- "James 3:12 Can the Fig Tree [man], my brethren, bear Olive [Holy Spirit fruit] berries? [or] either a Vine [Jesus - Wine], figs? so can no fountain both yield salt [undesirable drinking] water and fresh [desirable drinking water]."

Note: Regarding the Hebrews/Jews as a continuing society, religion, ethnicity of people and their affiliation with the Messiah Jesus Christ

Possibly: The Jews as a people never rejected the Messiah (Christ) [True Vine] - many of the Jews rejected Jesus as a man claiming to be the Messiah though a remnant of Jews believed Jesus and began the Christian Church. It is important to note that signs, wonders and miracles alone Do Not authenticate the person of Christ. It is necessary for fulfillment of Bible prophecy (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) and for the resurrection from death [conquering human sin and death] to provide for the authenticity of the Messiah. The Jews rejected the man Jesus and being Spiritually blinded (Romans 11:7, Romans 11:25) have been unable to see the Messiah until "the fullness of the Gentiles has come in" (Romans 11:25, Acts 15:14-18) and the un-blinding (Acts 9:17-18) of the Hebrews/Jews can take place. Having not rejected the Messiah, the resurrected and proven Messiah Jesus Christ, due to their Spiritual blindness (2 Corinthians 3:14) the Jews as a people and a society are not condemned and far from it they are instead much beloved of God being among (Romans 9:4-5) His called, chosen, elect and redeemed people. -- Note: Judas was the only Jewish/person to take N.T. Communion with Jesus, at the 'Passover' Last Supper, and then (John 17:12) "the son of perdition" [Judas first coming] reject (John 13:30) Jesus as the Messiah. {Note: "the son of perdition" during the 2nd coming return of Jesus is going to be the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3)}. The other 11 Disciples all believed and all who follow the resurrection of Jesus believe. -- Also Note: There were still ramifications for rejecting the physical presence of Jesus as both the Temple and the city of Jerusalem were later destroyed but the continuity of Judaism as the chosen people of God remains and it remains under the New Testament (Ephesians 2:12) - the New Testament having been implemented by Jesus in Jerusalem, among and for the Jews (Hebrews 8:8-10) not at the exclusion of the Jews but for all people Jewish and Gentile.

[Christian Communion 2 of 3] Both the physical Communion body of Jesus and His Spiritual resurrection body are without sin -- "Matthew 17:1-3 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, and was *Transfigured [from physical body to Spiritual body] before them: and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias (Elijah) talking with Him (Jesus)." ... "Matthew 17:5-7 While he (Disciple Peter) yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice [from God] out of the cloud, which said, *This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; *hear ye Him. And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. And Jesus came and touched them, *and said, Arise [in Jesus Christ's resurrection-transfigure], and be not afraid."

Note: Jesus being God and without the curse of human sin (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 1:29) was able to bodily Transfigure on the Mt. of Transfiguration and also able to bodily resurrect (John 20:5) into His eternal Spiritual body. Jesus will be the only person in heaven who was able to retain any semblance (Revelation 5:6-7) to his previous earthly physical body. The rest of us (Romans 8:3) having within us the curse of sin and death (Romans 6:22-23) do not retain any resemblance to our physical, sin laden, body (2 Corinthians 5:1-9) but instead resurrect as disembodied human spirits to be judged by God (2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10, Revelation 20:14) and then if Adopted as Sons/Daughters of God we receive a new spiritual body a body that matches our spiritual composition [i.e. a devout handicapped person on earth doesn't just receive legs in heaven that can walk, like everyone that person receives a new (Spiritual) body]. We Humans receiving our new Spiritual body is the correction to sin and is not in any way any type of reincarnation because being given a new body we will still be (soul, spirit) of who we are and more importantly will still be recognizable as who we are by others, it will just be a better, more accurate and more complete eternal bodily match to our soul and spirit than our sin laden physical body could ever be. Reincarnation would involve receiving a body that is not recognizable to others for instance a person reincarnating and becoming a different person or even an animal. -- "2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all [sinner and non-sinner] appear [w/o a physical body] before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his [physical] body, according to that he hath done [on earth], whether it be good or bad."

[Christian Communion 3 of 3] The eternal pre-existent nature of Jesus [Communion both physical and Spiritual] is revealed in the multi-dimensional, multi-realm (physical, spiritual) aspects of Jesus -- "Matthew 14:25-28 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a [multi-dimensional] spirit; and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. And Peter answered Him and said, Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee on the water." -- "John 20:19 Then the same day [Easter - Resurrection Day] at evening, being [Sunday] the first day of the week, when *the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst [of the locked room], and saith unto them, Peace be unto you."

Note: Mankind seems to have been originally created to be in the 6th dimensional realm along with the Angels however after the sin and fall of mankind it appears that mankind fell two dimensions into the 4th dimension [height, width, length, time]. The Salvation restoration of mankind, those saved in Jesus seem to be restored to the higher 7th dimension. While God [Father, Son Jesus, Holy Spirit] have always existed outside the 7 created realms in their un-created, un-restricted, eternal realm. -- "John 1:18 No [restricted - mortal] man hath seen [unrestricted - eternal] God [the Father] at any time {unrestricted dimensions}; [except] the only begotten Son (Jesus), which is in the bosom of the Father, He (Jesus) hath declared [revealed] Him (Father)." -- "John 5:26 For as the Father hath [eternal] life in Himself; so hath He given (G1325 - administration) to the Son (Jesus) to have [eternal - giving] life in Himself;" -- "John 10:30 I and My Father are One [unrestricted dimension]." -- "Hebrews 1:3 [Jesus] Who being the brightness of His [Father's] glory, and the express (exact) [Spiritual] image of His person, and upholding all things by the Word of His power, when He (Jesus) had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty [Father God] on High;" -- "Hebrews 9:24 For [resurrection] Christ is not entered [earthly] into the holy places [Jewish Temple] made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into Heaven itself, now *to appear in the presence of God for us:" Article Introduction - The 7 physical and spiritual dimensions as unfolded in the 7 Days of the Genesis creation model {the 8th dimension being God's realm of unrestricted eternity}

Humans exist in and are limited to the first three physical dimensions (length, height, width) and also the fourth dimension (restriction) of time. The spiritual realm of demons, angels and in part the coming Antichrist exists in the less restricted 5th and 6th dimensions. In fact the coming Antichrist is going to bring down or "contact" the 5th and 6th dimensions and infuse 4th dimensional human beings with 5th dimensional demons [Nephilim spirits] and 6th dimensional fallen [Satanic] angelic spirit beings consequently orchestrating 5th and 6th dimensional miracles and signs and wonders in order to deceive mankind. Note: So who is Melchizedek? Melchizedek is the manifestation [into our human realms] of the infinite dimensional (infinite dimensions - no restrictions - unrestricted) God in Person. Melchizedek is God the Holy Spirit in Person. Melchizedek is the Order of the Holy Spirit Priesthood. -- Also Note: In the Basic Christian article "Who is Melchizedek?" the 8 dimensions (restrictions) are listed in conjunction with the original creation week (Genesis 1:1-2:4) and are categorized as follows: 1. Length [Day one creation - light separated [Judgment] (length) from darkness] 2. Height [Day two creation - divided the waters above from the waters below] 3. Width [Day three creation - dry land and plants] 4. Time [Day four creation - sun, moon, stars for times and seasons] 5. Demonic [Nephilim spirits] - demons [Day five creation - fish from the waters below, birds from the waters above] 6. Angelic - Holy Angels and also Satan with all of his fallen angels [Day six creation - land animals and humans (pre-fall) - humans the highest part of creation created separate and above the animals and equal to the angels but with sin mankind fell from the 6th dimension to the 4th dimension, in fact with the sin of mankind all of creation also fell from its original creation status] 7. Human Salvation redeemed by the blood, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ [Day seven creation - Rest] 8. Unrestricted [outside of creation] - The only Unrestricted, Eternal, Wise, ∞ Infinite, Almighty God consisting of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. -- "Genesis 2:4 These are the generations [dimensions] of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens ..."

VFTB Live: How and Why We Believe (Mp3)

WHAT WE believe determines how we live. Do you know why you or your church does what it does? Keith Giles joins us to discuss his new book, This is My Body: Ekklesia as God Intended, which expores the difference between church as we know it and ekklesia the way God meant it to be. Then we're joined by Doug Harris, host of Simply the Truth on Revelation TV. He talks about Reachout Trust, his ministry to those in cults, the occult, and the New Age. Please visit the VFTB Facebook page and check out the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network. -- {Note: Ekklesia (G-1577) 'Ek' out of; 'Kaleo' called; called out ones (called out of the world and into God's heavenly gathering), congregation. -- i.e. Exodus Ex·o·dus [éksedess] 'out of - departing' leaving (earthly) Egypt and following God to (heavenly) Israel and Jerusalem. The Christian Church [Ekklesia] on earth, biblically is not just an in-gathering of believers but is more represented as an out-gathering from the world who have assembled together before God and with one another. -- "Hebrews 13:12-14 Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without (outside) the [city] gate. Let us go forth therefore unto Him without (outside) the camp [society], bearing His reproach. For here [earthly] have we no continuing city, but we seek [the holy, eternal] one to come."}

Littleshots Productions: Presents Two animations of Jack Chick's popular tract stories 'The Sissy' & 'Tiny Shoes' ... ON ONE DVD! ($4.95) {Scroll Down} (On-line View)

Four years ago, Steve West called Chick Publications with an idea, and a vision. He asked for permission to make video animations of Chick tracts, using software currently available. His vision was to deliver these gospel messages to a generation that is reading less and less. He hoped to have them translated and make something that would help missionaries spread the Gospel. We gave him permission, and he formed Littleshots Productions and produced videos from two of Jack Chick's stories, "The Sissy" and "Tiny Shoes." ... You can show them to your Sunday School class, youth group, or even your church. Then discuss the message of the story and lead people to Christ. Also, if you purchase a copy, you are free to make as many copies as you wish for your own use. You can give them away like a tract, too.

;#; - - - - - - ;#;

Update: Have been working on a family project 'Capt. John Brown Documents' (PDF)

Just about to do some more postings (starting at the end of May or the first part of June) but need a few more days off [I worked so hard on family stuff that I need a break from my break] and time to look at my notes some more before I start posting what I hope is going to be a really good, complex, advanced, solid doctrine series of postings. All the best! ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown John Brown Documents.pdf

Bible verse: Isaiah 33:15-17 He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly ... He shall dwell on high ... Thine eyes shall see the King (Jesus) in His beauty: they shall behold the land (heaven) that is very far off {The complete Bible is available at}

Isaiah 33:15-17 He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. Thine eyes shall see the King (Jesus) in His beauty: they shall behold the land (heaven) that is very far off. -- Holy Bible

CNN: The killing of bin Laden: Was it legal? - Was the killing of Osama bin Laden legal under international law? - The administration says yes, absolutely - Experts are unsure {Certainly Not legal under American law!}

The raid on Obama's compound "was conducted in a manner fully consistent with the laws of war," [but is the USA lawfully at war and if so with what Nation? Pakistan?] White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters. Carney declined to offer specifics, but said "there is simply no question that this operation was lawful. ... (Bin Laden) had [allegedly] continued to plot attacks against the United States." Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama had all issued orders to kill or capture the [accused] al Qaeda leader. -- Bin Laden raid was years in the making -- "The authority (during the raid) was to kill bin Laden," CIA Director Leon Panetta said Tuesday during an interview with PBS. "Obviously, under the rules of engagement, if he had in fact thrown up his hands, surrendered, and didn't appear to be representing any kind of threat, then they were to capture him. But they had full authority to kill him." A number of experts have said the question of actual legality may come down to bin Laden's response at the moment U.S. Navy SEALs burst into his room. U.S. officials have revised their account of what happened during the assault on the compound in Pakistan. Bin Laden was not armed during the 40-minute raid, they now say, but he put up resistance to U.S. forces. The al Qaeda leader was moving at the time he was initially shot, according to a U.S. official who has seen military reports of the incident. The official declined to describe the movements more specifically. Officials earlier claimed that bin Laden was an active participant in the firefight that erupted, implying that he was armed and gave the SEALs little choice but to shoot him. Groves, citing the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law, said that, based on the most recent White House account, "there is nothing to indicate anything illegal happened." Bin Laden, considered a combatant by virtue of his position as head of al Qaeda, needed to immediately make clear a desire to surrender, if that was his decision, in order to avoid being shot. That apparently didn't happen, Groves said. "The United States offered bin Laden the possibility to surrender, but he refused," Martin Scheinin, the United Nations' special rapporteur for human rights, said Tuesday. "Bin Laden would have avoided destruction if he had raised a white flag." {Note: apparently there are photos of a bloody mattress and the most consistent and plausible detail of events [the amount of fighting is being diminished and even ruled out with each new official vision of events] into the killing of the person alleged to be Osama Bin Laden was that he [bin Laden] was killed while asleep in bed. - Taking into account that the man pretending to be Osama Bin Laden was probably a CIA asset operative [making fake Obama propaganda for the CIA] while living in a Pakistani CIA safe house and of course the CIA-military can go to their own safe house at any time without arousing suspicion. Several sources on the internet are calling the Osama Bin Laden death [whether it's the real or a fake bin Laden] a standard CIA asset retirement operation.} Wag The Dog - Three reasons why the official OBL (Osama Bin Laden) story stinks to high heaven - REASON #1 All the world's a stage, REASON #2 It all seemed a bit forced...., REASON #3 The body "Where is the body?" - I dont have all the answers, but right now I feel like a duck being fattened up for the slaughter, and I feel that all of this showbiz is not being done for nothing - We are in for something major very soon, and what that is has suddenly become very real and frightening {Psalms 61:1-2 Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock [Jesus Christ] that is higher than I.}

post by BlackOps719: Excellent, excellent thread OP (Original Poster). I haven't chimed in on any of the OBL (Osama Bin Laden) threads but when I read your words- it's like you read my mind. This is definitely building up to something big, and obviously bad. It's been quite a week. We had the birth certificate, the beatification of Pope John Paul II, the "royal" wedding, NATO bombing Gadaffi's grandchildren [Libya], and finally the announced death of Bin Laden. I know there was much more that I can't think of right now as well. Now we've got a shuttle launch [delay - next-to-last USA shuttle flight], riot cops vs. college kids in Ilinois, a levee being blown on the Mississippi (Birds Point, Missouri), etc,etc. I haven't heard a peep about Japan in a few days. Could WW3 be on the horizon? It's possible. This chain of events will continue and things are going to get stranger by the day. I believe a couple more catastrophies will need to be orchestrated before WW3 breaks out. Whatever they pull out of the hat will not surprise me at this point. I'm just keeping my eyes peeled, my ear to the ground and my BS detector on at all times. Cheers -- "Psalms 61:1-8 To the chief Musician upon Neginah, A Psalm of [King] David. Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. For Thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of Thy wings. Selah. For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: Thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear Thy Name. Thou wilt prolong the king's life: and his years as many generations. He shall abide before God for ever: O prepare Mercy and Truth, which may preserve him. So will I sing praise unto Thy Name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows."

Basic Christian: Spiritual Warfare - Introduction 1 of 5

The teaching of the Basic Christian ministry is that according to the Bible's Genesis Creation model [Genesis chapters 1 and 2] there are 8 dimensions total 7 of the dimensions are represented in God's 7 days of creation [six days of creation and the 7th Day of Rest (Genesis 2:2)]. Accordingly mankind [Adam - Eve] were originally created about equal (Hebrews 2:6,7) to the angels and functioned in a higher 6th dimension [mankind created on the 6th day (Genesis 1:26, Genesis 1:31)]. Through sin mankind was reduced to the lower 4th dimension [height, width, length and time] restrictions that we now physically inhabit (Genesis 3:9,10). It is the further teaching of the Basic Christian ministry that both holy and fallen angels still inhabit the less restricted 6th dimension while according to Genesis Chapter 6 fallen angels [6th dimensional beings] mated with fallen humans [4th dimensional beings] producing 5th dimensional beings commonly referred to as demons. Article Introduction - The 7 physical and spiritual dimensions as unfolded in the 7 Days of the Genesis creation model {the 8th dimension being God's realm of unrestricted eternity}

Humans exist in and are limited to the first three physical dimensions (length, height, width) and also the fourth dimension (restriction) of time. The spiritual realm of demons, angels and in part the coming Antichrist exists in the less restricted 5th and 6th dimensions. In fact the coming Antichrist is going to bring down or "contact" the 5th and 6th dimensions and infuse 4th dimensional human beings with 5th dimensional demons [Nephilim spirits] and 6th dimensional fallen [Satanic] angelic spirit beings consequently orchestrating 5th and 6th dimensional miracles and signs and wonders in order to deceive mankind. Note: So who is Melchizedek? Melchizedek is the manifestation [into our human realms] of the infinite dimensional (infinite dimensions - no restrictions - unrestricted) God in Person. Melchizedek is God the Holy Spirit in Person. Melchizedek is the Order of the Holy Spirit Priesthood. -- Also Note: In the Basic Christian article "Who is Melchizedek?" the 8 dimensions (restrictions) are listed in conjunction with the original creation week (Genesis 1:1-2:4) and are categorized as follows: 1. Length [Day one creation - light separated [Judgment] (length) from darkness] 2. Height [Day two creation - divided the waters above from the waters below] 3. Width [Day three creation - dry land and plants] 4. Time [Day four creation - sun, moon, stars for times and seasons] 5. Demonic [Nephilim spirits] - demons [Day five creation - fish from the waters below, birds from the waters above] 6. Angelic - Holy Angels and also Satan with all of his fallen angels [Day six creation - land animals and humans (pre-fall) - humans the highest part of creation created separate and above the animals and equal to the angels but with sin mankind fell from the 6th dimension to the 4th dimension, in fact with the sin of mankind all of creation also fell from its original creation status] 7. Human Salvation redeemed by the blood, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ [Day seven creation - Rest] 8. Unrestricted [outside of creation] - The only Unrestricted, Eternal, Wise, ∞ Infinite, Almighty God consisting of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. -- "Genesis 2:4 These are the generations [dimensions] of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens ..."

Basic Christian: Spiritual Warfare - The Doctrines of Demons 2 of 5

The demonic 5th dimension seems to be a realm of doom and destruction purposefully visited upon the human realm via the guidance of the fallen angel Satan aka Lucifer. The 5th dimension often attempts to trap mankind into a hopelessness and despair. The primary teaching of the Doctrines of Demons (1 Timothy 4:1) is that hell [and legalism] is real and is an inescapable reality that mankind cannot avoid having a 'hellish' existence either on earth in this life or in the life to come. -- Many people are successfully able to identify, reject and for the most part avoid the false Doctrines of Demons and their destructive teachings and the accompanying dangerous, addictive, lifestyle results. However many of the same people who successfully recognize [even secular people] and avoid the dangers of the demonic 5th dimension are themselves unaware of the even more deceptive and destructive 6th dimension and the Doctrines of Fallen Angels.

Basic Christian: Spiritual Warfare - The Doctrines of Fallen Angels 3 of 5

After successfully navigating the battering of the demonic 5th dimension a person is often presented with the 6th dimension and the even more clever and deceptive Doctrines of Fallen Angels (2 Corinthians 11:14). Doctrines that seemingly reject the brutalities of the Demonic 5th realm but present an even greater deception in that the 6th realm is offering a false peace, false hope, false love and a false security all absent the very real human predicaments of our own fallen sinful nature and of our individual need for Redemption and Salvation only by and through the finished works of Jesus Christ. -- Isn't it interesting that Satan and the other fallen angels would be most interested in having a Doctrine where hell is not a part of reality. "Matthew 25:41 Then shall He [Jesus] say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, *prepared [originally] for the devil and his angels:"

Basic Christian: Spiritual Warfare - The Doctrine of Jesus Christ 4 of 5

Instead of the 5th dimension Doctrines of Demons and the 6th dimension Doctrines of Fallen Angels there is another Doctrine it is the True and reliable 7th dimension Doctrine of Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28). Jesus said that He is Life made available for all of mankind. Those who wisely want to reject the destructive Doctrines of Demons and avoid the false and misleading Doctrines of Fallen Angels have real hope and real life in the very real Doctrine of Jesus Christ. The simple, pure, loving, truthful Doctrine of God in the person Jesus Christ having come to mankind with truth and reality to provide a way out of our sins and into the everlasting hope and glory of Jesus Christ! -- "Matthew 11:28 Come unto Me (Jesus), all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I (Jesus) will give you rest."

Basic Christian: Spiritual Warfare - Conclusion 5 of 5

Conclusion: The (7th dimension) restoration [Luke 5:37-39] of mankind is at a higher level (dimension) than even the original Genesis (6th dimension) creation of mankind. God has the ability and the desire to not only overcome the fall and sin of mankind but to make the restored version (realm) of mankind an even higher, better realm than the original glorious 6th dimension creation of mankind. -- "John 5:24 Verily, verily, I (Jesus) say unto you, he that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him [Father] that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." - "John 6:63 It is the Spirit that quickeneth [makes alive]; the flesh [physical] profiteth nothing: *the Words that I (Jesus) speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are [eternal] life." - "John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way (8th dimension) [for humans into the 7th dimension], the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father [Heaven - both a different dimension and a different (non-physical) realm], but by Me."

Bible Verse: Matthew 24:45-51 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord (Jesus) hath made ruler over His household [fellowship], to give them meat [sound doctrine Bible study] in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when He cometh shall find so doing. {The complete Bible is available at}

Matthew 24:45-51 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord (Jesus) hath made ruler over His household, to give them meat [sound doctrine Bible study] in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when He cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That He shall make him [faithful servant] ruler over all His goods. But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth His coming; And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for Him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. -- Matthew 13:41-43 The Son of Man (Jesus) shall send forth His [Holy] Angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Who hath [Spiritual] ears to hear, let him hear. -- Holy Bible

The New Testament concept of Fellowship financial openness and accountability -- "John 15:14-16 Ye are My friends, if ye do whatsoever I (Jesus) command you. *Henceforth I call you not servants (lit. slaves); for the servant (slave) knoweth not what his Lord doeth: *but I have called you friends (lit. brotherly love); for all things that I have heard of My Father I have made known [openness] unto you. ... that [with brotherly love and openness] whatsoever ye shall ask [i.e. Moses in the Tabernacle (Tent) of the Congregation speaking to God - Numbers 7:89] of the Father in My name, He may give it you."

John 15:11-27 These things have I (Jesus) spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is My Commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, *if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his Lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen Me, but *I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that [with brotherly love and openness] whatsoever ye shall ask [i.e. Moses in the Tabernacle (Tent) of the Congregation speaking to God - Numbers 7:89] of the Father in My name, He may give it you. These things I command you, that ye love one another. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept My saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for My name's sake, because they know not Him (Father) that sent Me (Jesus). If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke [covering] for their sin. He that hateth Me hateth My Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin [of open rebellion]: but now have they both seen and hated both Me and My Father. But this cometh to pass, that the Word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They [sinners] hated Me without a cause. But when the Comforter (Holy Spirit) is come [Pentecost], whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He (Holy Spirit) shall testify of Me (Jesus): And ye (Apostles) also shall bear witness, because ye have been with Me from the beginning.

The Old Testament concept of Congregation financial openness and accountability - Moses publically reported the gifting, finances and tithes given and offered to his congregation --"Numbers 7:89 *And [after public openness and accountability] when Moses was gone into the Tabernacle [Tent] of the Congregation to speak with Him [God], then he heard the voice of One speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the Ark of Testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto Him."

Example: Numbers 7:10-89 And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their offering before the altar. And the LORD said unto Moses, They shall offer their offering, each prince on his day, for the dedicating of the altar. And he that offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah: And his offering was one silver charger [a serving tray], the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them were full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering: One spoon of ten shekels of gold, full of incense: One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering: One kid of the goats for a sin offering: And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab. On the second day Nethaneel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did offer: He offered for his offering one silver charger [a serving tray], the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering: One spoon of gold of ten shekels, full of incense: One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering: One kid of the goats for a sin offering: And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Nethaneel the son of Zuar. On the third day ... And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace offerings were twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he goats sixty, the lambs of the first year sixty. This was the dedication of the altar, after that it was anointed. *And [after public openness and accountability] when Moses was gone into the Tabernacle [Tent] of the Congregation to speak with Him [God], then he heard the voice of One speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the Ark of Testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto Him.

FBCJaxWatchDog: Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability (ECFA) Webinar - "Unleash a Generosity Surge at Your Church" - This webinar will encourage generosity in your church as we review the results from the State of the Plate and the View from the Pew surveys {Note: We as Christians can't do much about the level of greed, abuse and corruption at the U.N. but we can certainly still do something about it in our local Churches. If the Church is not 100% Transparent with their financial statements [readily assessable legal - tax documents] then don't donate or donate only a minimal amount. We all have to take part in reducing the greed and corruption within the current Christian Church system, it is at the point that if we don't take a stand against it we are becoming a part of the problem! - Also Note: the ECFA is seemingly a very unaccountable and suspect [red flag] organization itself. The ECFA though pretending to provide financial oversight for Churches and Ministries refuses to make their own financial statements publically available. Any Church or organization that is ECFA affiliated should be immediately removed from being considered a good, accountable, responsible, viable or safe place for our hard earned donations. - It's not too much to ask any Church or fellowship to display their financial [tax filings] documents and statements, in fact, it's a minimum that an honest and open Church or Ministry must do!}

The same group that Senator Grassley is hoping will encourage churches to be more financially transparent and thus avoid federal legislation in the area of religious organization fund raising - is actually hosting a webinar to help churches squeeze more money out of their people. And their logo has a pastor's head overlay-ed on top of a pile of money. I'm sure Grassley is going to love that! It would have been better to have him with a fist full of cash in his hand! Who has ECFA hired for their webinar? Why none other than "bestselling generosity author" Brian Kluth, also described as "one of the world's leading authorities on charitable giving and generosity". Experts in generosity? Can't we just call it what it is: "fund raiser". We've had people for decades know how to "raise funds", but in the church that wouldn't go over well, so we call them "generosity consultants". Click here to see Brian Kluth's "Maximum Generosity" website where churches can buy his resources on how to get your people to be more generous. Can't be too much longer and we'll see informercials on this. If we have "generosity experts" marketing their wares to pastors, how long before the SBC seminaries start pumping out PhD's in "generosity"? Shouldn't every mega church have a PhD in "generosity", aka "fund raising"? Look below at the blurbs from the ECFA website and blast email - while the speaker isn't using Alec Baldwin's "AIDA" approach, it is awfully close: the five I's: Instruct, Inspire, Influence, Involve, and Ignite! And of course, he'll explain three things you can do, pastor, to increase giving 10% in the next 12 months. -- Here's a strategy: how about preach the gospel, convert the lost, and then just let the Holy Spirit grow your church and let them give according to New Testament standards? Nope, the gospel and Jesus aren't good enough anymore. We need more. We need to pay generosity consultants to tell our pastors how to tell us how to give more money and stop being stingy. -- Preach Jesus, love people, teach people to love Jesus, and see what happens.

Libyan rebels receiving anti-tank weapons from Qatar - Officials in Doha confirm Qatar has been secretly supplying French-made missiles to Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi

Qatar is secretly supplying anti-tank weapons to the Libyan rebels as part of its strategy of working to overthrow the Gaddafi regime, it has emerged. Officials in Doha confirmed that the Gulf state's military had been shipping French-made Milan missiles to the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. Qatar's prime minister and foreign minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem, made clear on Wednesday that UN resolutions on Libya permitted the supply of "defensive weapons" to opposition forces struggling to fight Libyan armour. Qatari government officials were tight-lipped about the deliveries, which are being organised by the joint chiefs of staff and probably made by sea. "We need to send the Libyans equipment so they can defend themselves and get on with their lives," one senior source said. "These are civilians who have had to become fighters because of the situation." Britain's foreign secretary, William Hague, and colleagues from the 21-nation Libya contact group endorsed Qatar's position. Hague insisted the UK would supply only non-lethal equipment. France's view is similar but both countries - which are leading Nato air strikes in Libya - accept that arming the rebels is legal. Gaddafi's government has repeatedly complained that the Qataris are supplying the rebels. Khaled Kayim, Libya's deputy foreign minister, claimed on Wednesday that about 20 Qatari specialists were already in Benghazi. Rebel spokesmen have said they are in talks with "friendly" countries, including Qatar and France, to obtain weapons. ... Al-Jazeera satellite TV, based in Doha, is hugely influential. It is also assisting a rebel satellite TV operation broadcasting from Doha and providing other support for Libyan opposition groups. It has agreed to market crude oil produced from eastern Libyan fields no longer under Gaddafi's control. This week Qatar's state-owned marketing company delivered four shipments of oil products to Benghazi.

CNN: Libya Contact Group to meet in Qatar after day of bloodshed in Misrata - An [mostly non U.N.] international conference on Libya's future is set to begin Wednesday in Qatar - The group also includes officials from the European Union, the Arab League, NATO, the African Union and several countries - Qatar has started marketing [stolen] Libyan oil at the direction of the country's emir "to ease the suffering of the Libyan [rebels] brethren" the Qatar News Agency reported Tuesday {It's completely clear that the U.N. society of governments/government officials are completely unconcerned about actual citizen safety and are out to grab oil, land and resources for themselves. A case in point is all the violent riots in France a couple of years ago [2005, 2007, 2010] when France didn't even lift a finger to protect its own citizens on its own soil. Also the point needs to be made regarding this charade about "protecting civilians" when in actuality the U.N. feels its primary goal is to protect [environmentalism] the earth from people. - Today the U.N. is supposedly protecting people [while stealing and selling their oil] yet they have an agenda [U.N. Agenda 21] that is designed to eliminate several billion people in order to "protect" the earth so we all know where this wonderful U.N. plan of protection is going to end up for most people. -- We are about to start the 2011 Holy Week events and this year let's keep the current events in the Middle-East [their peace and safety] and the peace and safety of Israel in our prayers!}

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- An international conference on Libya's future is set to begin Wednesday in Qatar, one day after witnesses reported more carnage and dire circumstances in western Libya. A delegation from the United Nations, including Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, will attend the first meeting of the Libya Contact Group in the Qatari capital of Doha. The group also includes officials from the European Union, the Arab League, NATO, the African Union and several countries. Members from the Libyan opposition's Transitional National Council will appear before the group. Meanwhile, former Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa is expected to meet with Qatari government officials and Libyan representatives in Doha "to offer insights in advance of the Contact Group meeting," the British government said. Koussa, a longtime confidant of Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi and a former intelligence chief, fled to London last month after resigning from Gadhafi's regime. How Koussa will be received by Libya's opposition is unclear.

Looming [U.N.] Financial Crisis Forces U.N. to Mull Less-Than-Radical Cutbacks - The government of Britain was the first to deliver that message last month, when its ministry for international development announced it would cut off four minor U.N. organizations entirely from funding at the end of next year, and put others on warning that they would face the same fate if they did not improve performance - Other generous U.N. funders, like Norway, have started financial reviews that could lead to similar results

One country that has not yet taken the austerity approach is the U.S., which provides at least $6.4 billion for the U.N., according to U.S. government compilations. What most of the suggestions sent to the Nairobi meeting reveal is that despite years of a widely-touted effort to "deliver as one" united organization in its humanitarian and other efforts, the U.N. is still a widely disparate array of uncoordinated bureaucracies, ranging from such giants as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Food Program, to such relative backwaters as the International Labor Organization and the International Maritime Organization. ... They also call for "intensification of audits of operations at country, regional and global level," which would reinforce "the sense of fiscal discipline, responsibility and cost consciousness." The suggestion does not note, though another systemwide U.N. study does, that U.N. auditors are already over-stretched, under-qualified for their work, and often impeded and ignored by their bosses. None of the ideas presented to the Nairobi meeting included a drastic change in the ramshackle way the U.N. system itself has grown in the past six decades. Notably, nothing in the suggestions addresses the inefficiency of having 28 international funds, agencies, programs, regulatory agencies and other major global bureaucracies in the first place, many with overlapping and competing mandates for their activities, especially in such rapidly expanding areas as environmentalism. Changes in that overall bureaucratic challenge likely are beyond the pay-grades of even the top-most U.N. executives -- not to mention, perhaps that the changes might not be in their personal or bureaucratic interest.

CNN: NATO takes command in Libya - U.S. officials, opposition warn Libya could get bloodier - CIA operatives have been in Libya working with [Al-Qaeda backed?] rebel leaders to try to reverse gains by loyalist forces, a U.S. intelligence source said {Note: these stunning Middle-East developments and the UN response and involvement could be no less than the disintegration of the UN as a viable organization. Only days before the Libya crisis began England was in the process of reducing their funding commitment to the UN. The UN response to Libya has been disastrous, when Libya a UN member Nation asked for impartial observers the UN responded with one of the most outrageous military assaults in modern history by delivering untold death and destruction upon the tiny UN Nation of Libya. Biased UN decisions and actions that can only ultimately in all likelihood result in the withdrawal of reasonable (UN) member Nations particularly the Middle-East Nations.}

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- From the halls of Congress to the shell-pocked streets of Libyan cities, intertwined themes rang clear Thursday: Leader Moammar Gadhafi is determined to prevail, and the opposition needs more training and allied airstrikes to have a chance. ... The United States, insisting it is now fulfilling more of a support role in the coalition, shifted in that direction as NATO took sole command of air operations in Libya. The ferocity of this month's fighting and Gadhafi's advantage in firepower was clearly evident in Misrata, which has seen snipers, significant casualties and destruction. ... The CIA has had a presence in Libya for some time, a U.S. official told CNN earlier this month. "The intelligence community is aggressively pursuing information on the ground," the official said. The CIA sent additional personnel to Libya to augment officers on the ground after the anti-government protests erupted, the official said, without giving details. ... NATO emphasized Thursday that the U.N. resolution authorizing action in Libya precludes "occupation forces." NATO Adm. Giampaolo Di Paola, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, indicated that the presence of foreign intelligence personnel does not violate U.N. Security Council 1973, which authorized action in Libya. The term "occupation forces" has "a quite clear meaning," he said at a news conference in Brussels, adding that NATO receives and uses intelligence from allies and does not judge the sources. The NATO mission, called Operation Unified Protector, includes an arms embargo, a no-fly zone, and "actions to protect civilians and civilian centers," NATO said Thursday. It follows U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973, allowing member states to take all necessary measures -- "while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form" -- to protect civilians under the threat of attack in Libya.

I think a good way to begin these difficult, complex and more technical Biblical topics is to start with the complex topic of the Throne of Jesus and the concept that Jesus Christ will actually be enthroned upon two different Thrones on earth

Apparently, Jesus Christ will first be seated for the 1,000 year Kingdom reign on earth upon the Throne of King David (Acts 2:29,30). Having come as a man [sinless - second Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45-47)] Jesus will reign and rule the entire earth for 1,000 years upon the Jerusalem Throne of His forefather King David. -- Then after the 1,000 year reign there will be a New Earth and a New Sky (Revelation 21:1) and Jesus Christ will reign eternally upon the earth, not on the Throne of King David but upon His own Throne Dynasty (Revelation 22:1) as Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33) and conquered our sin and our death for us (Colossians 2:14). -- Also note that currently Jesus Christ is seated enthroned in Heaven at the Throne of His Father God in Heaven (Romans 8:34). Technically Jesus has the right and the authority to sit upon three Thrones. The Divine Heavenly Throne [co-reign] with God the Father (Jesus is the only Son of God), the earthly Throne of King David (Jesus, Son of Man - came as a man a descendant of King David), and upon His own eternal Throne having conquered human sin and death through His cross and resurrection. -- Note: each human King sits enthroned upon his forefather's Throne unless he is the originator of a Dynasty. For example King Solomon sat on King David's Throne, Antiochus IV Epiphanes sat upon a remnant [¼] Throne of Alexander the Great and Caesar Augustus sat upon the Throne of his uncle Julius Caesar.

Update: The blog History Study in the next few days is going to continue with a couple of very technical topics i.e. the Holy Spirit, Pentecost and what they mean for the Kingdoms of the earth as well as for each of us as individuals {Note: I was out of town for a few days, glad to be back blogging some more Christian material and looking forward to Holy Week 2011. ~ All the very best, David Anson Brown}

After we finally make it through these last difficult topics then we can get back to the structured Kingdoms study and finish up the entire 8 Kingdoms Study [after] Holy Week 2011 and the Easter Resurrection Day celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks to everyone for staying with the study as we continue to look at difficult topics, topics that are often not discussed in Church settings but we have the blessed opportunity to prayerfully and Biblically consider them in our own individual studies. ~ God bless everyone, David Anson Brown

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{Excellent!!} Fighting for the Faith - Rob Bell's [global think tank religion] (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology - *Martin Bashir Interview on the Paul Edwards Program (Mp3)

Martin Bashir Interview on the Paul Edwards Program • Craig Venter Breaks Ranks with Evolutionists Over Common Descent • Rob Bell's, Love Wins, is Nothing More Than the (Re)Emergence of Liberal Theology • Sermon Review. "In the Zone: God's P.O.V." by David Hughes of Church by the Glades.

{Excellent!!} Fighting for the Faith - [Analysis] Panel Discussion [Southern Baptist Theological Seminary] of Rob Bell's Love Wins (Mp3)

• Panel Discussion of Rob Bell's Love Wins

Love Wins: [Southern Baptist Theological Seminary] Conversations on Rob Bell's New Book (Excellent!! - Videos, Mp4s, Mp3s, Downloads)

RELATED RESOURCES: Love Wins: A Conversation on Rob Bell's New Book (Video) By R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Justin Taylor, Denny Burk, Russell Moore -- The Treason of Lost Love - Christ's Letter to the Church at Ephesus (Audio) By R. Albert Mohler Jr. -- A Conversation with Dr. Kevin Ezell (Audio) By Dr. Kevin Ezell.

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Jesus Walk 2011 - Getting Ready, Best of Postings!! - Christian Movie: Abandoned to God: The Oswald Chambers Story (DVD)

Abandoned to God: Oswald Chambers Story DVD 199199 -->From locations in England and Scotland, David McCasland shows you some of the places and describes key events and people that influenced the young Scottish preacher. Also includes an interview with Chambers' daughter Kathleen who shares memories of her father. Come away with a better understanding of this influential man of God.

Jesus Walk 2011 - Getting Ready, Best of Postings!! - Christian Movie: George Müller - Robber Of The Cruel Streets (DVD)

George Müller (1805-1898) was a German playboy who found Christ and gave his life to serve Christ unreservedly. His mission was to rescue orphans from the wretched street life that enslaved so many children in England during the time of Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist. Müller did rescue, care for, feed, and educate such children by the thousands. The costs were enormous for such a great work. Yet, amazingly, he never asked anyone for money. Instead he prayed, and his children never missed a meal. This docu-drama presents his life story and shows how God answered prayer and met their needs. It is a story that raises foundational questions regarding faith and finances. Also included are two special documentaries on Müller and some of the lives affected by his work.

Jesus Walk 2011 - Getting Ready, Best of Postings!! - Christian Movie: Faith Like Potatoes (2006) - BASED ON THE INSPIRING TRUE STORY OF ANGUS BUCHAN {Note: An Excellent movie! Extremely well-acted and produced! - Also Note: The movie (like most Christian message movies) is an emotional rollercoaster, be prepared and have the people watching it with you prepared for an excellent, emotional, true movie that is also very moving, touching and most of all faith promoting.} (DVD)

Based on the novel Faith Like Potatoes, this inspiring film tells the story of Angus Buchan, a South African farmer who suffers a series of seemingly insurmountable losses, but through an unlikely friendship with his Zulu farmhand and divine interventions, discovers the key to healing himself and learning to accept others lies in his unwavering belief in the power of faith. This powerful DVD includes a gripping 54 minute documentary on the real life Angus Buchan, the making of Faith Like Potatoes, director and cast commentary, deleted scenes and more.

Jesus Walk 2011 - Getting Ready, Best of Postings!! - Christian Movie: St. John In Exile (DVD)

Dean Jones is Saint John in this intimate, inspiring one-man presentation of John in exile on Patmos. Full of humor, strong in spirit, and resolutely committed to Christ, John shares his account of the events that changed the course of human history---and challenges us with his last words before his death: "Little children, love one another." 90 minutes.

Jesus Walk 2011 - Getting Ready, Best of Postings!! - Christian Movie: Joseph - The Bible Collection, 10-DVD Set - On Sale $48.99 (DVD)

Witness the frailty, triumph, and glory of Old Testament heroes Abraham, David, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Samson and Delilah. Stars include Richard Harris, Dennis Hopper, Elizabeth Hurley, Jonathan Pryce, Barbara Hershey, Leonard Nimoy, and Ben Kingsley. Experience anew the beloved stories you know by heart with this outstanding collection. Six-DVD boxed set. More than 16 hours of Bible stories.

Jesus Walk 2011 - Getting Ready, Best of Postings!! - Christian Movie: The Apocalypse - The Bible Collection, 7-DVD Set - On Sale $44.99 (DVD)

From the Emmy Award-winning Bible series featuring the critically acclaimed movies Abraham, Joseph and Moses comes an all-new production starring Richard Harris as John the Apostle in The Apocalypse. The year is 90 A.D. and the Roman Emperor has unleashed a virulent campaign against the Christians. Held captive by the Romans, the aged apostle John (Richard Harris) struggles to save Christianity from extinction by sending letters to the Christian communities. Driven by the wish to meet the last living witness of the Lord's passion, the young Christian Irene (Victoria Belvedere) succeeds in gaining access to John's prison. Entrusting the written record of his visions to her, he begs Irene to spread its message among the Christians. These visions form the contents of the Book of Revelation. To some, they evoke the end of the world; to others, they allude to the spiritual struggles facing Christians of all eras.

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{Excellent!!} Today on the DL: Presuppositionalism, Chorazin and Bethsaida, and Rob Bell - In That Order {Note: Presuppositionalism (truth-facts are derived from God and not from individual [feelings and emotions] assumptions), I very much agree with this and considerably wonder why so many in Christianity give so much credence to an R.C. Sproul and so many other obvious non-Christian agents of deceit and disinformation. Also 'Congrats' to James White for defending and promoting the very relevant "Cosmological Argument" (creation testifies of the existence and presence of God) as well. All in all an excellent and informative show.} (Mp3)

03/15/2011 - James White, Another eclectic program today, starting off with two calls, one on RC Sproul and his opposition to presuppositional apologetics (the call moved quickly to a discussion of the method more than Sproul's views) and the next from Silly Brit II (aka John Samson) on Jesus' words about Chorazin and Bethsaida. Then we launched into Rob Bell's press-release video presentation from yesterday and the oddity of his allegedly orthodox and yet obviously not theology. Here's the program.

Update: The Basic Christian Ministry is continuing with the 8 Kingdoms Study and several other major projects including the 2011 Jesus Walk Holy Week Easter 10 Day Timeline Devotion this year starting Friday April 15, 2011

Note: The reason for the current slowdown in ministry postings is primarily due to a season of increased personal devotions, Bible study and prayer time. The time period leading up to the (Easter) Holy Week events usually leads to a personally deeper time into the Bible and this year even more so primarily because the Basic Christian Ministry is in a period of transition. The transition that the ministry is undergoing is one out of [controversial] current event types of events and into more sustained Biblical devotional presentations. I just want to make sure that the Basic Christian ministry continues to progress in a way that is Biblically edifying, uplifting, and provides personal growth for all who take their precious time to read and study the Basic Christian material. - God bless you ~ David Anson Brown

A Preview and look at some of the aspects of Holy Week 2011 and the 10 Day Jesus Walk 2011 Easter Timeline Devotion *starting on Friday April 15th, 2011 until ---> Easter Sunday April 24th, 2011

We are going to begin to look at some of the aspects of Holy Week regarding what actually happened during the final 10 days the Amazing events of Jesus Christ while He was physically here on earth. We will be considering what His events accomplished and how His completed events affect us today both personally and individually as Christians and as a whole as the Christian Church. - God bless you ~ David Anson Brown

Rev. Jimmie Hawkins: Church must regroup on Ash Wednesday [Lenten Season]

DURHAM -- Lent is a serious time. No one says "Have a Happy Lent," said the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins. It's a time to consider who God is and who we are as God's people, he said. Lent is a time of penitence, reflection, prayer, fasting and works of love leading up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday, with services that include the imposition of ashes on parishioners' foreheads in the shape of a cross as a public sign of repentance. Often they come from the burning of last year's Palm Sunday palms. Hawkins spoke at the community Ash Wednesday service held at First Presbyterian Church downtown. He is pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church and president of Durham Congregations in Action. Churches sponsoring the service also included Trinity United Methodist Church, St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Fisher Memorial United Holy Church and Watts Street Baptist Church. Hawkins reflected on the Old Testament reading from Isaiah 58, about challenging what it means to offer yourself as a living sacrifice to God. It requires more than rituals, he said. ... Hawkins said, "We're calling for a Jesus revolution, to stand for what is right for all people." He said that Jesus challenges those to share with others that which they have been given. Hawkins and Rev. Marilyn Hedgpeth, associate pastor of First Presbyterian, imposed ashes on the foreheads of those in attendance with the words, "From ashes (dust) we have come (Genesis 2:7), to ashes (dust) we will return (Job 10:9, Ecclesiastes 3:20)." Lent is a time to prepare for the celebration [of Easter] and to acknowledge the need for repentance, Hedgpeth said. "We begin our journey ... with an ancient sign of the frailty of life."

Pop Benedict's 'Jesus' and the Jews - The second volume of Pope Benedict XVI's "Jesus of Nazareth" has already created a splash - Even before the book's release, numerous Jewish leaders lavished effusive praise on Benedict for the volume's exculpation of the Jews in Jesus' crucifixion - Not only is the reach greater, but Benedict provides an extensive rationale and a close biblical analysis of why Jews bear no blame for Jesus' death {No more blame than we all as sinners bear for the necessary sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.}

(1) Not only is the reach greater, but [Pope] Benedict provides an extensive rationale and a close biblical analysis of why Jews bear no blame for Jesus' death. In his reading of the Gospels and Catholic theology, it is clear that no one should be blamed [more than anyone else] for Jesus' death, since, as he argues, *the crucifixion was necessary for God's plan of universal redemption. In Benedict's keen hermeneutic, even the hitherto toxic cry of the Jewish mob, "His blood be upon us and our children" (Matthew 27:25), *is a plea [possibly unknown at the time] for purification and salvation because [we now know N.T.] that is what Jesus' blood signifies in Christian teachings. It is [ultimately] a cry for reconciliation, not of vengeance or admission of guilt {Note: I agree with this 100%}. (2) As a theological conservative, Benedict has written previously that the Jewish covenant at Sinai [O.T.] has been superseded [N.T.]. But his supersessionism has always been focused on the end of time, and he has maintained that *Jewish unification with the church is "hardly possible, and perhaps not even desirable before the eschaton (end of the age)." In his latest book, he expands this idea, insisting that for now "Israel retains its own [N.T.] mission" and that *saving Israel "is in the hands of God" - meaning, presumably, not in the hands of Christian missionaries. Had Christians followed this doctrine throughout the millennia, less Jewish blood would have ran in the streets, and Jews would have been freer to practice their faith with dignity. Benedict's expectation of the future acceptance of Christian faith by everyone takes the practical threat out of Christian supersessionism for Jews today. And if some Jews still object to his eschatological supersessionism, they should remember that *it is not far from what most traditional Jews believe will occur in the "end of days," when gentiles will accept Judaism's God [the God of the Jews (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) is the only True God] and, as Jews proclaim regularly in our Aleinu prayer, "In that day, the Lord will be One and His name One" {Note: I agree with this 100%}. (3) Benedict has chosen to stress these teachings not because of Jewish pressure nor to be politically correct. He wrote the book for Catholics around the world, not to win Jewish minds and hearts. Evidently Benedict understands that purging the New Testament and Catholic thinking of all traces of the Adversus [Adverse] Judaeos [Judaism] motifs so prevalent [and wrong] in early and medieval Christian theology is essential if he is to purify the faith of Christian believers. This makes the most recent installment of "Jesus of Nazareth" an all the more important and impressive work {Note: I agree with this 100%}.

Armor Bearers: Video Blogger Calls FBC Jax Watchdog Investigation "Church Mafia Tactics" - Armor bearers are retired or active law enforcement officers to serve in churches as security guards who will often perform special favors for the pastor or church leadership - because they have the power to do so, and because they believe they are doing God's will {Note: shortly after I had graduated from the Calvary Chapel 'School of Ministry' suddenly there was a Churchwide initiative led by Pastor Chuck Smith to get a certain Orange County officer elected as Sheriff. I thought it was odd having come from SoM school where Chuck himself had "stressed" the importance of ministering only the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not getting involved in politics. I can see now how important it is for petty little pastors like a Chuck Smith Sr. to believe that they have favors they can call in with law enforcement and politicians. -- My thought in life right now is that a person can live through many perils in life but surviving the wrath of petty, jealous, dishonest, incompetent, self-serving, self-important, self-rightious, greedy, money grubbing, pretend church leaders and pastors is probably not a possibility.}

Kevin Oliver has created a video blog post commenting on the Watchdog investigation, and discusses what he calls "armor bearers" in churches. Armor bearers are retired or active law enforcement officers to serve in churches as security guards who will often perform special favors for the pastor or church leadership - because they have the power to do so, and because they believe they are doing God's will. Kevin characterizes the FBC Jax Watchdog investigation and trespass warnings and deacon's resolution as "Church Mafia Tactics". In Kevin's video, he shows excerpts from a Jacksonville TV news report after the lawsuit was settled last October, shows a few shots of Mac Brunson in action, and he even posts a minute of FBC Jax (former) president of trustees A.C. Soud reading the deacon's resolution (that would be resolution number 2009-1, not to confuse it with the other deacon's resolutions) warning church members not to criticize, else they will be perceived as attacking the Lord's church. Kevin gets a good chuckle at that. Check out Kevin's video blog post below.

Firestorm grows over 'Christian heresy' book - "A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived" was heading towards universalism (i.e. everyone goes to their own version of heaven regardless of their acceptance of the cross, works and sacrifice of Jesus Christ) - The book was scheduled to be released March 29, but Harper One [HarperCollins] pushed the release up to March 15 [Ides of March] - next Tuesday {Possibly intentionally being released on the 15th of March to commemorate yet another NWO accomplished agenda and stab in the back to traditional Christianity.}

He said the controversy swirling is unlike anything else he has seen in this category of books. "I'm not sure I've ever seen this amount of anticipation," he said. "Love Wins" is Bell's first book since his break from Zondervan, the Christian publisher based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that published Bell's first four books and also publishes the New International Version [NIV] of the Bible, one of the most popular translations of the Bible among evangelicals. Bell's split from Zondervan came in part over this new book. "The break with Zondervan was amicable," Tauber said. "In the end the president of Zondervan made the decision. The proposal came in and they said, 'This proposal doesn't fit in with our mission.'" Zondervan would not discuss its relationship with Bell but released a statement: Zondervan has published four books by Rob Bell, as well as numerous Nooma videos in which Rob was featured. We published these titles because we believed they were consistent with Zondervan's [fooling of Christians - occult] mission statement and publishing philosophy. We still believe these titles are impactful with their message and positive contribution and intend to continue to publish them. Tauber said when he got the call that Bell's new book was up for bid, HarperOne jumped at the chance. "There were at least four or five major publishers that were involved in bidding for this book," he said. *When pressed for financial figures of the deal, he said, "We're talking a six-figure deal for the advance, but I can't say more than that." Tauber said HarperOne had been "keeping an eye on him" since Bell's first [ghost authored - actually written by an anonymous, interested, agenda driven, vested 3rd party] book, "Velvet Elvis," came in as a proposal. That book went on to sell 500,000 copies. Bell skyrocketed to prominence with the the Nooma series, which were short teachings by Bell, away from the pulpit and with indie film sensibilities. The high production values and quick releases of the short films made them a hit in [easily deceived] evangelical circles. In them Bell honed his trademark style of asking tough traditional questions about faith and exploring them from angles other than traditional answers.

{Excellent!!} What Color is the Sky in Their World? - Abortion and Pastor Chuck Smith - Pastor Chuck 'give me the money' Smith unhinged and unsound during his own ministry radio call-in show {Note: Why was the call allowed on air and not handled responsibly off the air? That was also my first thought and probably it's because Pastor Chuck Smith is trying to act as an unbiblical secular agent of change (and he has to perform and produce results for his handlers and overseers) - attempting to drastically change traditional Church positions into a progressive emergent (ecumenical - new age, U.N.) position. Acceptance of abortion is an important aspect to the New World Order and Calvary Chapel Pastor Chuck Smith, Don Stewart, Brian Broderson, Cheryl Broderson, Greg Laurie, etc. and many others already existing within the Church (often in key areas) are probably embedded NWO agents attempting at every opportunity to enact their unchristian, worldly, secular and even Satanic agendas within the true Christian Church.} (Mp3)

Abortion and Pastor Chuck Smith, February 19th, 2011, On today's program I take a closer look at Pastor Chuck Smith and his advise to a caller on the program Pastors Perspectives.

fbcjaxwatchdog: Two Rivers Baptist Church Changes Name, Drops Baptist, Wants a "Fresh Start" - Two Rivers Baptist Church, a mega church that made headlines when their former pastor Jerry Sutton and other church leaders gave the boot to about 80 church members who used the courts to try to gain access to church financial records when they were denied by church leaders - Ultimately Sutton resigned and last I knew he was teaching at Liberty University [LU] - Sutton won a few battles, but he lost the ultimate war - and so did his church - Sutton was not caught in open sin, had very high morals and integrity - but the manner in which information was shared or not shared, and how he treated those with legitimate questions and concerns, ultimately led to most everyone at the church agreeing his ability to lead the church was seriously eroded

Long-time Watchdog readers will recall the posts I made back in 2008 about the troubles of Two Rivers Baptist Church, a mega church that made headlines when their former pastor Jerry Sutton and other church leaders gave the boot to about 80 church members who used the courts to try to gain access to church financial records when they were denied by church leaders. Ultimately Sutton resigned and last I knew he was teaching at Liberty University. It was just two years prior to this fiasco that Sutton was nominated for the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2006 but lost in a close election to Frank Page. -- When the story broke in July 2008 of Sutton's resignation and his $318,000 severance package after this very public battle between he and church members, I wrote the following on my blog July 29, 2008, months before the Watchdog blog became a front-page news story in Jacksonville, and even months before the FBC Jax detective opened his investigation into my blog: "This story should send shockwaves through the SBC, particularly to those pastors at large to mega sized churches that operate with very little accountability and openness and transparency to their members - like Mac Brunson. I will not go into specific commentary in this article on what I believe these lessons are; I first want to just share information with the FBC Jax members to read to become more familiar with the chain of events that led to Sutton's inability to continue to lead his church. The story involves questions of financial accountability, pastor's salary, getting answers to financial questions, church discipline against those seeking the answers, and expelling of church members seeking those answers. Sutton won a few battles, but he lost the ultimate war - and so did his church. Sutton was not caught in open sin, had very high morals and integrity - but the manner in which information was shared or not shared, and how he treated those with legitimate questions and concerns, ultimately led to most everyone at the church agreeing his ability to lead the church was seriously eroded." ... So who knows....they have a new pastor at Two Rivers, and now they have a new name. I wish them all the best, and maybe they can be an example of a church that in these days can recover from the public embarrassment brought about by failed leadership.

Seems the Folks at Liberty [LU] Listen to the Dividing Line - Last night Ergun Caner's [bogus] endorsement of the book "A Deadly Misunderstanding" by [former Republican Congressman] Mark Siljander - This afternoon we were just informed that it has [since] been removed, and, it has - I will be interested to see if Caner makes any kind of statement and, even more so, if he bothers to explain how he could be in the acknowledgements as having [supposedly] done editing work on the book

03/04/2011 - James White, Last night Ergun Caner's endorsement was listed at This afternoon we were just informed that it has been removed, and, it has. Of course, that hardly can impact the print editions that are still out there, but since I have heard of a second edition coming out, maybe it will disappear from there? I will be interested to see if Caner makes any kind of statement and, even more so, if he bothers to explain how he could be in the acknowledgements as having done editing work on the book. If he has removed his endorsement, why? We would all like to know.

An Update on the Disappearance of Caner's Endorsement of Siljander's Book - In any case, I would like to ask either Mark Siljander or Ergun Caner [or LU] to explain the disappearance of the endorsement - If Ambassador Siljander pulled it, why? And if Ergun Caner pulled it, again, why? Were the words that appeared in the endorsement true when written? If they were, why remove them?

I was thinking after posting the information about Caner's endorsement disappearing from the Siljander website...what if this had nothing to do with Caner? What if someone contacted Mark Siljander, provided him with the mountain of documentation proving that everything Cal Thomas said about Caner, as recorded in the book, is bogus (born and raised in Turkey, came here to convert us, blah blah blah), and he realized he did not need that kind of publicity? I jumped to the conclusion that the "endorsement pull" came from Caner's side (given that it would be downright simplistic to post videos of Caner blasting everything Siljander says about Islam, jihad, etc. In fact, let's do that right now: ... Notice the string of falsehoods: madrassas in Istanbul and Cairo (he didn't mention Beirut in this one), coming here when he was 14 (he was 2.5 and he knew it when he said it), and the lie that he knew nothing about America (tough to back that one up when you grow up in Ohio)---of course, we could give him a pass on saying he knew nothing about America when he actually did come here. Most 2.5 year olds are not overly culturally literate. But note that his view of jihad is the exact view of jihad Siljander attacks and decries and identifies as the main part of the problem in his book!). But what if the pull came from Siljander's side? An interesting possibility.

{Excellent!!} Original Report: Mark Siljander's Insider Movement Promoting Book, and Ergun Caner's Endorsement of It, Today on the DL (Mp3)

03/03/2011 - James White, On January 31st I was contacted by a professor in a reformed seminary relating to Mark Siljander's book, A Deadly Misunderstanding. That happened to be the day I left for London, so I do not recall when, exactly, I purchased the book via Kindle. I know I began listening to it on a 75 mile climbing ride on February 23rd. I finished listening to it yesterday on another marathon ride. The subject of the book, its argumentation, its relationship to Ergun Caner and his alleged expertise in Islam (or lack thereof), and the continued blight upon Christian apologetics represented by the Great Evangelical Coverup led by Norman Geisler and others, is the substance of the entirety of today's program. Get a comfy seat and listen carefully, this is important stuff. Here's the program. -- By the way, here is Ergun Caner's endorsement of the Siljander work: "I believe passionately that Mark has discovered a real pathway here-a means to open dialogue [denying true Christianity and embracing cults and the occult] that we have not seen in centuries." Dr. Ergun Caner President of Liberty University [LU] Theological Seminary

{Flashback} That's (Yale dropout) Dr. Glenn Beck-Thanks to Liberty University - Saturday morning [May 15, 2010] in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University [LU] conveyed an honorary doctorate in humanities and scientists on [LDS] Mormon conservative media heavyweight Glenn Beck {Wow! - Liberty University has now gone the ecumenical route in a big way! - What will really be interesting is when Glen Beck returns his free Doctorate back to LU because of the taint of the Caner scandal. -- Update: About the time of these events while surfing some postings on the internet regarding Liberty University some people were calling Liberty University "Fiberty University" because of the Ergun Caner lies and also calling Liberty University "a diploma mill" because they will sell a diploma [especially on-line] to anyone for money and case in point give a free unearned Doctorate to Glen Beck. But really hasn't that been the Jerry Falwell Sr. and now the Falwell Jr. scam from the beginning to create divisive issues among people and to profit off of Christians.}

Breaking into his trademark tears, Beck told the stadium of 8,000 Liberty University grads and 20,000 friends and family members, "as a man who was never able to go to college-I went for one semester but I couldn't afford any more than that---I am humbled and honored." Beck immediately offered an apology of sorts for his Mormonism, saying that it was an act of "courage" for the fundamentalist Baptist Liberty University to invite him to speak and that he understood it was "not meant as an endorsement of my faith," offering instead his own "endorsement of your faith," emphasizing his personal belief in Jesus Christ, and exhorting the audience to "look to God and live," a reference to the story of Moses and the brazen serpent (Numbers 21: 7-9). Using research and citation methods that would have earned him a failing grade in any respectable freshman composition class, Beck took a swipe at Barack Obama's May 1 commencement address to the University of Michigan, suggesting that Obama had discouraged the search for "truth" by describing the incredible availability of information in the digital age as a source of confusion. Beck then described one semester at Yale University, during which an unnamed professor discouraged him from reading an unnamed book and instructed that he instead read another unnamed book, virtually bullying him from the classroom podium to do so. Beck encouraged students to reject the Obama-Yale-information-elite and instead use their "God-given right" on a "Holy Spirit"-led search for truth wherever it might lead....

*Update: Basic Christian - I posted some family video that my father and I did in 2005 - It gives a little background into who I am - The blog History Study 'The 8 Kingdoms' will be on a continued short break until about next week

Online and download video - God bless everyone! ~ David Anson Brown

Update: Basic Christian - Out of town again for the next few days - The blog History Study 'The 8 Kingdoms' will be on a short break until about next week

Note: Regarding the current global turmoil and perilous times for Christians [i.e. four (Christian) American hostages on board a yacht hijacked by pirates last week were killed by their (Somali) captors Tuesday, U.S. Central Command said in a statement - CNN]. - Brothers and Sisters, no person is promised a tomorrow but we are all promised an eternity in Jesus Christ! -- "James 4:14-15 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow (tomorrow). For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that." -- "Mark 10:29-30 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My sake, and the Gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; *and in *the world to come *eternal life." - God bless everyone! ~ David Anson Brown

HeartLight: Taken from My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers - Have You Ever Been Carried Away For Him? - Have I ever realized that I can bring to God things which are of value to Him, or am I mooning round the magnitude of His Redemption whilst there are any number of things I might be doing? - It is never a question of being of use, but of being of value to God Himself - When we are abandoned to God, He works through us

If human love does not carry a man beyond himself, it is not love. If love is always discreet, always wise, always sensible and calculating, never carried beyond itself, it is not love at all. It may be affection, it may be warmth of feeling, but it has not the true nature of love in it. Have I ever been carried away to do something for God not because it was my duty, nor because it was useful, nor because there was anything in it at all beyond the fact that I love Him? Have I ever realized that I can bring to God things which are of value to Him, or am I mooning round the magnitude of His Redemption whilst there are any number of things I might be doing? Not Divine, colossal things which could be recorded as marvellous, but ordinary, simple human things which will give evidence to God that I am abandoned to Him? Have I ever produced in the heart of the Lord Jesus what Mary of Bethany produced? There are times when it seems as if God watches to see if we will give Him the abandoned tokens of how genuinely we do love Him. Abandon to God is of more value than personal holiness. Personal holiness focuses the eye on our own whiteness; we are greatly concerned about the way we walk and talk and look, fearful lest we offend Him. Perfect love casts out all that when once we are abandoned to God. We have to get rid of this notion - "Am I of any use?" and make up our minds that we are not, and we may be near the truth. It is never a question of being of use, but of being of value to God Himself. When we are abandoned to God, He works through us all the time.

Basic Christian - Continuing the disastrous current [Middle-East uprisings] and coming events of 6/5/2011 and 6/6/2011 - Re: The Family Radio (FR) Worldwide [Harold Camping -] judgment Day: May 21, 2011

The current events are very probably intended to be the cumulating events of 9-11-2001. It is just that the ending events [Sunday June 5 + Monday June 6 = 11, [June] 6 is an upside-down 9 [September] meaning that June 5 & 6, 2011 is numerically a 9-11-2011] events that take place over two days instead of the one day of [9-11-2001] specifically and these several months, years and decades in general. The current and coming 6/5/2011 and 6/6/2011 events are the possible attempted conclusion of a previous NWO 9-11-2001. I'm not saying not go to Church or assemble on Sunday June 5, 2011 but to be very careful, alert and on guard for our own safety and the safety of others as well as Church property and buildings. All of this current Global and Domestic disorder [that has been staged and simmering for decades (i.e. Qaddafi)] is being brought to a NWO intended use and attempted New Age furtherance including even a radical conclusion to the previous two thousand years of history in a possible attempted initiation of a new global eon a proposed era that is not in any way based on or connected to Christianity. - God bless everyone! ~ David Anson Brown

Update: Basic Christian - On May 21st I'll again be out of town - Regarding: The Family Radio (FR) Worldwide [Harold Camping] - Judgment Day: May 21, 2011 [] - Being out of town on that day I'll have to respond in advance to these events and will do so in this post

Harold Camping is deceptively issuing a knowingly false message that is a part of a much larger 'Peace and Safety' then total war 6/6 scheme. "1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and Safety [after the 5/21 false prophecy of Harold Camping]; then sudden destruction (total war, i.e. Egypt, Iran, etc.) [about 6/6/2011] cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." - Harold Camping is knowingly issuing a false and deceptive date of destruction for May 21, 2011 as a part of a larger destruction scheme. Then naturally when his destruction events don't unfold people will naturally be misguided into thinking that global events are proceeding in a continuous manner the way they always have been while in reality it is very possible that the exact opposite is occurring. The current overthrow and military empowerment events of the Middle-East [Egypt, Iran, etc.] are carefully timed and orchestrated events. Events that are possibly being directed at a coming global attack on the Nation of Israel and on as many individual Christians and Jews worldwide as is possible. It is of utmost importance that the Nation of Israel and all Jews and Christians throughout the entire world be aware and on the lookout for events of 6/6/2011, events that are possibly timed and coordinated to be the conclusion of the previously started 2001 [9-11-2001] events, events that began to manifest ten years ago. - God bless everyone! ~ David Anson Brown

UPDATE 5-Saudi in talks to fill Libya oil gap-sources - Top world oil exporter Saudi Arabia is in talks with European companies affected by the disruption in Libyan supply and is willing and able to plug any gaps in supply, senior Saudi sources said on Thursday

* OPEC can provide all kinds of oil if needed * East-West pipeline can shorten journey to Europe * Italian, Spanish companies contacted-Industry sources * OPEC has yet to officially change output policy (Updates with U.S. lawmakers.) By Amena Bakr and Alex Lawler RIYADH/LONDON, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Top world oil exporter Saudi Arabia is in talks with European companies affected by the disruption in Libyan supply and is willing and able to plug any gaps in supply, senior Saudi sources said on Thursday. Oil industry sources said Saudi officials have been in touch with Spanish and Italian oil firms -- among those hit by the Libyan shutdowns. The companies were assessing their needs and have yet to ask for any more Saudi oil. The Saudi sources said Saudi Arabia was able to pump more of the kind of high-quality crude produced by OPEC member Libya and that it could be shipped quickly to Europe with the help of a pipeline that crosses the kingdom. Oil prices have surged towards $120 a barrel because of the unrest and disruption to supply in Libya. Refineries in Europe import about 80 percent of Libya's 1.3 million barrels per day (bpd) of exports, analysts say. "We are in active talks with European refineries to find out what quality they want and we are ready to ship it as soon as they need it. This is the way buyers and sellers work. We need to find out what they want before we take any action," a senior Saudi source told Reuters. "Some OPEC countries have started looking at ways to divert their crude to Europe." Analysts have said the loss of virtually all Libya's production is particularly serious because it is high-quality and easy to refine, in contrast to the heavier crudes often associated with OPEC countries. But the Saudi sources said the kingdom had the right kind of crude available. "Saudi is willing and capable of supplying oil of the same quality, either Arab Extra Light or through blending," one of the sources said. While the U.S. imports only small volumes of Libyan crude, three U.S. lawmakers on Thursday urged President Barack Obama to consider tapping America's emergency oil supply to help ease crude prices that have spiked above $100 a barrel over disruptions in Libya. The Democratic congressmen, including Massachusetts' Edward Markey asked Obama to release crude from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help forestall a potential rise in crude prices to record levels of $147 reached in 2008. "We have the capacity to act in case of a major supply disruption," said White House spokesman Jay Carney.,0,384989.story

Arab League to hold emergency meeting on Libya - in its headquarters in Cairo, about the same time when the UN Security Council is due to meet over Libya in New York {Note: This is excellent and interesting news it seems that we really are entering a new era were the leaders "Kings of the earth" are going to step in and take a more meaningful role in government affairs especially regarding reigning in corrupt and abusive governments of the world.}

CAIRO, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Arab League (AL) announced that it will hold an emergency meeting Tuesday afternoon to discuss the violent clashes in Libya. The meeting of the permanent representatives of AL's 22 members will convene at 5:00 pm (1500 GMT) in its headquarters in Cairo, about the same time when the UN Security Council is due to meet over Libya in New York. Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa called on Monday for an end to the violence in Libya, noting that "the demands of the Arab peoples for reform, development and change are legitimate, and the Arab nations' feelings are joined together in this decisive moment in the history of the region." Protestors began to take to the streets in Libya last Wednesday, calling for an end to Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year-old rule. The pan- Arab TV Al-Jazeera and other media reported that Libya's security forces are using violence to suppress the protests, triggering serious concerns from the United Nations, the Arab Leagues, and the other countries.

Bahrainis Rally to the Government - Tens of thousands of Bahrainis have rallied in support of their government, dwarfing the opposition's movement {Note: Excellent news! If the government (Royal family) of Bahrain can remain stable (with the help of Saudi Arabia) and in power [and they very probably will] this will be a big help in stabilizing the region. Saudi Arabia is the real behind the scenes influential power and leader in the Middle-East. Also Note: When we return to our 8 Kingdoms Study we are going to have a brief look at some of the modern influential Royal families (Saudi Arabia, Japan, Canada, England, etc.)}

MANAMA: Tens of thousands of Bahrainis have rallied in support of their government, dwarfing the opposition's movement and raising questions about whether the calls for reforms will lead instead to more sectarianism. Their demonstration on Monday came as a hardline Shiite leader called for an end to Bahrain's monarchy and another made plans to fly back to the country yesterday. Hassan Mushaima's return would be another test for authorities, who have a warrant outstanding for his arrest. Many moderates encamped at the Pearl Square roundabout in Manama said on Monday that they simply want Bahrain's royal family to look more like Britain's, and that the country's Shiite majority deserves the same opportunities as the minority who, like the royal family, are Sunni. But calls for the royal family to go escalated nevertheless. Bahrain's king announced plans on Monday to free an unspecified number of political prisoners, a move apparently aimed at appeasing the opposition. The crown prince meanwhile has cancelled Bahrain's formula one race next month. On Monday a new movement called the National Unity Group, which has close ties to the government and Sunni community, positioned itself as an alternative to the popular protests. Sunnis, backed by some Shiites, poured into a courtyard in front of al Fateh Mosque to hear the proclamations of the scholar Sheikh Abdul Latif, its founder.

Contending for Truth with Dr. Scott Johnson - End Time Current Events: 2-20-11 (Mp3)

Teaching Overview: All Mexican children to be registered in national biometric records-Identity-tracking scheme assembled under radar for 'border pass' program - Kill Switch Beta: Government Blocks 84,000 Websites - Rick Warren Speaks Out Against Those Warning the Church of Meditation - VCY America Interviews Saddleback Health Seminar Attendee - Apostasy Exposed! - Rick Warren's Three Legged Stool Further Unfolds- Fasten Your Seatbelts! - STATE-OWNED CHURCHES ARE KILLING AMERICA - Satan's Master Plan to Destroy the Lord's Church.

ApostasyWatch: Not of Works - Does God bless our best efforts? (Mp3)

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FightingForTheFaith: Re-imagining God in the 21st Century (Mp3)

• Pastor Rap Relevance Fail • Re-imagining God in the 21st Century • Roman Catholic Mystic, Richard Rohr on Evolutionary Christianity • Two Good Sermons from Pastors Hodel and Cwirla

{Excellent Article!!} SolaSisters: On Arresting the Temper by Jeremy Clarke, Legacy Baptist Church, NW Arkansas - You see it is the very nature of the sin nature to invoke self-flattery and excuse, as a means of concealing your (our) iniquity, and therefore suppress any potential for self-abhorrence and repentance {Note: If this Christian message and messages like it were to be preached routinely from every pulpit and implemented within every Christian then the Christian Church would be thriving instead of the anemic self-destructive system of self-righteousness that we now have permeating Christian fellowship.}

You see it is the very nature of the sin nature to invoke self-flattery and excuse, as a means of concealing your iniquity, and therefore suppress any potential for self-abhorrence and repentance. That means to say that our propensity is to justify vice, rather than to acknowledge it and confess it for what it is....and subsequently repent of it. Now there are many vices that we deceitfully attempt to excuse as legitimate. But the one vice in particular that seems to consistently invoke self-flattery and excuse is the destructive vice of anger. What danger lurks in the heart of the un-resisted temper! We should never think that arresting this wicked vice is of little importance, beloved. An inflamed, wrathful, angry, resentful professor of Christ does nothing to promote the gospel...and, in fact, teaches a person to hate it more effectively than a liar or even a thief. And yet the same Authority that condemns these vices also forbids the fleshly fruit of a harsh temper no less vehemently. Therefore, it is as much the responsibility of the Christian to subdue an unruly temper as it is to mortify the most offensive immoral behavior. ... Listen, the very testimony of your faith (and the happiness of others) weighs greatly upon your daily, moment-by-moment exercise of arresting the flesh, and those critical moments...the gentle, quiet spirit that exudes total trust, peace, and confidence in God. Such was the testimony of the very life of the Lord Jesus. His was a pristine life of meekness throughout...even when unjustly condemned by men. And will you, a wretch, attempt to flatter and excuse your anger in the midst of circumstances infinitely less severe? ... If you are to be a radiant testimony for the gospel....if you are to "adorn the faith", then watch and pray with all devotion for yourself and for those who are sojourners with you. Do not flatter and excuse your anger...but rather, bow your head at the moment of temptation and ask the Spirit of grace to bring every soft word to bear in turning away wrath. Yield to the resident Helper [Holy Spirit - born again] within, and never relax in your diligence to arrest the carnal dispositions of the flesh until your temper is brought into full obedience to Christ. Discipline and prepare yourself to "Make the most of every opportunity" (Eph 5) to display the splendid virtues of Christ. The days are evil, beloved.....what greater setting for children of light to abound in righteousness?

Why there should be a case against George W. Bush under [International] torture law - Torture is also one of the few crimes, like piracy, slavery (sex trafficking) and genocide, where there is a global commitment to prevent and punish its commission {Note: At the beginning of a global trial for Bush Jr. many people may not be onboard for it but by the time a televised trial were to conclude and previously nonpublic evidence presented most Americans will have changed their minds. - Also Note: The Bush era surveillance and torture policies put in place and enacted were never about protection or National security had Bush desired at any level to protect the Nation he would have at the very least secured our boarders. The general Bush policies (government, military, banking, finance, etc.) and especially the surveillance and torture policies were all directed at damaging America and not in any way at protecting America.}

Let's correct one major misconception some have about the basis for this action and how it relates to the U.S. legal system at the outset. The Convention Against Torture, which mandates that Switzerland and 146 other countries including the United States investigate and prosecute torturers, is part of U.S. law. Its ratification and its enforcement is part of our constitutional democracy. The anti-American and anti-Constitutional acts were Bush's decision to authorize torture and the U.S. failure to hold him accountable. Politics are being used as a weapon against the law by claims that these are policy choices. They are not. As the State Department Legal Advisor Harold Koh stated, torture can never be a "policy choice." Likewise, the investigation and prosecution of our homegrown torturers is a legal obligation and should not be driven by politics. Frum accuses CCR and others of demanding that "Switzerland override an American decision about which Americans should be prosecuted for violating American law." Yes, it is true that the demand is for Swiss courts to investigate torture where the U.S. has not. But the U.S. decision was one that was not just about American law. U.S. law includes an obligation for the U.S. to investigate and prosecute torturers, and through its ratification of the Convention Against Torture and its support of a provision for universal jurisdiction in the Convention, it recognizes the obligation for Switzerland to do so as well when a torturer is on their soil. Switzerland was being asked to do no more and no less than what the United States has committed to do itself. There are to be no safe havens for torturers. None. Torture is a crime that no circumstance -- even national security -- can ever justify. It cannot be redefined to make acts that have long been illegal suddenly permissible. The memos Bush relies on as a defense are no defense at all: as was found by the American prosecutor in Nuremberg, providing legal advice that justifies and leads to war crimes or torture is criminal. And it cannot protect from prosecution. Torture is also one of the few crimes, like piracy, slavery (sex trafficking) and genocide, where there is a global commitment to prevent and punish its commission.

Wikipedia: Anarchy [different from Freemasonry] - Anarchy (Greek: "without 'oversight' ruler") may refer to any of several political states, and has been variously defined by sources - Most often, the term "anarchy" describes the simple absence of publicly recognized government or enforced political authority - When used in this sense, anarchy may or may not imply political disorder or lawlessness within a society - In another sense, anarchy may not refer to a complete lack of authority or political organization {Note: George W. Bush Jr. is the quintessential Anarchist opposed to oversight of any kind while always embedding within his every motive, gesture and effort the seeds (Anarchy) of ultimate failure and destruction for mankind. Also Note: Freemasonry (building a society) and Anarchy (ultimately destroying a society) are not the same thing though at times their goals may seem to overlap. Real Freemasonry is dedicated to building including the coming Temple [Antichrist] in Jerusalem while a few Anarchy elements within Freemasonry are more interested in disruption and chaos simply for private personal goals and gain.}

Main article: Anarchism - Anarchists are those who advocate the absence of the state, arguing that inherent human nature would allow people to come together in agreement to form a functional society allowing for the participants to freely develop their own sense of morality, ethics or principled behaviour. The rise of anarchism as a philosophical movement occurred in the mid 19th century, with its idea of freedom as being based upon political and economic self-rule. This occurred alongside the rise of the nation-state and large-scale industrial state capitalism or state-sponsored corporatism, and the political corruption that came with their successes. Although anarchists share a rejection of the state, they differ about economic arrangements and possible rules that would prevail in a stateless society, ranging from no ownership, to complete common ownership, to supporters of private property and capitalist free market competition. For example, some forms of anarchism, such as that of anarcho-collectivism, anarcho-communism or anarcho-syndicalism not only seek rejection of the state, but also other systems which they perceive as authoritarian, which include capitalism, capitalist markets, and title-based property ownership. In opposition, a political philosophy known as free-market anarchism, contemporary individualist anarchism or anarcho-capitalism, argues that a society without a state is a free market capitalist system that is voluntarist in nature. The word "anarchy" is often used by non-anarchists as a pejorative term, intended to connote a lack of control and a negatively chaotic environment. However, anarchists still argue that anarchy does not imply nihilism, anomie, or the total absence of rules, but rather an anti-statist society that is based on the spontaneous order of free individuals in autonomous communities.

Note: The blog History Study in the next few days is going to continue with a couple of very technical topics i.e. the Holy Spirit, Pentecost and what they mean for the Kingdoms of the earth as well as for each of us as individuals

After we finally make it through these last difficult topics then we can get back to the structured Kingdoms study and finish up the entire 8 Kingdoms Study before Holy Week 2011 and the Easter Resurrection Day celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks to everyone for staying with the study as we continue to look at difficult topics, topics that are often not discussed in Church settings but we have the blessed opportunity to prayerfully and Biblically consider them in our own individual study.

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Regarding Nimrod's (Babylon, Babel - 1st Kingdom) and the later Babylon [Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar - 3rd Kingdom] of Iraq there seems to be a bit of 'Confusion', a bit of a 'pun' but we desperately need to clear up this confusion

The Babylon that is being addressed in the Book of Revelation i.e. Revelation chapter 18 is the Babylon of Nimrod. "Revelation 18:4-5 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of [Babylon - Mystery Babylon] her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins *have reached unto heaven [a direct reference to Genesis 11:4 and the original Babylon, Nimrod's Tower of Babel], and God hath remembered her iniquities." - The Hebrew word for Babel (H894) {used twice in the O.T.} is also the same word for Babylon (H894) {used 231 times in the O.T.} the word means 'Confusion' and is a word originating from (H1101) meaning to mix, mingle, and confuse. The N.T. Greek word (G897) Babylon is (transliterated) derived from the O.T. Hebrew word (H894) Babylon being one in the same word. [source:] - It's important not to confuse the later 2nd Babylon of Iraq with the original Babylon (Tower of Babel) and Nimrod. Lastly: It was very common in ancient times to reuse the same name for both people and cities. There were two cities named Bethlehem [Bethlehem near Jerusalem (Genesis 35:19, Micah 5:2) - and another Bethlehem in Northern Israel (Bethlehem of Galilee, aka Bethlehem of Zebulun)] in ancient Israel and about six cities called Antioch at the same time in the region of Israel in the Days of Jesus. Iraq being a 2nd Babylon would be common for the ancient days. The square Towers (Ziggurats) of Iraq are later reproductions of the original, round Tower of Babel built by Nimrod. Between the Two Babylons [the one in Iraq was a continuation of the other] there are many similarities but there are also several significant differences primarily being the Tower of Babel was the original Kingdom [post-flood] and it encompassed all the people (Nations) of the day while the later Babylon in Iraq primarily only encompassed the known global region of Iraq. The extent of the 1st Babylon was that whatever happened there was so significant that God took the step and confused the language of mankind as it remains to this day. The extent of the 2nd Babylon (Iraq) is that the false religion of the original Babylon continues to go forth corrupting mankind in a nearly unabated fashion. -- "Revelation 18:10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city [Nimrod's] Babylon [Mystery Babylon], that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come." - "Revelation 18:21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon [Mystery babylon] be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And the [Occult] voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy *sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."

Nimrod a foreshadowing type of Antichrist: Nimrod gathered all the Nations of the world (Genesis 11:1), the Antichrist will also gather all the Nations of the world (Daniel 7:23) -- "Daniel 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast [Rome-Revised Rome - appearing after Babylon, Persia and Greece] shall be the fourth [the future 6th (Rome) and last 7th (Revised-Rome) Gentile] kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all [previous Gentile] kingdoms, and shall devour the *whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces."

Daniel 7:19-28 Then I [Daniel] would know the truth of the *fourth beast [Rome-Revised Rome, {first two Kingdoms Babel and Egypt were past Babylon (present and 1st of the four beasts, Daniel 7:1) then Persia (2nd beast), Greece (3rd beast), Rome-Revised Rome (Antichrist) is the 4th beast in this vision], which was *diverse (different) from all the others [the previous Kingdoms], *exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue [H7606 - lit. left down-behind, i.e. those not taken up in the Christian Church rapture, *this is perhaps the most compelling pre-tribulation rapture verse in the O.T.] with his feet; And of the ten horns [The 10 Revised Rome - Global (Regional) Kingdoms] (Revelation 12:3) that were in his head, and of the other [Antichrist] which came up, and before whom three fell [Antichrist removes Three of the Ten Regional Kings before coming into power]; even of that [Antichrist] horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. I beheld, and the same horn [Antichrist] made war with the saints [Martyred Saints of Revelation], and prevailed against them [Revelation 13:7]; Until the Ancient of days came [Revelation 19:11, 20:11], and judgment was given to the saints [Revelation 20:4] of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the [future from Daniel's time] fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be *diverse from all [previous 6] kingdoms, and shall devour *the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings [of the Revised Roman Empire] that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he [Antichrist] shall be diverse from the first [H6933, former], and he [Antichrist] shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against [God-Jesus] the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws: and they [Martyred Saints of Revelation] shall be given into his [Antichrist] hand until a time (1) and (+) times (2) and (+) the dividing (½) of time [a total time of 3½ years - except this Great Tribulation time (the 2nd 3½ year time period Revelation 12:14, Matthew 24:21) is shortened (Matthew 24:22) to possibly only 45 days (Daniel 12:11-12)]. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his [Antichrist] dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom [the 8th Kingdom - Kingdom of Jesus Christ] is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him [Jesus Christ]. Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations [H7476, thoughts, self-awareness] much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart.

It is slightly difficult to study the 4th beast of Daniel (Daniel 7:19) because it covers two Kingdoms (6 and 7) Rome and Revised-Rome - Combining the two later Kingdoms because the earlier and easily identifiable transition between Kingdoms has now become almost imperceptible -- "Revelation 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space." - {Note: In both the description in Daniel and the description in Revelation apparently what is being portrayed is a series of 7 dominant Kingdoms. A series that starts out as easily distinguishable from one another, Nimrod --> Egypt --> Babylon --> Persia but then something is happening and that is that as the 7 Kingdoms progress in history they also become harder to distinguish from one another. Greece takes over from Persia but with most of the baggage and characteristics from all of the previous kingdoms (Nimrod, Egypt, Babylon, Persia). Then when Rome takes over from Greece the difference is even less noticeable as one day Greece ruled the world then through transition [many treaties, negotiations and agreements] Rome was suddenly ruling the world. Now since 313 A.D. and the Revised-Rome Empire we have a continuous assimilation into the 7th global kingdom to where it will suddenly be upon us when in actuality it has been 1,700 years in the making. Then apparently the Antichrist will attempt to even more subtly transfer the 3½ year 7th Kingdom into his own 1,000 year reign 8th Kingdom but it is the rightjul Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Antichrist will be unable to accomplish his [fake death and fake resurrection] transition.}

Revelation 17:9-14 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads [of the red Dragon - Revelation 12:3] are seven mountains [Kingdoms], on which the woman [Mystery Babylon - false religion] sitteth. And there are seven kings: five [Nimrod (Babel), Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece] are fallen, and one [Rome] is, and the other [Antichrist of Revised Rome] is not yet come [Revised Rome has been in existence since about 300 A.D., by Saint Constantine the Revised-Roman Emperor and his deceitful 'Edict of Milan' in 313 A.D., which proclaimed religious tolerance (for) [compromised - emergent] Christians throughout the empire -]; and when he [Antichrist] cometh, he must continue a short space [Great Tribulation, the second 3½ years of Revelation but is probably reduced to 45 days due to excessive violence]. And the beast [Antichrist] that was [the first 3½ years of Revelation Tribulation], and is not [fake death], even he [faked resurrection] is the eighth [an attempt by the Antichrist to transition from his 3½ years of Revelation reign into the 8th Kingdom and a 1,000 year reign on earth], and is [the same person] of the seven [7th king], and goeth into perdition [Revelation 19:20]. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten [final kings of Revised-Rome] kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; *but receive power as kings one hour [a short time] with the beast. *These [ten region kings] have one mind [after three of the kings are replaced (Daniel 7:24)], and *shall give their power and strength unto the [Antichrist] beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He [Jesus] is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they [Christians] that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

Where is all this going in our day - Presumably back to Gnosticism (the original Nimrod occult replacement doctrine deception) - Gnosticism was also the primary deception [occult answer to the resurrection truth of Jesus Christ] able to be maintained as a viable deception (against Christianity) and hold its own in the early years of the new bright and shining N.T. Christian Church light and then with the passing of the original Church Apostles a modern (post-resurrection) Gnosticism was then able to take root and remain until our time - Gnosticism is in regards to who is the actual Christ (Jesus) and who is the actual Antichrist (Satan) - Are the two roles of God and Devil reversed as Gnosticism would portray

The Revised Roman Empire [Rome and whomever Rome (the Vatican) empowers (Revelation 17:13)] rose out of the earlier doctrines of Gnosticism and sustained itself until a modern (post-resurrection) Gnosticism could again became rooted and well established in human society. Following the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the New Christian Church eternal, resurrection, life in Jesus paradigm there was no Revised Roman Empire but eventually in the reconfigured (Jesus - Satan) [post-resurrection] doctrines of Gnosticism about 300 A.D. Revised Rome emerged. Gnosticism is the 'Double Star' Twins (Christ - Antichrist or Castor - Pollex) Nimrod deception religion of the 7 Gentile Kingdoms. -- Albert Pike (1809-1891) [Confederate Civil War General] said "three future world wars would prepare the world for the [Satanic] New World Order. ... (NWO) will receive the true light [Gnosticism] through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer [Satan], *brought finally out [of secrecy and into] in the public view, a manifestation (belief in Satanism) which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the [Gnostic Satan is the christ] destruction [discrediting] of Christianity and atheism [all cults i.e. Mormon LDS , etc. and all false religions i.e. Islam, etc.], *both [Christianity and all non-Luciferianism] conquered [*after the rapture] and exterminated at the same time" - Albert Pike was actually addressing the teachings of French occultist Eliphas Levi. [Eliphas Lévi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, (1810-1875) was a French occult author and purported magician. "Eliphas Lévi" the name under which he published his books, was his attempt to translate or transliterate his given names "Alphonse Louis" into Hebrew although he was not Jewish. -] -- "Acts 28:11 And after three months we [Apostle Paul and Luke] departed [the island of Melita (Malta)] in a ship of Alexandria [a Greek colony in Egypt], which had wintered in the isle, *whose sign was Castor and Pollux (Gnosticism). And landing at Syracuse [in Sicily - 364 mi. south of Rome], we tarried [stayed] there three days." Was Luke embedding into his book of Acts for future Christian understanding the concept that Gnosticism and Christianity would be traveling companions on the high seas of history leading towards a final destination of Rome and the eventual End Time Revised Rome Empire! - Note: There is a current events (End Time) scenario in process regardless of how accurate or inaccurate Albert Pike was in his letters. The Albert Pike material is only being posted as reference material - in reference to a general End Time Gnostic plan and scenario and not as though Albert Pike was able to predict the future or affect future events in any sustainable cohesive way.

Regional 10 Kings Timeframe -- "Revelation 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings *one hour [a short time] with the [Antichrist] beast." - {Note: Apparently in the final stages of the building of the coming Revised Rome Antichrist Kingdom there are 10 regional kingdoms that are put into place at about the same time for the singular, privately expressed purpose of empowering and enthroning a one world leader. Three of the ten regional kings reject the person put forth as a global leader and all three are quickly and determinedly removed from their power and replaced with three regional rulers who will make it a unanimous decision in favor of the new global leader. - Also Note: The events might be similar to the sudden intrigues described in 1 Kings Chapter 1 between Adonijah and Solomon and the anointing of Solomon supported by a select committee of powerful individuals that confirm Solomon as King in Israel.}

Timeframe: In speculating an End Time timing of events there are several pending Biblical time markers that are relevant (or could be relevant) to End Time Revised-Rome 7th Kingdom events. 1. Satan himself appears to be under a time constraint in building his kingdom and is vividly aware of it. "Revelation 12:12 ... for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." 2. Though 7 Gentile Kingdoms will be instituted it is not mandatory that a 7th Kingdom be emplaced before the 2nd Coming Return of Jesus Christ. If time continued and Satan was unable to assemble his 7th Global Kingdom it would not be a restraint in the return of Jesus Christ to earth [especially from a non-Calvinist view]. Jesus could return (at the proper time) and institute His Kingdom on earth [the true 8th Kingdom] and it would all be completely Biblical as God has arranged events, circumstances and legalities for Himself in order to not be confined by the intentions of others. Jesus would return and reign on earth for 1,000 years regardless of whether Satan was able to coalesce his Kingdom.

Noah's Ark, Ararat in the region of modern Turkey - Nimrod's (round, origional) Tower of Babel [was also located in the same region where Noah's Ark landed]. *Ancient Shinar (O.T.) [region of ancient Turkey and East towards Iraq and Saudi Arabia], *Ancient Galatia (N.T.) [region of ancient Turkey and West towards Greece]

"Genesis 8:4 And the ark (Noah's Ark) rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat [modern Turkey]." - "Genesis 11:1-4 And the whole earth {even pre-flood} was of one language, and of one speech [especially descending from Noah's Ark]. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from [the area of the Ark] the east [going west and south from the Ark location and towards the area of Iraq], that they found a plain [located between the Ark of Noah and modern Babylon Iraq] in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower [Nimrod's Tower of Babel (Babylon)], *whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."

Descendants of Ham [Cush, Nimrod, Amraphel aka Hammurabi (lit. Ham the Great) Source:] - Nimrod and *Amraphel king of Shinar [about 4 generations after Nimrod's Tower of Babel - though probably not a descendant of Nimrod] they were ('brothers' from Ham) both were descendants from the same bloodline of Ham the 2nd son of Noah

"Genesis 10:6-12 And the sons of Ham [2nd son of Noah]; Cush [1st son of Ham - a Grandson of Noah], and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah: and the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and Dedan. *And Cush begat *Nimrod [a son fo Cush, probably the 5th and youngest son - a Great-grandson of Noah]: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He [Nimrod] was a mighty hunter [of sin, occult] before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom [the 1st of the 7 Global Gentile Kingdoms] was *Babel (Babylon), and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar [ancient Turkey and East]. Out of that land went [from (West) Turkey (Tower of Bablel) to East (northern Iraq)] forth Asshur [2nd son of Shem, Gen 10:22], and builded Nineveh (north of Babylon Iraq, modern day Mosul Iraq), and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city." - "Genesis 14:1-3 And it came to pass in the days of *Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations; That these made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar. All these were joined together in the vale of Siddim, which is the Salt Sea (Dead Sea area of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah, in modern Israel)."

Summary of Occult Kingdom Attempts: Nimrod, Amraphel king of Shinar, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome ... Gaul [Western Europe, France] and Britain [England - U.K.] the political and military forefront of the 7th Kingdom Revised Rome

1. [3rd Generation from Noah] Nimrod (Tower of Babel) the first attempt of Satan to form a cohesive, dictatorial, human government upon the earth the result was a complete success or a near complete success. Previous to the Tower of Babel was the flood of Noah's Day and the flood of that time presumable closed many occult doors that had been opened up during the previous generations. Nimrod seemingly was a success for Satan in the same way that Eve had been an earlier success for Satan, both falling miserably into the snare of the Devil. The events of the Tower of Babel were enormous in scope affecting all human descendants from that time. It seems that Satan came out with his biggest plan for corrupting mankind at the Tower of Babel *including the possibility that Satan had originally intended to offer his "Mark of the Beast" human altering demonic -spirit encounter to a gullible mankind but the events of the Tower of Babel were interrupted by God including the confusing of the language, scattering the people and destroying the original Tower of Babel. 2. [4th Generation from Nimrod - during the days of Abraham] Amraphel (Hammurabi) king of Shinar is tapped by Satan to build the 2nd human occult kingdom upon the earth but it does not succeeded and it fails to succeed only because Abraham [Hebrew, Israel] was just out of reach [away from the city of Soddom and living in a tent at Hebron (Genesis 13:18)] of the invading armies of Amraphel and his colleagues. 3. [2nd Generation from Abraham] Shortly after the failed attempt the Nation of Egypt (Genesis 39:1) is raised up as a successful occult Kingdom. Before the Kingdom of Egypt had completed its course the Nation of Assyria directed by Satan made an attempt to become the next Occult Kingdom but was stopped (Isaiah 37:37) being unable to gain oversight of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Then after the Occult Kingdoms of Babylon, Persia and Greece had been instituted and even as Rome [6th Kingdom - Julius Caesar] was about to be instituted the Nation of Rome under the military leadership of General Julius Caesar was busy pushing into and conquering the new territory of Gaul [region of Western Europe] and [in 55 B.C. Julius Caesar conducted the first Roman invasion of Britain (England) -] for the Nation of Rome. Biblically Satan has been very determined and pre-occupied (Matthew 4:8) regarding the human Kingdoms of the earth. In historical appearance of the Gentile Kingdoms it appears that Satan was trying to quickly cycle through a previous 6 Kingdoms knowing that he is to be enthroned (Antichrist) only in the 7th Kingdom.

The Eternal Kingdom of God - Soon after Satan had successfully initiated the first Kingdom in Nimrod and was busy attempting to quickly cycle through the coming Gentile Kingdoms in order to get to his own eventual [7th Kingdom] and manifest in his enthroned Kingdom on earth a different appearance was made among mankind - God manifested into human form as the eternal King of Salem (Peace) revealing unto Abraham among the Communion elements of bread (body) and wine (blood) of Jesus Christ that indeed there is another Kingdom, separate and distinct from the Kingdoms of the earth, a Holy Kingdom, Eternal and Righteous, Everlasting in the body (bread) and spirit (wine) of Jesus Christ offered free and without cost to all mankind - Abraham choosing the Eternal Kingdom of God walked away from Sodom and the other kings of the earth without so much as a shoelace from them in his posession

"Genesis 14:17-23 And the king of Sodom went out to meet him [Abraham] after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings [Amraphel (Hammurabi) king of Shinar] that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale. And *Melchizedek King of Salem (Peace) brought forth [Communion] bread and wine: and He was the Priest of the Most High God. And He [Melchizedek] blessed Him [Abraham], and said, Blessed be Abram [Abraham] of the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the Most High God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he [Abraham] gave Him [Melchizedek - God] tithes of all. And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself. And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou [Gentiles] shouldest say, I have made Abram [Abraham] rich:"

Satan's offering to Jesus - In Matthew 4:1-11 we encounter a very amazing interaction, it is an interaction between Jesus and Satan

"Matthew 4:1-11 Then was Jesus led up of the [Holy] Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the Devil [revealing Satan's intentions]. ... Again, the Devil taketh Him [Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth Him all the kingdoms of the world [7 Gentile Kingdoms], and the glory of them; And saith unto Him, *All these things will I give thee, *if thou wilt fall down and worship me (Isaiah 14:12-14). Then saith Jesus unto him [Satan], Get thee hence [go away], Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. Then the Devil leaveth Him, and, behold, [Holy] angels came and ministered unto Him [Jesus]." - What seems to be in negotiation here is the fact that Satan is offering to Jesus a Kingdom on earth if Jesus would 'worship' the Devil [note: worship is to acknowledge were life comes from - life comes from God not Satan]. The interesting part about Satan's offer is that as is usually the circumstances of Satan the offers of the Devil once examined are misleading, shallow, and really non-existent. It appears that what Satan was offering Jesus isn't Kingdoms [plural] but a Kingdom [singular] because at the time of this offering the 6th Kingdom in Julius Caesar had already been initiated and in fact Julius Caesar was already deceased at the time of the offer. That left only 1 legitimate Kingdom that Satan had in his ability to offer, the 7th Kingdom the Revised Rome Kingdom [granted Satan is trying to combine two Kingdoms the 7th and 8th for his version of plural Kingdoms]. But there is a huge stipulation attached to the Throne of the 7th Kingdom and that is whoever sits on it only gets to reign for 3½ years, the first 3½ years of Revelation and Tribulation. Then the deal gets even worse for the person as the person who is reigning upon the Revised Rome Throne is killed at the end of the 3½ years in order that Satan can obtain and inhabit a body to then reign manifested among mankind for his 8th Kingdom [triggering the Great Tribulation and Wrath of Revelation] becasue rightfully it is the 1,000 year Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Satan was offering to Jesus a 3½ year Throne where the one seated upon it is to die so Satan can inhabit the body. Satan was attempting to kill Jesus and inhabit His body in an attempt to forever rule mankind. Without hesitation Jesus declined Satan's offer. - Note: What separates Rome the 6th Kingdom [Throne] and Revised Rome the 7th Kingdom [Throne] is the Christian Church Age (Acts 15:14-18) and had Jesus worshiped Satan then there would have been no cross, no Savior and no Church Age for mankind and the 6th Kingdom [Throne] would have instantly merged into the 7th Kingdom [Throne] had Jesus accepted the offer.

6th King, Gaius Julius Caesar's support for Israel - He [Julius Caesar] permitted the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem, restored to Judea the port of Jaffa, and confirmed Hyrcanus and his descendants after him as High Priests [Jewish Temple in Jerusalem] and ethnarchs of Judea {Note: Jewish participation in the Gentile Kingdoms designated as Global Kingdoms is mandatory in order for the Gentile kingdom to rise to the status of Global Kingdom. Joseph participated in the ancient government of Egypt, Daniel participated in both Babylon and Persia (King Cyrus funded the Jewish return to Israel and the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem) - Alexander the Great of Greece spared the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and left the Nation of Israel intact - Greek and Hebrew scholars translated the Jewish Old Testament Scriptures into the Greek Septuagint - Roman ruler Julius Caesar was very favorable to the Nation of Israel - The coming (Antichrist) one world leader will sign a favorable 7 year covenant with the Nation of Israel and the Jews of the world.}

JULIUS CAESAR (100-44 B.C.), Roman leader. During the [Roman] civil war between him and [Roman - First Triumvirate] Pompey (49 B.C.E.), Caesar freed Aristobulus II, the deposed ruler of Judea, planning to send him to Syria, along with troops to aid him to recover his throne. Pompey's supporters, however, succeeded in poisoning Aristobulus [II] before he could leave Rome (cf. Dio Cassius 41:18, 1). At the same time, Hyrcanus II and Antipater, in common with the other vassal rulers in the East, remained loyal to Pompey and even sent him troops for the battle of Pharsalus (48 B.C.E.); *but after Caesar's victory and his conquest of the Orient, they went over to the side of the victor. When Caesar besieged Alexandria [Egypt], Hyrcanus was one of the Oriental rulers who sent him reinforcements, and Hyrcanus's letter influenced the Jews living in the "territory of Onias" to grant the invading army free passage. Upon his return to Syria, Caesar ratified Hyrcanus [I] appointment as [Jewish] High Priest [for the Temple in Jerusalem] and granted Antipater [(died 43 B.C.) father of Herod I he was the son of Antipas, a convert to Judaism, who was governor of Idumaea -] Roman citizenship and exemption from taxes. *The efforts of Aristobulus' younger son Antigonus to turn Caesar against Hyrcanus and Antipater met with failure. *At the same time, Caesar nullified [a Roman city in Israel] Gabinius' Judean settlement *and even attempted to correct some of Pompey's abuses against the Jews. *In a series of decrees and through decisions made by the Senate at his instigation, Caesar instituted a new administration in Judea. *He permitted the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem, restored to Judea the port of Jaffa, and confirmed Hyrcanus and his descendants after him as High Priests and ethnarchs of Judea. Hyrcanus' realm now included Judea, Jaffa, and the Jewish settlements in Galilee and Transjordan. He also ratified Hyrcanus' ownership of the Hasmonean territory in the "Great Valley of Jezreel." The annual taxation [in Israel by Rome] of Judea was set as 12.5% of the produce of the land, *with total exemption during the sabbatical year [year of Sabbath]. Extortion by the [Roman] military [against Jews] was forbidden under any pretext. Caesar's settlement favored the continued rise of the House of Antipater. Caesar permitted Jewish organization in [Rome during] the Diaspora, and his tolerant attitude to Diaspora Jewry was emulated by the rulers of the provinces. *Caesar's enmity toward Pompey, who had conquered Jerusalem and defiled the Holy of Holies, led to a positive attitude toward him among the Jews. His restoration of the unity of Judea, his deference toward the high priest, Hyrcanus II, and his tolerant attitude toward the Diaspora Jews increased the sympathy of the Jewish masses for him. When he [Julius Caesar] was assassinated [March 15, 44 B.C.], he was mourned by the Jews more than by any other nation, and for a long time after they continued to weep over his tomb both by day and night (Suetonius, Divus Iulius, 84).

Origins of 7th Kingdom Revised Rome - The previous six Global Gentile Kingdoms [Babel, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome] were each separate and unique from on another - However the 7th Kingdom Revised Rome was to re-emerge back up from the 6th Kingdom of Rome

It seems that at the very moment the 6th Kingdom [Gaius Julius Caesar] Rome was being initiated the coming 7th Kingdom Revised Rome was also being staged by Gaius Julius Caesar to then later be initiated in about 300 A.D. by Roman Emperor Constantine I. When Constantine did initiate in 313 A.D. [the yet to be enthroned] 7th Kingdom Revised Rome the re-emerged 7th Kingdom then had the expanded area of Western Europe and England to emerge from because "Flamen Dialis" Jupiter Priest Julius Caesar had initiated the expanded regions around Roman territory. - In 55 B.C. Julius Caesar conducted the first Roman invasion of Britain (England) - - From 58 B.C. to 50 B.C., Julius Caesar was governor of Gaul, which he conquered. - In 45 B.C. Gaius Julius Caesar makes Hispalis (in Spain) a Roman town, and it becomes one of the most prosperous cities in Hispania (ancient Spain) [Source:]. -- "Flamen Dialis" (Priest of Jupiter) Roman ruler Lucius Cornelius Cinna (died 84 B.C.) was the next Roman ruler after the death of Gaius Marius [uncle of Julius Caesar] and was a four-time consul of the Roman Republic, serving four consecutive terms from 87 to 84 BC, and a member of the ancient Roman Cinna family ... the other daughter, Cornelia, married Julius Caesar around 86 BC and died in 69 BC after bearing a daughter Julia - Lucius Cornelius Cinna appointed his young son-in-law Julius Caesar to the post of "Flamen Dialis" (Priest of Jupiter - i.e. Satan). Though a young Julius Caesar preformed few tasks as a priest [later becoming a solider and a politician] all of the military campaigns of Julius Caesar especially into Gaul (France), Hispania (Spain) and Britannia (England) would have all been dedicated to Jupiter (Satan).

7th Kingdom Revised Rome, Unthroned - In these the days of the revising of the Revised Roman Empire 7th Kingdom each Nation that comprises the core of the emerged [European] Empire has each at one time or another vied often very successfully as a location to be the Throne Nation for the 7th Kingdom however each Nation has also neglected to one degree or another to form a cohesive relationship with the Jews in exile [on the 29th November, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz-Israel (Land of Israel) -] and now the Nation of Israel and therefore has been unable up until this point in time to successfully enthrone the 7th Kingdom

Roman Emperor Claudius expelled all the Jews from Rome in 49 A.D. -- Jewish History Sourcebook: The Expulsion of the Jews from France in 1182 A.D. -- Edict of Expulsion (of Jews from England), given by Edward I King of England in 1290 -- Spanish Edict of the Expulsion of the Jews 1492 -- Expulsion of the Jews from Frankfurt, Germany on August 23, 1614 - In 1933, (Germany) persecution of the Jews became active Nazi policy -- Various "land-for-peace" negotiations co-sponsored by the USA and the USSR, In the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War, US President George H.W. Bush Sr. and his Secretary of State James Baker formulated the framework of objectives, and together with the Soviet Union extended a letter of invitation, dated October 30, 1991 [Madrid Conference of 1991] to Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and the Palestinians -- September 10, 2001 President Bush Jr., Arabia and Israel "land-for-peace" negotiations -- June 04, 2009 President Obama "land-for-peace" speech in Egypt at Cairo University. - Sources:,

Three Beast Offices of Revelation (Chapters 13 and 16) - All three Satanic offices of Satan in Revelation were also all combined in the one ruler the 6th King Julius Caesar - The 7th Kingdom then re-emerging from the previously established and initiated 6th Kingdom of Rome and the three offices [Priest "Flamen Dialis", Military General and King (Caesar)] of Julius Caesar

"Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast [Satan-Antichrist, King-Caesar] rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." - "Revelation 13:11-17 And I beheld another beast [false prophet, priest, "Flamen Dialis"] coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." - "Revelation 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan], and out of the mouth of the beast [human Antichrist], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [priest]. For they are the [Military, General Caesar] spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, *to gather them to the *battle of that great day of God Almighty."

{Excellent Article!!} Maitreya - Hidden in Plain Sight Part II by Kathi Sundeen - Maitreya [U.N. imposed Antichrist - currently in the person (anouncer - i.e. John the Baptist) of Benjamin Creme, a British artist and long-time student of esoteric (Occult) philosophy, has become the principal source of information about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher - source:] - Benjamin Crème says Maitreya will bring lasting [global] peace using an army [billions of people] that is now in position - [Pastor - attempting to become the False (Priest) Prophet of Revelation 13] Rick Warren's website tells us [his U.N.] P.E.A.C.E. Plan will have the world's largest army of workers and will "mobilize 1 billion Christians ... to attack the five global, evil giants (i.e. environmentalism, food control, population control, etc. all via U.N. Global Agenda 21 sustainability)...." He said this will require "the global church...." - [January 20th, 2009, Barack H. Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America] Pastor Rick Warren at the ceremony invokes "the compassionate and merciful One" (Allah) at the beginning of the Invocation - This is a title given to the prophet Muhammad in the Quran - The Invocation ends praying in the name of Jesus, as well as Isa [Jesus] the Muslim prophet - This takes on an ominous tone when you consider that the [Rick Warren - U.N.] P.E.A.C.E. Plan includes [Christians (via Isa) religiously united with] Muslims {Note: Pastor Rick Warren and friends are trying to Convert Christianity over into a pseudo (New Age version) of Islam (Slavery) all for the purposes of enslaving [Christianity, Islam, and all the cults] into a prearranged U.N. control structure. - Also Note: Pastor Rick Warren (in conjunction with the U.N. and Benjamin Creme) apparently believes himself to be acting in the office of the coming False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13 and all of the Pastors [Chuck Smith Sr. of Calvary (skull) Chapel, Greg Laurie of Harvest Crusade, SBC, Pastor John Piper, etc.] who are supporting and establishing Pastor Rick Warren also seem to believe that Rick Warren might become the [U.N.] False Prophet [Two Horns Like a Lamb] of Revelation 13 though it will never happen in this way via the the U.N.}

Two Horns Like a Lamb (Revelation 13): Crème says Maitreya will bring lasting peace using an army that is now in position. Maitreya has called "1 billion" into the army to "save the world." Rick Warren's website tells us the P.E.A.C.E. Plan will have the world's largest army of workers and will "mobilize 1 billion Christians ... to attack the five global, evil giants...." He said this will require "the global church...." Warren invokes "the compassionate and merciful One" at the beginning of the Invocation. This is a title given to the prophet Muhammad in the Quran. The Invocation ends praying in the name of Jesus, as well as Isa, the Muslim prophet. This takes on an ominous tone when you consider that the P.E.A.C.E. Plan includes Muslims. The Quran says, "When you encounter the unbelievers on the battlefield, strike off their heads until you have crushed them completely...." "...And he (the beast with two horns like a lamb, v. 11) had power to ... cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.... I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus...." (Revelation 13:15, 20:4) Maitreya is incognito, and "the people before whom he appears are in every case fundamentalist Christians of one persuasion or another." He appears "almost weekly." Maitreya is one of "three Great Lords" on earth. The three are: Manu (the "perfected man," the Will aspect); Maitreya (the "Christ," the "World Teacher," the Love/Wisdom aspect); and Sanat Kumara (the "Lord of Civilisation," the Intelligence aspect). Mankind will take five initiations during meditation, the first two with Maitreya. Maitreya then presents the initiate to Sanat for the third initiation, the first time man will "come face to face" with God. Sanat oversees the third through fifth initiations. We are told we are not to worship Maitreya, as he is not God. We are repeatedly referred to as "divine sparks of God." Rick Warren also denies [publically] we are God, yet was an exuberant judge in The Power of Purpose Awards. The winning essay began, "We [chosen ones - not the slaves] must commit to becoming one with that passive spark of divinity longing for actuality...." "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast.... And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb ... and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast...." (Rev. 13:4, 11-12) -- Hidden in Plain Sight: In Warren Smith's book, Deceived on Purpose, we see Rick Warren's extensive use of Eugene Peterson's, The Message, in his writings. The Message [bible] inserts the [Satanic] phrase, "as above, so below, [as above on earth - from below in Satan's hell - earth and hell as one vs. Heaven and earth as one in the Bible (Matthew 6:10)]" into the Lord's Prayer. It means "the transcendent God beyond the physical universe and the immanent God within ourselves are one." Smith points out that Warren used the derivative, "above and below," also from The Message, to quote Col. 1:16. Warren also taught this concept using the New Century Version to quote Eph. 4:6, which renders the verse to say that God is "in" everything. In fact, Smith tells us these exact words are in Saddleback's Foundations Participant's Guide, where it says God "is both transcendent (above and beyond his creation) and immanent (within and throughout his creation)." Crème says Maitreya will "show that God is transcendent, above and beyond man and all creation, while at the same time intrinsic, immanent in all creation." In Warren Smith's book, A Wonderful Deception, we see Rick Warren's connections to New Age sympathizers who teach quantum spirituality, that God is "in" everything, which is a "'New Spirituality' for a new era - the coming 'New Age.'" In the chapter "Fractals, Chaos Theory, Quantum Spirituality, and The Shack," we see the merger of spirituality and science. This "new science" includes fractals and chaos theory. "Fractals reveal a hidden 'order' underlying all seemingly chaotic events." Fractals are repeating patterns, hidden in plain sight, that reveal "as above, so below." Our failure to see the "as above, so below," God "in" everything has resulted in chaos, which will be overcome when humanity sees itself as "one." One of chapters is subtitled "Hidden in Plain Sight." Here, Warren Smith speculates that perhaps the fractal, "as above, so below," was intentionally hidden in plain sight in the Lord's Prayer. Then, at some future point, it would be seen as "the message that was in The Message," a "prophetic sign" from God ... "the key to saving the world...." Crème explains, "You can only understand life in the macro-cosmic sense if you have experienced it in the microcosm. As above, so below. You can know what the greater is if you experience it in you, the smaller, because there is only one life...." On his website for pastors, Rick Warren has an article that again uses The Message to render Col. 1:16, using the "above and below" derivative. In the article, he says, "How does God teach you peace? ... Peace is learned in chaos, in a crisis." Warren has a new book coming out in Nov. 2010, The Hope You Need, which is based on the Lord's Prayer. Will he use The Message to insert "as above, so below"? Could this be the "key to saving the world," the "hope you need" to rid the world of chaos? ... On Nov. 13, 2009, Warren spoke at The Pew Forum, saying, "We intend to be the first church in the history of Christianity to literally fulfill the great commission ... by the end of this next year. We will be the first church in 2000 years of Christianity to literally go to every nation." He explained they will be doing the P.E.A.C.E. Plan.

1 Kings Chapter 1 King Solomon (Antichrist) Enthroned - Solomon's older half brother Adonijah attempts to seat himself upon the Throne before Solomon can be seated as was promised to Bath-sheba - This could have implications and actually be a model of how the eventual Antichrist is to be seated - Two brothers (also from the same bloodline son of Noah) Adonijah and Solomon vying at the same time for the same Throne - In modern times Adonijah could actually be the emerging E.U. President (with dictitorial powers in 2012) or a U.N. President while Prince William (son of Prince Charles and Dianna) is an obvious Solomon with Lady Dianna also fitting as a type of Bath-sheba - {Note: *The Basic Christian ministry in studying End Times and current events is taking two approaches 1. Trying to present the obvious End Time scenarios as they seemingly are portrayed in current events. 2. Speculating about completely un-obvious events (i.e. UFO's, Aliens, etc.) realizing that the actual Biblical prophecy fulfillments will probably be a combination of the two, the obvious and the unobvious or extreme.)

"1 Kings 1:5-7 Then Adonijah the [4th] son of [King David (2 Samuel 3:4) via] Haggith (Aggith 'festive') exalted himself, saying, I will be king [after King David]: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him. And his father [King David] had not displeased him at any time in saying, Why hast thou done so? and he also was a very goodly man; and his mother bare him after Absalom. And he conferred with Joab [the Military General of Israel] the son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the [Tabernacle (Tabernacle of Moses) High Priest via the line of Eli (1 Samuel 2:12, 1 Chronicles 15:11)] priest: and they following Adonijah helped him. But Zadok [1st Temple priest (Solomon's Temple) and the new family line of High Priests (1 Chronicles 29:22)] the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty men which belonged to David, were not with Adonijah." - "1 Kings 1:10-14 But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, and the mighty men, and Solomon his brother, he [Adonijah] called not [to the ceremony]. Wherefore Nathan spake unto Bath-sheba the mother of Solomon, saying, Hast thou not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith doth reign, and David our lord knoweth it not? Now therefore come, let me, I pray thee, give thee counsel, that thou mayest save thine own life, and the life of thy son Solomon. Go and get thee in unto king David, and say unto him, *Didst not thou, my lord, O king, swear unto thine handmaid (Bath-sheba) [Lady Diana also received promises that her son (William) would be enthroned], saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne? why then doth Adonijah reign? Behold, while thou yet talkest there with the king [David], I also will come in after thee, and confirm thy words." - "1 Kings 1:32-46 And king David said, Call me Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada. And they came before the king [David]. The king also said unto them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause Solomon my son to ride upon mine own mule, and bring him down to *Gihon [away from Jerusalem - Solomon (Antichrist [7th Kingdom] is first anointed outside of Jerusalem)]: And let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there king over Israel: and blow ye with the trumpet, and say, God save king Solomon. Then ye shall come up after him, that he may come and sit upon my throne; for he shall be king in my stead: and I have appointed him to be ruler over Israel and over Judah. And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered the king, and said, Amen: the LORD God of my lord the king say so too. As the LORD hath been with my lord the king, even so be he with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord king David. So Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, went down, and caused Solomon to ride upon king David's mule, and brought him to Gihon. And Zadok the priest took an horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, God save king Solomon. And all the people came up after him, and the people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them. And Adonijah and all the guests that were with him heard it as they had made an end of eating. And when Joab heard the sound of the trumpet, he said, Wherefore is this noise of the city being in an uproar? And while he yet spake, behold, Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came: and Adonijah said unto him, Come in; for thou art a valiant man, and bringest good tidings. And Jonathan answered and said to Adonijah, Verily our lord king David hath made Solomon king. And the king hath sent with him Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and they have caused him to ride upon the king's mule: And Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet have anointed him king in Gihon: and they are come up from thence rejoicing, so that the city rang again. This is the noise that ye have heard. And also Solomon sitteth on the throne of the kingdom."

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Update (returning to this portion of the study): The Basic Christian Info Feed is currently working on a short, complex series of posts regarding the Atonement, Blood of Christ, Relationship [Sonship, Daughtership] Christianity - This is an expanded part of the 8 Kingdoms study - Originally the timeframe of the 8 Kingdoms Study was intentionally shortened in order to simplify the 8 Kingdoms study however now that the study has been extended until about Easter 2011 a few more concepts are going to be brought back into the 8 Kingdoms Study {Note: This is a very exciting time for the Basic Christian Ministry in that about 10 years ago when the ministry began to post on the internet a main desire was to have a ministry that was mature enough to explore the relationship aspects and concepts of Christianity i.e. Redemption, Sonship, etc. Now finally after so much controversy, current events and End Times study we are going to briefly study a relationship segment. We should wrap up this portion of the study in about 1 week to 10 days and then revisit and conclude all 8 Global Kingdoms and a few supporting kingdoms in the current Kingdoms Study.}

Currently modern Christianity is not generally embedded in the ancient error of 'Law Righteousness' where our own individual righteousness [an acceptable relationship with God] was incorrectly thought to be based on our own individual ability to keep the Old Testament 'Mosaic' (Moses) Laws but currently modern Christianity is deeply embedded in the (Dr. Rick Warren, Dr. John MacArthur, etc.) error of a works righteousness a 'Social Righteousness' - a socially acceptable (Christianized social gospel - whatever that is at any given time i.e. secular culture, lifestyle, knowledge (evolution, aliens, ET's, etc.), TV, music, pro-sports events, clothing style, hair, facial hair, etc.) based on a series of individual works (i.e. tithing, volunteerism, harmony, good works, submission, social justice, etc.) determined at any moment by a need for social acceptability and social compromise. What the Bible indicates is not a Law Righteousness nor a Works 'Social' Righteousness but instead a Free Gift (John 1:12, Matthew 17:26-26, Revelation 22:17) a "Relationship Righteousness" our Righteousness not by Law, not by Works and not even by social acceptance [either in Church or in society as a whole] but by a simple relationship of individual Sinner Saved by God [Jesus Christ] and once saved brought into a Family Relationship as Sons and Daughters with God our Father.

Ancient Pagans [Blindly] Tithed to Their False Gods, So How Dare Christians NOT [Blindly] Tithe to Their God, Says [Pastor] Mac Brunson {Note: This timely expose article covers some of what we are going to examine in the coming postings regarding our Sonship in Jesus Christ. The dilemma is that in modern Christianity are we as Christians to be restricted, uninformed, obedient (tithe) slaves or are we as Christians allowed to be individuals, free, informed and led by the Holy Spirit.} -- "John 15:15 Henceforth I [Jesus] call you not servants (G1401, Doulos - lit. Slave); for the servant (slave) knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends (G5384, Philos - lit. Brotherly Love, i.e. Philadelphia); for all things that I have heard of My Father I have made known unto you."

But Mac Brunson recently has put forth one of the wackiest, over-the-top arguments I've ever heard on tithing: that because ancient pagans supposedly "tithed" to their phoney-baloney gods, that we as Christians today should be quite happy to practice the same ritual. ... Commnets: Steward said...I've been piecing together a book on tithing, and have almost a complete chapter dedicated to this mentality. I will post 2 paragraphs below to get you an idea of how i address this "We say that our God is alive, but we give to Him in the same [tithe] manner as pagans do. Any pagan can give a tithe to his god; and any religion can develop monotonous rules that promote consistent giving. *But Christianity is different. *We have a relationship with a living God. *We also claim to have communication with our God; but we continue tithing as if we do not know how to talk to God in regards to giving. We're just like robots that do as their told. We might as well say that we believe our God is a stone statue just like other god's that can't communicate. Stone statues don't communicate with their worshippers, nor do the stone statues tell them what to bring to the altar. Every religion develops their own way of pleasing their god's, and Christianity follows suit in the same manner with our type of giving. *We have the opportunity to be led by the [Holy] Spirit, but instead we want to be led in the same way that pagan's are led. We have the opportunity [Sonship] to hear what our God's Spirit is internally convicting us to give [to who, how much and when], but instead we've developed the deaf ears of pagans, and replaced our God with stone lips that do not speak personal instructions." - jared January 22, 2011 7:58 PM.

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The website's decoding of the 1966 movie "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

A bounty hunting scam joins two men in an uneasy alliance against a third in a race to find a fortune in gold buried in a remote cemetery. (filmed in Italy, extended version released in Europe in 1966, an edited version was released in the USA in 1968, an almost completely restored-extended version was released in 2003 on DVD) - Background - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Why is there a need and what is the relevance of looking at this particular movie? Recently I was listening to a Current Events discussion and interview on a Christian podcast - the person being interviewed though unprompted launched into a standard End Time Armageddon scenario. It was the same Armageddon scenario that is so routinely submitted by so many End Time - Watchman ministries that most people assume that the current Armageddon scenario is factually based on well researched Christian doctrine. However the reality is that the current Armageddon scenario is anything but Biblically based and seemingly the way it is dogmatically rendered on Christian radio and in End Time Ministries the Armageddon scenario is actually an occult scenario that has entered into the Christian Church. Lest people say that there is no occult End Time Armageddon scenario we are going to examine the 1966 movie "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" a movie that actually depicts and blueprints all of America's military wars and engagements from the Civil War up until an Armageddon scenario put forth in the movie's climatic showdown scene set in a fictitious cemetery, a massive graveyard called "Sand Hill" i.e. the sand hills of the "Middle-East" and Armageddon. Also, if anyone disagrees that this occult scenario has entered into the Christian Church just remember that the movie came out in 1966 & 1968 and then later in 1970 the book "The Late, Great Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey came out followed by numerous other authors such as Chuck Missler all following the movie's Armageddon scenario and then blueprinting that Occult scenario into the Christian Church as a modern End Time doctrine for Evangelical Christianity. Plot Summary 1 - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

The movie uses a part historical and part fictitious American Civil War setting in order to orchestrate and illustrate (instruct) what is presumably a desired occult outcome to global affairs. The movie has three main characters and several sub-characters; all of whom we will examine in detail later. The three main characters though monikered as 'The Good', 'The Bad' and 'The Ugly' are each unveiled in the opening scenes of the movie as equally undistinguishable in their vicious, mean, stubborn and underhanded day to day lives. The movie plot follows the lives of the three figures, The Good - The Bad - The Ugly as they each compete to gain sole possession of a fortune [the earth's wealth] in buried [payroll] gold. Plot Summary 2 - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

About half way through the movie the scenes follow a series of wartime events and battles. Each scene event depicts a different war in American history. Starting with a brief scene where a Civil War Union solider 'thief' is executed by a formation of Union Soldiers firing into the condemned man at a very close range. This is actually the only scene that depicts a Civil War era combat event in the movie and apparently the occult lesson is that the Civil War was actually an execution of soldiers on both sides in the war, in the intent and extent of the way that the war was fought. After the brief Civil War era execution scene the plot quickly shifts to a city destroyed by war but not the Civil War in the movie's depiction it is now the wars of Europe WWI & WWII. The bomb (shell) that explodes in the middle of the street is a WWI era 'whistling' bomb and explosion {bombs in WWI often had a whistle type of noisemaker attached to them to provide an additional psychological fear factor to the bombing and shelling, a practice that was also initially practiced early in WWII but was soon ended as WWII soon opted for much more tonnage of bombs in order to achieve the additional fear factor instead of the fewer but nosier bombs of WWI.} - After the WWI view of the city and the bomb explosion in the center of the street the same scene adopts a WWII style as now the men 'attack' through the destroyed city by walking down both sides of the street in a typical WWII military formation and while going down the street encounter a 'sniper' depicting the ever present German snipers of WWII, the character Tuco utters one word in the scene "hold" very similar in sound to German word "halt". The WWII era scene also depicted a man reading a book (very common of the WWII generation) and also includes a scene where a dead man's shirt is lifted up revealing in appearance a WWII German rife or machinegun wound and not the pistol wound of the movie (and one of the characters comments "he must have shot him at close range" in order to help cover that the wound is too large for a Civil War era pistol wound). Apparently the occult lesson is that WWI and WWII were intended to destroy large cities and in the process endanger, destabilize and shift (relocate) huge populations of civilians. Plot Summary 3 - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

After departing the badly war-torn city two of the characters on route to their destination are 'captured' and forcibly taken to yet another military engagement. This time the military battle is a depiction of the war in Korea as the scenery is now hills with sparsely covered vegetation (characteristic of Korea). Much of the later Korean War [up until the ending stalemate] was fought from small trenches dug along the hills with accompanying artillery positions also dug into the hills. The river in the scene is depicting the Yule River that the Chinese crossed to enter the Korean war. The movie is depicting American and Chinese forces fighting on the bridge. The Captain, younger than the WWII aged men in the previous scene [more on this later] is of the age of a Korean War veteran (in 1966) and acts the part of an Army officer in Korea, his (shrapnel and bayonet) wounds and the treatment of them (a mountain of gauze) are characteristic of the Korean War. Apparently the occult lesson is that Korea was fought to (secretly) bring down bridges and separators between Nations and populations i.e. a global economy. - Note: In the actual Korean War when Marines of the 1st Marine Division raised the American flag in victory during the Battle of Seoul in Korea and within hours of hearing about it American General Douglas MacArthur ordered that the American flag was to be removed and the U.N. flag flown in its place and the order was reluctantly carried out by the troops at the scene. - Also Note: Ray L. Walker, USMC veteran of the Korean War "I was there and I recall it well. Including the attempt by an army color guard to remove the American Flag we flew in Seoul and replace it with a U.N. flag. The result was a flag pole we shot to hell - no flag flew from that pole anymore [though the U.N. flag did replace the American flag as ordered in other places]. History depends on who's telling it. Usually non-combatants working from official documents." - Source: Plot Summary 4 - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Crossing over what remains of the destroyed bridge the two characters find a vastly different scenery (and a different war) on the other side of the river. The scenery is now the lush green (jungle) of the then current (1966) war in Vietnam. Spread among the ground are the bodies not of rebel soldiers but the bodies of attacking Viet Cong from the previous night's battle (much of the fighting in Vietnam was at night). One of the characters comes across a very young (Vietnam veteran age in 1966) and very badly wounded solider. The character covers the wounded solider with his own jacket in a scene very typical of a wounded soldier in Vietnam being covered by a poncho from his fellow soliders to help comfort the wounded solider while a medevac helicopter was on its way and as depicted in the movie often the solider died in the presence of friends {Note: Vietnam veterans actually intimately encountered more death of fellow soldiers than the WWII veterans who were busy attacking through objectives and later saw the dead bodies of close friends, while soldiers in Vietnam died in the arms and presence of one another often while waiting for a medevac.} - In the Vietnam scene the primary scene of destruction is of a badly destroyed and now unusable Church building. Apparently the occult lesson is that Vietnam was fought to completely destroy a Christian based society in America. With the Christian Church now in ruins the character Tuco is now literally blasted from one cannon shot after another [one conflict after another] into the cemetery of 'Sand Hill' setting up the desired Armageddon outcome. - Note: Defense Sectary Robert McNamara (during the Vietnam war) was a major architect and proponent of extending American involvement in Vietnam and McNamara is quoted on film as saying that if America withdraws (early) from the conflict in Vietnam that the desired social changes [government regulations, taxation, controls, oversight and surveillance] in America could not be achieved in peacetime as easily as they could in wartime. Character Summary - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

The three main characters in the movie "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" in the order that they first appear in the movie. 1. Eli Wallach - Tuco (the ugly) Tuco aka 'the rat' however Tuco is apparently the Spanish word for a small rodent that burrows into the ground while 'la rata' is apparently the Spanish translation of rat as in a rodent. 2. Lee Van Cleef - Angel Eyes (the bad). 3. Clint Eastwood - Blondie (the Good) note that the Clint Eastwood character is not an actual blond in the movie so the title 'Blondie' is not an actual title but is a figurative title as the names Tuco and Angle Eyes are also primarily figurative and representational names. In the movie Blondie represents of course the Arian (enlightened) species the Occultists. Tuco a species that burrows into the ground represents the Middle-East Arab Muslim oil Nations. Angel Eyes (someone who is supposedly heavenly focused) represents the people who control and manipulate the Christian Church i.e. a Pastor. In short the three main characters in the movie are an Occultist, a Muslim and a Christian. Angel Eyes 1 - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Angel Eyes - In an early scene in the movie Angel Eyes' first appearance is at the home of a wounded and recovering solider. Angel Eyes is looking for information on behalf of another person and during the conversation Angel Eyes learns that it is information about a stolen and buried payroll that is really the information attached to the name he was attempting to discover for his client. - Angel Eyes pauses at the entrance of the house before going in and in appearance Angel Eyes at first sight appears to look like a Missionary [instead of the dangerous gunman that he is] and indeed Angel Eyes has a big cloth bandanna draped around his neck to indicate subtly that he is a man of the cloth a Christian. Sitting down and eating the other man's food Angel Eyes picks up the bread and cuts off a piece of it, he holds the piece of bread in one hand (as in holding communion) and is filmed in a deliberate act of eating the bread (taking communion) further establishing Angel Eyes as a figure representing Christianity. Later Angel Eyes will be seen drinking from a cup (concluding his communion) and the (communion) cup will appear and be staged as a prop in the final Armageddon scene. Tuco 1 - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Tuco Ramírez (full name: Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez - The character Tuco representing the Islam character has a long difficult name to pronounce like a Muslim generally has a difficult name for Westerners to pronounce. When Tuco is apprehended and brought into the Sheriff's office the first time Tuco utters a continuous stream of Arab type of proverbs against his captor, his captor's father and his captor's mother. It is revealed later in the movie that Tuco actually has a brother that is a Catholic Priest in charge of the local Catholic Missionary enclave [Islam and Catholicism as brothers]. Tuco [representing Islam] remarks to his Catholic Priest brother that he is unfamiliar with the Catholic ways and simply kisses the tassel of his brother's robe in a feigned attempt at admiration. In the Catholic Mission Tuco finds himself facing a portrait of a crucified Jesus Christ and upon seeing the picture Tuco begins to pray [possibly earnestly for a second] but then quickly and irreverently he takes out a bottle of whiskey and drains it in front of the portrait. - The genuinely good natured Tuco as a type of Islam he is repeatedly used [his neck constantly in and out of nooses] throughout the movie resulting from the scams and moneymaking cons of others to the point that Tuco really knows no other way of existing and making a living. Blondie 1 - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Blondie enters the movie in a scene just in time to save Tuco from being captured by other bounty hunters. Blondie is anonymous and is first heard without being seen and then is seen only from behind (his entire face is hidden as he talks and when he shoots) the first act of Blondie is [occult] to call down fire from heaven (well, actually to strike a match and light his cigar) he then proceeds to kill a trinity of three men. Blondie aka "Man with No Name" is also known as Judas when Tuco calls him by his name 'Judas' at the Sherriff's office "Judas you sold my hide." Blondie aka Judas is monikered in the movie with his label of "The Good" at the very moment that Judas or Blondie has just preformed his most devious, sadistic and underhanded task in abandoning a tied up Tuco in the wilderness. Certainly the label of "The Good" is not intended to imply compassion or goodness of any kind but is implying that Blondie/Judas is good at being devious. Meddler - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Meddler - After the opening credits the first scene in the movie is of a man (meddler - a *Don Quixote type figure) who pops-up awkwardly into the viewing frame as if he is an arcade game pop-up toy who's only intention is to be unceremoniously knocked down again. Indecently 'meddler' is a biological blondie however he is nothing of the spiritual Occult Blondie that the movie intends to portray. Unsurprisingly within moments the meddler and his two companions are indeed meddling in the affairs of Tuco, Angel Eyes and Blondie as the unfortunate meddling trio attempts to apprehend Tuco but the shifty Tuco easily dispatches two of them wounding the third and easily escapes being captured by them. Later in the movie meddler again bumps into Tuco and again tries to apprehend Tuco and seek vengeance for his previous wound from Tuco. Upon encountering Tuco the often offended meddler immediately rehearses a long list of grievances and desires that he has intended to visit upon Tuco but Tuco simply shoots him down like the pop-up target he has always been. Meddler or a Don Quixote figure is a very important figure in Occult teachings and supposedly the famed Skull & Bones Society of Yale University has only three items of interest within their society walls the first being a human skull (death and Satan worship) the second being a Black (Satanic) Pope [instituting a Satanic Pope over the Catholic Church] and the third being a statue of a Don Quixote figure. -- "Proverbs 20:3 It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling." - "Psalms 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." -- "Psalms 11:7 For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; His countenance doth behold the upright." - "James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Catholic Priest - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Catholic Priest - Tuco's brother the Catholic Priest upon recognizing Tuco immediately launches into his own private crusade against [the Muslim] Tuco. Tuco then does reveal to his brother that indeed he is a [Muslim] man with many wives (i.e. a harem) and the two have a minor altercation among brothers. In a very touching scene the Catholic Priest does rightly repent of his treatment towards Tuco and quietly [out of sight of Tuco] asks for Tuco's forgiveness for the previous crusade. Note: The Catholic Mission is portrayed in the movie as a place where both sides in the professed war (good and evil) can freely enter in and receive from the resources of the Mission. How interesting that the Occult scenario is that the Catholic Church should administer its Priestly duties without any Priestly discernment as though the only two options in Christian Ministry are complete acquiesce and acceptance of all things evil or of an over the top unwarranted crusade against every small appearance and detail of evil. Jew - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Jew - The man named Baker [as in Jewish Matzoh - baked unleavened bread] is portrayed primarily by his Jewish facial features. The Jew is stereotypically depicted as being infirmed, greedy, lazy and in immediate possession of a handful of cash. Angel Eyes [Christian authority] is portrayed as working for Baker, as an unwilling servant to the Jew, it is Baker [the mythical Jewish conspiracy] that ultimately employs and pays Angel Eyes his wages. In the movie plot Angel Eyes has discovered another way to make money via the new information of a buried [payroll] treasure and he quickly kills the Jew seemingly having gained his own independence. Amazingly in the movie Angel Eyes after needlessly killing the Jew, then Angel Eyes clutches the lamp of the Jew and blows out the lamp, the light of the Jew is now extinguished but it was also his only source of light and Angel Eyes is left standing in utter darkness foretelling of his own impending destruction. How informative that when Christianity removes the Jewish nature of the Bible, of Christianity and of God revealed to mankind that indeed Christianity has darkened the only light it will ever know. Batterville - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Batterville - Angel Eyes had discovered that his best opportunity to find more information regarding the buried [payroll] treasure would be at the Prisoner of War camp Batterville and has placed himself in authority as the Sargent in charge at Batterville. Angel Eyes is looking for the one last living person, a solider originally named Jackson but who was now going under the assumed name of Bill Carson, who was the only living clue left as to where the treasure was buried. Batterville is an amazing place, it is a place where Angel Eyes thinks he is in complete authority, able to conduct his own business in his own way. Batterville is the exact Occult scenario of how an Occult influenced [treasure seeking] Christian Church should be run. The prisoners [Christians unfortunate enough to land in Angel Eyes' greedy Mega-Church chapel] are abused, malnourished, neglected, tormented and mistreated at every available opportunity by Angel Eyes and his personally selected staff of enforcers. In a prominent scene in the movie at the aptly named Batterville [where all who enter are battered and beaten] Angel Eyes and his staff are seen in their luxurious accommodations having just taken up a collection [robbing the people of their last cent] from among the newly arrived prisoners. The collection pile is spread out on top of the table and Angel Eyes and his co-conspirators lament that the pile of money and goods wasn't as large as they would have liked it to have been but just the same the pile of money is scooped up into a sack and sent outside the camp [where it will no longer be of any use to the prisoners] through a convenient side window in the office. Angel Eyes insists that the camp's 'praise and worship' band begin to play, not that praise and worship will help the downtrodden prisoners all that much but Angel Eyes has learned that even a half-descent praise band will go a long way in helping to cover and conceal the multitude of crimes and indiscretions perpetrated by Angel Eyes and his staff against the honest prisoners of the camp and indeed Angel Eyes sees no reason to release any meaningful financial statements or insert any oversight of any kind into his daily proceedings, a tactic that quickly breaks the morale and destroys the will to resist of all the many prisoners in his beloved kingdom of Batterville. Angel Eyes is called before the Camp Officer the true Camp authority the Commandant [a type of Jesus Christ] but Angel Eyes sees the true authority as diseased (a wound that has not healed and has turned to gangrene) and Angel Eyes simply scoffs and wishes the Commandant "good luck" in his desire of bringing justice, fair treatment and accountably to Batterville and to the entire Army for that matter [though Angle Eyes should have stuck around and come back to the Camp Commandant (Jesus Christ) on the third day and he would have found Him not injured on the cross and not in the grave as he suspected but completely healed and in complete authority]. Angel Eyes does locate the information of Bill Carson but it happens to be Tuco that now has the name of Bill Carson and knows the location of the cemetery where the treasure is buried. Angel Eyes invites Tuco into his office for fellowship and a free agape meal together. Tuco suspecting that the meal is poison is reluctant at first but then dives in with a large appetite and an equally large spoon. Interestingly enough the feast Angel Eyes provides has no cups to drink from and no wine to drink but only whisky to drink and bowls to drink from and both men drink from the bowls of wrath filled to the brim. The cup [communion cup] will come later. True to his nature and desires Angel Eyes quickly instructs an assistant to pummel Tuco into submission while the camp praise band begins playing in the background intending to cover the crime though the scheme fools few. Arch Stanton - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Arch Stanton - Tuco is incorrectly told by Blondie that the fortune of wealth is buried in a grave with the name of Arch Stanton on the grave marker when actually the treasure in the movie is buried in the grave next to (on the left side) of the grave marked Arch Stanton. Tuco at first digging through the sand with a board borrowed from the grave on the left and with his bare hands uncovers the coffin of Arch Stanton. Blondie being little help tosses an almost finished Tuco a shovel at the last moment and just as the coffin of Arch Stanton is about to be opened to reveal its contents who should appear tossing in another shovel none other than Angle Eyes himself. The grave is opened by Tuco to reveal not treasure but a skeleton the bones of Arch Stanton [in the Occult the Archangel Satan is the ruler of the dead]. Blondie proclaims that the three will have to work [kill] for the treasure, and actually it's dance for the treasure because what follows is an amazing dance of the Devil that is conducted within an Occult circle by the three participants. -- Grave markers - There are primarily three types of grave markers in Sand Hill cemetery. The short rounded top gravestone familiar to all graveyards, there are many Christian crosses also a familiar site in graveyards and at the fictional Sand Hill cemetery there is a common third type of grave marker it is a dual plank grave marker that when weather aged or assembled shoddily actually comes separates at the top and reveals a distinct occult V at the top of the marker. Arch Stanton happens to be buried in an occult marked grave and it has the distinct occult V located at the top. The name Arch Stanton (Archangel Satan) leaves no doubt that the grave is of occult origin. The grave on the left of Arch Stanton the grave with the treasure to be plundered is marked with a cross. When the skeleton of Arch Stanton [a type of Satan] is exposed it shows a skull that is turned to the left keeping watch on the treasure in the accompanying grave.

WHAT'S GOING ON WITH DR. JOHN PIPER? {Note: About the Occult V (Victory, Vendetta) symbol - Shortly after the American Civil War the Occult symbol K came into prominence in America and especially in the just defeated Confederate States. In Occult lingo a more highly dedicated occultist would choose more K's i.e. the symbol KKK. However the symbol KKK quickly became detestable in all of America and went out of style. The ancient Occult symbol V always remained in prominence in Europe and like the KKK of America a European Occultist would add multiple V's and actually create the W - Therefor an Occult W is equal to an Occult KKK - Here is a recent photo of Pastor John Piper flashing the Occult W sign.} (Photo)

In Rick Warren To Be Featured At Desiring God 2010 - I was among the few who broke the story that Dr. Piper had made the ill-advised decision to invite Leadership Network's propped-up Purpose Driven Pope Rick Warren to DG 2010 as a keynote speaker. Then, as I shared in Rick Warren Doctrinal And Sound?, unfortunately it got even worse when Dr. Piper decided to defend his decision: At root I think [Rick Warren] is theological and doctrinal and sound. ... So whether one even knows it or not, Warrengate still is slowly simmering; Dr. Piper's choice here has had the rippling effect of people, even outside of any discernment ministries, beginning to look a little closer at his theology, educational background, and associations; e.g. his charismatic bent, his connection to Fuller Theological Seminary, and with the late Ralph Winter. I had received a tip from a source back in June of this past year; and as I followed up on it, it would eventually lead me to discover some disturbing information which I orginally began sharing in Questions Concerning Dr. John Piper and Dr. John Piper And Unanswered Questions. When I wrote those initial articles Dr. Piper was on his much talked about sabbatical; now however, he is back and a few of the mystic books I pointed in the latter piece are no longer in the BBC online library. ... What I just showed you here should give us real concern as the obstensibly Reformed, "happy," and "romantic," Calvinist Dr. John Piper is sounding less like a charismatic and more like a mystic as he points us to apostate teachers of Roman Catholicism and its spiritually bankrupt mysticism; and from what we can see, this has been going on for quite some time now. Perhaps, now that his discernment is so far off he's even promoting the double-minded Rick Warren, the time has finally arrived for some of his DG speakers to take a closer look at what's going on in this neo-Reformed camp. 6 the perfect number - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

6 the perfect number - After Angel Eyes and Blondie depart the Prisoner of War camp Batterville [now equal partners in search of the treasure at least that's what Angel Eyes thinks] the two camp out by a river and in the morning it is revealed that Angel Eyes has a gang of friends who have come to meet him. One of them is shot by Blondie before he can even enter the camp site. Angel Eyes tells the rest of the "boys" to come out, Blondie counts them all including Angel Eyes and declares that the six of them make a perfect number because his gun has six bullets. Blondie says the word six exactly three times "... five, six ... that's six ... six bullets in my gun" for a complete 666. As Blondie is counting and reaches the sixth person who happens to be Angel Eyes just as Blondie counts six and implying all of their deaths Angel Eyes is drinking from his cup completing his communion. Note: This one small seemingly innocent scene is perhaps the most important scene in the entire movie in order to decode the movie and it is one of only two scenes that Sergio Leone edited out of the [1968] American version. Leone might have figured the movie could have been easily decoded by American audiences so the scene was deleted along with an earlier scene with Tuco that comes off as highly socialist. The decoding elements in the campsite scene are two, first each face of the men is clearly shown as they are each counted and each one is about the same age as the others, each man is the age and appearance of a WWII veteran in 1966. The movie audience in America would have easily picked up that all the men in the scene were of WWII age and with the coming destroyed city scene would have realized that the movie had departed the Civil War era motif and had entered a WWI and WWII motif and could have easily placed the next two scenes as Korea and Vietnam. The other deleted element in the same scene is the drinking from the cup. It was probably even more important for Sergio Leone to cut and cover up the scenario that the bad guy represented in the movie was his representation of Christianity. Without seeing Angel Eyes deliberately drinking from the cup it becomes difficult for the audience to combine the earlier eating of the bread with the cup making for a completed Communion sequence and perhaps most important of all by cutting the scene Sergio Leone doesn't have to explain why suddenly Communion cups show up on the mass graves of dead Christians in his ending Armageddon scene [leaving no doubt that it's a Christian massacre that Sergio Leone is depicting in the mass graves at Sand Hill cemetery]. Note: Angel Eyes (Lee Van Cleef) served in the U.S. Navy aboard minesweepers and subchasers during World War II. Source Enabler - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Enabler - The complicit enabler though not generally mean, evil or underhanded like the three main characters in the movie it is the acceptance, actions and abilities of the usually unaware complicit enabler that allow all of the coming events of massive carnage and destruction to so easily and continually take place. We first meet the complicit character in scene #13 titled "Southern Cuisine". Angel Eyes is out riding his horse and looking for clues to the whereabouts of Bill Carson when he comes across a small Confederate outpost. Most of the men are badly injured and are in much pain and are suffering much however one man is not sharing their pain and misfortune, that man is the enabler [the unscrupulous; politician, recruiter, defense contractor, etc.] Welcome! It is the first word of the enabler cheerfully spoken to a befuddled Angel Eyes. Enabler is not a solider himself, he has no weapon, he is wearing an empty pistol holster a holster that is placed too far back on the hip to be the dress of a real solider. Enabler doesn't see the pain, the loss or the tragedy instead he sees the comedy, the money, the travel, the experiences, and the opportunity. Angel Eyes quickly knows how to deal with this type of man and gives him a bottle of cheap whiskey in exchange for all the information the man has. A last close-up of the man while he is sitting guzzling his precious bottle of cheap booze reveals that the closer we get to this man and the more we see of him the less appealing he becomes. Note: the amazing song that is being played in the background of the scene is the Christian Hymn "Were You There?" some of the words are "Were you there when they crucified my Lord? ... It makes me WONDER, Wonder, wonder..." Family - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Family - The one intact family in the movie is represented by the Stevens family [Stephen the first Church maryter - Acts 7:59]. No first name is given the family is simply represented as a whole. The unnamed patriarch of the Stevens family is a wounded solider a farmer who is back to farming his land and recovering from his wounds received during his service in the war. Angel Eyes appears at the doorway and for a while it is uncertain if Angel Eyes is a friend or a foe. Walking towards the seated Stevens the accessible and ready to be used gun in the belt of Angel Eyes is now plainly visible and all hope of him being a friend is removed. Angel Eyes seats himself down and begins eating Stevens' food and looking at a small family picture on the wall Angel Eyes asks "is that your family" Stevens replies "yes" Angel Eyes responds with a laugh and says "nice family." Stevens comments that Angel Eyes is there to murder him and offers to pay him a $1,000 "some in gold" Angel Eyes looks at the money and says "a tidy (tithe) sum" takes the money and then proceeds to gun down the elderly family man. Shockingly the movie being an Occult blueprint for the destruction of the Church and family has depicted that Church Ministry is to be the determined tool to destroy the family as a viable unit. Angel Eyes then proceeds to kill the firstborn son and as he leaves a devastated family behind him the distraught mother and her younger son run into the room she screams and collapses. Upsidedown cross - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Upsidedown cross - In one of the early scenes as Angel Eyes rides onto the Stevens' property the youngest son is riding a donkey that is dumping water into a field. Adjacent to the donkey water pumping station is a decorative rock mosaic circle [it is identical to the mosaic rock circle in the final Armageddon scene where the dance of the Devil takes place]. As Angle Eyes rides onto the property the boy stops the donkey and gets off the donkey to go into the house the donkey then continues alone around his circle a distance of about 13 steps and then stops. When the donkey (burrow) stops the two poles of rigging form exactly an upsidedown cross within the rock circle [the two poles in the scene have been enlarged, lengthened (by the movie design set) and by the end of the scene the donkey now cannot get past the wall causing the donkey to stop and creating the upsidedown cross image in the circle]. Angel Eyes as he rides into the property *takes a shortcut and rides directly over the rock assortment and unknowingly troddens down a sacred Occult [upsidedown cross] symbol. Socialism - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Socialism - The two known scenes cut from the 1968 film version released to American theaters are all of scene #11 "Rich and Lonely" and the camping by the river portion of scene #22 "Different Partner, Same Deal". The scene "Rich and Lonely" begins with yet another upsidedown cross this time it is a dead chicken being held out by Tuco (the legs of the chicken are tied but the wings hang out). Seemingly with the Occult image opening the scene the representation is that Socialism [Communism] is just another of the many tools of manipulation available to the Occult realm. Tuco uses the false promise of money to lure his childhood friends into a trap and certain death knowing all along that they will not survive their ordeal with Blondie. Note: The two scenes are restored to the 2003 DVD version of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" however it is suspected (by the commentator on the DVD version) that a few more portions were cut from the original 1966 film and have not been restored and could not be restored, they might be lost. Church - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Church - The completely destroyed building of what was once a lovely Church is the last structure encountered just before their entrance into "Sand Hill" cemetery. Angle Eyes is not present at the Church his Church and congregation consisted of the abused souls at Batterville concentration camp. The congregants of Batterville remained standing in rows [instead of seated in pews] while the deacons of Batterville took up the offering, the praise band played and Pastor Angel Eyes personally gave the (emergent) sermon especially to Tuco. A building, pews, baptismal fount, fellowship, freedoms and pleasant scenery were unnecessary items in the religion Angel Eyes sought to capitalize in. Eye - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Eye - The Occult Eye (Satan's dominance) of enlightenment is prevalent throughout the movie in fact almost every character is filmed at one time or another posed with only one eye showing or revealing that each person has a certain level of Satanic enlightenment. Blondie is reviled with the one eye enlightenment as he cleans his pistol in the hotel room just as he is enlightened to the pending attack by Tuco's pals. Blondie is further enlightened (shown with only one eye - a spiritual eye) when leaning against the stagecoach after he has learned the name on the grave of the buried treasure. Both Bill Carson (the solider) and Maria (the prostitute) are shown to have a single eye and actually both have a nearly identical, indistinguishable blue eye. Tuco is shown repeatedly to have one eye usually when he wears the eye patch of Bill Carson. Pyramid - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Pyramid - The Occult pyramid is a structure that is broad at its base yet minimal, selective and very notable at the top. The top of the pyramid has everything and dominates everything while the bottom of the pyramid has nothing and dominates nothing, unless it is given the ability to move up to a higher location within the pyramid. The pyramid is evident in the movie most notably during the encircled Dance of the Devil when Blondie takes his evident place at the top of the pyramid and Angel Eyes and Tuco vie for the left (unfavored) and right side (favored) positions at the bottom of the pyramid. Then after all of the events of the movie when Angel Eyes is dead and Tuco is left stranded again (this time at Sand Hill) Blondie rides off out of Sand Hill and into a new lush Garden of Eden utopia. The final scene and ending of the movie is the rider on a black horse riding across a now capped - pyramid (the top stone in place) that is etched into the ground mostly visible though somewhat not visible. The movie ends with the ending title "The End" and situated between the two words is the 'cap stone' of the pyramid signifying not the end but a new begging for those who are in and know. Circle of Dominance - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Circle of Dominance - Satan sits enthroned above his circle and watches down upon the events occurring within his circle just as Satan's faithful servant Arch Stanton faithfully watched the treasure in the grave next to his. The circle of dominance is prevalent in all occult rituals. The subject whether human or spirit being is summoned into the circle and then once in their sphere of influence is dominated. -- "Isaiah 40:21-23 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He [God Almighty] that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: That bringeth the princes to nothing; He maketh the judges of the earth as vanity." Revelation - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Revelation - Angle Eyes once he enters Satan's circle of domination for the last and most evident time has the personal revelation that he has been the one deceived. Make no mistake about it Angle Eyes does not represent the ordinary Christian. The ordinary Christians are the poor unfortunate souls in Angel Eyes' congregation the ones who in this scene are now filling the graves of the mass graveyard at Sand Hill cemetery. Angel Eyes didn't submit to the system, any system, neither God's nor Satan's but instead rode the system, rode upon the beast and rode it to his destruction. - "Revelation 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast [the scarlet coloured beast - Revelation 17:3], these shall hate the whore [Angel Eyes], and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire." Dance of the Devil - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Dance of the Devil - Once in the circle of domination the dance of the Devil takes place. All of the participants enter the circle and dance. Blondie dances elegantly to his rightful and mostly unchallenged place at the top of the pyramid within the circle. Tuco confused and bewildered wanders a bit in his dance. Angel Eyes enters the circle and has the revelation that he has been deceived [in thinking he was an equal partner with Blondie]. Upon his revelation Angle Eyes begins to dance a new dance. Angle Eyes pirouettes [does a dance move] creating his own small circle of dominance attempting to conjure [within himself] his own ability to emerge from his difficult position and into the position of a fellow enlightened Blondie but in doing so Angle Eyes crosses over Tuco, attempting to place Tuco on his gun hand side but instead places himself on the left [from the audience perspective] the unfavored position in the pyramid [but from the top of the pyramid perspective looking down Tuco is on the left side - the Occult favored side]. Angle Eyes has unknowingly danced himself into his position a position in front of an already open grave. The shot is fired, in 'Shock and Awe' a wounded Angle Eyes utters but one stunned word "Oh" and falls into his open grave to be finished off by one more firing of a bullet. - Note: This dance of the Devil has seemingly been taking place since 9-11-2001 when the circle of dominance has been revealed to control almost every aspect of the human condition; war, terrorism, flood, weather, security, finances, food, drugs, crime, clothing, technology and even religion. Also seemingly the Angel Eyes Pastors of America are aware of the dance and just like the Angel Eyes of the movie are desperately dancing in an attempt to circle, cross over and manifest as an enlightened one. Pastor Rick Warrens' U.N. PEACE initiative, Pastor Chuck Smith Sr. and his public support and declaration that Rick Warren is his good, close and dear friend. Pastor Greg Laurie inviting Rick Warren to give the alter call at his Harvest Crusade. Pastor Skip Heitzig opening his congregation to the known Occultist the Satanist Leonard Sweet. Pastor Mike MacIntosh willingly and knowingly taking part in the 9/11 cover-up and accompanying deception. Dr. John MacArthur recently insisting that he has never had a Christian conversion moment in his life. Dr. John Piper assisting Rick Warren and himself displaying occult symbolism [W]. The SBC staff and community in propagating, persisting and covering-up of the fraudulent and dangerous Occult [war invoking "Sand Hill"] agenda of Ergun and Emir Caner, two charlatans who are attempting to portray Islam as dangerous and provoke Christians into a needless, endless and deadly religious war.

Caner's Comeback Almost Complete - Will Speak to Students at FBC Jax Pastor's Conference - It was announced to FBC Jax high schoolers and their parents this past Wednesday night that Ergun Caner will be speaking to the high school students at the Pastor's Conference on Saturday night, January 29th, 2011

In only seven months since Ergun Caner was removed from his duties as dean of the Liberty Theological Seminary, his rise back to SBC prominence is almost complete - with a little bit of help from his friend Mac Brunson and the high schoolers of FBC Jacksonville. It was announced to FBC Jax high schoolers and their parents this past Wednesday night that Ergun Caner will be speaking to the high school students at the Pastor's Conference on Saturday night, January 29th. I assume this is why Ergun Caner's picture and bio appear at the Pastor's Conference website although he doesn't appear any where in the speaking schedule: he must be the speaker at the 7:00 pm "Student Conference" on the conference agenda, for which there is no specific speaker listed. If he is the speaker there, why not put his name on the agenda? Why is the cat let out of the bag only a few weeks prior to the conference? Pretty amazing that in just 7 months since his removal as President of the Liberty Theological Seminary over his 9 years of telling fibs in pulpits all over America - exaggerations of his testimony including his growing up in Turkey, learning of American culture through watching American TV shows while living in Turkey, how he was trained in Jihad - all false - that Ergun Caner is now given a platform to speak to high schoolers and presumably seminary students at the 2011 FBC Jax Pastor's Conference. ... This rapid return of Caner to SBC prominence perhaps says just as much about the state of evangelical Christianity as did our eagerness to lap up his stories for nine years and roll in the aisles at his racial and gender stereotype jokes. The lesson is if you can tell a good yarn, make people laugh, have superior oratory skills and can draw a crowd and generate revenue - you will be in high demand. It is about the dollar, and who are your friends. Caner is a co-author with Brunson, and Vines is the one who helped him to fame in 2001 when he brought him to FBC Jax. Neither can afford to let Caner fail. Armageddon - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

Armageddon - A future Biblical scenario [possibly Revelation 20:8-9] where the armies of the earth gather to do war in the Middle-East including the valley of Megiddo a location in the hills "Sand Hill" of Israel. In the Occult scenario Armageddon can't happen soon enough, hoping to destroy much of the population and overtake the planet for themselves. However the Biblical depiction of the battle of Armageddon more likely occurs during the future Kingdom Reign of Nations at the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ when Nations go to war against God. No bullets - Decoding "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" by Italian film director Sergio Leone

No bullets - Tuco unknowingly enters the dance of the Devil unarmed, the bullets having been removed from his revolver the night before by Blondie. In his movie Sergio Leone gives us a complete wide-angle view of both Blondie and Tuco drawing their guns against Angle Eyes but in the next view of Tuco [a narrow camera view] it is unclear whether a determined Tuco has begun to fire on Blondie in an attempt to gain the treasure all for himself. Tuco is pulling the trigger of an unloaded weapon a weapon that might be pointed at Blondie [we don't have a wide-angle view to know for certain] but from the reaction of Tuco it seems that it was. Clearly the Occult plan is to reduce as many factions as possible in reducing the global population and clearly the plan is to leave whatever fraction of a faction is left unarmed, severely restricted (hands tied) and obedient to the Occult. Tuco is allowed to live, momentarily and as is seen in the movie only if Tuco is willing to run back into the circle of domination something that Tuco willingly does as he runs back into the circle, with hands tied while kicking and shouting but in the circle none the less. That's the movie however and in reality Tuco [Islam] is not unarmed and in fact is being overly armed since 9-11-2001 when the neck